- Gov. Scott Walker's Amazing Prank Call with 'David Koch' http://gaw.kr/gzfow0 "democracy" in America #
- "????????????????????????????????Facebook??Twitter????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????" change country names? #
- ????????????????????Facebook Twitter???????????????????"Social media just trigger..even if [none] other tools would emerge 2 push revolution #
- interesting 21CBH story : From Facebook to Liberation Square ?Facebook?????_21??? http://bit.ly/ggULn6 #
- In China, Droughts Bring the Crazy – by @granitestudio – The Atlantic http://bit.ly/feDZVB #
- Fortune-China and Hollywood seek common ground in movies – http://bit.ly/feY91y #
- The Huntsman Walk :New Yorker http://nyr.kr/exqUlb "What if Huntsman provoked..diplomatic row that emphasized ideological split w President #
- Gates Warns Against More Wars Like Iraq & Afghanistan-http://nyti.ms/eeakz3 rumsfeld, wolfowitz & neocons more damaging than any "traitor" #
- The DOJ's creeping war on whistle-blowers – Glenn Greenwald – Salon.com http://bit.ly/fQ7KJ7 police state green shoots #
- Unrest in China? Six experts weigh in http://bit.ly/hgAUaR oh @markmackinnon gordon chang & daniel bell? #
- "The second [Group of readers are those who plan to become officials. They are reading them to get tips, to be prepared." #
- Wang Xiaofang exposes world of Chinese bureaucracy-The Guardian http://bit.ly/fkv6o3 by @taniabranigan read a few of his book, good stuff #
- Taiwan Reels From PRC Spy Arrest – Defense News http://bit.ly/dFRF0c #
- How CNPC Stays On Track for Oil in Iraq_English_Caixin http://bit.ly/gTSP7d #
- ???????????????????_??? http://bit.ly/erVatp #
- New Social Management to Preserve Stability | China Digital Times (CDT) http://bit.ly/hmUvl6 Neighborhood Watch Committee 2.0 #
- New Social Management to Preserve Stability | China Digital Times (CDT) http://bit.ly/hmUvl6 Neighborhood Watch Committee 2.0 / ???2.0? #
- Feds probing leak obtain reporter James risen's records – POLITICO http://politi.co/gEZ1E8 posed off OGA, police state not far off #
- ?????????????????????-????-??? http://bit.ly/i8XiEk #
- Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators | Rolling Stone Politics http://bit.ly/f4EAUE corrected link #
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