- CIC Says it Has No Plans to Invest in Facebook_English_Caixin http://t.sinocism.com/pBlyYu #
- It is time to act on Mao’s call for democracy – FT.com http://t.sinocism.com/pLkFDB #
- Sino-Forest Delays Analyst Tour of China Facility 2 Await Report – Bloomberg http://t.sinocism.com/p3WxLD wellington felling baddington? #
- But democracy not coming to China anytime soon, so not sure what is the point of Friedberg's democratic China strawman. just read James Mann #
- Friedberg right about this-"Washington and Beijing are going to remain locked in an increasingly intense struggle for mastery in Asia" #
- US a democracy & has empire. Why would a democratic China not want same? http://t.sinocism.com/pOX2l6 Not sure Friedberg's thesis holds h2o #
- Aaron Friedberg-Hegemony w Chinese Characteristics-National Interest http://t.sinocism.com/pOX2l6 2much about what if China were a democracy #
- Dan Blumenthal/Michael Mazza: Asia Needs a Larger U.S. Defense Budget http://t.sinocism.com/q0T8IS not wrong,so they support higher taxes 2? #
- Liu Junning: The Ancient Roots of Chinese Liberalism – WSJ.com http://t.sinocism.com/qtRd49 #
- Jack Ma Talks To China Entrepreneur Magazine About The Alipay Case | DigiCha http://t.sinocism.com/rh0OBe $yhoo #
- Following Jiang Zemin Death Rumors, China's Rivers Go Missing Online – China Real Time Report – WSJ http://t.sinocism.com/oxLlca #
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