Today’s anniversary is challenging Sina Weibo censors. Shanghaiist reports that Candles flicker out, Hong Kongers gagged on Weibo but I found many related posts in my stream. You can see some of the interesting ones in screenshot form here, here, here, here, and here. The Sina filters are still quite permeable, and either Sina is allowed to permit some venting about June 4 or Weibo may need to go down for maintenance. There is no way they can keep up otherwise.
Those expecting the collapse of China’s economy and political system should go back and read many of the predictions penned in the wake of 1989. 23 years ago very few people thought China would continue much longer as a one party, authoritarian state, and in fact much of US policy towards China seemed rooted in the assumption that growing economic engagement would eventually topple a “weakened” Communist Party. Perhaps this time is different, or perhaps 23 years has not been long enough to see the full ramifications of that June tragedy, but caution is advised for those betting on a near- to medium-term change in the status quo, even though, as Jamil Anderlini writes in the Financial Times, the Ghost of Tiananmen stalks China’s elite.
If you think today may be a good day to just drink, check out Sunday’s Sinocism post Xi Jiu, A Baijiu Bet on Xi Jinping. Consider drowning your sorrows while getting a piece of what some marketing folks claim could be China’s next great investment…
Today is also a good day for brevity, and reflection.
The best way to see this blog is to subscribe by email, especially if you are in China, as Sinocism is still blocked here. The email signup page is here, outside the GFW. You can also follow me on @niubi or Sina Weibo @billbishop. Comments/tips/suggestions are welcome, and feel free to forward to recommend to friends, as the more readers I have the better the content will become. And of course if you are feeling generous donations are always appreciated. Thanks for reading.
- 透视2012年稳增长“组合拳”:提振经济的着力点何在? – 新华财经 – 新华网
Xinhua Sunday discusses how the government may stimulate the economy
- China Nuclear Plans Could Help Stimulus Efforts –
China’s latest step toward relaunching its nuclear-power ambitions could play into its efforts to stimulate the country’s economy, according to analysts, even as officials face a public that has demonstrated worries about nuclear safety.
- China warns travellers to Canada after killing of student – The Globe and Mail
The Chinese Embassy in Ottawa has warned citizens living or travelling in Canada to “strengthen their personal security” after the gruesome killing and dismemberment of a Chinese student living in Montreal.
人民日报:“秀”某种程度应成官员必修课|人民日报|作秀|必修课_新浪新闻 People’s Daily–On some level officials need to learn how to “show/act”
- 解放军出美女网络尖兵 90余昼夜写代码40多万行_网易军事
“The PLA’s Beautiful Internet Soldier”. Much mocking has ensued on weibo
- ‘Banking shares due to bounce back’ |Markets |
will be entertaining if goldman sells ICBC shares soon after issuing this report//
China’s banking shares are set to rebound sharply as recent pro-growth policies perk up demand for credit, said Goldman Sachs. - Web China: Bus driver’s heroic act moves many – Xinhua |
Millions of netizens have shown their respect for Wu on major microblogging sites like Sina Weibo and, asking authorities to find out how the accident happened and to take care of Wu’s relatives.Wu’s sister Wu Bing said that while her brother is an “ordinary person,” the actions he took near the end of his life made her family proud of him.
- 人民日报-在马克思主义理论研究和建设工程工作会议上的讲话 (2012年6月2日) 李长春
Most of page 2 of today’s People’s Daily dedicated to Li Changchun speech on Marxism
- Senior leader urges deepened Marxism study – Xinhua |
Li Changchun (2nd L), a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s Political Bureau, delivers a speech at a meeting on the theoretic research and construction of Marxism in Beijing
- China pork prices stabilize – Xinhua |
China’s pork prices are gradually stabilizing after seeing continuous declines over the past several months, according to statistics from a price monitoring system launched by the Xinhua News Agency.
- Chinese VP encourages people-to-people exchanges to boost China-U.S. relations – Xinhua |
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping on Sunday encouraged people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States. Xi made the remarks when meeting with a U.S. good-will delegation headed by the Governor of Iowa Terry Branstad and composed of Xi’s American friends in Iowa back from 1985.
- 人民日报-中国经济平稳较快发展(科学发展 成就辉煌) 总量跃居世界第二
Much of page 1 of today’s People’s Daily is a long article on the achievements of China’s economic development
- Candles flicker out, Hong Kongers gagged on Sina Weibo ahead of Tiananmen anniversary: Shanghaiist
- Buyers of ACs, TVs Get 400 Yuan Subsidy – Caixin Online
Buyers of air conditioners and flat-screen TVs can enjoy subsidies of up to 400 yuan starting June 1, 2012, the government says. The National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of the Industry and Information Technology announced the details of the one-year program to boost domestic consumption of home appliances on May 29. The Ministry of Finance will set aside 26.5 billion yuan for the program.
- 明鏡新聞網: 北京通州区政府网站透露“六四”敏感期维稳安排
- China steps up Afghan role as Western pullout nears | DAWN.COM
KABUL: China and Afghanistan will sign an agreement in the coming days that strategically deepens their ties, Afghan officials say, the strongest signal yet that Beijing wants a role beyond economic partnership as Western forces prepare to leave the country.
- Chinese editor leaves amid uproar over army remark | World news | The Guardian
Chinese newspaper editor has left his job after comments were posted to his paper’s official microblog mocking the ruling Communist Party’s insistence that it maintain control of the nation’s military.Yu Chen confirmed Sunday that he was no longer the Southern Metropolitan’s in-depth editor. He declined to discuss the reason or other details in a sign of the sensitivity of the matter.
- Wu Bin, Chinese Bus Driver, Praised For Saving Passengers In Freak Accident
Chinese are hailing a bus driver who maintained control of his vehicle and ensured passengers’ safety despite being struck by a chunk of iron that smashed through his windscreen.Wu Bin ultimately died of his injuries from Tuesday’s freak accident, but not before braking, shifting gears and telling passengers not to wander onto the highway. His hometown of Hangzhou in eastern China has praised him as a hero and a role model.
- Stimulus Policies Cloud Loan Picture – Caixin Online
New measures to prop up growth make it difficult for experts to predict May’s figures
- Daring resolution needed to maintain stable development – People’s Daily Online
By Zhong Sheng (People’s Daily) June 02, 2012
The development and stability of China is in sharp contrast to the upheaval and seesaw battles of many of other countries. It is not difficult to find such common reasons as the accumulated problems, the lagging reform and the institutional rigidity. Therefore, China must not be complacent but should maintain a sense of urgency and firmly push the reform forward. - 落马贪局长叫屈:按所谓的潜规则,我应该发大财–观点–人民网
corrupt official complains of injustice, says he was actual clean compared to what was expected according to the unwritten rules
- Tolerate Corruption? Really? – Caixin Online
A debate sparked by a Global Times editorial has many asking which will go first: endemic graft or the public’s patience?
- Putin to Meet With Ahmadinejad in Beijing Before Nuclear Talks – Bloomberg
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin will meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Beijing on June 6 or June 7 before world powers gather in Moscow to discuss Iran’s nuclear program.
- Ghost of Tiananmen stalks China’s elite –
Anderlini is very set in his reformer vs hardliner analytical framework//
The younger Bo’s downfall has raised hopes that other hardliners in the regime are on the back foot and reformers, led by premier Wen Jiabao, can push for political reforms that could be accompanied by a reassessment of the Tiananmen verdict. - Magazine – The Vietnam Solution – The Atlantic – Robert Kaplan
How a former enemy became a crucial U.S. ally in balancing China’s rise
- “A certain neighbouring country” returns to the South China Sea dispute « southseaconversations 讨论南海
It was as though they were playing tag-team† in a WWF wrestling show. Just as the China-Philippines tensions started to diminish, who should pop up to disturb China’s peaceful claims? Why, “a certain neighbouring country”, of course — a.k.a. Vietnam.
- Pentagon chief visits former US base in Vietnam – Yahoo! News
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited a major base used by US forces in the Vietnam War Sunday, as Washington seeks to deepen ties with its former enemy to counter a more assertive posture from China.
Panetta is the most high-ranking US official to visit Cam Ranh Bay since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. - “任督二脉”难以打消公众疑虑-新闻频道-和讯网真气运行法//近日,“甘肃省医务人员练真气,40余人打通任督二脉”的消息在网络上广为传播。消息最初发布在甘肃省卫生厅官方网站,因甘肃省卫生厅厅厅长刘维忠微博转发而引发民众关注,曾经因推广“食疗吃猪蹄”而被网友们戏称为“猪蹄厅长”的甘肃省卫生厅厅长刘维忠,多次公开在微博中力推这种能打通任督二脉的“真气运行学”,力挺打通任督二脉。
- 甘肃卫生厅长号召练真气无药治病_网易新闻中心 Gansu Provincial Health Bureau head calls on people to use Qigong, not medicine, to cure their ills
- Breath of fresh air: Gansu health chief swears by qigong|Society|News|
Liu Weizhong says the traditional exercises have kept him healthy. (File photo/CNS)The provincial health department head of Gansu in China’s northwest, Liu Weizhong, said May 23 that the practice of Chinese qigong exercises has helped him remain healthy
- Xi Jiu, A Baijiu Bet on Xi Jinping | Sinocism
Xi Jiu historically has been a mid-tier Baijiu brand, but 2012 may turn out to be Xi Jiu’s year. Xi Jiu has two things going for it, in addition to having a name that is a homonym for 喜酒, or “wedding banquet liquor”. One, it may be more acceptable for bureaucrats to imbibe, if Wen’s crackdown is real. Two, and more important, the character for the “Xi” in “Xi Jiu” is the same character 习 as the surname of Xi Jinping 习近平, China’s presumed next leader.
- 习酒_百度百科
- Chinese boy confirmed with bird flu in Hong Kong|Society|News|
Hong Kong health authorities said on Saturday that a 2-year-old boy from Guangzhou has been confirmed as having H5N1 Influenza A — or avian flu — and urged the public not to panic.
- Was Zhang Ziyi framed by rival Fang Bingbing?|Politics|News|
Well-known Chinese playwright and film critic Bi Chenggong said on his microblog that “a movie star” framed Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi of sleeping with Bo Xilai, the ousted former Communist Party secretary of Chongqing, in exchange for over US$100 million. Bi’s comments have been interpreted by the Chinese media as a reference to actress and singer Fang Bingbing, according to our Chinese-language sister newspaper Want Daily. - 视频:实拍上海世博园区内战马怒踹法拉利_新浪视频_新浪网
Horse kicks ferrari in shanghai. Video
- Kazakh head says terrorist act behind border deaths | Reuters
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said on Friday he believed a “terrorist act” caused the deaths of 14 border guards and a civilian at a border post at the frontier with China.
- Foreigners in China: Weibo vs. Reality « Sinostand
Like with any country, China has plenty of unmitigated racists. But at least for me, they’ve never amounted to anything more than a very rare nuisance in my day-to-day life. So if you’re not in China, don’t get the impression from recent events that the country is a cesspool of xenophobia and hatred. And if you are in China, try not to let the recent coverage of online opinion skew the way you see things. The status quo for Chinese opinion about foreigners has been and will be for a long time more or less the same: Somewhat ignorant, but good-natured and curious.
- Chinese copycat phone makers flock to high-end devices|Economy|In-depth|
The surge of smartphone sales in China is giving suppliers of knock-off handsets a new lease on life as companies in the country’s south have been “hacking each other to death” with merciless price cuts.
- Chinese developer unveils replica Austrian village – AP
A group of Austrians whose scenic mountain village has been copied down to the statues by a Chinese developer attended Saturday’s opening in China for the high-end residential project but were still miffed about how the company did it.Minmetals Land Inc.’s replica of Hallstatt, a quaint Austrian alpine hamlet, is located in subtropical southern China.
- Mutually Assured Cyberdestruction? –
Does the United States want to legitimize the use of cyberweapons as a covert tool? Or is it something we want to hold in reserve for extreme cases? Will we reach the point — as we did with chemical weapons, and the rest of the world did with land mines — that we want treaties to ban their use? Or is that exactly the wrong analogy, in a world in which young hackers, maybe working on their own or maybe hired by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army or the Russian mob, can launch attacks themselves?
- Remarks at the Festival of Economics, Trento Italy | George Soros
We need to do whatever we can to convince Germany to show leadership and preserve the European Union as the fantastic object that it used to be. The future of Europe depends on it.
- 突然绽放的罂粟花:“消费返利”骗局调查 – 宏观 – 21世纪网
- 电商暗战:自建物流的成本账 – IT·科技 – 21世纪网
- The sorry fate of a tech pioneer Halsey Minor and historic Virginia estate Carter’s Grove – The Washington Post
Carter’s Grove may have finally met its ruin, however, in the unlikely form of Halsey Minor, a brash 40-something technology investor living in San Francisco.
- Bank run in Fujian as online Ponzi scheme collapses|Society|News|
A financial website based in Fujian province in southeast China went bankrupt last week, reportedly causing a panic among investors across much of the country. A bank run occurred in the city of Wuyishan on Thursday as rumors said the government would wipe the accounts of investors, reports our sister Chinese-language newspaper Want Daily.The headquarters of the website in the provincial capital Fuzhou was ransacked and destroyed by angry investors on Monday evening who left nothing behind, the security staff of the building told the Guangzhou-based 21st Century Business Herald.
- Wave of Tibet Self-Immolations Challenges Chinese Rule –
At least 38 Tibetans have set fire to themselves since 2009, and 29 have died, according to the International Campaign for Tibet, an advocacy group in Washington. The 2,000 or so monks of Kirti Monastery in Sichuan Province have been at the center of the movement, one of the biggest waves of self-immolations in modern history. The acts evoke the self-immolations in the early 1960s by Buddhist monks in South Vietnam to protest the corrupt government in Saigon.
The best way to see this blog is to subscribe by email, especially if you are in China, as Sinocism is still blocked here. The email signup page is here, outside the GFW. You can also follow me on @niubi or Sina Weibo @billbishop. Comments/tips/suggestions are welcome, and feel free to forward to recommend to friends, as the more readers I have the better the content will become. And of course if you are feeling generous donations are always appreciated. Thanks for reading.
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