Just How Unseemly Was the Selection Process for the USA Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo?

I highly recommend Adam Minter’s stories at Shanghai Scrap about the problems behind the USA pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It makes for grim reading, but he is doing important work.  His conclusion from today’s story:

And that compels both State and Commerce to stop playing games and start answering some questions. The documents that I’ve cited in this blog post were requested in January 2009; they were only released on March 2, 2010. And that release, I might note, happened only because Commissioner General Jose Villarreal personally set in motion the process by which they were produced. Had he not acted, they’d still be locked in file cabinets at the State Department. Combined with what was already known about the USA pavilion, they suggest some level of wrong-doing, if not criminality, and they demand follow-up, now. [current Chair of the USA pavilion] benefit in any way?

You can read the entire sorry saga here.  Chinese media coverage of this story, if there is any, should be very interesting.

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