China Readings for January 16th

  • Transcript | This American Life-MR. DAISEY AND THE APPLE FACTORY
  • China Dictates Design as GM Sail Big Back Seat Goes Global: Cars – Businessweek – Chinese tastes, such as larger back seats, are increasingly dictating global automotive design.

    General Motors Co., which conceived the Chevrolet Sail in Shanghai, will offer the sedan in India this year, and already sells it in Chile, Ecuador and Algeria. BMW and Mercedes-Benz began exporting stretch versions of their made-in-China luxury sedans to the Middle East and South America last month.

  • INCONVENIENT TRUTH: Your iPhone Was Built, In Part, By 13 Year-Olds Working 16 Hours A Day For 70 Cents An Hour
  • China Clicking ‘War’ Begins on Rail Website – Bloomberg – Kevin Zhang has enlisted four friends in Beijing to help with possibly hours of mouse-clicking tonight. Their task — booking his Lunar New Year train tickets.
    Zhang needed more than 50 attempts to book seats online earlier this month, he said, as the rail ministry’s website struggled to cope with 1 billion hits a day in the run-up to next week’s Lunar New Year holiday. Round two begins today as tickets for travel at the end of the weeklong break, China’s busiest travel period, start going on sale.
  • China Growth May Slow to 10-Quarter Low – Bloomberg – China’s economy probably grew the least in 10 quarters in the last three months of 2011 and may cool further as export demand slumps and officials prolong a campaign against property bubbles.
    Gross domestic product, the value of all goods and services produced, rose 8.7 percent from a year earlier, the slowest pace since the second quarter of 2009, according to the median forecast of 26 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. The data, and indicators for investment, retail sales and industrial production, are scheduled for release tomorrow in Beijing.
  • Ex-Dow Scientist Gets 5-Year Term for Trade Secret Theft – Bloomberg – A former Dow Chemical Co. (DOW) research scientist was sentenced to five years in prison for stealing trade secrets and selling them to Chinese companies.
    The sentence against Wen Chyu Liu, also known as David W. Liou, was handed down yesterday by U.S. District Judge James J. Brady in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A jury in February convicted Liu of perjury and conspiring to steal Dow trade secrets. He was indicted in 2005.
  • Elections in Taiwan: Close brush for China | The Economist – CHINA and America can breathe a sigh of relief. A closely fought presidential election in Taiwan has delivered a second four-year term to the China-friendly incumbent, Ma Ying-jeou. China had feared that his opponent, Tsai Ing-wen, would try to steer the island closer to formal independence. America professed neutrality, but clearly did not want to see tensions rise in the Taiwan Strait. To officials in Washington as well as Beijing, Mr Ma looked the less likely of the two to stir up trouble.
  • 河套酒业 中华老字号 北方第一窖 白酒 保健酒 奶酒 河套王 老窖 – Hetaowang, excellent Baijiu from Inner Mongolia
  • 河套王_百度百科
  • Return of the Missile Gap – Defense News – The Cold War's most successful arms control agreement is imperiling U.S. forces and increasing the probability of a conflict in Asia.

    The U.S.-Soviet Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty contributed to stability in Europe during the Cold War's final years by eliminating both nuclear and conventionally armed ground-launched cruise and ballistic missiles with ranges of between 500 and 5,500 kilometers.

    Now, however, the treaty is preventing the U.S. and Russia from responding to a growing threat from China, which has been expanding its missile force at an unparalleled rate. China now has at least hundreds of ground-launched intermediate-range missiles. By comparison, Russia and the U.S. have none.

  • 报告称腐败国企负责人2011年人均贪污3380万_新闻中心_新浪网
  • China’s property market: Marriages and mergers | The Economist – China’s housing downturn will benefit state-owned developers
  • China’s Role In A Preventing A Possible Israeli Attack On Iran | Sinocism
  • Jon Huntsman’s Mandarin Is Better Than Jon Stewart’s | Sinocism
  • As China wine market booms, pricey counterfeit labels proliferate – – China's resourceful knock-off artists have uncorked a lucrative business: phony high-end wines. Bootleggers douse the market with fakes, refilling bottles from famous chateaux with inferior vintages.
  • Intel Wars: The Secret History of the Fight Against Terror (9781608194810): Matthew M. Aid: Books – The shock of the 9/11 attacks sent the American intelligence community into hyperactive growth. Five hundred billion dollars of spending in the Bush-Cheney years turned the U.S. spy network into a monster: 200,000-plus employees, stations in 170 countries, and an annual budget of more than $75 billion. Armed with cutting-edge surveillance gear, high-tech weapons, and fleets of armed and unarmed drone aircraft, America deploys the most advanced intel force in history.
    But even after the celebrated strike against Osama Bin Laden, America's spies are still struggling to beat a host of ragtag enemies around the world.

    In Intel Wars, preeminent secrecy and intelligence historian Matthew Aid ("our reigning expert on the NSA"-Seymour M. Hersh) delivers the inside stories of how and why our shadow war against extremism has floundered. Spendthrift, schizophrenic policies leave next-generation spy networks drowning in raw data, resource-starved, and choked on paperwork.

  • 译者: Sinocism 网络安全和解放军官员的情妇
  • China’s Wen presses Saudi Arabia for oil, gas access – Yahoo! News – Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pressed Saudi Arabia to open its huge oil and gas resources to expanded investment from Chinese companies, media reports said Sunday after Wen began a trip to Middle Eastern energy powers.
    In talks with Saudi Crown Prince Nayef in Riyadh on Saturday, Wen also said his government wants "reputable" Chinese companies to invest in Saudi Arabia's ports, railways and infrastructure, the Chinese Xinhua news agency reported.
  • 苹果店停售iPhone4S遭扔鸡蛋 [鲜橙热闻]__鲜橙互动 南都网 南方都市报 新闻互动网站 南都数字报 – nice photos from Apple's Beijing iRiot Launch
  • New Year housing sales drop 60% in Beijing|Media Digests| – A total of 570 houses were sold in Beijing during the three-day New Year holiday, a 60 percent drop compared with the same period last year, China News reports.

    Statistics from the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development website show that of the total, 541 were newly built properties, a 57 percent decrease from last year. Some 29 houses were second-hand, a drop of 84 percent.

  • US visa applications sharply rise in China|Americas| – The number of applications for US visas that were processed in China and Brazil in the first quarter of the fiscal year 2012 increased more than 50 percent from the same period last year, the US State Department said Thursday.
    In China, US consular officers adjudicated nearly 260,000 visas in China in the first quarter of fiscal year 2012, which lasted from October to December 2011, compared to 175,000 in the same period in fiscal 2011, an increase of 48 percent.

    The sharp increase in visa processing resulted from the initiatives taken by the State Department to greatly reduce the wait time for visa interview in China and Brazil,  two of the fast-growing economies in the world.
    In China, visa interview wait times have been reduced to only two days at any of five US visa-processing posts. In Brazil, wait times have been reduced to 15 days in Rio de Janeiro and six days in Brasilia, the capital city.

  • Moutai ranked fourth most valuable label|Media Digests| – Maotai, China's national liquor served at official occasions and state banquets, has been ranked fourth in a top ten of the world's most valuable labels, Beijing News reported Wednesday citing a study.
    The 8th Hurun Research Institute report found that the $12 billion brand value of Moutai exceeded Mercedes-Benz and Chanel, as well as the French wine Hennessy and champagne Moet & Chandon.
  • American girl Elyse Ribbons’ story in Beijing – Xinhua |
  • Ex-Dow Scientist Gets 5-Year Term for Trade Secret Theft – Bloomberg – A former Dow Chemical Co. (DOW) research scientist was sentenced to five years in prison for stealing trade secrets and selling them to Chinese companies.
    The sentence against Wen Chyu Liu, also known as David W. Liou, was handed down yesterday by U.S. District Judge James J. Brady in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A jury in February convicted Liu of perjury and conspiring to steal Dow trade secrets. He was indicted in 2005.
  • Elections in Taiwan: Close brush for China | The Economist – CHINA and America can breathe a sigh of relief. A closely fought presidential election in Taiwan has delivered a second four-year term to the China-friendly incumbent, Ma Ying-jeou. China had feared that his opponent, Tsai Ing-wen, would try to steer the island closer to formal independence. America professed neutrality, but clearly did not want to see tensions rise in the Taiwan Strait. To officials in Washington as well as Beijing, Mr Ma looked the less likely of the two to stir up trouble.
  • 河套酒业 中华老字号 北方第一窖 白酒 保健酒 奶酒 河套王 老窖 – Hetaowang, excellent Baijiu from Inner Mongolia
  • 河套王_百度百科