The Sinocism China Newsletter 09.25.13

Today’s Links:


Amway Embraces China Using Harvard Guanxi – Bloomberg In a program bankrolled by Amway at a cost of about $1 million a year, Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government has been training Communist apparatchiks known as Amway Fellows. Since it started in 2002, the program has brought more than 500 Chinese officials to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to study public management for a few weeks. Every group also visits Amway’s headquarters in Ada, Michigan, near Grand Rapids. In a country where nothing is more valuable than guanxi, the term for the connections considered crucial to doing business, Amway has supersized its network thanks to the Harvard program. Though there are no public lists of participants, Bloomberg Markets identified 50 alumni through references in resumes in official publications and on websites. // If you read anything today, read this. Doubt Harvard happy

Chinese police chief suspended after online storm over teenager’s detention | World news | Chinese web users were incensed by the arrest; in retaliation, some began exploring the backgrounds of county officials. They criticised party chief Liu Changjiang for wearing luxury watches which, as a public servant, should have been beyond his means. One uncovered old court documents accusing police chief Bai Yongqiang of giving 50,000 yuan (£5,111) in bribes to his former boss between 1995 and 2005. Bai has since been suspended, according to a Monday night post on the county government’s website. While the Chinese state newswire Xinhua said Bai’s suspension was unrelated to the boy’s arrest, experts say the intense public scrutiny may have played a role in his release.

Related: 依法治网要警惕“歪嘴和尚”–范正伟 《 人民日报 》 Commentary in today’s People’s Daily on the Zhangjiachuan, Gansu rumor case and removal of the PSB head…very interesting how this case has developed, a lesson for both people spreading rumors and offcicials who are not clean? // 没有政府的法治化,不可能有国家和社会的法治化。古人说得好,“奉法者强则国强,奉法者弱则国弱。”对于执法者而言,要求别人守法,自己先要守法;要求别人做到的,自己先要做到。试想一下,如果执法者心无敬畏、目无法律,人们的法治信仰如何建立?如果执法者刻意曲解法律、甚至以法律名义践踏法律,执法者的权威公信又从何谈起?这也是为什么几名上海法官集体嫖娼事件会让全社会如此震惊痛斥,更是为什么党的十八大强调“法治思维和法治方式”,为什么习近平总书记告诫“执法者必须忠实于法律”。

沈阳刺死城管小贩夏俊峰今日被依法执行死刑_网易新闻中心 official announcement that Xia Junfeng has been executed.  A heartbreaking painting by his son is getting a lot of play on Weibo today 

Related: Xia Junfeng, a killer that the nation has pity for | Ministry of Tofu 豆腐部-2011- Vending sausages and kabobs from a cart on the street finally earned them a decent amount of money and realized their biggest dream – sending their 9-year-old son to a painting class. Life seemed to be on the upturn, until the day they met two chengguan, or urban management enforcers.

神秘人士爆料:达能子公司行贿百位北京医生|达能|神秘医药_21世纪网 Now Danone’s Nutricia is accused of paying bribes in China…21st century Business Herald says a tipster claims Nutricia bribed more than 100 doctors in Beijing // 自称“医院实习生”的匿名人士向《21世纪经济报道》记者提供了52份材料,举报世界500强达能(Danone)旗下独资医疗保健公司——纽迪希亚(NUTRICIA),曾在2010年7月至2013年8月间,为促进该公司药品销售而向北京地区的14家医院100多名医生大规模输送不当利益。

Shamed former railways minister Liu Zhijun tried to bribe his way to power | South China Morning Post Liu had set his sights on being a state councillor or vice-premier, one rank higher than his ministerial position. The document gives a rare glimpse into rampant money-for-power deals on the mainland. It is the first time an official at such a senior level has confessed to trying to further his career through bribery. It also raises questions about who Liu tried to bribe, given that he was already a powerful politician and that only a handful of people could have helped him.

Related: 直击丁书苗案庭审 “权力掮客”串起腐败链条(热点解读) 《 人民日报 》 分析人士认为,目前,“权力掮客”现象已成为违法乱纪、贪污腐败的“催化剂”,同时也是破坏市场秩序的“毒瘤”,必须严厉惩治。另一方面,必须加强对“一把手”权力的监督和约束,使其透明运作,特别是资金密集、权力集中的行业和部门,要有分散权力和多方制约的应对之策。

Chanos Undeterred by China Growth as O’Neill Bullish – Bloomberg “My caution is related to the credit-driven model,” said Chanos, who correctly bet in 2001 on the collapse of Enron Corp., on a panel moderated by Tom Keene at the Bloomberg Markets 50 Summit in New York. “If you grow new credit by 30 percent to 40 percent” of gross domestic product a year, it’s not difficult to reach the government’s growth target, he said…While Chanos said China will have a “credit event” in five years as the country fails to keep the same pace of loan growth, Jim O’Neill, the former chief economist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., expects that China’s economy will double in five years to $16 trillion, about the same size of the U.S. economy currently.// the 27 minute video worth watching Chanos, O’Neill on Chinese Economy and Real Estate: Video – Bloomberg interesting that Chanos says he agrees that Chinese authorities engineered the June Liquidity crunch…wonder where Chanos is getting his analysis on Chinese politics

Related: Michael Pettis–Party Will Pay the Price for China’s Rebalancing – Bloomberg When projecting China’s future, too many analysts have systematically overemphasized the intentions of the Chinese leadership. If the government announces that it plans to accomplish a specific goal — raise the consumption share of GDP, for example, or double the length of railroad track, or double household income in 10 years — analysts quickly incorporate that goal into their projections even when it isn’t at all clear how the rulers in Beijing will accomplish it.

Related: Twitter:Page 1 of Standard Chartered Report: Masterclass–China Is Not Really That Imbalanced Would love to see a debate between Stephen Green and Michael Pettis

Related: Rhodium Group » China Has Problems, But Household Consumption Isn’t One How do we reconcile strong August retail sales figures with the weak consumption story? Pessimists answer that such retail sales figures must be unreliable. But there is a simpler and clearer explanation for these patterns: investment is highly volatile, and makes consumption look larger or smaller depending on where it stands in its manic swings, but the real growth of consumption in hard money terms has been both very strong and very stable over time…the burden of economic adjustment is not on the shoulders of its households and consumers, though they are more than doing their part. The hard work of rebalancing that lies ahead belongs to the big boys of over-investment in overcapacity sectors.

新一轮改革已从中石油反腐起步 – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 Unirule Director General writes in Economic Observer that the Petro corruption investigations are a positive sign for coming economic reforms // 导语:中石油反腐风暴不仅是在反腐,还有更深远的政治意义,那就是为改革至少是经济体制改革清道。中国要进一步改革,推动市场化,就必须打破这些超级企业的堡垒…(作者系天则经济研究所理事长)

Related: 涉郭永祥案川企副总离奇坠亡_中国_多维新闻网 one of the people under investigation in Sichuan has died from a fall from a building. He Yuying from Sichuan Cable Star reportedly fell to her death on September 23 in Chengdu//【多维新闻】四川明星电缆股份有限公司9月24日发布公告称,其近日获悉公司董事、副总经理何玉英不幸去世,公告未说明何玉英去世原因。据了解,何玉英在9月23日23时许坠楼身亡。地点位于成都武侯区火南街道辖区坠楼身亡。当地警方尚未公布最后调查结论。何玉英的意外死亡给明星电缆再次蒙上阴影,该公司的董事长李广元于7月中旬被相关部门从北京带走,与四川省文联主席郭永祥案有关。

上海自贸区拟于29日挂牌 金融或缺席自贸区首批32项细则 新华社——经济参考网 Economic Information says financial reforms will not be included in the first 32 items in the new shanghai free Trade Zone to be unveiled on sept 29..also says another 20 items will be announced by year end// 上海自贸区挂牌进入倒计时。《经济参考报》记者24日从权威渠道了解到,上海自贸区拟定于9月29日挂牌。而在挂牌当日,将有首批约32项细则出炉,另外,在2013年年底之前,还将有20多项细则陆续出台。而在挂牌当日首批出炉的数项政策中,将并不涉及市场高度关注的金融创新具体内容。

Related: 韩正:上海自贸区核心任务是制度创新_经济频道_财新网 Han Zheng on the Shanghai FTZ // 改革难度大、考验多,许多内容涉及改革深水区;要主动放弃的是已经习惯的做法,要主动探索的是尚不熟悉、尚不习惯甚至有风险的举措

Related: One China, Two Internets: Netizens call Shanghai’s new free-trade zone “the Internet concession” | Offbeat China “The Internet concession” is how many Chinese netizens call the Shanghai Free-Trade Zone now. For a country that hasn’t quite yet gotten over its recent history of being colonized by major western countries, that’s probably the last nick name Shanghai wants to associate with. “A few decades after the revolution, imperialism is making a comeback with a concession free of the Great Firewall,” commented 五岳散人, a popular liberal voice on Weibo, China’s own Twitter-like micrblogging service.

Related: 社评:上海自贸区,“网络特区说”过显夸张_评论_环球网 Global Times says talk of free Internet inside the Shanghai Free Trade Zone is exaggerated



亟待破题 城镇化仍存路径之争 新华社——经济参考网 Economic Information on the continuing debates about how urbanization should proceed// 知情人士告诉《经济参考报》记者,正是由于地方政府对城镇化的理解存在偏差,2012年底下发各地并征求意见的“城镇化中长期发展规划”初稿被要求重新修改调整,修改后的规划一改强调发展的基调,而重在改革。“新一届中央政府的确提出要搞新型城镇化,但并不是像以往一样,一旦经济增速放缓或出现危机,政府就赶紧出手加大投资,提振经济。”国家发改委城市和小城镇改革发展中心副主任乔润令认为,全国新型城镇化规划预计会是一个“体制变革、结构调整、发展方式转变”的城镇化规划,既没有国家大规模投资的概念,也没有具体指标,就是关于转变城市发展方式、经济结构调整和通过体制改革促进农业人口城镇化的一个发展规划

隐性门槛高部分地方现“逆城市化”新华社——经济参考网 Good Economic Information story on the barriers to hukou reform, and the resistance of many cities // 国家发改委城市和小城镇改革发展中心主任李铁认为,一次性将外来人口全部改成城市户籍人口,不仅对地方财政形成较大压力,也将会出现人口倒挂情况。因此,户籍制度改革应分期分批实施,重点解决长期举家迁徙,在城镇就业多年有稳定居住条件的居民。促使他们通过户改在就业和居住地落户。与此同时,对于没有解决户籍的居民,应先通过缩小公共服务差距解决农民工市民化问题。 在李铁看来,像北京上海这样的大城市根本没有办法进行户籍制度改革,因为它们集中了全国最好的资源,福利基本上接近于发达国家了。对于中国的一个城市,要解决户籍,同时要解决含在户籍上的公共福利,意味着政府的支出一定会向这方面倾斜,会使原来的居民福利受到很大的影响。

发改委反垄断局许昆林:银行乱收费致企业贷款成本超15% 新华社——经济参考网 NDRC’s Xu Kunlin says bank fees on loans acount for more than 15% of cost of loans, hurt the “development of the real economy”…so smackdown on the banks’ fees coming? // 国家发改委价格监督检查与反垄断局局长许昆林表示,这次对商业银行乱收费的调查也是为了促进实体经济发展。他介绍说,从去年开始,发改委根据20多起举报对银行乱收费情况进行了调查,每一个举报都被查实。“很多商业银行只收费不服务,或者说提供一些象征性的服务,实际上就是乱收费。各种乱收费加起来,贷款成本很多超过15%。很多利润转移到银行,就无法促进实体经济发展。”

Chinese Cities Hooked on Land Revenue Fuel Housing Costs – Bloomberg Chinese cities, addicted to the money they raise by selling land to developers, are undermining the government’s multiyear campaign to contain housing costs. Municipal residential land deals, measured by area, rose 26 percent in the first eight months of the year from the same period in 2012, according to China Investment Securities Co. The average price per square meter jumped 43 percent, pushing proceeds up 80 percent to 816.5 billion yuan ($133 billion).

陷“鬼城”式困局 中新生态城歧路 – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 Economic Observer on a ghost city near Tianjin // 2013年9月,生态城建设五周年,当经济观察报记者再次来到这里时,展现在眼前的已是一座被绿色笼罩的有一定规模的城市:经过5年建设,8平方公里的生态城起步区已基本建成。一排排建筑耸立于绿树之中,绿意盎然间透露出北方城市罕有的雅致与秀美。此时,中新天津生态城刚被国务院认定为中国首个“国家绿色发展示范区”。 但是,这抹绿的背后,却有着尴尬与迷惑——这座由中国与新加坡政府共建的全球首个政府间合作的生态城,如今面临着人口与产业空心化的“鬼城”式困局。

China Beige Book Shows Slowdown, Opposite Official Data – Bloomberg The results “show the conventional wisdom of a renewed, strong economic expansion in China to be seriously flawed,” China Beige Book President Leland Miller and Craig Charney, research and polling director, said in a statement. The data “reveal weakening gains in profits, revenues, wages, employment and prices, all showing slipping growth on-quarter — no disaster, but certainly not the powerful expansion suggested by the consensus narrative.”

地下钱庄内幕起底:80后庄主被称地下央行行长–财经–人民网 looks like an interesting book about underground banks in China…like the post 80 guy who was known as the central bank head of the underground banking system // 目前,段育文最担心的是,自己会不会遭遇地下钱庄的打击报复?随着他的著作《借贷危机》的出版,书中所揭露的地下钱庄如何集资、如何运营、如何牟取暴利的真相也日益被世人所知晓。 浮现在段育文脑海里的是近年来暗访地下钱庄的那些日子。一路从内蒙古跑到温州,再跑到江苏、东北,再去山东、福建和广东,其中的辛苦和险恶非常人想象。

China Economic Watch | Credit-to-GDP in China Is High… It Always Has Been China’s credit levels are high, especially relative to its per capita income. This has been the case for several decades and China was even more of an outlier in the past. Its status as an outlier is partially explained by its bank-dominated financial system and misclassification of fiscal costs as corporate borrowing. These factors argue for paying more attention to the rate of credit growth in China instead of the overall level. China’s credit growth, especially non-loan financing, has been growing at an excessive rate since 2009. Tackling this problem, rather than fretting about the overall level, should be the primary concern. // don’t they both matter?

Rare-Earths Sector Gets Boost in China – China’s third-largest producer of the strategically important minerals said it was raising funds via private placement, in part to build a processing plant for rare-earth oxides. The decision by China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co. to build the plant in southern China’s Guandong province is the latest sign that the country’s efforts to consolidate the rare-earths industry and promote value-added processing in the sector are yielding results.

Chinese Property Investors Widen Footprint in U.S. – While Chinese institutional investors are still drawn to their traditional favorites of New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, many are now also headed to cities such as Houston, Boston and Seattle as they seek geographic diversity as well as bigger lot sizes. These other cities—lesser known to some Chinese firms—now appear to offer fresh opportunities as energy or technology drives their economies and local Chinese communities expand.



丁书苗称曾因不知如何赚钱被刘志军称为猪脑子|丁书苗|刘志军|猪脑子_新浪新闻 21 minutes of CCTV’s Bai Yansong on Ding Shumiao and Gong Aiai (housing elder sister) trials…he is worth listening too

湖南“选美小姐变官员”爆料人被刑拘_网易新闻中心 南都记者 湖南冷水江市的网络爆料人段小文,9月23日被当地警方以涉嫌寻衅滋事罪刑事拘留。警方称,段小文策划了2012年年初发生在长沙的一起跳楼闹剧。 // person who claimed on weibo that a beuaty contest winner had become an official arrested in Hunan for stirring up trouble

Executive’s Arrest Is Latest Sign of Trouble for State-Owned Shipper – Caixin The recent arrest of an executive of a subsidiary of China Ocean Shipping (Group) Co. (COSCO Group) has spelled more trouble for the state-owned shipping firm, which has been grappling for years with the heavy losses incurred by another member of the corporate family. Meng Qinglin, former general manager of COSCO Dalian Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO Dalian), was taken away for questioning by the Communist Party’s discipline watchdog over alleged corruption related to vessel-leasing deals, COSCO Dalian said on August 27.

中纪委网站20天接15253件举报 涉及贪贿渎职等_网易新闻中心 15253 corruption tips via the CDIC website in 20 days// 晨报讯 中央纪委监察部网站自9月2日开通以来,在20天内接收到网络举报数量15253件,日均超过760件。中纪委相关负责人近日表示,从举报情况看,主要是举报、反映各级党政机关和党员干部中存在的贪污贿赂行为、违反廉洁自律规定行为和失职渎职行为等。

Triad leader Lu Chuanbo returned to China after arrest in South Korea | South China Morning Post Lu Chuanbo, 44, was one of the leaders of a major organised crime syndicate involved in blackmail, extortion, drug smuggling, money laundering and running casinos illegally in the coastal city of Qingdao, said Interpol. From 2000 until he fled to Seoul in May 2011, Lu was second-in-command in a violent gang, reported China’s Legal Daily, a state-owned newspaper associated with the Ministry of Justice.



China-Ukraine: no massive farm deal… yet | beyondbrics a serious screwup by whoever first reported this //  Ukraine’s Warsaw-listed KSG Agro denied signing any contracts that involved selling land to China, saying this would – for starters – violate current Ukrainian legislation which clearly bans foreign entities from owning domestic agriculture plots. The company also insisted it only toils some 100,000 hectares of land, nothing close to 3m ha. Shocked and taken surprise by the reports, the Ukrainian company said that “the information that spread in the media about Xinjiang Corporation and KSG Agro does not correspond to reality.”

Chinese military officials to be audited before promotion – Xinhua Military officers who are recommended as candidates for regimental commander-level posts or above, those who will retire, and those who will be transferred to civilian posts will have to undergo an audit before leaving their posts, according to the guideline. The move “will have significant and far-reaching impact on strengthening the management and supervision of military officials, improving their work style and fighting against corruption,” according to the guideline. The audit will target officials’ real estate property, their use of power, official cars and service personnel. Officials from units or enterprises affiliated with the military will also be included in the auditing.

Russia, China go head-to-head with development of North Korean port – AJW by The Asahi Shimbun Competition between Russia and China is heating up as the two countries independently work to develop neighboring sections of a North Korean port. A joint venture between Russia and North Korea celebrated the completion of repair work to a 54-kilometer railway line linking the Russian coastal district of Khasan with Rajin port in North Korea’s northeastern special economic zone of Rason on Sept. 22…Meanwhile, only a few hundred meters from the site of Russia’s development work, a Chinese company based in Jilin province is exploiting the port’s No. 1 wharf, having acquired use rights for 10 years. The Chinese firm has already finished installing warehouses and other facilities to unload coal from vessels.

BBC News – China bans several weapon-related North Korea exports China’s Commerce Ministry published the list, which includes components for nuclear explosive devices and rocket systems, on Monday. It said the move would help implement UN resolutions on North Korea, and would be effective immediately. Analysts say the ban shows China taking a firmer line against its ally.



MACAU DAILY TIMES – Bai Zhijian’s comments on gaming interpreted as “a Beijing warning” The Director of the Chinese Liaison Office in Macau, Bai Zhijian, has recently stated that the casino industry in Macau is not offering enough non-gaming activities to tourists and residents. Scholars Eric Sautede and Larry So, as well as lawmaker José Pereira Coutinho, believe that this is a clear message – and perhaps even a warning from the central government – not only addressing gaming concessionaires, but also the government of Macau and new lawmakers with backgrounds in the casino industry.



华谊兄弟:海外公司盈利差 多子公司信披存疑|华谊兄弟|海外|信披_21世纪网 Huayi Brothers business increasingly questioned via media reports..// 2012年的年报显示,新增海外的5家联营企业中,有3家当年净利润出现亏损,而2家实现盈利。

[视频]国家互联网信息办等四部门部署开展绿色网络行动_新闻频道_央视网 new two month campaign launched to protect youth from harmful content and make a “green Internet” // 央视网消息(新闻联播):本台消息:日前,国家互联网信息办、教育部、共青团中央、全国妇联等四部门部署开展绿色网络行动。绿色网络行动是“绿色网络 助飞梦想”——网络关爱青少年系列行动之一,旨在进一步净化网上环境,为青少年提供绿色健康、积极向上的网络空间。行动重点清理网上涉淫秽低俗色情,渲染凶杀、暴力、恐怖,炫富比阔、追求刺激、盲目追星宣扬腐朽落后价值观等五类不良信息。行动为期2个月。广大学生、家长和网民可向互联网违法和不良信息举报中心举报违法不良信息。

Lax Rules Give U.S. Upper Hand in Tussle Over Alibaba I.P.O. – It may turn out that Alibaba gets what it wants from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Other factors — like Chinese government and the location of its business — could also push the company to stay in Hong Kong. But the battle for Alibaba’s listing shows that as more big companies go global, the exchanges are going to be increasingly played off one another over which one has the better regulation for companies. Unfortunately, this may be a race to the bottom — with the United States leading the way.

An Interview With David Webb: What Alibaba Wants From Its IPO And What It Will Likely Get – Forbes Q: So, I take it by your blog post last week that you were throwing down the gauntlet to Alibaba. Effectively, you were saying that if they proceed with a Hong Kong listing under special terms that you will fight it? A: I am just a commentator. But, yes, I will oppose it.  And I don’t think I’ll be the only one. There have been several other high ranking Hong Kong individuals who have spoken out against a special deal. It’s a slippery slope if you give in to Alibaba. Everyone else will want it. It’s obvious to all.

IDC Sees Apple Doubling Smartphone Market Share in China – China Real Time Report – WSJ The rapid growth, according to IDC, will be due mainly to Apple’s expected deal with China Mobile0941.HK -0.62% Ltd., the country’s largest mobile carrier with 700 million subscribers, as well as the release of the less-expensive iPhone.

A Shark Called Wanda—Will Hollywood Swallow the Chinese Dream Whole? | ChinaFile Eyewitnesses to the spectacle on Sunday announcing the $8.2 billion Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis along China’s northeast coast…said that Dalian Wanda Group Chairman and CEO Wang Jianlin spent a lot of money to impress the locals but wasted little time engaging the supposed guests of honor. “There was no real dialogue,” one Hollywood studio executive with years of experience in China told me in an email when I asked about the substance of the event. “We were shown like monkeys.  So no, there is no indication that anybody got a real sense of Wang, except that he is a very rich man who could afford to pay top talents to come.”



中监委组长忆安徽饥荒:实报饿死人数反遭批斗_网易新闻中心 an account from an inspector in Anhui during the Great Leap Forward // 中监委调查组组长李坚:亲历1961年安徽饥荒调查…我将材料上报王从吾,王从吾跟安子文商议过,中监委副书记钱瑛也有明确指示。领导决定,由中监委办公厅对原报告略加修改后,以我个人的名义,报送时任中共中央总书记邓小平…1967年的北京城,大字报可以说无墙不在。当时有个干部在中组部的院墙上贴出一张大字报称:1958年至1962年间,中国总计饿死3500万人很快那张大字报就被人清除掉了。

Gays, Lesbians and “Marriages of Formality” – Economic Observer Sham marriages between gay men and lesbians are becoming more common in China as a way to fend off pressure from families to settle down and start a family. But these marriages bring their own challenges.



Beijing Breaks Ground on CN1Tln Plan to Cut Air Pollution-Caijing The Beijing municipal government is planning to spend nearly 1trillion yuan ($163billion) in the following five years in its toughest effort ever seen to improve air conditions of the notoriously polluted city, according to a detailed government plan.



CASS Expert Calls Gov’t Help for Certain Dairy Companies Rotten Milk – Caixin Feng Xingyuan, a researcher at the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said subsidizing some companies would be unfair because it hurts others in the industry. Further, he said it is unfair for the government to use tax money taken from all companies to subsidize only five. The supporting policies would also anger foreign dairy companies, Feng said, who would see them as violations of the World Trade Organization’s anti-subsidy and anti-dumping rules. China joined the WTO in 2001. There has been speculation the government is trying to build a “national team” by offering support to select firms so they can compete with international rivals. An official from the MIIT denied this, but said the selection and promotion of high-quality domestic brands was being led by the China Dairy Industry Association (CDIA).

How Germany’s ALW Got Busted for the Largest Food Fraud in U.S. History – Businessweek Some 60 percent of the honey is imported from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and other trading partners. Almost none comes from China. After U.S. beekeepers accused Chinese companies of selling their honey at artificially low prices, the government imposed import duties in 2001 that as much as tripled the price of Chinese honey. Since then, little enters from China legally. Von Buddenbrock and Giesselbach continued to cooperate with the investigators, according to court documents. In September 2010, though, the junior executives were formally accused of helping ALW perpetuate a sprawling $80 million food fraud, the largest in U.S. history. Andrew Boutros, assistant U.S. attorney in Chicago, had put together the case: Eight other ALW executives, including Alexander Wolff, the chief executive officer, and a Chinese honey broker, were indicted on charges alleging a global conspiracy to illegally import Chinese honey going back to 2002. Most of the accused executives live in Germany and, for now, remain beyond the reach of the U.S. justice system. They are on Interpol’s list of wanted people. U.S. lawyers for ALW declined to comment.

业内称果汁厂普遍购瞎果 汇源海升下属公司停产|汇源|安德利果汁|汇源果汁_新浪财经_新浪网 rotten fruit juice gate killing related stock prices

TripAdvisor Survey: Chinese Tourists Traveling More to Southeast Asia; Kyoto, Japan; Jeju Island, South Korea – China Real Time Report – WSJ though Japan last year saw a large drop in the number of Chinese tourists due largely to a flareup in a territorial dispute, this year appears more promising: Kyoto saw the largest jump in traffic on Trip Advisor’s Chinese website, 580% year-on-year, of any city on the list. Jeju Island, Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia and Hanoi, Vietnam, also saw their numbers skyrocket. // we looked at going to Japan next week for the holiday, too expensive, much more than last year

网友在京沪高铁卧铺发现臭虫 北京疾控中心证实_网易新闻中心 bedbugs discovered on Beijing-Shanghai train



Dilapidated Mansion Has Had Many Occupants, Maybe Even a Ghost – Today, with its floor-to-ceiling cobwebs and crumbling floorboards, the house, Chaonei No. 81, certainly seems like the ideal breeding ground for paranormal activity. However, unlike the famously ghost-ridden Forbidden City, which hosts droves of tourists every day, the Chaonei house has sat dilapidated and deserted for years, a quiet enclave amid Soviet-style apartment blocks and glittering modern buildings.

北京住宅成交套数创三年新高 金九银十已成定局_新浪房产_新浪网 so far in september, most real estate transactions in Beijing in three years // 本报讯(记者范辉)截至23日,北京新建住宅叠加二手房住宅合计签约套数已经达到了21.16万套,这一成交量是最近三年的最高值,同比去年同期的17.78万套上涨幅度达到了19%,接近两成。从目前市场看,虽然金九银十量价上涨已经成为定局,但北京后期即将出台的限房价竞地价每年2万套的供应量,以及其他可能出台的长效机制将会在四季度逐渐出台,这次措施有望可以逐渐抑制房价的上涨幅度。



China’s Next Great Challenge: Scarcity – Damien Ma and William Adams – The Atlantic The following is excerpted from the book In Line Behind a Billion People: How Scarcity Will Define China’s Ascent in the Next Decade.