- China’s censors tested by microbloggers who keep one step ahead of state media | Technology | The Guardian – A notice cited by China Digital Times outlined other official measures, including pre-publication moderation of posts by blacklisted users or those with more than 100,000 followers; 24/7 monitoring and rapid deletion of "illegal or harmful" posts; and requirements to store user data and supply it to police. While the document could not be independently verified, parts of it – particularly its focus on influential users – chime with what is already known about controls.
"We always focus on automated censorship. But I think a lot of it is hands-on – and has to be," said David Bandurski of Hong Kong University's China Media Project.
As users become more skillful at evading controls such as keyword blocks – through coded references, analogies or perhaps by posting photographs of text – censors must step up their efforts. Bandurski said he had seen image-only posts deleted within minutes. The speed of that response also suggests a growing number of monitors. While state censors issue directives on unacceptable content and monitor firms' performance, they outsource most of the work to the companies themselves.
- Web freedom faces greatest threat ever, warns Google’s Sergey Brin | Technology | The Guardian – Threats range from governments trying to control citizens to the rise of Facebook and Apple-style 'walled gardens'
- China issues alert on "chromium-contaminated" capsules – Xinhua | English.news.cn – how many global drug manufacturers use chinese gelatin in their capsules?//
China's drug watchdog issued an emergency notice late Sunday night to suspend the selling and consumption of a list of capsules with reported excessive chromium contamination.
Earlier Sunday, a report run by the China Central Television (CCTV) revealed that several commonly used drugs were packed into capsules made from industrial gelatin, which contains a much higher degree of chromium than edible gelatin.
- China probes airport incidents over flight delays – Xinhua | English.news.cn – China's aviation authority said Sunday it is investigating two airport incidents related to passenger's fury over flight delays, urging the whole industry to improve post-delay services.
An unnamed official with the Civil Aviation Administration (CAA) told Xinhua that passengers rushing into airports' flight control areas violates law and jeopardizing their own safety, hoping passengers will take rational approach to protect their interests.
- Rule of law, purity of Party highlighted in handling Bo’s case – Xinhua | English.news.cn – Chinese central authorities' decision to investigate Bo Xilai's serious discipline violations has won wide support for safeguarding the rule of law as well as the purity of the Party.
- Premier Wen vows greater anti-corruption resolve|Politics|chinadaily.com.cn – Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has promised more resolute measures to curb abuse of power and combat corruption in an article to be carried Monday by an influential magazine of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.
In its final year of tenure, the government will continue to work for a clean government, further deepen reforms and improve institutional building, according to Wen's article to be published by Qiushi, or "Seeking Truth."
Titled "Let the power be exercised under the sunshine," the article dwells on the new achievements of China's governmental reform, the fight against corruption, the major tasks ahead when tackling corruption in 2012 and their implementation. - China Must Combat Corruption, Premier Wen Writes After Bo Purge – Bloomberg – Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pledged “stronger” measures to combat corruption and to make the government more accountable, in an article published today in a Communist Party magazine a week after a member of the ruling Politburo was suspended.
Public supervision is needed to limit the abuse of power, and authorities must continue to work for a “clean government” in 2012, the last year of the current administration, he wrote in Qiushi, Seeking Truth, according to a preview posted on the central government website yesterday. - 美国公民殷秀梅,咋成全国人大代表_周蓬安_新浪博客 –
- Neil Heywood mystery: Gilded lifestyle of murder suspect’s son Bo Guagua – Telegraph – A prime seat at the Beijing Olympics, nights out with Oxford friends, and a mentor at the heart of the British establishment – this is the gilded lifestyle of the son of the ousted Chinese Communist party leader linked to the death of a British businessman.
These pictures shine new light on the links between Bo Guagua and his Oxford contemporaries, several of whom are now on their way to positions of power and influence within some of the world’s leading corporations…Mr Heywood met Mr Bo in the 1990s after writing to him to ask for help pursuing business opportunities in China and promising to bring foreign investment to Chongqing.
He soon became part of Bo Xilai’s trusted inner circle and as such managed to broker a deal between the Chinese authorities and the British government for the release of Matthew Bennett, a senior executive with Aston Martin, the luxury car manufacturer, who had been prevented from leaving the country for almost seven months in 2007 following a trade dispute. - The British Council brings more shame on us | Nick Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer – All authors are welcome to the London Book Fair… as long as they don't upset the Chinese
- Neil Heywood ‘poisoned by cyanide drops’ in China – Telegraph – Neil Heywood was murdered on the orders of a fallen Communist Party chief, according to the reports.
The Mail on Sunday quoted ''respected Mandarin-language websites'[BOXUN]' saying Mr Heywood, 41, died from cyanide poisoning after allegedly having an affair with lawyer Gu Kailai, wife of Bo Xilai, seen until recently as a future leader of China. - Analysis: China currency move nails hard landing risk coffin – Yahoo! News – BEIJING (Reuters) – China's weekend reform of its currency regime nails shut the coffin on the last remains of doubt about whether the world's second biggest economy has successfully steered a course past a hard economic landing.
Investors were questioning whether the worst sequential slowdown in China's economy since the 2008-09 global financial crisis could enter a sixth quarter after data on Friday revealed the weakest three months of annual growth in three years and a run rate below the official 7.5 percent 2012 target.
Shifting the yuan trading rules is about the strongest signal Beijing could give that growth downside has diminished and potential pitfalls are manageable. Few reforms are as replete with risk as tinkering with the currency because faith in its soundness directly correlates to economic stability. - 山东菏泽订婚礼金要3斤3两百元钞 市民称订不起_网易新闻中心 – 据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,按照民间习俗,结婚前先订婚,通常男方要给女方送去订婚礼金。而目前在山东菏泽订婚礼金水涨船高,某些地方订婚要“三斤三两百元大钞”,市民大呼订婚订不起。
- 《求是》发表温家宝重要文章:让权力在阳光下运行-《财经网》 – 一个政府要让人民满意,必须做到为民、务实、清廉。多年来,我们坚持在政府各项工作中全面贯彻反腐倡廉的要求,加强政府改革建设,实行科学民主决策,坚持依法行政,加强对权力运行的监督制约,创造条件让人民群众监督政府
- 财经网的微博 新浪微博-随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿 – comments on the weibo about wen jiabao's forthcoming seeking truth essay are classic
- 东山墅_百度百科 – 东山墅被誉为北京市第一豪宅,1150平米户型的二手房挂牌价格已高达2.5亿人民币,里面住户非富即贵,都是社会金字塔的顶尖群体,称为“一般百姓看不见的阶层”;传说中影视明星赵文卓、歌坛天后那英、画家方力钧、台湾国民党名誉主席连战都在此置业。东山墅位于北京市朝阳区东四环北路、朝阳公园东岸、CBD商圈,虽然是位于城市核心区的别墅,但环境优美,在一弯湖水之畔,感受不到一丝城市的喧嚣。
- China: Stranger than faction – FT.com – Many in China and abroad are questioning whether the secretive, autocratic party will even be able to survive the damage to its legitimacy caused by this tale of corruption, murder and abuse of power.
One potential outcome is that instability and infighting among the elite leads to paralysis within the system, accompanied by an increase in repression as the party tries to crush any hint of dissent.
That possibility for now looks less likely, especially since Xi Jinping, the anointed future president, and most other leaders have acquiesced in Mr Bo’s downfall and the launch of investigations that could lead to the death penalty for him and his wife.
Some, however, foresee a more optimistic result. They are hopeful that the unintended consequence of Mr Bo’s messy demise could be the empowerment of reformers bent on creating a more transparent and democratic system governed by law rather than powerful individuals. It might sound like wishful thinking but Beijing is awash with such predictions. - 12岁被拐少年因不听话被买家手腕粗铁链锁身-《财经网》 – 据华西都市报,2012年4月11日,微博里,一张图片震撼众网友。12岁少年小山(化名),11年前从四川绵阳拐卖到了福建。养父母离异后,当他得知自己是买来的,就开始叛逆变坏,被长辈锁在石柱旁。小山哭着说想找亲生爸爸妈妈,为此一直在学四川话。目前,福建警方已对小山进行了DNA采样。绵阳警方也表示,将会通力配合福建警方寻找孩子的亲生父母。图:海峡都市报田米/CFP
- 中国10大超级豪宅第十名:北京东山墅_新浪房产_新浪网 – 水和森林,创造出都市中的自然奇迹。东山墅追求高品质,秉承自然主义的法则,强调 建筑 与自然、人与自然的有机结合,是近年来国内 房地产领域少有的顶级别墅。
dongshanshu villages on beijing 4th ring road. - google maps beijing – Google Maps – is this general gu junshan's mansion on the 4th ring road in beijing, adjacent to one of beijing's more exclusive villa compounds?
- 企业微博管理软件-众趣(Social Touch)社会化媒体管理软件&平台 –
- 楼市调控倒逼央企“退房令”落地_中国经济网――国家经济门户 – 国资委“退房令”公布已超两年,央企退出房地产项目进展仍然缓慢,不太景气的房地产业数据有望倒逼“退房令”落地。记者昨日从国务院国资委网站获悉,国资委副秘书长杜渊泉近日在2012年资产经营业绩考核工作(培训)会议上表示, 今年事业单位分类改革、房地产市场调控等都将对搞好资产经营工作产生直接影响。
- 房企告别暴利时代 全行业库存市值或超过5万亿_中国经济网――国家经济门户 – ●已经公布年报的75家房企,总库存市值达到了9048亿元,超过2009年库存2倍以上,而全行业的库存市值或超过5万亿元
- 海外购物严格征税 化妆品等代购邮寄费今起加价 _中国经济网——国家经济门户 – 随着海关收紧转运环节,并重新修订有关规定,从今天(15日)起,从海外代购商品将面临严格征税,而对于那些在互联网上海外购物的人来说,奶粉、化妆品、数码产品等主力商品,今天开始也要加价了。
- 北京楼市怪相:没有售楼处 买豪宅要走后门_中国经济网――国家经济门户 – =
- John Garnaut-The Rot Inside The PLA –
- American Brands Seek Favor With Wealthy Chinese Tourists – NYTimes.com –