- China has no new property tightening measures in Q3 http://bit.ly/bmFA3l assume then no property tax at least until Q4? #
- Medius Research "unprecedented wave of espionage directed by China at the US, costing up to $200B/yr" http://bit.ly/cFcAmT want 2c report #
- WashTimes "private research group concludes China's military most likely behind the cyber-attacks on Google" http://bit.ly/c9cEvn huh? #
- Italian government to tackle Chinese mafia – Telegraph http://bit.ly/dDhO2u #
- Did China Just Win the Caspian Gas War? – By Alexandros Petersen | Foreign Policy http://bit.ly/dx0rZ8 $oil #
- NKorea Jailed Kin of Currency Reformers – NYTimes http://nyti.ms/9M3f0r Greenspan, Rubin, Bernanke, Geithner & Summers have it ez $macro #
- INSTAPUTZ: The Formula. "Has anything of l8 so well explained institutionalized awfulness of media's Pentagon coverage" http://bit.ly/cUSoDz #
- A White God Freakout — http://bit.ly/bRAsu4 Taibbi on Time's Alex Perry lame article on China and Africa #
- Adventures in media transparency-Greenwald – Salon http://bit.ly/diGIei more on AP & China torture & Charles Hutzler #
- CNN Fires Correspondent of 20 Years for Tweeting About Hezbollah http://bit.ly/914V1M / so much 4 freedom of speech. more 2 the story? #
- Papers reveal Nixon plan for North Korea nuclear strike | World news | The Guardian http://bit.ly/cJf778 #
- Xinhua inks cooperation deal with CME Group Index Services (a JV w Dow Jones) | http://bit.ly/aUsgsV will a series of indices #
- FT.com- WWE looks to muscle its way into China http://bit.ly/9K3xel one "fly" china should keep out #
- the text of culturalbytes google china talk http://bit.ly/bmuFRl #
- Google-China saga and the free-information regimes as new site of cultural imperialism & moral tensions – culturalbytes http://bit.ly/aMd4wf #
- The Google-China saga and the free-information regimes as a new site of cultural imperialism and moral tensions http://bit.ly/amTkE2 #
- Maryland GOP congressional candidate Fisher divorce included drug, abuse charges-POLITICO http://politi.co/dCAEzx where find these people? #
- Time Mag Dons Online Condom | paidContent http://bit.ly/bQzNgu maybe Chinese will have chance 2 buy Time when it completes self-immolation #
- Sinoglot-Chinese and Girlspeak http://bit.ly/crPnqx a MUST read for all men learning Chinese. just 2 true #
- For a New Generation, an Elusive American Dream – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/cEaVRQ #
- RAND | How Might Marijuana Legalization in California Affect Public Budgets and Marijuana Consumption? http://bit.ly/anW75e price drops #
- Tang Jun toast. Mgmt skills "aside", if he as dishonest as alleged he willb fired“??”????????Pacific Western University http://bit.ly/aE3wIf #
- Those 260,000 Stolen Documents From the State Dept. | Defense Tech "This is very serious." http://bit.ly/9n9UyG will @wikileaks publish? #
- Is Yemen the Next Afghanistan? – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/aMVb2g Afghanistan the last war? China loving all this #
- Fearing Chinese Knock-Offs, Russia Holds Up Fighter Engine Sale | Defense Tech http://bit.ly/aphuzi fear will b copied, exported cheaper #
- Chinese navy organizes military drill in E Sea http://bit.ly/93nGDE #
- Global Voices» China: ‘Fraud cop’ Fang Zhouzi accuses IT bigwig Tang Jun of faking credentials, legal action threatened http://bit.ly/aKLYNZ #
- China Takes Premature Credit for Possible Cuts in F-35 Buy | Defense Tech http://bit.ly/bCX21U #
- DoD Buzz | Strategy, What Strategy? "Obama administration has failed 2 produce classified national security strategy" http://bit.ly/brmHW0 #
- China Is Still Reviewing Google's License – WSJ.com http://bit.ly/czVXb9 #
- China won't dump U.S. Treasuries or pile into gold | Reuters http://bit.ly/9HpF1z $macro $gld #
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