Looking For A WordPress Plugin Developer To Help Bring Back The Sinocism China Newsletter

I would like to return the Sinocism China Newsletter to a more regular schedule but to do that I need some technical help to improve the workflow.

I would like to hire someone to build a plugin to replicate and expand the functionality of the no longer supported Postalicious WordPress plugin, though only for use with Pinboard.in. More information on the Postalicious plugin is available at the following locations:




I use Postalicious to pull items via rss (Up to 70 of the most recent, per Pinboard’s policy) from my Pinboard.in (http://pinboard.in) account to build posts that I then edit into the Sinocism China Newsletter that goes out, free, to over 15,000 readers. You can see recent issues at http://sinocism.wpengine.com/?tag=newsletter or http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f18121c5942896d3a87491249&id=02cc1b05cb

The additional functionality I need is the following:

1. Automatic association of Pinboard tags to one of the subsections in the post; i.e the Pinboard tag “ee” would associate to subsection “The Essential Eight”, “bet” would associate to “Business, Economy And Trade” etc. The Pinboard items should be ordered chronologically from most recent to earliest per the Pinboard post date. The plugin must allow users to add their own Pinboard tag to subsection associations.

2. Create the wordpress post using the format I currently use for the Sinocism China Newsletter; i.e. linked headline, space, then excerpted content, with the space formatting between entries and subsections I currently use. I sometimes annotate Pinboard entries with text that appears between the end of the linked headline and “//“, that I then manually put in bold when I am editing in WordPress. If the plugin could automatically bold that text, even better. The plugin also needs to be able to handle Chinese characters as each issue of the newsletter has both English and Chinese content. Example:

专家称北京或实行积分落户制_新闻_腾讯网 Beijing Times looks at Hukou implications from the new urbanization plan, says Beijing may implement points system for granting very limited number of hukous//《规划》提出,要有序推进农业转移人口市民化,按照尊重意愿、自主选择,因地制宜、分步推进,存量优先、带动增量的原则,以农业转移人口为重点,兼顾高校和职业技术院校毕业生、城镇间异地就业人员和城区城郊农业人口,统筹推进户籍制度改革和基本公共服务均等化。

State Grid Invites Private Investors to Build Charging Stations for E-Cars – Caixin Head of electricity distributor says move follows government call to let market play more active role in allocating resources

3. Create hyperlinked anchor text (not all caps like the actual subsection headers) to each of the subsections in the post, and display at the top of the post, one entry per line.

I will pay for this. If interested please contact me at bill at sinocism dot com