- 乐淘融资3000万美元 电商寒冬生存术 – 产经 – 21世纪网 – zappos of china raises 30m usd in 4th round of financing
- 高盛被指转手Facebook股权 平安信托密售内地富人_科技频道_凤凰网 – goldman dumping Facebook shares in2 china wealth mgmt products?
- Got money offshore? IRS starts new amnesty program – TaxWatch – MarketWatch – If you’ve got money stashed in overseas accounts that you’ve failed to report to the Internal Revenue Service, the tax agency wants to give you another chance to come forward. The IRS said Monday that it’s launching a third voluntary disclosure program — and this one has no deadline.
- Bill Daley resigning as White House chief of staff – Jennifer Epstein – POLITICO.com – obama replacing chief of staff from jp morgan with chief of staff from citigroup. change we can believe in…
- Authorities probe U.S.-China commission email hack | Reuters – U.S. authorities are investigating allegations that an Indian government spy unit hacked into emails of an official U.S. commission that monitors economic and security relations between the United States and China, including cyber-security issues.
The request for an investigation came after hackers posted on the Internet what purports to be an Indian military intelligence document on cyber-spying, which discusses plans to target the commission – apparently using technical know-how provided by Western mobile phone manufacturers. - [priv] 网络大泄密_专题频道_财新网 – Caixin cover story on the recent hackings of major Chinese websites and the state of Internet securi in china
- [priv] 媒体须自律_杂志频道_财新网 – Caixin's hu shuli editorial on the lessons for media from CCTV-davinxi affair
- Workplace Confidential – The Per Se Waiter — New York Magazine –
- Goldman, Citigroup CDOs Were Tip of Iceberg: The Ticker – Bloomberg – The complex mortgage instruments at the center of the 2008 financial crisis went so spectacularly wrong that many observers have said they were designed to fail. A new paper by Oliver Faltin-Traeger of the investment firm Blackrock and Christopher Mayer of Columbia Business School lends a lot of credence to that assertion.
- Cohan: How Wall Street Turned a Crisis Into a Cartel – Bloomberg –
- 5 Insider Predictions for China’s Mobile Internet | TechRice –
- Bank Of America Asia M&A Co-Head Leaves Bank – Deal Journal – WSJ – Bank of America Merrill Lynch Asia co-head of mergers & acquisitions Michael Cho has been laid off from the Wall Street bank, according to a person familiar with the situation, in one of the most high profile departures in recent months from investment banks in Asia. Cho was co-head of M&A at Bank of America for Asia excluding Japan, India and Australia.
- 人民网正式启动A股IPO 拟融资5.27亿元_互联网_科技时代_新浪网 –
- FT Alphaville » Is China already rebalancing? – Michael Pettis is one of those who argues this investment/consumption ratio is unsustainable, and the longer it is delayed, the messier the rebalancing is likely to be. Although it’s been CCP policy to rebalance the economy since 2006, official data has failed to show anything of the sort if happening — quite the reverse, in fact.
However, analysts at Barclays Capital say that things might not be so bad. They say those Chinese statistics might be just as unreliable as all the other Chinese statistics:
- 文化中国称已接受崔斌“自愿辞任”公司行政总裁-《财经网》 –
- Photos: Hong Kongers protest ‘discriminatory’ D&G photo ban that protects Mainland China’s new rich | Ministry of Tofu 豆腐部 –
- Asia Sentinel – Australia Broadcaster Kowtows to China – State-funded network censors film on Uighurs
Australia is forever lecturing other countries, particularly small ones like Fiji, on rights and freedoms so it is particularly shocking to learn of the censorship practiced by the state-funded Australia Network to please China, largest buyer of its minerals. The domestic Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) may also be implicated.
The issue has arisen over Ten Conditions of Love, an independently produced Australian documentary film about the oppression of the Uighur people of Xinjiang as seen through the experiences of Rebiya Kadeer
- 人民日报-人民网 – 持民生导向,下大力气缩小城乡、区域、贫富“三个差距”
重庆探索共同富裕(人民观察) - 人民日报-人民网 – check out the love chongqing gets on the front page of people's daily today
- 温家宝:深化新股发行改革 提振股市信心 – 财经 – 21世纪网 –
- 丁书苗发家过程披露:结识刘志军后财富增10倍 – 宏观 – 21世纪网 – story of ding shumiao, the businesswoman at the center of the ministry of railways scandal that brought down liu zhijun
- 消息称蒙牛部分高层因致癌奶被免职 – 医药·食品 – 21世纪网 –
- Exposed: Pictures of creepy Canadian scammer and fake landlord Ryan Fedoruk!: Shanghaiist –
- China’s Group-buying Market: Can I Haz Consolidation? Plz? | TechRice –
- Hong Kong air pollution at worst levels ever: report | Reuters –
- Weight Watchers Chief Looks to Men, China for Growth – WSJ.com – David Kirchhoff, president and chief executive of Weight Watchers since 2007, calls it part of a broader push to gain market share during a time when obesity rates and health-care premiums continue to rise. Mr. Kirchhoff has expanded the company's online presence, launched mobile apps and targeted emerging markets such as China. While the recession hurt business in 2009, revenue rebounded to $1.45 billion last year.
- Larry Lang on the economics of bad film – China Media Project – Late last month, Hong Kong economist Larry Lang (郎咸平) devoted an episode of his “Lang on Finance” ((财经郎眼) program on Guangdong Satellite TV to the “economics of crummy films.”
In the program, Lang, a professor of economics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, addressed the issue of state monopoly control of China’s film industry against the backdrop of the new mandate coming out of the Party plenum last October on “cultural system reforms.” His conclusion in a nutshell: the profit-drive state monopoly system is squeezing out creativity.
- 王吉陆: 复星TMT投资总监吴斌谈复星的投资策略 1月7日,$复星国际(00656)$ TM…_雪球 –
- 山东渔民捞出不明物体 疑似巨浪2洲际导弹残骸_新闻_腾讯网 –
- 中共官媒连放重炮:美国必须改革开放_多维新闻网 –
- Graduate exam paper leaked to QQ website — Shanghai Daily | 上海日报 — English Window to China New – GUANGDONG Province police are investigating allegations that the English test sheet for the National Postgraduate Admission Exams was leaked half an hour before the test began.
- Thirteen thousand police hunt Chinese serial killer – Telegraph – Thousands of police in east China have begun a major manhunt for a serial killer believed to be a former armed police officer who has evaded arrest for at least eight years, state media have reported.
- China Looms Over Coming Taiwan Election – WSJ.com –
- China Sets Meek Tone on Financial-Sector Reform – WSJ.com –
- Harvest Capital Makes Bold Move on Property – WSJ.com – Harvest Capital Partners, a real-estate fund set up by conglomerate China Resources Group, made a bold move two years ago. Although residential property prices in China continued to test new highs, the fund decided to exit the sector by selling its two-million-square-meter residential investment portfolio in the country—and start looking into China's retail space.
- Top Car Rental Websites in China in 2011 | China Internet Watch –
- Resistance on Tibet Creates Conundrum for China, Dalai Lama – WSJ.com –
- 淘米视频_儿童视频第一站 – taomee launches a kid's video site $taom
- My Guantánamo Nightmare – NYTimes.com – not what I thought America represented. but I am naive
- Attention, Chinese Internet Music Services Now Pried Open for Foreign Investment by WTO Lawsuit | TechNode –
- No Consensus on Direction of China Stocks – Bloomberg –