My loyal readers (there are not many, so consider yourselves in an exclusive club…) may have noticed that I have restarted the daily China Readings post after a brief hiatus in Q3.
I did not actually expect many people to be willing to pay. Even then my expectations were not met. But that is Ok, just another lesson on the difficulty of monetizing content and curation online.
I still read a lot, too much to be productive some might say. I have found a great bookmarking service in Pinboard, as well as a WordPress Plugin that does a decent job of automatically creating a daily post of readings I think others might find interesting. So the links are back.
You can either get them via email (see the subscription box top right of the page) or RSS. The current publishing schedule is 8AM Beijing time. I am still active on Twitter @niubi though I am tweeting fewer links and instead pushing the bulk through the daily China Readings posts.
I’d like to get back to posting my own content here, though I can not find the WordPress plugin that will actually write for me. But I have not given up.
Thanks for reading, comments/suggestions are welcome, complaints not so much since everything is free…