- Google Attackers Gained Access 2 Computer Code WSJ http://bit.ly/a8MHPr bit more detail. same hackers still active? wouldn’t govt back off?
- Senior leader meets Taiwan delegation honoring Emperor Huangdi http://bit.ly/byde6s
- I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor – The Geography of Chinese Power – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/aTmcLI
- ???????????????- ??????????????????????? “???????????????????????” http://bit.ly/cHhdRU
- China Tightens Rules on Uncompleted Homes Sales to Cool Prices-Bloomberg http://bit.ly/cBwY5F goodl uck w this. tried b4.
- Is Netease Purchasing 50% of Microsoft’s MSN China Joint Venture? | DigiCha- http://goo.gl/KhXK $msft $ntes $bidu
- CEO of China MObile’s Anhui subsidiary under investigation 4 taking bribes from Siemens? ????????????????? http://bit.ly/9X6rXJ
- could Netease buy out microsoft’s China JV partner, become 50% partner w $msft $ntes MSN????????????????????_????? http://bit.ly/cHNJLh
- SEC sued Goldman Sachs to break an impasse-Washington Post http://bit.ly/dsvkos SEC-Goldman secret talks broke down $gs disclosure probs?
- FT Alphaville » The China property splurge, up close and personal http://bit.ly/dihrXr #
- April 21 official mourning 4 yushu quake, no “public entertainment activites http://bit.ly/bfy1cw like wenchuan, games off 2? $ntes $pwrd
- more corruption exposed thru an internet posting. in hunan, shimen ???????????? 21????????_????? http://bit.ly/dvBYjk
- The Discount Rate Mismatch « The Baseline Scenario http://bit.ly/bmUflz
- Beijing High early puberty rates alarm doctors http://bit.ly/bb8ZP1 what is really in the food?
- “banning” developer’s tricks ??????????????????? “?????????????????????????????????????? VIP ??????????????????????????” http://bit.ly/ddN3gE
- Goldman Sachs taps ex-WH counsel “Obama’s x White House counsel Gregory Craig” http://bit.ly/cF9JsM wonder where Robert Rubin comes in2 this
- FT-China lures Deutsche Bank head to ICBC http://bit.ly/arOirM also ex Goldman. Lee Zhang
- Saudis Tighten China Energy Ties 2 Reduce US Dependence http://bit.ly/bjRbMP only when china reduces iran support can they really get close
- The long, clear, inspiring record of Diane Wood – Glenn Greenwald – Salon.com http://bit.ly/aT0UNf
- And here’s the Apple engineer who lost the iPhone 4.0 http://bit.ly/cQYyy0 #
- Must-see video of Afghan combat by NYTimes’ C.J. Chivers: The Inches That Matter: http://nyti.ms/aHY5k5
- post from 3 months ago. relevant-What IP Was Stolen From Google, Where Does Morality Come In2 The Picture? | DigiCha http://bit.ly/6SS7ih
- Cyberattack on Google Said to Hit Password System – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/aq8wzk markoff has more details.
- Official Google Blog: Imagery for Qinghai, China earthquake http://bit.ly/aPGG0Q
- Iran leak more reassuring than anti-leak spin | Shadow Government http://bit.ly/b8jMbM and what it may mean for China and Iran sanctions
- RT @KaiserKuo: Report: China to Overtake US as World’s Biggest Asshole by 2020 (The Onion, of course) http://ow.ly/1AbwQ
- Second Chinese Naval Demagnetization Facility Spotted » FAS Strategic Security Blog http://bit.ly/dBAOdM
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