- Sina Weibo Previews New Edition, Adds Photos,Edges Closer to SNS http://t.sinocism.com/jCpImi good 4 50 points on sina. in 1 day #
- li changpeng on weibo discuses several things that have happened since he announced he was running 李承鹏的微博 新浪微博- http://t.sinocism.com/mOnu34 #
- li changpeng on weibo discuses several things that have happened since he announced he was running 李承鹏的微博 新浪微博-http://t.sinocism.com/mOnu34 #
- Wen Says Concentrated Power Fosters China Corruption – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/jzfDDZ #
- A Challenge to China's Self-Looting – NYTimes.com http://t.sinocism.com/lczSz2 #
- US High Speed Rail-Made in America – by Chinese contractors? – FT Tilt http://t.sinocism.com/kyHhoO #
- Why Ai Weiwei Was Let Go (Hint: It Wasn't International Pressure) — WSJ http://t.sinocism.com/jaztCd moses outdoes himself? #
- red songs cured this chongqing woman's late stage cancer 重庆癌症晚期患者靠唱红歌挺过化疗(图)_新闻中心_新浪网 http://t.sinocism.com/ljcHDJ #
- Dui Hua Human Rights Journal: Signs of Movement toward Long-Awaited Procedural Reforms in China http://t.sinocism.com/iSfs9V #
- Top 10 Websites for Pirated Content | China Internet Watch http://t.sinocism.com/isikiV list by State Council group, Baidu in top 3? #
- 共产党为什么让中国人自豪 http://t.sinocism.com/lbGRaY 钟 嘉 2011年06月23日00:00 来源:人民网-《人民日报海外版》 #
- China Housing Boom Spreads to Smaller Cities – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/kwdCES #
- Siweiluozi's Blog: How to Translate 取保候审: A Modest Proposal http://t.sinocism.com/jFkPZ4 #
- Still ’A Man’s World’ in China’s Communist Party – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/imPpY9 #
- H.K. Bourse to Avoid Worst China Accounting: Li – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/iZiF8i like China Forestry? #
- Hedge Fund Expansion Fuels Surging Office Demand in Hong Kong’s Central – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/lArNbP may be best sign of bubble #
- Porsche Cayenne Surging in China as Deliveries of SUVs Increase 30%: Cars – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/knmxYx hard not 2 declare these #
- President Obama’s Afghanistan speech confirms America’s decline – PostPartisan – The Washington Post http://t.sinocism.com/jrAsjM #
- 11 govt bodies 2 take on illegal golf courses? 11部委要求清理整治高尔夫球场 占耕地须退出_腾讯网 http://t.sinocism.com/lpbqNo #
- China Daily-3 year stand down period 4 officials switching 2 private sector in place http://t.sinocism.com/iSK1PT 2 bad US doesnt have this #
- Xinhua Insight: Alipay case shows VIE structure may not b safe anymore http://t.sinocism.com/kv2AP1 much uncertainty, bet greed will prevail #
- China Daily-Online mapping services mark revolutionary bases http://t.sinocism.com/ku0Zlm Google Maps participate? #
- China Daily-Children in poor areas chronically underfed http://t.sinocism.com/iC2EfL #
- CD-No asset declaration timetable 4 officials http://t.sinocism.com/isOxL0 Will Declaring Assets Cause Chaos? http://t.sinocism.com/iZIfGp #
- Letter from China: Ai Weiwei, Diplomacy, and Freedom : The New Yorker http://t.sinocism.com/iJtiHe @evanosnos nails it #
- Chinese Reopen Debate Over Chairman Mao's Legacy : NPR http://t.sinocism.com/jquddi re mao yushi #
- Paulson to Write Book on U.S.-China Economic Relations – WSJ.com http://t.sinocism.com/lwYkIV thi will be interesting #
- China's Square Peg vs West's Round Hole-WSJ http://t.sinocism.com/mRn3Cp supports "govt made us do it" reason 4 frauds, ?s overseas listing #
- Kuhn in China Daily-China 'best served' with CPC at the helm http://t.sinocism.com/j1ZOKT h/t @kaiserkuo @granitestudio #
- My Disillusionment: China, 1973 by Perry Link | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books http://t.sinocism.com/iD6OfM #
- China’s Libya Connection Shows New Kind of Foreign Policy – The Daily Beast http://t.sinocism.com/mqNVfQ #
- Jerome A. Cohen Responds to Ai Weiwei’s release – U.S. – Asia Law Institute http://t.sinocism.com/kjYLqo #
- The Koch brothers' campaign to kill social security guardian http://t.sinocism.com/jFVyVJ China's Ministry of Publicity would b proud #
- 移民、生态与水电 金沙江上新不等式_21世纪网 http://t.sinocism.com/mCHq5Q 核心提示:负责开发金沙江下游的三峡集团有关人士称,四个梯级电站,目前移民还不到总移民人数的1/10,而移民经费就已用光。 #
- 中纪委谈刘志军案 反腐败纵深推进_21世纪网 http://t.sinocism.com/kNkf8N #
- High-Speed Rail Poised to Transform China – NYTimes.com http://t.sinocism.com/l1hRKy #
- Johnnie Walker China Bottle Design – PSFK http://t.sinocism.com/kFNMTy #
- Behind The Wall – Anti-China ads continue in 2011 political cycle http://t.sinocism.com/jcZT2e whoa, check out the amodei ad #
- Pressure on regulators builds as Sino-Forest sinks http://t.sinocism.com/j1KUpb #
- i've never met, or bought from, a chinese artist who wasnt evading taxes #
- Ai Weiwei released on bail http://t.sinocism.com/jzI2CZ good news. dont assume tax evasion charge not legitimate. issue y he alone targeted #
- but i wouldn't bet against status quo, c–Will Unrest In Egypt Strengthen The Chinese Government? | Sinocism http://t.sinocism.com/ime7UA #
- not sure if said china collapse pundits have the best interests of chinese in mind,or the interests of their careers and (so far) bad calls? #
- several of the china crash pundits feeling energized, making claims that china's level of unrest worst in years, may lead 2 something bigger #
- China Braces Itself for Power Shortages – NYTimes.com http://t.sinocism.com/jxH5YN #
- Rationalizing Risk: Phantom Gray Areas in Chinese Law | China Hearsay http://t.sinocism.com/jhrHW8 the VIE structure is technically illegal #
- VIE涉万亿级美元资产 支付宝易主激起千层浪 – 互联网 – DoNews http://t.sinocism.com/mjvVvn #
- beijing way behind in building public transportation infrastructure 公交建设不足凸显北京治堵困境 专家称应更重视建 http://t.sinocism.com/lqmnK1 #
- Report: Beijing-Shanghai railway speed claim faked – Yahoo! News http://t.sinocism.com/ksjAWv #
- Paulson Is Not Alone as Sino-Forest ‘Mistake’ Hits $31 Billion Davis Fund – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/lUrc9c #
- China Money Rate Reaches Three-Year High as Bill Sale Suspended – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/iW9tga #
- China warns US to keep out of S. China Sea dispute – Yahoo! News http://t.sinocism.com/mmkiSY #
- Anthony Bolton: 'It's been a disappointing year' – Telegraph http://t.sinocism.com/jqnkOo his China fund down big #
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