The Sinocism China Newsletter For 04.12.13

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

The frugality and anti-corruption campaigns are biting. A couple of weeks ago an NDRC official worried about the impact on consumption (中央禁酒令致消费低迷 发改委担忧市场需求不足|禁酒令|公款吃喝|小贩_新浪新闻) and today Bloomberg reports that the China rebound is at risk as Xi curbs officials’ spending:

Xi’s efforts are restraining consumer spending and making it tougher for the new government to boost domestic demand as factory output slows. Large-restaurant and catering sales fell for the first time in more than three decades in the first two months of the year, while demand and prices for luxury items such as Moutai liquor and Longjing tea have slumped.

“The anti-corruption action by Xi is creating unprecedented phenomena, including an absolute fall in high-end restaurant sales,” said Shen Jianguang, chief Asia economist at Mizuho Securities Asia Ltd. in Hong Kong, who previously worked for the European Central Bank. “It’s certainly a big factor dragging down short-term growth.”

The Eight-point regulation (八项规定), adopted in a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee last December, is causing a lot of pain and will continue to do so. Today’s People’s Daily has the third in a series of page one articles about implementing the eight rules (人民日报-求真求实改文风 ——执行中央八项规定系列述评之三), a front page article on high-end restaurants and clubs in park areas that cater to official entertaining (蚕食公共绿地的餐厅会所频现公款消费的身影 多少“吃喝”公园中), and a page ten article on the popping of the high end restaurant bubble thanks to Xi’s new rules (湘鄂情首季巨亏,更多酒店取消最低消费、停售高价海鲜、开卖尖椒土豆丝 高端餐饮挤出泡沫放低身段(经济聚焦).

Abalone, baby birds, sharks, big prawns, sea cucumbers and geoduck clams are just some of the creatures who can breathe easier, for a bit at least, but F&B businesses should expect more pain. Sinocism readers have known for months that these campaigns should not be underestimated.

US Secretary of State John Kerry is in Asia and will be in Beijing this weekend. Reuters reports he will ask China to take a tough stance on North Korea:

Making his first trip to the region since taking office on February 1, Kerry hopes both to persuade China to use its economic and diplomatic leverage to try to temper North Korea’s behavior and to reassure U.S. allies Japan and South Korea.

“We really want them to … carry some tough messages to Pyongyang” on denuclearization, a senior U.S. official told reporters traveling with Kerry, who arrives in Seoul on Friday, in Beijing on Saturday and in Tokyo on Sunday.

A new US intelligence report has concluded that North Korea could launch nuclear missile (The Washington Post).

The Chosun Ilbo reports that China has carried out artillery drills near the North Korean border while the Ministry of Defense denies foreign media reports that PLA troops have massed on the border–国防部否认大批解放军紧急开赴丹东的中朝边境_资讯频道_凤凰网.

Meanwhile, Psy’s new single “Gentleman” will drop on Friday at midnight (CNN):

Korean music sensation Psy will release his much-anticipated sequel to “Gangnam Style” Friday, giving fans the chance to hear it live for the first time the following night, according to his official Twitter account.

More than 50,000 fans are expected to pack Seoul’s World Cub Stadium on Saturday to see “Gentleman,” in a comeback performance that will also be streamed live on YouTube.

What are the odds the young, chubby Korean in Pyongyang is jealous of the young, chubby Korean singing tonight in Seoul and will try to steal the global spotlight?

Today’s Links:


China reports another H7N9 death, infections rise to 38 – Xinhua  Five more cases of H7N9 bird flu — three in Shanghai and two in Jiangsu Province — were reported on Thursday, bringing the total number of people infected in China to 38, including 10 that have died. //  New technology speeding progress on bird flu vaccine | Reuters Even as U.S. officials this week awaited the arrival of a sample of the new bird flu virus from China – typically the first step in making a flu vaccine – government-backed researchers had already begun testing a “seed” strain of the virus made from the genetic code posted on the Internet.// Bird Flu Causing Suffocation Shows Severe Spectrum of New Virus – Bloomberg Her illness, the first H7N9 avian influenza case to be described in a medical journal, highlights the seriousness of the new strain, which has sickened at least 38 people in eastern China, killing 10, in the past two months. Hospital doctors didn’t know the cause of the woman’s illness when she was admitted. Tests identified the H7N9 virus after she died.

President Xi calls for strengthened navy – Xinhua | Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged the Navy to strengthen itself. He visited the People’s Liberation Army Navy troops stationed in Sanya. // Xi Jinping calls on navy to be prepared for struggle | South China Morning Post President Xi Jinping inspected the navy’s South Sea fleet in Sanya…Xi urged soldiers to be better prepared for military struggle in the inspection on Tuesday, which was only reported by state and military media yesterday. The visit came one day after Xi made an unprecedented visit to fishermen who spend most of their working lives in disputed waters in the South China Sea – a move seen as sending a message to China’s neighbours involved in territorial disputes. // 人民日报-习近平视察海军驻三亚部队时勉励官兵 牢记强军目标献身强军实践 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在出席博鳌亚洲论坛2013年年会相关活动后,专程来到海军驻三亚部队,代表党中央、中央军委向官兵们致以诚挚的问候,勉励大家深入抓好党的十八大精神学习贯彻,牢记党在新形势下的强军目标,坚定强军信心,献身强军实践。这是4月9日,习近平在井冈山舰上与舰载直升机飞行员亲切握手。// 高清:习近平视察海军驻三亚部队_新闻_腾讯网 pictures of Xi Jinping on his visit with the troops in Hainan, wonder what he is looking at through the periscope // [视频]习近平视察海军驻三亚部队_新闻频道_央视网 CCTV Evening News on Xi Jinping’s visit with the military in Hainan

Authorities Investigating Suspect Trade Figures – Economic Observer Online –A report in today’s 21st Century Business Herald cited an anonymous source as saying that the unusual increase in trade between Hong Kong and the mainland had already attracted the attention of regulators. The source also said that a special investigation had been launched, but that it was still too early to determine whether some exporters have been falsyfying data. The newspaper also quoted another person working in foreign trade who linked this excessive growth to some provinces and cities seeking to maintain foreign trade growth targets and political achievement goals // China Customs Official Apologizes for Incorrect Investment Data – Bloomberg Zheng Yuesheng, spokesman and head of the statistics department at the Beijing-based General Administration of Customs, said in a statement today that he “expresses deep apologies” for citing unconfirmed investment data from online sources he didn’t identify.

China credit: still fuelling the machine | beyondbrics China isn’t holding back in its financial support for a flagging economy. The latest lending figures, published on Thursday, show banks made new local-currency loans totalling Rmb1.06tn ($171.2bn) last month – far more than forecast by analysts polled by Reuters and Bloomberg. That puts Chinese lenders on target to lend Rmb9tn in new loans this year – well up on last year’s Rmb8.2bn. The broad money supply – M2 – increased 15.7 per cent in March, according to the data from the central bank, well ahead of market expectations of 14.6 per cent. That puts the People’s Bank of China well on the way to meeting its 13 per cent target for the year.// going to get interesting

陈元将离任国开行 筹办金砖开发银行(更新) _金融频道_财新网 Chen Yuan to leave CDB to prepare for launch of BRICs Development Bank. Guess the BRICS Bank is a serious initiative, West should not underestimate..The book to read on Chen and CBD is China’s Superbank: Debt, Oil and Influence // 陈元主政国开行十五年,即将离任,转而负责参与筹办金砖开发银行;现交行董事长胡怀邦将接任国开行董事长一职

不动产登记制度比新国五条更猛(橙色视点)—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 very good video discussion by economic observer reporters about the new real estate measures, and specifically why beijing’s are the strictest and what impact they may have..cites a report from last year saying central Beijing has a higher population density than london or tokyo…7837 people/sq km vs 5437 and 5985 // 北京“城六区”人口密度每平方公里7837人,超伦敦(5437人)和东京(5984人)… 中央“国五条”明确指示各地方可依据自身情况细化之后,我们看到,动真招的只有京版国五条,严收20%交易税、限制单身人口购房指标等,而其他省市除上海明确第三套房不贷款外,大多只是“一句话”表述。那么为何北京版“国五条”最为严厉?“国五条”的可见前景又如何呢?

The Beijing Patient: How Smog Changed Two Lives – China Digital Times (CDT) Cancer is now the primary cause of death in Beijing, and air pollution is a major factor in this grim reality. The capital’s dangerous smog caused an “airpocalypse” this January, leading one public health expert to call the menace “worse than SARS.” Beijing made significant improvements to its measure of air quality in January 2012, more than a year after the U.S. embassy infamously tweeted that the city’s air was “crazy bad.” This is only the first step to solving an enormous public health crisis.In a March issue of China Weekly, reporter Gong Xi tells the story of two women whose lives have been turned upside down by the smog.

China’s Censors Ride Into the Old West and Castrate ‘Django’ | chinafilmbiz 中国电影业务 another observer, my Beijing-based friend “Firedeep,” speculated that “the sudden last-minute blocking of Django Unchained has a lot to do with the unwillingness of SARFT to see a [ratings] system getting further actively discussed, which is always a sensitive and inconvenient subject for them. Drug War, a drug enforcement themed film which was released last Tuesday has already stirred up some notable talk amongst the public regarding SARFT censorship and demands for the launch of a ratings system. With the coming of the Beijing International Film Festival next week, topics about films will predictably go even hotter. So it is reasonably argued that SARFT blocked Django Unchained to avoid any further heating up of these movie-ratings discussions.”

China bird flu threatens KFC parent’s winning streak | Reuters “KFC has got off to a very bad start this year, it’s had a double whammy of incidents. But increasingly there’s also much stiffer competition from local quick service restaurants firms,” said Frank Gibson, an independent business consultant based in Shanghai. “Longer term it will be hard for them to maintain the growth they’ve experienced in the past, but this will be more due to a more complex and dynamic environment than necessarily due to the issues they faced in the first quarter of this year.” // there may be more here for short sellers than just sick chickens

Anonymous Analytics–[Initiating Coverage] Joy Global: Expect it: Massive Asset Impairment and Devaluation Risk due to IMM acquisition, another firm that Li Rubo and emory williams sold…we shoud soon learn more about status of Caterpillar investigation into the ERA fraud as next payments due to sellers this month 

Sales of Land for Residential Use Soar in Q1 – Caixin The value of land for residential use sold in the capital in the first quarter was more than 85 percent of the total for all of last year, a report by a real estate services company says. DTZ said on April 9 that 19 plots of residential land were sold for 26.2 billion yuan in Beijing in the first three months of the year.

Liquor Stocks Soar on Rumors that Plasticizer Standard Might be Eased –  Stocks in some of China’s biggest Baijiu companies climbed on Wednesday on rumors that standards applying to the amount of chemical plasticizer that can be present in the alcoholic spirit would be relaxed.

中石化80亿元进军养老地产 被疑挂羊头卖狗肉|中石化|养老地产|质疑_新浪财经_新浪网 Sinopec is expanding its real estate efforts, getting into the elder care business..yes, Sinopec the oil company…it is good to be a central SOE

人民日报称我国户均住房超1套 网友质疑被平均|住房|总量|短缺_新浪财经_新浪网 区域之间差异大调控应该差别化.. 城镇住宅竣工面积与同期城镇人口增量之比由低到高排序,上海、北京、广东分列第一、第二、第五,比值较高的是重庆、内蒙古、宁夏、新疆、辽宁等地,比值越低供应越紧张 “户均拥有1.02套房”的说法,不少人对此表示质疑,认为自己“被平均”了,生活中很多家庭仍在为何时拥有一套自己的房子而发愁。尽管我们已经在总量上告别了住房的绝对短缺,但不同城市、不同区域、不同群体的住房供需状况差别仍然很大,存在明显的不平衡。


Doing business in China: Being efficient isn’t enough–UM Global Michigan Being more efficient and innovative should give new companies a big advantage when competing against older firms. But that’s less likely to be the case in China, said Brian Wu, an assistant professor of strategy at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. Newer companies have a difficult time competing because of institutional barriers, Wu said. These include building relationships with government officials, dealing with local regulations and getting loans from banks.

南方周末 – 四川富豪劫 long southern weekend piece on the 3 detained sichuan magnates–liu han, wang junlin and deng hong…sounds like may be just the top of a very dirty hotpot // 场反腐风暴正在四川发酵,刘汉、邓鸿等一众富豪均被卷入。多年来,这些与政府关系密切的富豪,或因矿权,或因地产生意,攫取到大批财富。现在,这些往事都被翻了出来。..一位在过去三个月两次被中纪委“传唤”的地产开发商对南方周末记者称,“针对成都官场和商场的调查才刚刚开始,调查的广度和深度均超乎之前预期。”多位接近调查组的人士均印证了这个观点。

Railways Officials Face Uncertain Future – Economic Observer Online –  In March it was announced that the Ministry of Railways would be dissolved with its administrative and business functions separated. This has left the ministry’s employees feeling uneasy about where they’ll end up.

统筹两个舆论场 凝聚社会正能量_2013/07_求是理论网 essay in latest issue of Red Flag Manuscript by deputy head of Shaanxi propaganda bureau 任贤良 Ren Xianliang about the struggle to win over public opinion in the new media age…In 2010 Ren wrote the book 舆论引导艺术:领导干部如何面对媒体  (The Guiding Art of the Public Opinion is the official English title)..battle for the commanding heights of new media far from over..see this from my old Digicha blog in October 2011 about the 6th plenum of the 17th about social media…that was a declaration of a starting point, not an empty document   // 以互联网为代表的新兴媒体异军突起,公共话语权得到最大程度释放,网络空间众声喧哗、肆意表达、无序流淌。“网络推手”、“网络水军”、“网络暴力”等制造的网络舆情波诡云谲,“网络问政”、“网络监督”、“网络审判”等掀起的舆论风暴汹涌澎湃,舆论引导和社会管理难度陡然提升。尤其是2010年微博兴起,开启了“全民皆记者”的“微时代”,鸡毛蒜皮的事都可能被“围观”放大成极具轰动效应的重大舆论事件。更为严峻的是,一些势力操纵网络舆论,编造政治谣言,恶意抹黑党和政府形象,瓦解党的执政根基。2013年“南周”新年献词事件,公然挑战党的新闻管理制度。而一些人员利用网络创设“个人媒体”,言论行为“无拘无束”、“无法无天”,其影响力不亚于一份报刊、一家通讯社。如个别人打着反腐旗帜,没记者证却打着“记者”的旗号,通过在境外注册网站,然后“出口转内销”,用爆料手段,要挟、绑架地方党委政府。有人甚至将网上的乱象称之为一场“网上文化大革命”。..即使对那些强势媒体、知名网站和名人博主、微博大V,在管理上也必须敢于碰硬,该警告的警告,该禁言的禁言,该关闭的关闭。只要违法违规违纪,就坚决依法处理,决不手软。只有将包括网络在内的新兴媒体,像现实社会一样依法管理起来,才能为我所用、不受其害,也才能还公众一个规范有序、文明健康的网络世界。

Story of Women’s Labor Camp Abuse Unnerves Even China – “After getting out, Ms. Wang broke into a cold sweat,” wrote Yuan Ling, an investigative journalist with Lens Magazine, a monthly Chinese magazine of photography, news and culture. Published last week, the story has shocked even people here long familiar with tales of maltreatment, even torture, within the sprawling, police-run, camp system that exists outside the judicial system

央视曝光纪委书记上班看黄网 被发现后抱电脑逃跑_新闻_腾讯网 CCTV News cameras catch a local Hunan disciplinary official watching adult videos at work, he runs away, gets fired…CCTV undercover report as part of coverage of implementation of Xi’s directives to change work styles…has to be a market for filters that block government office networks from accessing sites like these, taobao etc…not like the technology is not here, could be a big money making opportunity// 昨天,央视新闻联播节目播出了湖南湖北纪检部门暗访干部作风的情况,其中郴州马头岭乡纪委书记杨某上班看黄色网页时被查到,随后抱着电脑逃跑。他被免除一切职务。

人民日报梳理习近平妙语:直接而精炼不绕弯子_资讯频道_凤凰网 所言即所关注。梳理这些语句,不难发现,它们都是国家的“历史性课题”。“中国梦”、“中国道路”、反腐败、小康社会、大国外交等话题,无不为当下需要直面的内政外交要务。以反腐败为例,正因“腐败问题越演越烈,最终必然会亡党亡国”,才要“把权力关进制度的笼子里”。正因需要坚定“道路自信”,才要明白“一个国家实行什么样的主义,关键要看这个主义能否解决这个国家面临的历史性课题”。

扬州学者座谈江泽民词作 赞“让日月为之动容”_资讯频道_凤凰网 如今,词已发展成为一种纯文学形式。词韵虽较之诗韵更宽,但仍有约束,且当今的词韵与古代的词韵亦有差异。作词中,长调创作体式较难,选用《满江红》词牌则难上加难,因为以《满江红》为词牌的传世作品较少,江泽民同志的《满江红·江上青百年诞辰祭》,既是93个字的长调体式,又以仄声韵为词韵,显得非常有力。

李庄助手一度遭重庆警方软禁 被逼写悔罪书_网易新闻中心核心提示:日前,媒体披露了重庆“龚刚模”案更多细节,称李庄的助手马晓军在接手该案后,在调查期间便被涉嫌“辩护人伪证罪”非法软禁,这期间李庄案一审宣判,专案组的人员除对马晓军监视居住外,还要求其写悔过书,并将其爱人接到重庆,与其一起进行监视居住

河北霸州5官员曾兼职企业 疑以国有名义吞土地_新闻_腾讯网继被爆出拥有9套房产后,河北省霸州市副市长韩清华昨天又被媒体爆出兼职当地一家公司的董事。新京报记者调查发现,韩清华兼职的公司里,交织着数名当地官员的身影。

邓聿文:中国暂时没有革命的可能性-财经网 托克维尔所讲的革命往往发生在一个政权开始改革的时刻,是有条件的,即这个政权是否丧失了统治能力,如果它还拥有很多资源和手段来应对改革开启后所引发的人们对权益提高的要求,那么,革命就很难发生

In China, Feudal Answers for Modern Problems – – Yu Hua Instead of mobilizing the police, however, the canny district chief summoned a dozen or so practitioners of feng shui. They calmed the protesters, assuring them that when the graves were swept away it signified a fortune in the making. As folk wisdom has it, water is wealth — and an encounter with water means you will get rich. The protesters didn’t trust the government, but they did trust the feng shui masters.

Ten-Year Old Girl Appeals for Help from China’s First Lady | Seeing Red in China “Grandma Peng, how do you do? I’m a student at Hupo Elementary School in Hefei, Anhui. I’m ten years old. In the afternoon on February 27 this year, several policemen came to my school and took me away. A few days ago, many uncles and aunties who are concerned about me wanted to send me back to school, but the teachers in my school won’t let me. Grandma Peng, I really want to go back to school. Please, can you and Grandpa Xi tell uncle policemen and the teachers to let me go back? Zhang Anni, April 10, 2013.” The letter is a hot topic on Tencent Weibo and has been re-posted many times.

Will Chinese Troops Cross the Yalu? – By Robert A. Wampler | Foreign Policy Then, as now, the role Beijing would play in resolving the crisis was a major unknown. But a partially declassified Defense Intelligence Agency report from late January 1994 — published for the first time here and on the National Security Archive’s website — laid out Beijing’s options and possible responses, ranging from economic sanctions to war against North Korea. The report notes that the Chinese needed to “reconcile their interest in stability on the Korean Peninsula and long-standing ties to Pyongyang with their interests in a denuclearized peninsula, in avoiding isolation among UN Security Council (SC) members, and in maintaining stable relations with the US, Japan and South Korea.”

人民日报-对西方资本主义困境的观察与思考 刘晓明 PRC Ambassador to UK Liu Xiaoming in People’s Daily today–observations and thoughts about western capitalism’s predicament // 2008年9月,以美国雷曼兄弟倒台为标志,西方发达国家陷入了一场严重的金融危机。近五年过去,这场危机非但没有结束,反而从金融、经济问题蔓延到政治、社会领域,“急症”转成“顽症”,使西方陷入全方位困境。

Space plays a growing role in U.S.-China security talks: official | Reuters The United States has formal space security dialogues with Russia and other countries, and eventually hoped to set up a similar regular exchange with China, Rose said. “Longer-term that’s where the United States would like to do … but we’re not there yet,” Rose said, although he said China appeared more willing to engage on such issues. In his speech, Rose said talks with China were taking place both on a bilateral basis and in multilateral forums such as the U.N. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

兰州房屋被指干扰探月工程和武器研发被拆除 |国家|兰州|平房_新浪新闻 据悉,2003年,高新区管委会依法对均家滩村49户村民进行拆迁安置,由于区域内的张某要价太高,双方一直未能达成拆迁协议。此后长达9年的协商过程中,高新区先后拿出数套安置解决方案,但仍没有取得任何进展。拆迁受阻,使国家重点建设项目未能按期按图施工,“卫星飞船储箱气瓶研制生产厂房”建设一再推后,延误了国家探月工程和国防武器研发工作,给我国航天事业造成了不可估量的损失。

中国军网_努力实现富国和强军的统一 ——六谈学习贯彻习主席在解放军代表团全体会议上的重要讲话 本报评论员

International student charged in fatal crash makes court… | The family of a 25-year-old woman who was killed in a collision in Des Moines is in the midst of negotiating a settlement with the family of the man accused of causing the crash. Yichun Xu and his attorney appeared before the court Wednesday at the Regional Justice Center in Kent.

State broadcaster CCTV slams anti-Japanese war dramas | South China Morning Post State-run CCTV News aired a feature on Wednesday criticising the rise in “crude and shoddily produced” anti-Japanese war dramas, which were neither patriotic, historically accurate nor educational. “I believe there should be a clear bottom line to these anti-Japanese war dramas, as they should not go as far as to insult the intelligence of audiences,” Ni Jun, associate professor at the Central Academy of Drama’s Cinema and Television Department, told CCTV.

Why Is Chinese Soft Power Such a Hard Sell? | ChinaFile Conversation with Jeremy Goldkorn, Donald Clarke, Susan Jakes, David Shambaugh, yours truly



Apple Agrees to Pay $53M to Settle iPhone Warranty Lawsuit | Gadget Lab | may inspire class action suits in China? always sensitive here, might be a good test to let one run against a foreign firm?// The settlement, (.pdf) set to be filed in a San Francisco federal court in the coming weeks, provides cash payouts to potentially hundreds of thousands of iPhone and iPad Touch consumers who found Apple unwilling to repair or replace their faulty phones under Apple’s one-year standard, or a two-year extended, warranty

被诉侵权 腾讯微信陷“专利”纠纷_财经频道_一财网 Shandong firms says it has sued Tencent for violating its patents in the WeChat product// “微信收费”风波尚未平息,腾讯微信,又陷入“专利侵权”的质疑。昨日, 创博亚太科技(山东)有限公司(下称“创博亚太”) 首席执行官李强对《第一财经日报》记者表示,创博亚太已经以侵害发明专利权为由,在济南市中级人民法院向腾讯发起诉讼,该案件已被法院受理,并将在今年5月8日开庭。不过,腾讯方面昨日则向本报记者称,腾讯目前并未接到法院关于此事的诉讼通知,此外未作更多回应。

ID cards needed to buy telephone service |Policy and Regulation | The government plans to ask people to present their ID cards when they apply for fixed-line telephone services or buy wireless Internet cards. The move comes after the country launched its real-name registration system for mobile phone users about three years ago. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published a draft proposal asking telecom operators to collect ID information from customers buying fixed-line phones or Web cards.



《出租屋》_项新平_博联社 sobering pictures of the living conditions of some of the 500,000 migrants workers in Yongkang, Zhejiang// 浙江永康有外来人员50多万人,有打工的,有做点小生意的,有跟随父母来读书的等等。高房价、高房租,就是城市居民也有许多人买不起房,大量的外来民工租不起房,但为了工作、生活,许多外来民工就租用城市公寓、地下室、车库,租住城郊、农村一些破旧、阴暗、潮湿的老房生活,为了改变生活他们还艰苦奋斗着。他们在这里生活、劳动、休息、学习,在出租屋里每天也都会发生各种各样的故事。农民工的生存现状时时触动我的神经。在这二三年里,我常常利用业余时间背着相机深入外来民工中记录一些出租屋的资料作为一个历史档案存放着。

人民日报-山东济南“万人坑”遗址碑一度“失踪”,记者赴现场调查—— 藏起遗址,历史如何记得住?(热点解读·调查) 本报记者 潘俊 据《中华文史资料文库》记载:“万人坑”位于济南市西郊琵琶山下正南,东西长42米,南北宽40米,占地面积1680平方米。日本侵略军侵占济南后,于1940年秋,强迫济南人民在西郊琵琶山下,挖坑造墙,修筑堡垒。自1940年冬至1945年秋,日本侵略军在琵琶山下无数次残暴屠杀我抗日军民……因此被群众称为“万人坑”。 多年来,这座“万人坑”已经成为国人祭奠同胞、日本人忏悔罪行的重要历史遗迹。近日,有济南市民反映,济南琵琶山“万人坑”遗址碑不见了。本报记者调查发现,现在这块碑已经被悄悄放回原处。记者还发现,“万人坑”遗址其实一直处于没有专门保护的状态。这不由得引人深思:还有多少这类遗迹在被遗忘?我们该如何更好地记住历史?

Chinese on the train | Offbeat China Below are pictures taken by Chinese photographer Wang Fuchun, who used to work at China’s Brother Rail. He loves trains; and he loves taking pictures. His pictures record pieces of life on China’s traditional “green-skin” trains from 1982 to 2000, before the advent of the flashy high-speed bullet train. The pictures have led to quite some nostalgia on Weibo

西安兴教寺“拆迁”牵出2.3亿项目 “曲江系”身影再现_财经频道_一财网 “曲江模式”饱受争议——先在历史文物附近圈地,炒作文化概念,后招商引资,打造项目使得地价升值。

北大卖猪肉校友受邀回校讲创业_北京新闻·社会_新京报电子报 Beida grad who is now a pork merchant returns to campus to talk about being an entrepreneur, apologizes for embarrassing the school//  新京报讯 (记者郭少峰 邓琦)“我给母校丢了脸、抹了黑,我是反面教材。”2000年因干上杀猪一行而闻名的北京大学毕业生陆步轩,昨天站上母校的讲台,说完这第一句话,几乎哽咽。

Intertwined Entities: Freeman Lau’s Book List—A Conversation with Zara Arshad | Designers & Books Internationally renowned product and graphic designer Freeman Lau (Lau Siu-Hong), with more than 300 awards to his name, has designed everything from posters and books to prize-winning water bottle packaging and a series of intertwining chairs and stools. He is also recognized for his work as an educator and curator, and in 2011 was a curator of the Beijing International Design Triennial. Lau’s book CMYK (2012) was just released in Hong Kong and Beijing this past December. Design China’s Zara Arshad, in an interview for Designers & Books, sat down with Freeman Lau recently to talk about reading, writing, designing, and publishing books in Hong Kong and mainland China



雏鹰农牧“生态猪”真相调查-中国青年报 China Youth Daily exposes fake organic pork sold by TrueIn  // 些与雏鹰农牧签约的“生态猪”养殖户向记者反映:“雏鹰农牧的‘生态猪’主要靠饲料圈养长大,跟普通猪没多大区别,却卖得比其他猪肉贵两三倍,就是靠虚假广告欺骗消费者。养殖基地封闭式管理和消毒举措形同虚设,外来人员、车辆不经消毒基本可随意进出育肥段肉猪养殖小区,周围垃圾随处可见。”

饮用水协会确认农夫山泉标准不及自来水|农夫山泉|饮用水|怡宝_新浪财经_新浪网 Nongfu Spring water not even up to tap water standards…// 农夫山泉“品质风波”继续发酵。中国民族卫生协会健康饮水专业委员会秘书长马锦亚昨天向本报记者确认,农夫山泉执行的标准的确不如自来水标准。他表示,任何瓶装水企业都必须以国家强制性标准——GB5749《生活饮用水标准》为底线,若不能执行则有违反国家食品安全法之嫌。

British shops ration baby milk as Chinese demand surges | Reuters British shops are rationing sales of baby milk after Chinese visitors and bulk buyers cleared their shelves to send it to China, where many parents fear the local versions are dangerous. The British Retail Consortium (BRC), whose members account for 80 percent of the sector, said many stores had imposed a two-box limit on each customer to deter the “unofficial exports” to China.



北京确认将调整出租车运价 收益将主要归司机_新闻_腾讯网 Beijing govt confirms it will raise taxi prices, take other measures to make it easier to get a cab and allow the drivers to earn a living wage

Beijing rejects rumor of human H7N9 infection – People’s Daily Online Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Beijing-based Xuanwu Hospital both rejected the rumor that the hospital received patients suspected of being infected with the H7N9 virus, Beijing News reported Thursday.//a few versions of these rumors going around Beijing, so far no indications they should be believed



WildChina Beijing Event On April 24th, our newest Where the Wild Things Are will feature renowned journalist, Jane Perlez. A long-time foreign correspondent for The New York Times, Jane is currently serving as the paper’s Chief Diplomatic Correspondent in China. Blurring the line between journalism and exploration, Jane’s assignments have led her all over the world; from Somalia and Poland to Pakistan and Afghanistan, where her reporting on the Taliban and al Qaeda won her the 2009 Pulitzer Prize

Job Offer – Policy Analyst –AmCham China

Jobs | ATLAS-China ATLAS client companies are currently looking to fill the following positions. In general, we provide our clients with a list of candidates fitting their criteria that is drawn from our network of ATLAS professionals. Interviews are arranged by us for the applicants they approve. Once you have completed the application specific to a position you are interested in, we will coordinate with you to further discuss the client’s requirements and placement process.

I was happy to hear from a reader yesterday that he found his new job through a listing here. If you are hiring for positions that may be relevant to the 10,000+ Sinocism readers please send me the link.

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