Housekeeping Notes

I am no longer going to commit to providing links to suggested readings everyday. I will continue to post them sporadically, schedule permitting, but the daily commitment is taking too much focus away from more productive efforts.

All you readers are wonderful and special, but there are not enough of you. I had tried to find a bigger platform on which to house the entire Sinocism blog but no one bit. Therefore I am going to refocus my energies away from what is effectively a dead end into things more likely to feed my family and clothe my princesses.

I will still occasionally post original content along with the links, so the blog is not going away entirely and there is no reason to delete it from your feedreader…

I apologize to those inconvenienced by this, and especially the handful (not quite two hands worth of fingers) who donated through Paypal. If you want a pro-rated refund let me know and we can work something out.

I will still be on Twitter @niubi.

Thanks for reading.