- China's Identity Crisis – WSJ.com http://bit.ly/b7PD0H about hiring white people 4 "status". mayb a story 15 yrs ago, not sure y now #
- China Financial Markets » What do banking crises have to do w consumption? http://bit.ly/9HxFCq not really connecting the dots re US bailout #
- Taking Mystery Out of Web Anonymity-NYT "substantial fraction of the global Web’s messages mis-routed thru China" http://nyti.ms/9MYAHQ #
- WaPo-America's heartland sees little need for a political insurrection http://bit.ly/bZxTfh sheeple still happy #
- Oil Companies Reap Billions From Subsidies – NYTimes http://nyti.ms/clS3hQ nice "free market". such hypocrisy. shocked, just shocked.. #
- China's new Silk Road into Europe – Telegraph http://bit.ly/ctpGGN China's "Big Fat Greek Investment" | Sinocism http://bit.ly/crvpti #
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