- Making sense of Sino-Forest | Felix Salmon http://t.sinocism.com/l0GJpx #
- GEMS http://t.sinocism.com/lpbSF5 Simon Murray's fund that has been long time investor (pre IPO I think) in Sino Forest fyi @felixsalmon #
- A $4.2bn question for Sino-Forest Corporation [Updated] – comprehensive look from FT Tilt http://t.sinocism.com/kr37xE #
- FT.com / Comment – Lessons for the future from China’s bathrooms http://t.sinocism.com/lw877M & how us prestige going down the toilet #
- F-16s subject to PRC sensitivities: Gates – Taipei Times http://t.sinocism.com/jCQcKg comments upsetting taiwan lobby #
- broke down and bought Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother eBook: Amy Chua: Kindle Store http://t.sinocism.com/iG88x4 #
- The real hymn of the tiger mother http://t.sinocism.com/mLGAnZ @amychua writes in the China Daily #
- Drought relief in rural areas 'urgent task': Hu http://t.sinocism.com/llSr72 #
- Tencent's QQ News special section on the drought 南方部分地区大旱_腾讯新闻_腾讯网 http://t.sinocism.com/jj8gg4 #
- video- Hubei villagers rip out drought relief irrigation channel, claim for show only http://t.sinocism.com/j0ski7 湖北村民将百余万元抗旱灌渠拆毁 斥其为摆设 #
- Hu Jintao plans rice in drought stricken Hubei 胡锦涛与湖北农民补种玉米 称坚决打赢抗旱硬仗_新闻_腾讯网 http://t.sinocism.com/l54SzR #
- The HIll-GOP 12: Huntsman announcement re Presidential run within two weeks http://t.sinocism.com/lRViDf #
- wow, hunstman using chinese on the campaign trail. can't wait for jon stewart and the manchurian candidate segment #
- Here Is Jon Huntsman Speaking Chinese-Daily Intel http://t.sinocism.com/kL7mC6 speaks "2 more [languages] than sarah palin" h/t @deal_junkie #
- Acid rain pouring down on half of China's cities — Shanghai Daily | 上海日报 http://t.sinocism.com/jswd3e #
- Why the South China Sea is turning more turbulent – CSMonitor.com http://t.sinocism.com/kPMJF5 #
- Inner Mongolia Starts Sweep of Coal Mine Operations_English_Caixin http://t.sinocism.com/k5APoF #
- New Head Appointed to Electricity Regulatory Commission_English_Caixin http://t.sinocism.com/inYIoh #
- A Guide to Chinese Musical Instruments | Nomadically Curious Visual Thoughts http://t.sinocism.com/lhMtcE #
- Sina Weibo to Compete with Twitter Soon? | http://t.sinocism.com/kGJpTG $sina $twit not sure I believe it, would be expensive distraction #
- The Useless Tree: Kissinger is wrong on Confucius http://t.sinocism.com/meR3G9 #
- Sinica Podcast: Water, Explosions and Inner Mongolia | Sinocism http://t.sinocism.com/myEpLd #
- The Jamestown Foundation: China's Adaptive Approach to the Information Counter-Revolution http://t.sinocism.com/mAe4l1 #
- Chefs Who Spy? Tracking Google's Hackers in China – WSJ.com http://t.sinocism.com/jSdYyu Shandong Lanxiang Vocational School #
- John Paulson Loses Half A Billion In Under 24 Hours | zero hedge http://t.sinocism.com/mLCGQP $$ #
- Gmail Hack Targeted White House – WSJ.com http://t.sinocism.com/jAVm6S y r people in the white house using gmail? #
- Huntsman Bags Some Big Bundlers – Washington Wire – WSJ http://t.sinocism.com/lJhvzU #
- WHO | WHO appoints Chinese singer and health activist Peng Liyuan as Goodwill Ambassador http://t.sinocism.com/m8eWOV #
- i think i call bullsh*t on this boxun piece #
- The Internal Logic of China's Political Development by J. Stapleton Roy – The Globalist http://t.sinocism.com/j3wPda #
- FT.com / Comment / Analysis – China: Mao and the next generation http://t.sinocism.com/l523PN #
- if gmail is really this easy to hack then google has major security problems $goog YouTube – Gmail受入侵的过程演示 http://t.sinocism.com/ir2TzB #
- Please Read This Article About the Chinese Navy – James Fallows – The Atlantic http://t.sinocism.com/jO9IGp bonus time 4 barbarian handlers? #
- Chinese Teacher in Myanmar http://t.sinocism.com/iW7mgJ #
- China confirms contact made with Libyan opposition – Yahoo! News http://t.sinocism.com/lr6mce #
- Is China bubble now an anti-China bubble? | beyondbrics | FT.com http://t.sinocism.com/lxBUvX #
- here is the original article in china youth data about a global internet war 网络战,怎么战?-中国青年报 http://t.sinocism.com/jtmKBE #
- China calls US culprit in global 'Internet war' – Yahoo! News http://t.sinocism.com/l4ZFVS grim #
- Railway denies graft amid steel scandal – GlobalTimes http://t.sinocism.com/mzLKMA #
- Global Times Paper slams Google for hacking accusations – China Media Project http://t.sinocism.com/jabNrR "snotty-nosed" crybaby" $goog #
- not fair to just bang on Deloitte China. Ernst & Young is auditor for the mess that is Sino-Forestry #
- professional services firms (pr, accounting, ir, legal) in china need 2 do a lot more due diligence on current/potential clients, esp now #
- SEC Probes Auditors of U.S.-Listed China Firms – WSJ.com http://t.sinocism.com/iVTLN6 Deloitte should be on this list #
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