Today’s China Readings August 13, 2012

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So far Beidaihe Watch has not been very entertaining. In fact, top Chinese leaders seem to have disappeared over the last week. There have been no updates to this People’s Daily page chronicling top leaders’ activities since August 6 when Xi Jinping met grassroots delegates in Beidaihe. Perhaps this is a good indication that they have been in Beidaihe?

I think we have found the Tiger Mom of the last generation. Cai Jinyong just announced he is resigning as chief executive of Goldman Sachs’ China venture to head the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation. Cai Jinyong’s sister Jinqing Caroline Cai joined Christie’s as Managing Director, China, in March 2012, and his brother Cai Jindong is an acclaimed musician, Stanford University professor and music director/conductor of the Stanford Symphony Orchestra. Even Amy Chua might want to know how “Mrs. Cai” did it.

Zhou Kehua is still on the loose and police vacations have been cancelled in Chongqing, Guizhou and Sichuan to keep the manhunt fully staffed–渝贵川全体警察停止休假严防周克华 . Yesterday’s comment that Zhou is like a Chinese Rambo should have included the caveat “except evil”. The perils of writing fast without an editor…Surprisingly some readers thought I admire Zhou. He is a murdering thug whose evasion skills are impressive and who has exposed surprising holes in what many assume is a very efficient surveillance and security environment.

Reuters’ Chris Buckley looks at an important legacy of Bo Xilai in Bo’s brand of justice leaves timebomb for China. Buckley writes that:

China’s fallen politician Bo Xilai left a timebomb as a parting gift for the Communist Party leadership that threw him out — the smoldering demands for redress from the many targets of his harsh version of justice in the city he ruled.

Foreigners working in China should be aware of a new draft law under which courts would not protect the rights of foreigners in labor disputes if they do not have a proper work permit, even if they have a contract.

The new China Story Project is excellent. It is “a web-based account of contemporary China created by the Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW), College of Asia & the Pacific (CAP), The Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra”, with assistance from Beijing’s Danwei.  The site offers a free yearbook on China that includes a contribution from yours truly.

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