- Shanghai and Chongqing's property tax plans still not approved, govt wants comprehensive tax reform???????????????_??? http://bit.ly/9eDbuC #
- The Paper Greenwald | The New Ledger http://bit.ly/djIPnN #
- Octavia Nasr's firing and what the liberal media allows – Glenn Greenwald-Salon http://bit.ly/dflACL reap what we sow #
- China's AutoNavi now public $amap http://bit.ly/b2vByX some background http://bit.ly/dpMI4e #
- EastSouthWestNorth:The Chinese Masturbate Over "The Bombing of American Aircraft Carrier" http://bit.ly/cfJRgY #
- Female Chinese cop kills hostage-taker, all caught on video http://bit.ly/9tzpnL #
- US Missiles Deployed Near China Send a Message -" Ohio-class submarine..hold up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles" http://yhoo.it/dlpScc #
- Washington Quaterly: China’s Caution on Afghanistan—Pakistan – Council on Foreign Relations http://bit.ly/9hE3xZ #
- Loading Prompt Global Strike in VLS Cells Will Transform U.S. Naval Power | Defense Tech http://bit.ly/cCho34 China won't b pleased #
- BBC News -3 held in Norway 'al-Qaeda bomb plot' http://bit.ly/apD9YU 1 a "a Uighur from China" !! #
- U.S. Program to Detect Cyber Attacks on Infrastructure – WSJ expansive NSA program dubbed "Perfect Citizen" http://bit.ly/9rPeBf #
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