Just links today, on the road.
- Li Peng is latest party veteran to bask in spotlight | SCMP.com
Following re-emergence of Jiang Zemin, People’s Daily article praises ex-premier ahead of reshuffle
- 广六条倒逼电视剧减产 影视网络版权价格大跌_互联网_DoNews-IT门户-移动互联网新闻-电子商务新闻-游戏新闻-风险投资新闻-IT社交网络社区
- Chas Freeman on Why People Say ‘Beizhing’ – James Fallows – The Atlantic
- China Vanke First-Half Profit Gains 25% After Price Cuts – Bloomberg
China Vanke Co. (3333), the biggest developer by market value traded on the nation’s exchanges, said first-half profit climbed 25 percent as the company cut prices to boost sales amid government controls.
- More than Gu: In China, Railroad Court Drama Looms – China Real Time Report – WSJ
The upcoming murder court case this week of Bo Xilai’s wife is galvanizing the attention of China watchers. But speculation on a separate track is intensifying that another top case will also soon go to the judiciary: a corruption trial of China’s disgraced railway minister.
- Over 200 Projects Approved Monthly Since March-Caijing
- Gu trial raises ghost of ‘Gang of Four’ – FT.com
- 刘志军贪腐案冰山一角|刘志军|贪腐|玩弄女性_21世纪网
so liu zhijun was a big believer in fengshui.guess it failed him//
核心提示:刘志军案的通报还提到刘志军生活腐化、道德败坏,玩弄女性。这也已经成为铁路系统圈内公开的秘密。另外他还大搞封建迷信,笃信风水,在一些工程开工之前请风水先生选定奠基时间,以求吉利。 - 垄断下的交易?央视索福瑞被疑操纵收视率|垄断|央视|索福瑞_21世纪网
- Former Rail Minister Charged with Graft – Caixin Online
Insiders say a year-long investigation on former railway minister Liu Zhijun is close to an end with the formal announcement of charges.
In an internal memo, the Ministry of Railways said on August 3 that Liu Zhijun was charged with six disciplinary violations, including graft and sexual misconduct. Several of the charges were connected to his close association with Shanxi businesswoman Ding Shumiao…
Liu is also suspected of receiving bribes from four railway officials, some in the form of calligraphy paintings and other valuable artwork, said the announcement. - SARFT Finishes Plan for National Cable Operator – Caixin Online
The broadcasting regulator has submitted a proposal to the State Council for the establishment of a national company to lead the integration of China cable networks. The move is the latest step toward long-planned integration of media networks.
The plan, proposed by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT), is awaiting State Council review, a source close to the situation said. Funding for the new comp阿any would mainly come from the Ministry of Finance. To create the new company, local cable assets would gradually be merged, the source said. - Tencent merges Ftuan and Gaopeng into GroupNet|Economy|News|WantChinaTimes.com
end of groupon’s china train wreck, wonder if even groupon knows how much money disappeared//
On Aug. 1, two leading group-purchasing websites in China, Ftuan and Gaopeng, announced their merger into a new company dubbed GroupNet, claiming the new outfit will muscle into the top three in the market within a short time. - 明鏡新聞網: 明鏡獨家:北戴河會議8月15日才登場
mingjing news doubling down, still saying beidaihe meetings wont start until 8.15. Meanwhile there are multiple reports of a very tight security cordon around beidaihe
- Last resort: Lushan becomes latest playground for China’s rich|Society|News|WantChinaTimes.com
In the wake of the demolition of private villas falling within China’s now restricted scenic area of Lushan, other buildings with property rights being sold on the public market have been found in the same area.
- Hawk eyes: US looks to pinpoint Beijing’s new hotheads|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
There was method in a move by the US Department of State to criticize Beijing’s recent actions in the South China Sea, says a commentary by Duowei News, a website operated by overseas Chinese: namely to provoke a response in order to identify hawkish elements within the new leadership team set to take over the reins in China after the Communist Party’s upcoming 18th National Congress.
- Daniel A. Bell (贝淡宁) Website
- China’s Stocks Rise Most in Five Weeks on CSRC’s Market Measures – Bloomberg
- Advising Chinese Leaders: Futile Efforts? – China Real Time Report – WSJ
I asked a government researcher why all the good advice people like him had offered decision-makers did not seem to have any effect. “A lot of it is filtered out and does not reach people at the very top,” he said. “Besides, the thinking of many decision-makers has ossified and just can’t be changed.”..Seeking advice is always easier than following it. The Chinese state has developed a sophisticated system for collecting information, analysis and policy recommendations. Whether it has made good use of the system is an entirely different matter.
- BYD taxi explosion in Shenzhen apparently not caused by faulty battery | Nanfang Insider
- 专家回应关于中华民族复兴任务已完成62%质疑|民族复兴|复兴指数|62%_新浪新闻
- Homesick Chinese companies in the U.S. – Craig Stephen’s This Week in China – MarketWatch
Most likely for Chinese companies in the U.S., re-listing will be an arduous process and not a quick fix. A better bet to rekindle investor interest and share prices would be to focus on improving accounting and reporting standards.
- Update: China Govt Allowing Yuan To Depreciate, Papers Say | MNI
Leading official newspapers said Monday that the yuan is officially being allowed to depreciate as the government shifts policy towards shoring up domestic growth and shielding the economy from the European debt crisis…A politically-charged front-page editorial in the official China Securities Journal said, “the market is gradually accepting that the yuan has begun a period of depreciation” because of Europe, dollar strength and slowing domestic growth.
- Clamor for gold medals still loud and clear – Globaltimes.cn
Do Olympic gold medals have a stigma attached to them? Does the Chinese public no longer cherish hard-won Olympic medals? The answers are no. And even as domestic media is abuzz with criticism of the “national sports system,” few believe it should be scrapped immediately.
- Special Report: China’s answer to subprime bets: the Golden Elephant | Reuters
have friends who buy these, they say as long as rate below 10% they figure it must be reasonably safe, at least compared to the 10%+ dreck they have been pitched//The Chinese investment vehicle known as “Golden Elephant No. 38” promises buyers a 7.2 percent return per year. That’s more than double the rate offered on savings accounts nationally…Absent from the product’s prospectus is any indication of the asset underpinning Golden Elephant: a near-empty housing project in the rural town of Taihe, at the end of a dirt path amid rice fields in one of China’s poorest provinces.
- 北京通州7月新房成交量同大涨516% 创27个月来新高-财经网
most home sales in beijing’s tongzhou district in 27 months//
7月份北京通州区新房市场纯商品住宅成交量为1546套,环比上月上涨10%,同比去年7月份的成交量大幅上涨了516%。成交量创自2010年4月份“国十条”出台后,近27个月以来成交量新高。 - 广电总局酝酿“新六条” 网游剧投资或受挫_中国经济网――国家经济门户
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