Beijing Snow

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Beijing woke up to several inches of pure, powdery snow. After walking my kids to school this morning, and losing to them in a snowball fight, I kept going down the street to Ritan Park.

Such a nice snow in Beijing, coming on the last day of Spring, may be very auspicious (瑞雪 that may augur an abundant harvest 兆豐年 this year or more), or so the more superstitious will tell you.

Below are some pictures and videos.

Two moments of Zen:

The caged bird is not singing much, but there is a funny background conversation.

The free bird up in the tree is singing happily.


All in all a lovely, rare Beijing snow.

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