- China News Headlines | Hong Kong’s premier newspaper online | SCMP.com – Cadre who accused protesting villagers of colluding with foreign media has not been sidelined, as thought
- 孙立平:既得利益集团滥用了改革_财经_凤凰网 –
- 清华研究报告警惕“转型陷阱”遭封杀 –
- 港媒关注清华“2011社会进步报告”:中国应警惕转型陷阱–港澳–人民网 –
- 中青报 中国改革需警惕摸石头上瘾 不想过河_看中国子站_中国政情 – by 孙立平//
中国青年报日前发表文章,题为《清华大学发布2011年度“社会进步研究报告”——须警惕“石头摸上了瘾,连河也不想过了”》 - Goal of Iran sanctions is regime collapse, U.S. official says – The Washington Post – this will not make china want to cooperate
- Perfect World Responds to Recent Anonymous Accusations – Yahoo! Finance – The allegations followed several extortion activities attempting to extort money from the Company and Mr. Chi, and malicious and false allegations reported to certain local government authorities in China . The Company believes these allegations are inaccurate, defamatory and malicious, and have seriously affected the reputation and image of Perfect World, and is taking legal actions against those involved. The independent audit committee of the Company’s Board of Directors has been working to thoroughly review these allegations and will engage an independent legal counsel to assist with its review.
- People’s Daily, Chinese Communist Party Mouthpiece, is Going Public – China Real Time Report – WSJ– One oddity: The website, operated by People’s Daily Online Co., lists its biggest client as China’s Ministry of Finance.The finance ministry provided 27.5 million yuan ($4.4 million), or about 13%, of the news portal’s revenue in the first half of 2011 on government information-buying projects, according to the company’s initial public offering document. The percentage has declined from roughly 22% in the previous two years following the news portal’s efforts to diversify income sources.
- SEC Push May Yield New Disclosures of Company Cyber Attacks – Businessweek –
- Inside the Great Firewall of China’s Tor Blocking – Slashdot –
- Lance Armstrong and Livestrong | Lance Armstrong | OutsideOnline.com – If Lance Armstrong went to jail and Livestrong went away, that would be a huge setback in our war against cancer, right? Not exactly, because the famous nonprofit donates almost nothing to scientific research. BILL GIFFORD looks at where the money goes and finds a mix of fine ideas, millions of dollars aimed at “awareness,” and a few very blurry lines.
- Chase Coleman Channels Stuyvesant With 45% Robertson-Like Return – Bloomberg –
- Social Media Celebrated at the State Department– Ever want to ask a question to State Department officials? Now’s your chance. January has been declared “21st Century Statecraft Month” at the U.S. Department of State.According to a statement from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 21st Century Statecraft is about using social media and the Internet in combination with more traditional foreign policy tools to connect people and achieve diplomatic goals. Throughout the month, the State Department will be engaging people around the world on a wide array of digital platforms.
- China stops unapproved stem cell treatments | Reuters – (Reuters) – China has ordered a halt to all unapproved stem cell treatments and clinical trials, state media reported on Tuesday, as Beijing seeks to rein in the largely untested stem cell therapies now on offer across the country.
- 宋柯辞职转行卖烤鸭:音乐市场好转我还会回来_娱乐频道_凤凰网 – new duck place opening in beijing cbd thursday. langyuefu 郎悦府 aka longjoy duck
- Chinese Writers Step Up Anti-Piracy Efforts with Apple Lawsuit – China Real Time Report – WSJ –
- Cadres Abused Power With Land Sales: China Official – Bloomberg – Land seizures in the southern Chinese town of Wukan that led villagers to kick out local leaders stem from “abuses of power” by Communist Party cadres, an essay in the state-controlled People’s Daily said.
- China’s Online Gaming Market Up 32% in 2011 –
- Copper Imports by China at Record on Re-Stocking, Trade Financing Demand – Bloomberg –
- Exclusive: Head of China’s CIC tipped as next finance minister – Yahoo! News – BEIJING (Reuters) – The head of China’s $410 billion sovereign wealth fund is the front-runner to become the country’s next finance minister, two independent sources said told Reuters, another move in the country’s broad leadership reshuffle that will culminate in 2013.
Lou Jiwei, 61, currently chairman of China Investment Corp (CIC), is tipped to replace Xie Xuren as finance minister, said the sources, who requested anonymity to avoid political repercussions.
“Lou will step down (as CIC chairman). He will go to the Finance Ministry,” one source with ties to China’s top leadership told Reuters. This was confirmed by a second source close to the ministry. - Shandong Heavy Buys Yachtmaker Ferretti on China Luxury Demand – Businessweek –