- Corporate America Turns Against China | James Mann in The New Republic http://bit.ly/bwRjKB #
- Beijing City Planning Museum on Flickr http://bit.ly/c6pxEo h/t @maoxian http://bit.ly/aYxahw #
- Day 1: America's prison 4 terrorists often held the wrong men | McClatchy http://bit.ly/9fY34K series by @TomLasseter ,now based in Beijing #
- Ex-Justice official Bybee says limits on detainee questionings (ie "rough tactics") may have been exceeded http://bit.ly/bKEQQu #
- CIA says it moved Iranian scientist, 2nd informant 2 US over safety concerns http://bit.ly/99HJoJ CIA really trying to burn this scientist #
- ????????????????? http://bit.ly/cpR2Vw another step toward greater beijing, which may dwarf greater tokyo #
- China Housing Minister Rules Out Property Policy Easing: Press | iMarketNews.com http://bit.ly/aFt1U3 $fxi #
- China Daily-Why China opposes US-South Korean military exercises in the Yellow Sea http://bit.ly/c3KhUO #
- China Daily-US report claims China shoots down its own satellite http://bit.ly/d41wmY #
- WaPo-For many pregnant Chinese, a U.S. passport for baby remains a powerful lure http://bit.ly/9GD8dj #
- Typhoon Conson damage Photos from a friend living in Hainan. crazy http://bit.ly/aL8Udv #
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