Dealing with a power outage, links only today, apologies.
- Google Confronts the Great Firewall – By Rebecca MacKinnon | Foreign Policy
Appreciate google’s new messaging approach 2 censorship on china search
engine, but remember its china share is barely 10%, not big deal now. interesting that Google releases this days after China approves the Motorola deal? Google trying to demonstrate free speech chips to US and European governments? - Chinese kids lack sleep, outdoor activities |Society |
True but survey by Gymboree whose business will benefit by changes
- Senior official calls for more anti-corruption efforts – Xinhua |
The flagship magazine of the Communist Party of China, Qiushi or "Seeking
Truth," will publish on Friday an article by a senior official of the
Communist Party of China (CPC), which calls for more efforts to combat
He Guoqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of
the CPC Central Committee, said in the article that China will take further
steps to combat corruption and build a clean government in order to benefit
people and gain people’s trust. - South Korean Democracy Campaigner Is Detained in China –
- 法律是最后的手段? 华澳国际信托正式起诉实德系 – 机构 – 21世纪网
- Better search in mainland China – Inside Search – Google
So starting today we’ll notify users in mainland China when they enter
a keyword that may cause connection issues. By prompting people to
revise their queries, we hope to reduce these disruptions and improve
our user experience from mainland China. Of course, if users want to
press ahead with their original queries they can carry on. - China Slowdown Ripples Through Hong Kong as Sales Weaken – Bloomberg
- [视频]《求是》杂志发表贺国强同志文章_新闻台_中国网络电视台
He Guoqiang’s essay in today’s "seeking truth" about fighting
corruption makes the CCTV evening news - 朱从玖空降浙江任副省长 意在推进金改 – 行业动态 – 21世纪网
- 刘志军为高铁埋隐患 山寨德国哈芬槽道垄断中国市场 – 交运仓储 – 21世纪网
- 河南政法委督办官员强奸10余名少女案_网易新闻中心
- 26 Chinatown Bus Companies Shut Down by Feds – Businessweek
The U.S. Transportation Department shut down 26 bus companies as imminent safety hazards, closing dozens of routes out of New York’s Chinatown in the government’s largest safety sweep of the motor-coach industry.
- 12 Chinese Youths Sell Property to Travel the World | Tea Leaf Nation
- Rumor: Renren Jumping into the Own Brand Phone War? | TechNode
- China Must Speed Reform Even as Hard Landing Avoided: Liu – Bloomberg
China needs to speed the pace of domestic reform and change its economic model to become less reliant on exports and reduce the impact of crises such as the one roiling Europe, said former banking regulator Liu Mingkang.
The world’s second-biggest economy will “never suffer” a so-called hard landing as long as gross domestic product continues to expand at least 7 percent over five years and at least 6 percent over 10 years, Liu said today - "Hundreds detained" in Tibet after self-immolations – Yahoo! News
Hundreds of Tibetans in Lhasa have been detained by Chinese security officers after two self-immolation protests against Chinese rule over Tibet, a U.S.-broadcaster said, stoking concerns of spreading unrest among Tibetans in China.
- Rumor: China’s Smartphone Prices to Drop to RMB 600 | Marbridge Consulting – China Wireless News
- Changing Lanes – Caixin Editorial
China could push forcefully for reform now to avert the potential hard landing, or it could turn to reform only after suffering the pain of a crash. Between the two choices, we hope it’s the former. Either way, the pain of reform cannot be avoided.
- Broadband Bulls Edge toward National Strategy – Caixin Online
The question of where to draw a line between government and market responsibilities is complicating an ambitious plan to improve the nation’s broadband Internet service.
Several central government agencies and state-run telecoms are mired in the debate that could upset a fast-track timetable pushed by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). - ABC Executive Held in Gambling Inquiry – Caixin Online
The gambling debt case was related to a Beijing-based property company, the source said. The property company established deep links with ABC in early 2004, when Yang was its vice president in charge of property lending.
Yang was prevented from leaving the country this month and one of his family members was detained, the source said. - 复星国际正式就上海外滩地王项目提起诉讼_公司频道_财新网
- FT Alphaville » China is facing “the strongest outflow pressures for some time”
- Yuan Completes Worst Month Since Peg as Europe Woes Hurt Exports – Bloomberg
- A Chinese Bank Extended Over CNY600 in a Week-Caijing
A big Chinese state-owned bank extended more than 40 billion yuan in a single week in late May, accompanied by calls and speculations of more easing following weaker economic data in April.
- FT Alphaville » Why Switzerland is the new China
No wonder the Swiss are busy coming up with alternative plans … some of which, we might add, are remarkably Chinese in flavour.
Just as China is becoming more flexible with it capital controls and RMB trading band (a symptom of the country having the very opposite issue of Switzerland, a capital outflow problem) Switzerland is thinking about instituting capital controls and negative interest rates. - Guangdong sperm bank faces severe donor shortage | Nanfang Insider
According to a report in the Southern Metropolis Daily, sperm banks in Guangdong province, Shan’Xi, and Zhe Jiang are facing severe donor shortages.
- The Old Etonian helping Chinese pupils into Britain’s public schools and universities – Telegraph
William Vanbergen sits in his office on the 35th floor of a Shanghai office block and gazes out on to the teeming, vibrant future of – Britain. The 30‑year-old Old Etonian makes his living helping Chinese students gain places at our top public schools and most elite universities.
- Christie’s Hong Kong Spring Sales Total $352 Million – Scene Asia – WSJ
The sum is down from the HK$2.85 billion generated at last year’s autumn sales and far below the HK$4 billion total at last year’s spring event.
- 茅于轼的微博 新浪微博-随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿
- Hot Copper Shorts Burning Commodity Firms – Caixin Online
As prices soar, Jiangxi and others say they’ve been forced to cover short positions by exporting
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