- On Fauxgressive Rationalizations of Selling Out to Powerful, Moneyed Backers « naked capitalism http://t.sinocism.com/l2TFaY corporatocracy #
- Resourcehouse Pulls Hong Kong IPO as Investors Shy Away -Businessweek http://t.sinocism.com/lSpqzO major pig lipstick shortage beginning? $$ #
- Florida Homeowner Forecloses on BofA Branch http://t.sinocism.com/mNVHur u want rule of law in us against bankers,u have 2 enforce yourself #
- Opinion: China undercuts sanctions on Iran – Barbara Slavin – POLITICO.com http://t.sinocism.com/mhMMb1 of course they do #
- Does Gmail Have A Basic Security Design Flaw? | reposted on DigiCha as sinocism host still down http://t.sinocism.com/lWHK7y #
- The Irrawaddy [Covering Burma and Southeast Asia] http://t.sinocism.com/kX1Ozt Thein Sein Tackles Chinese Navy Issue #
- China Air and Naval Power: Varyag + China's blue water ambitions http://t.sinocism.com/jrE6nz #
- wave of SMEs going bankrupt in Wenzhou as costs rising, says worse than 2008 “温州企业倒闭潮”真相调查_21世纪网 http://t.sinocism.com/ji1kqf #
- Xinhua-Google's groundless accuses hurt global trust on Internet http://t.sinocism.com/lqRuMV how is goog china's map license coming along? #
- Xinhua-Long-awaited rain eases drought in central, southern China http://t.sinocism.com/mxbkYM let's all hope so #
- Xinhua-China trains grassroots Party officials to boost social management http://t.sinocism.com/mi4M6y #
- Chinese DM meets senior U.S. diplomat (steinberg) on sidelines of security summit http://t.sinocism.com/mDoOLa #
- WashPost: criminal law is not for political elites-Greenwald-http://t.sinocism.com/jFLbgk rule of law, american-style #
- li na's french open victory makes front page of sunday people's daily http://t.sinocism.com/j7bFSC #
- power firms defying beijing,limiting power production,power sector patriarch old, inner mongolia..could c interesting restructuring of power #
- top left in people's daily today, on inner mongolia 内蒙古 强区谋跨越 富民促和谐 http://t.sinocism.com/jN0PWp cleanup really coming? #
- beijing 2 launch investigation into global fund's use of funds, go after any rule breaking 京将督察全球基金在京用途 违规将追究责任 http://t.sinocism.com/k4yCNR #
- drunk driving dumbass is son of a saudi arabia diplomat一外籍男子醉驾打民警 拒缴停车费引发冲突 http://t.sinocism.com/jy1VA4 messy, expect large cash payments #
- drunk driving diplomat in beijing drags cop, hits passerby trying 2 flee. workers stadium 一外籍男子醉驾打民警 拒缴停车费引发冲突 http://t.sinocism.com/jy1VA4 #
- The Sad Truth of China’s Education | The Diplomat http://t.sinocism.com/kN7Sde #
- Gates: New Weapons For 'Robust' US Role In Asia – Defense News http://t.sinocism.com/ldxweR #
- China Digital Media Readings For 2011-06-04 | DigiCha http://t.sinocism.com/j5eaJf #
- FT – US warns Beijing over South China Sea http://t.sinocism.com/jSyQTl think 50/50 china-vietnam exchange fire in next year #
- Chinese company wins bid to design new bridge over Panama Canal – People's Daily Online http://t.sinocism.com/m28j5m #
- Young Chinese postpone marriage due to housing pressure — Shanghai Daily | 上海日报 http://t.sinocism.com/jzuLxy #
- Does Gmail Have A Basic Security Design Flaw? | Sinocism http://t.sinocism.com/khlUpe #
- Wikileaks Tiananmen cables – Telegraph http://t.sinocism.com/kymIlY Five key extracts from the WikiLeaks files on Tiananmen. #
- Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim http://t.sinocism.com/jABukS worked for CBS in Beijing 89. my understanding #
- A food safety net of holes – GlobalTimes http://t.sinocism.com/lpHFSq #
- How a Malicious Adobe Flash File Caused the China Gmail Hack [VIDEO] | Penn Olson http://t.sinocism.com/m0jsBI #
- Chinese Artist Wang Jun Speaks Out After Release – NYTimes.com http://t.sinocism.com/iQ5gvQ #
- Can a Mormon presidential candidate win over the Republicans’ evangelical base? – The Washington Post http://t.sinocism.com/ignFEG #
- Lockheed Says Hacker Used Stolen SecurID Data – NYTimes.com http://t.sinocism.com/klFqvI inSecurID #
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