- The Little Red (Face)Book « StevenLevy.com http://bit.ly/l4Gv8j h/t @rmack on issues if coming 2 China. my name 4 facebook-baidu jv? FaceDoo #
- Huntsman Leaves as U.S. Ambassador to China – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/kX6TUi #
- Treasury Blocks Regulation Of Market That Sparked $5.4 Trillion Fed Bailout http://huff.to/jEZcwx no corruption here, move along #
- Yuan Strengthens to Post-’93 High Against Dollar as China Fights Inflation – Bloomberg http://bloom.bg/kJeibl #
- Big in China: My Unlikely Adventures Raising a Family, Playing Blues, Becoming Star in Beijing: Alan Paul: http://amzn.to/jdp7nm enjoyable #
- Amazon.com: In the Jaws of the Dragon: America's Fate in the Coming Era of Chinese Dominance: Eamonn Fingleton http://amzn.to/lMAigT #
- In The Jaws of the Dragon: America's Fate Under Chinese Hegemony http://huff.to/j0Sr8u any1 read this book? #
- Where China Outpaces America – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/lWHJi5 by @nickkristof #
- NeochaEdge Matches Chinese Artists With Global Brands – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/kq9eBQ nice profile of @neocha #
- Stocktwits IR – Social Network Investor Relations http://bit.ly/m9UZRh interesting solution. new listed China firms should be all over this #
- A new Silk Road beckons from Central Asia, igniting dreams in Kazakhstan – The Washington Post http://wapo.st/m7kmE5 1700 mile new highway #
- Apple's Chinese workers treated 'inhumanely, like machines' | Technology | The Observer http://bit.ly/k3DKFj #
- “???”????????? -????-?????? http://t.co/4Z6DPgb #
- RenRen IPO Shows You Don't Need Revenue Growth To Be Worth $5 Billion | DigiCha http://bit.ly/lFJms8 #
- China Readings for 2011-04-30 | Sinocism http://bit.ly/kPjcdL #
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