- Reformist hushed for ideological “errors” – China Media Project http://bit.ly/kxxRa3
- Caijing-China Palace Museum Lost 7 Exhibitions, Worth Millions http://bit.ly/jAKvbB
- Wright:”Pakistani Army & ISI were in the looking-for-bin-Laden business, if they found him they’d be out of business. http://nyr.kr/kDi8TF
- The New Yorker http://nyr.kr/lGZbPd THE DOUBLE GAME: The unintended consequences of American funding in Pakistan.
- 2011?4???????????????? http://bit.ly/lcBKAh
- Hillary Clinton: Chinese System Is Doomed, Leaders on a ‘Fool’s Errand’ – Jeffrey Goldberg – The Atlantic http://bit.ly/j5OTXW
- What Happens to All the Asian-American Overachievers When the Test-Taking Ends? — New York Magazine http://bit.ly/iK7oOE
- Art pieces stolen from Beijing’s Forbidden City – Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/j6GZKN
- Adam Segal-Curbing Chinese cyber espionage – Global Public Square – CNN.com Blogs http://bit.ly/l2FaWV
- Adam Segal-China’s Innovation Wall – Council on Foreign Relations http://on.cfr.org/l9tFHB
- Ms. Hu and her troupe turn grief into art – The Globe and Mail http://bit.ly/kYqyVR mourners for hire
- Osama Bin Laden Raid: Pakistan Hints China Wants a Peek at Secret Helicopter – ABC News http://abcn.ws/mhCKNq
- The Chinese can be tough customers for American retailers – The Washington Post http://wapo.st/lqnGrb quotes @shaunrein
- Pakistani PM Disses US And Says China Is Its New “All Weather Friend” http://read.bi/l7OxJc
- In China’s Hottest Property Market, Mortgage Rules Get Tougher http://on.wsj.com/l78BUP China at least has bank regulators paying attention
- Global Times-(PLA)Navy is seeking to recruit more than 2,000 PhD degree holders in the next five years http://bit.ly/iQLLR3@galrahn
- No new virus found in China ‘HIV-Negative AIDS’ group: ministry http://bit.ly/lltTut friend at WHO says they agree
- China’s Commodity Deals Dropping – Bloomberg http://bloom.bg/iVhSEd china has inside info $macro
- Hu meets with KMT honorary chairman Wu Boxiong http://bit.ly/iQgrFk
- DOJ: X-CEO, 2 Board Members of Chinese Publicly Traded Company Charged in Connection W $50M Scheme 2 Defraud http://bit.ly/jWKqDx Fredy Bush
- from Mercurio, John <John.Mercurio@bm.com> to Christopher Soghoian <chris@sogho http://bit.ly/izxme0 nice email chain from burson marsteller
- jim goldman, ex cnbc “reporter”, now burson marsteller exec, behind the lies about Google http://usat.ly/jgZ9Od who is his client?
- Google deflects PR firm Burson Marsteller’s attack of Gmail privacy – USATODAY.com http://usat.ly/jgZ9Od
- PR Firm’s Attempt To Plant Anti-Google Privacy Story Backfires http://bit.ly/liDR5E Burson Marsteller caught out dissembling 4 its clients
- dont think nyt wrong, just maybe plant reformer flank has won a small victory against the horticultural hardliners
- Jasmine plants for sale this am at Beijing laitai flower market. 65 rmb each yfrog.com/hs610cij
- Hu Jintao meets Wu Boxiong, top right of People’s Dailyhttp://bit.ly/iyEsnY must drive US neocons like @maxboot crazy
- ???????“????” http://bit.ly/mhmivu ? ???? ?
- The Rise of China’s Cybercrats | Sinocism http://bit.ly/dT4UkBfrom March, fits w 2day’s FT piece
- FT.com / Comment / Analysis – China: A sharper focus http://on.ft.com/mpDEd2 on growing security apparatus in China
- Jasmine Becomes Contraband in China – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/jxX3Lx crazy
- Garnaut-The history lesson that is being ignored http://bit.ly/iqQc4d in 09 Jiang Zemin gathered China’s top Soviet historians 4 a tutorial
- Clinton Asks China to End ‘Deplorable’ Human Rights Policies – Businessweek http://buswk.co/kZRBPf
- ??????????? ???????? http://bit.ly/k7aVxT
- Hillary Clinton: Chinese System Is Doomed, Leaders on a ‘Fool’s Errand’ – Jeffrey Goldberg – The Atlantic http://bit.ly/j5OTXW whoa
- Charlie Rose – US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner & Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan http://bit.ly/l5sskp
- Information Dissemination: In Search of the 2011 DoD Report on China’s Military http://bit.ly/lnIlRI
- Closer Look: Power Price Hike Not Silver Bullet for Brownouts_English_Caixin http://bit.ly/k7f2Qu
- singer gao xiaosong arrested 4 drunk driving accident. gave cops foreign passport, bad 4 career???????????? ?4???4??? http://bit.ly/im7aTx
- What’s wrong with China becoming Afghanistan’s main patron? | The Oil and the Glory http://bit.ly/jQTkJv