- Malcolm Gladwell Test Has Japan Look to China: William Pesek – Bloomberg – If you want to silence a room filled with Japanese politicians, suggest they should learn from China (CNGDPYOY).
The conventional wisdom favors the flip side of this dynamic: China should be studying Japan’s playbook. Japan, after all, is an example of both what China needs to do (create a vibrant domestic economy and high living standards) and what it mustn’t (slide into bad-loan crises and deflation). - Bankers Feel Job Cuts Across Asia – WSJ.com –
- China Broadcasters Winnow Out Shows – WSJ.com –
- Close Up Photos of China’s Carrier | Defense Tech –
- Russia Hands Over Nuke Sub Nerpa to India: Report – Defense News –
- 255 kills for US military’s deadliest sniper | StratPost –
- China’s Wen Jiabao Foresees ‘Relatively Difficult’ First Quarter – Businessweek –
- Huawei’s Work in Iran May Violate U.S. Sanctions, Lawmakers Say – Businessweek –
- 富豪黄怒波谈冰岛买地遭拒 称对方忌惮其是党员_新闻_腾讯网 –
- 多地违建高尔夫球场罚款后转正 官方默许成主因_新闻_腾讯网 –
- Mayan property risk looms for China – Craig Stephen’s This Week in China – MarketWatch – a key reason Nomura is not siding with the doomsayers is a belief Beijing can turn things around. They anticipate a pivotal policy shift toward growth early in the new year, as inflation subsides further and property markets soften, allowing both interest rates and banks’ reserve ratio requirements to be cut.
The hope is that this will allow a painless change of gear for the economy.
Then, if you combine the compressed valuations coming off last year’s dismal equity performance with a looser monetary policy (and no world-ending implosion), this points to more favorable conditions for equity markets.
This narrative might sound plausible from a macro perspective, but on the ground, other worries are still troubling investors
- Is Huawei a Paper Tiger? – China Private Equity | China Private Equity – Not much is known about the secretive company. But for all its size and prominence in the telecommunications industry, Huawei’s corporate finances and balance sheet may be a good deal weaker than commonly assumed. The problem comes from Huawei’s unbalanced balance sheet, and an over-reliance on loans from Chinese state-owned banks, rather than payments from customers, to finance its business. In 2011, instead of too much help from the Chinese government, Huawei seems to have suffered from a lack of it.
- Hu: Hostile forces seek to westernize, split China – Yahoo! News – Chinese President Hu Jintao has told Communist Party members that hostile forces abroad are trying to westernize and divide the country with their cultural influence and that officials must remain vigilant against such efforts.
The party magazine Seeking Truth this week published an excerpt of a speech by Hu to party leaders in October in which he said China is facing a difficult ideological struggle.
"We must clearly see that international hostile forces are intensifying the strategic plot of westernizing and dividing China, and ideological and cultural fields are the focal areas of their long-term infiltration," Hu said.
Hu did not specify who the hostile forces are, but Chinese leaders have tried to bolster their legitimacy with a more demanding public by depicting China as being engaged in an ideological and cultural war with the West. - Chinese Internet Giant Tencent Opens Cyberlaw Center, Invests in Research | Tech in Asia –
- 朱维群与欧盟官员、学者、记者谈达赖等问题–时政–人民网 –
- 【年度特刊】郭树清:最重要的问题_杂志频道_财新网 – 应努力实现生产要素在城乡之间的双向自由流动
- 有道云笔记(原有道笔记) – 笔记类知识管理软件 – Netease has an Evernote clone for China
- Taiwan president race darkened by spying charges – Taiwan's presidential campaign has taken a dark turn, with the opposition challenger accusing intelligence services under the control of incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou of tracking her campaign events for political advantage.
- West Is Using Cultural Means to Divide China: Hu – Bloomberg – akin to declaration of culture war?//
The West is using cultural means to divide China (PRCH), which needs to be alert to this threat, President Hu Jintao said in a Communist Party magazine.
“International forces are trying to Westernize and divide us by using ideology and culture,” Hu wrote in an article in Qiushi. “We need to realize this and be alert to this danger.”
Many countries, especially Western powers, are attempting to expand their influence through cultural hegemony, and China must deepen and promote its own values of “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” Hu wrote in the article, which was published on the government’s website on Jan 1. China needs to strengthen its cultural values as it faces possible challenges from the West, he said. - China Set to Punish Another Human Rights Activist – NYTimes.com – BEIJING — First the police crippled Ni Yulan’s legs. Then the authorities took away her license to practice law. Later, while she was serving time in jail, demolition crews tore down the courtyard house that had been in her family for two generations.
Freed from prison in 2010 but unable to walk, she ended up living in a Beijing park with her husband for nearly two months, until unflattering publicity led local officials to move them into a cheap hotel.
- Billions needed to upgrade America’s leaky water infrastructure – The Washington Post –
- Bird flu virus doesn’t jump between humans: China | Reuters – "The virus found in the patient was 90 percent similar to H5N1 viruses previously isolated in ducks in China, which suggested that the man was very likely to have been infected through direct contact with a bird," the Shenzhen Center for Disease Prevention and Control said in a statement
- Suspect detained following billionaire CEO’s death by poisoned cat | Nanfang Insider – Police in Yangjiang announced yesterday, writes Southern Metropolis Daily (SMD), that a suspect has been detained in connection with the death last month of billionaire CEO and Guangdong provincial people’s congress delegate, Long Liyuan.
The case attracted attention because Long’s death occurred immediately after he and two associates dropped into a well-known local restaurant for some cat hotpot on December 23. - FACING THE OCEAN WHERE SPRING FLOWERS BLOSSOM « WARM LOVE AND COOL DREAMS FOREVER – translation of a beautiful, haunting poem by a cult hero Chinese poet who killed himself by lying in front of an oncoming train in 1989 at the age of 25.
Facing the ocean, where spring flowers blossom
by Hai Zi.
- Chinese are up to speed with life in the fast lane – latimes.com – The rich in nominally communist China bought the most Rolls-Royces in the world last year. They take the cake — a $314,000 one — in luxury spending.
- New Chongqing Skyscraper Design Derided by Chinese Netizens – chinaSMACK –
- Biden Gets China – Steve Clemons – International – The Atlantic – A senior White House official has confirmed that Vice President Joe Biden will take the lead on the administration's next phase China policy.
While the Departments of State and Treasury have held important functional roles in conducting the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue meetings, raising the bilateral status of US-China relations with ongoing meetings between two senior US Executive Branch officials with two of China's most senior leaders, Vice Premier Li Keqiang and State Councillor Dai Bingguo, there has been a general sense that neither Timothy Geithner nor Hillary Clinton and her team were comprehensively driving US-China policy.
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