- Caixin-Kitchen Oil Slipping Past Biodiesel Pipeline, recycled for kitchens in Shanghai http://bit.ly/q6neRW #
- QQ News looks at how China will build an aircraft carrier battle group around its carriers 国产驱护舰有待增强_腾讯新闻_腾讯网 http://bit.ly/qcxiaV #
- 还原7·23事故:一些事情已在来路上发生 – 经济 – 21世纪网 http://bit.ly/mZckp8 #
- A Step Toward Trust With China – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/q99C01 Adm Mullen. trust but verify, keep those U2s flying #
- 21 cbh just going after corruption in railways 高铁产业链背后:铁道部嫡旁高管纷呈 – 21世纪网 http://bit.ly/qVaUHL 核心提示:在涉足高铁产业利益链的上市公司高管当中,嫡系高管普遍有在铁道部工作任职的背景 #
- Xinhua’s Giant Sign to Blink On in Times Square – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/nGydGG #
- Death (and More) on the High Speed Rail, Day 3 | ChinaGeeks | analysis and translation of modern China http://bit.ly/qeSbdR #
- some in leadership allowing media/social media attacks on railway corruption as way 2 cripple rivals? #
- doubt railway corruption stopped at liu zhijun. crash could be very convenient for some in midst of 2012 jockeying #
- Unanswered questions over rail dispatch system| chinadaily http://bit.ly/qv8p3f was 2nd train told 2 ignore system 2 keep on schedule? #
- Military in full control when China's Su-27s crossed centerline: MND – CNA ENGLISH NEWS http://bit.ly/rrBQMq #
- Crash Seen Giving ’Zero’ Chance to China Train Exports – Bloomberg http://bloom.bg/qZR817 #
- Chinese jets chase U.S. surveillance jet over Taiwan Strait – Washington Times http://bit.ly/p9yASX #
- TIBET SPRING 5100 http://bit.ly/qdC6ZG listed in hk, great story about how this has come 2b so profitable #
- 寄生铁道部 西藏5100净利两年十倍 – 上市公司调查 – 21世纪网 http://bit.ly/qrnipt #
- Hollysys Was Control Systems Provider in Fatal High-Speed Train Crash | iChinaStock http://bit.ly/qnuGgD $holi #
- Bronte Capital: Hollysys – a blog post inspired by the railway crash http://bit.ly/pz7VO8 hempton on a roll. short $holi b4 wenzhou crash #
- China’s Tax Revenues: An Embarrassment of Riches | China Private Equity http://bit.ly/qna4lP #
- For Economy's Sake, Close the Rate Gap_Caixin http://bit.ly/qPu26w govt interest rate controls hurt private companies,frustrate investors #
- DHL Unloads Inside-China Courier Business_English_Caixin http://bit.ly/qCcfJK #
- this week's caixin cover story on the messes chinese firms r making investing overseas-COVEC_in_poland_周一全媒体_财新网 http://bit.ly/pBu29v #
- Suspects of clenbuterol-tainted meat case get death|Society|chinadaily.com.cn http://bit.ly/oS0t1S #
- 薄熙来:重庆要建道德高地 和谐不是管出来的_新闻_腾讯网 http://bit.ly/oMc4Fu #
- Xinjiang’s economic reforms lost in desert – FT.com http://on.ft.com/r6ovH8 Hotan still mostly jade speculators #
- Taiwanese general gets life sentence for spying – Yahoo! News http://bit.ly/pNkXEl #
- GE moving X-ray leadership team from US to China http://bit.ly/mTaJaa 2 better give away secrets? good thing us taxpayers bailed $ge out #
- Chinese city orders two fake Apple shops to close: report | Reuters http://reut.rs/nHOOY8 birdabroad not making friends in kunming #
- Military in full control when China's Su-27s crossed centerline: MND – CNA ENGLISH NEWS http://bit.ly/rrBQMq #
- "took place in late June when two SU-27 fighter planes of China's PLA tried to drive away a US U2 reconnaissance aircraft" really? #
- "in an incident local press said resulted from their attempts to drive away a US spy aircraft" #
- AFP: Taiwan: Chinese fighter jets entered its airspace http://bit.ly/mUC2sf #
- History of high-speed propaganda tells all – China Media Project http://bit.ly/nJvMOY #
- Enabling China – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/osootV #
- PSB Crackdown on Beijing Cafe Wi-Fi | the Beijinger Blog | Restaurants | Jul 25, 2011 | thebeijinger.com http://bit.ly/oBHWxL #
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