- Chinese official pledged to sleep with 800 women – Telegraph http://bit.ly/bnafie ???? #
- Morgan Stanley – Renminbi Exit from USD Peg: Whether, Why, When, How http://bit.ly/bs2GBL #
- 21st century biz herald on why it is is good to be the magistrate ?? http://bit.ly/cnHc14 #
- Remember — A Reuters Reporter Was Assaulted While Investigating Apple’s Top-Secret China Suppliers http://bit.ly/bm96xT #
- FT Alphaville » The Chinese SIV “Meet China’s Local Government Investment/Financing Vehicles (LGIVs/LGFVs).” http://bit.ly/cOxPNe #
- ????????????????_??? http://bit.ly/bRVyE1 Caixin on the corruption in CHina’s mobile SPs/WVAS industry #
- Four suicide attempts in a month at Foxconn, the makers of the iPad – Telegraph Blogs http://bit.ly/9B0uSd #
- Wikileaks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://bit.ly/dCZ0nL h/y @kaiserkuo did not realize the chinese dissident leak to wikileaks #
- Geithner to meet China vice premier in Beijing – MarketWatch http://bit.ly/cZXcDp #
- China-Based Hackers May Have Used Twitter, Google to Attack Dalai Lama, UN http://bit.ly/aAaT4H #
- As Congress Moves to Overhaul Financial Industry Rules, JP Morgan’s CEO Takes a Stand-WSJ http://bit.ly/b4bv2g company over country #
- CNN Segment: ‘Homosexuality, Is It A Problem In Need Of A Cure?’/ CNN:network in need of new leader? – http://tinyurl.com/yk7xawh #
- Specter “they take our jobs. They take our $$, and then lend it back 2 us and own a big part of US.” #
- “We have a real problem with the Chinese,” said Arlen Specter. “They are very shrewd, and customarily they outmaneuver us.” #
- Barack Obama pressed on China showdown-POLITICO http://bit.ly/bKurJ0 populist backlash against China’s trade policies spreading 2 Hill #
- IRS Launches New Global Program to Target ‘High Wealth Individuals’ http://bit.ly/9EQqSl #
- Beijing plans 4 Tongzhou massive, not 2b underestmated. If city government really does move there prices will catch up. but way 2 high now #
- ??????????????????????? http://bit.ly/dhUvyM #
- ???????????“??”?_????_??? http://bit.ly/aIDsc2 #
- China’s military highlights information security http://bit.ly/cNonuG #
- Ancient area in Tonzhou Beijing to be razed http://bit.ly/9lunvt building “a new business center resembling Manhattan within 10 years” #
- One in four Beijing flat buyers a speculator, report says http://bit.ly/9uRKld #
- On the growing business of buying cakes online in China, and lack of regulation ??????????? ?????????_?????? http://bit.ly/cWhbIz
- skeptical of western China experts looking for “Confucian Traditions” in the thinking of CCP leaders. They aren’t there #
- FT Martin Wolf-Evaluating Renminbi manipulation http://bit.ly/asOfl1 says manipulated, undervalued, US right 2 “talk”. China needs 2 act #
- N.Y. Times, Weekly Standard join in a falsehood [re Wikileaks Iraq video]-Greenwald http://bit.ly/9CPSGe corrected it #
- Chinese Law Prof Blog: Peking University gives the boot to Women’s Law Center http://bit.ly/bzjNzT #
- Orville Schell-China: Defending its Core Interest in the World – Part I | YaleGlobal http://bit.ly/cqDMu3 #
- The Associated Press: Hawaii man’s China military secrets trial to begin http://bit.ly/9cYeKT #
- ‘Oriental Yeti’ found in China is no Yeti / The Christian Science Monitor http://bit.ly/ckOe1e “hairless cat”? #
- Inside WikiLeaks’ Leak Factory | Mother Jones http://bit.ly/9UMFGf #
- Chinese press saying Facebook planning 2 enter PRC by year end. Really? ???Facebook??????_??? http://bit.ly/bJDWvY #
- Ships using Great Barrier Reef as ‘rat run’ – Telegraph http://bit.ly/9ELyyz hope captain of run aground ship gets jail time #
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