- WaPo-Young migrants changing the face of China's cities http://wapo.st/gyV2Eg #
- Anonymous Brings Peaceful Revolution To America: Will Engage In Civil Disobedience Until Bernanke Steps Down http://bit.ly/hzPLeG about time #
- RConversation: China's Internet White Paper: networked authoritarianism in action http://bit.ly/aBdQsD @rmack classic on the topic from 6.10 #
- Curating News About China | DigiCha http://bit.ly/hcsaho #
- Japan Faces ‘Another Leg Down’ in Fiscal Health as Earthquake Toll Mounts – Bloomberg http://bloom.bg/eXweia #
- ???????????? ?????????? http://bit.ly/ekjeQ7 beijing considering allowing local governments 2 issue bonds? @vshih2 what could go wrong? #
- Information Dissemination: Sea Base Developing Off Japan http://bit.ly/eNPLoM #
- CCME: Fiction’s End : The Financial Investigator http://bit.ly/getmZB he visited hq. Says $ccme total fraud. Bad news 4 cv starr & deloitte #
- Wal-Mart apologizes for duck meat past expiry date in China – Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/gQOjml $wmt #
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