- The Great Property Bubble of China May Be Popping – WSJ http://t.sinocism.com/is8hmm bit of a leading headline. written from beijing or nyc? #
- gmail and gchat running fine without vpn on beijing unicom adsl..much faster than w vpn #
- WRAPUP 3-Chinese stocks in US hit as brokers wary of lending | Reuters http://t.sinocism.com/lF4ikz #
- will the term "i was jack ma'd" enter the lexicon at some point? #
- w more on softbank's son view of alipay "transfer". jack ma can roll yahoo, son and softbank different breed http://t.sinocism.com/jXreBv #
- caixin looks at alipay mess. jack ma not looking so good, bad sign 4 all VIE structures 支付宝转移真相:马云颠覆性行动 软银沉默不合作 http://t.sinocism.com/jXreBv #
- video of beijing net execs "red birthplace" sites tour.nice speech by $bidu robin li "北京网络媒体红色故土行"今在一大会址迎建党90周年 http://t.sinocism.com/lnO6OT #
- pics from the start of the "Red Birthplace" sites tour 4 beijing internet media" 第八届“北京网络媒体红色故土行”即将启程 http://t.sinocism.com/iNHVZz #
- 8日举行的探访中共“一大”旧址等地“北京网络媒体红色故土行”吸引了40多家网络媒体的网站CEO或总编辑积极参与part of "Red Birthplace" sites tour 4 beijing internet media.no foreign firms on tour #
- Baidu's Li, Sina's Chao, other net execs sing red songs at site of 1st ccp meeting 李彦宏曹国伟等60多名网媒大佬“一大”旧址齐唱红歌-财经 http://t.sinocism.com/ks2xaY #
- China Daily-Report of canceling home purchase limit denied http://t.sinocism.com/iMq1xv "some central bank researcher" may b jon hunting now #
- Lagarde woos China's backing for IMF bid http://t.sinocism.com/kgF4fj what is she promising Beijing? US listening in? #
- China Daily-Individual travel to Taiwan to be allowed in June http://t.sinocism.com/m95sjp #
- since residential home purchases limited, money pouring in2 commercial real estate 被限购的5000亿资金流向调查_21世纪网 http://t.sinocism.com/kzL2WY #
- laowai getting ripped off at tong rentang in changping 移花接木骗“老外”——北京同仁堂“假冒伪劣”问题的调查 http://t.sinocism.com/jABKUD fake chinese medicine #tcm #
- AFP: Man gets death in China case sparking Mongol unrest http://t.sinocism.com/lUDmZS #
- Migrant worker is hamstrung for demanding due wages; massive violent conflict ensues | Ministry of Tofu http://t.sinocism.com/ktDfD2 #
- today in CCP history 党史上的今天_新闻中心_腾讯网 http://t.sinocism.com/jkIt1S nice section tencent running #
- officials get low interest loans, then lend out thru intermediaries at high interest. 福建龙岩“高利转贷”乱象_21世纪网 http://t.sinocism.com/ln3gOw gr8 #
- 核心提示:一般处长、科长、普通科员,在银行授信评级中分别可以达到10分、8分和6分,相应的贷款规模分别达到50万、20万、10万不等。 http://t.sinocism.com/ln3gOw 福建龙岩“高利转贷”乱象 @vshih2 #
- “Flying Shark”:How might new J-15 strike fighter improve China’s maritime air warfare ability? | Erickson http://t.sinocism.com/irjBAM #
- Researching Those Suspicious Chinese Companies | China Hearsay http://t.sinocism.com/mmcddr #
- $$ List of Chinese Stocks Subject to Increased Margin Requirements | IB Knowledge Base http://t.sinocism.com/jAbERk h/t @maoxian #
- China’s Grand Periphery Military Strategy And The Survival Fits – Analysis http://t.sinocism.com/jHu21x #
- China’s Military Tech 20 Years Behind U.S. | Defense Tech http://t.sinocism.com/kG8B52 #
- China Daily-US expert lauds Party's achievements http://t.sinocism.com/jA7noY Shambaugh, have to believe edited for effect #
- Those Silly Little Banks | UpsideTrader http://t.sinocism.com/iXOm6x #
- How will China’s external current account surplus evolve in the coming years? | worldbankl http://t.sinocism.com/j87Dae #
- Deal of day: China goes to Napa Valley | beyondbrics | – FT.com http://t.sinocism.com/kxXPcN #
- Sina Weibo: Competition for Twitter? – China Real Time Report – WSJ http://t.sinocism.com/kZYVvp NO #
- How to Investigate a Chinese Company (in Reality) | The Reformed Broker http://t.sinocism.com/kMVamk #
- 中国共产党历史网开通-《财经网》 http://t.sinocism.com/mxHfZx #
- Caixin looks at Xianghe, just outside Beijing. Good story-Grubby Land Grab http://t.sinocism.com/maStd1 #china #
- $$ How To Investigate A Chinese Company | DigiCha http://t.sinocism.com/jFs5Bg #
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