The Sinocism China Newsletter 01.26.15

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Some housekeeping notes:

  1. Our kids are now on their five week winter break from local Chinese school and so we are heading to the US for a month, spending time in DC, Seattle and maybe New York City. The newsletter will continue but there may be some gaps later this week and at the end of the following week;
  2. The official Chinese New Year Holiday starts February 18th I believe, for at least a week there should be little news out of China and so the newsletter will likely be on hiatus from 2.19 to 2.25 or so;

  3. The newsletter is free and I am not going to go back to the model I tried in 2012, but enough of you have recently asked me how to send money that I have added back the option to securely pay via credit card. If you are so inclined please click here. And thank you;

  4. The VPN situation is bad and getting worse so it looks like it is time to set up a private VPN. I need help though so if any reader with technical chops wants to lend a hand please contact me directly.

Today’s Links:


1. Xi stresses adherence to dialectical materialism – Xinhua Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed dialectical materialism as a way to deepen reform. Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks while presiding over a meeting attended by members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Friday. Xi recalled that in 2013, the bureau convened for a meeting on historical materialism, and said “studying dialectical materialism and historical materialism will help CPC members get better understanding of Marxist philosophy.” // 习近平在中共中央政治局第二十次集体学习时强调,坚持运用辩证唯物主义世界观方法论,提高解决我国改革发展基本问题本领 Remember some of the 2012 speculation that Xi might ditch Marx? Feeling wistul…

Related: Xi Jinping Underlines Importance of Dialectical Materialism at CCP Study Session | China Copyright and Media The Politburo held a study session on 23 January, dedicated to understanding the importance of dialectical materialism in Party work, at which Xi Jinping gave a speech. The following Xinhua report summarises that speech, and provides interesting theoretical background to the recent pushes into higher education rectification and think tank building.

2. 银监会下硬指标 银行信息系统国产化浪潮来袭财经频道一财网 China Business News reports that the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) has issued internal targets for the hardware and software “nationalization” of the banking IT infrastructure, with a target of 75% by 2019, and that this year the “nationalization rate” of said infrastructure will be a factor in year-end quantitative evaluations. China business only going to get worse for IBM, Cisco et al // 银 行系统国产信息化应用占比提升正在加速落地。 据《第一财经日报》记者了解,中国银监会已在全国银行业开展信息化应用使用情况专题调研,对大型银行、金融机构使用的计算机设备、网络设备、存储设备、安全设备、软件设备等信息系统基础软硬件开始全面摸底调查。银监会近日明确了银行业安全可控技术的“推进指南”,上述调研正是“推进指南”实施的前奏。 消息人士透露,2015年,银行业软硬件国产化率或纳入年度量化考核。

3. China Communist Party magazine blasts professors who spread ‘Western values’ | South China Morning Post The Communist party’s influential magazine Qiushi Journal yesterday lashed out at university professors for defaming China by spreading Western values, raising concerns about academic freedom on the mainland. A commentary by Xu Lan, an official with the publicity office of Ningbo, Zhejiang province, and posted on Qiushi’s website, criticised Peking University legal professor He Weifang for defaming the mainland’s legal system through promoting “the rule of law” on Weibo.// 高校宣传思想工作难在哪里?

Related: ​评《求是》攻击贺陈事件-赵 楚 Zhao Chu post on Weibo about the disturbing attack on He Weifang and Chen Danqing. His original weibo post was subsequetly deleted; this links to a Google cached version  //  几年以来,随着文革调门在中国社会逐步升起,最近,《求是》发表了一篇文章,点名攻击北大教授贺卫方和画家陈丹青,说他们大谈宪政,抹黑了国家云云,然后借爱国主义的理由对他们大张挞伐,熟练地运用了一些文革中人们很熟悉的罪名。贺卫方是法学家,多年来从事普及法治知识的写作,在社交网络时代,关注有关公共利益的社会与知识话题;陈丹青也因对社会问题的评论而很受公众喜爱。简单说,贺卫方和陈丹青作为学者和艺术家,愿意对公共问题发表意见,这本是这个死气沉沉的社会难得的个体情怀和热忱的证明,因此他们受到公众的很大支持。他们的意见多是基于常识和真实生活感受,具体表述上不无值得商榷之处。纵观他们的言论,无外乎是支持现代宪政,主张实行法治,主张社会修正压抑人性和人权的种种现象,弘扬个性与权利,诸如此类,可以说,他们的言论观点本是任何现代社会正常到不能再正常的意见,而他们愿意不厌其烦出来讲话,既是他们关心公共事务的精神体现,也是最普通的言论权利实践。值得注意的是,本次《求是》作者对他们的攻击提醒了人们一件事,就是这样一些实话和常识,正常的言权实行,已经是权力中某些人及权力的辩护士受不了的重压了。

Related: 红旗文稿 | 如何认识社会主义核心价值观中的“自由”–徐能毅 4.巩固马克思主义在意识形态的主导地位,有效抵制西方新自由主义的影响。马克思主义意识形态是人民自由理论和实践的指南。没有马克思主义的正确指导,人民的自由事业就会发生偏差甚至逆转。要坚持不懈地做好用马克思主义武装全党教育人民的工作,认真学习宣传马克思主义基本理论,学习宣传中国特色社会主义理论,学习宣传习近平总书记系列重要讲话。要高度重视社会主义核心价值观的深入研究和宣传教育工作,努力把社会主义核心价值观打造成亿万人民群众的共同信仰追求。要坚决抵制西方新自由主义对马克思主义意识形态的侵蚀。改革开放以来,新自由主义对我国思想界产生了一定影响。不能小看这种影响。必须深入讲清中国为什么只能搞马克思主义,不能搞新自由主义;只能搞社会主义,不能搞资本主义;只能搞人民自由,不能搞西方自由,从而引导广大党员干部群众自觉坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,把人民自由的伟大事业推向前进。 (作者单位:《党建》杂志社)

4. The Next Step in Chinese Land Reform — Urbanismith In general, the State Council’s announcement uses an expansive definition of the actors who are eligible to participate in these markets, extending beyond village households, cooperatives, and collectives to include agro-businesses and investors. It even explicitly mentions the inclusion of joint ventures and foreign corporations. This suggests that China is serious about following up on its promise, articulated in the national urbanization plan, to grant equal status to rural and urban land markets. All in all, the reform program announced by the State Council is consistent with China’s efforts at marketization. That is to say, this is not marketization in the sense of a transition to a free market system as defined by the liberal principles of the Washington Consensus. Rather, directional liberalization is mobilized instrumentally as a tool of economic and political discipline. This is made evident by the State Council’s insistence that the establishment of these markets is intended to serve the development of agriculture and the protection of the public interest, not the pursuit of profit.

5. 叩问“高铁之国”——中国高速铁路发展调查-新华网 long Xinhua piece on China’s high-speed rail…”High Speed Rail Nation”. Lots for China to be proud of with this rail network // 编者按:高铁正日益影响人们的生活。中国高铁十年路,到底给中国社会带来怎样的影响?有着怎样的启示?中国高铁“走出去”路在何方?岁末年初,新华社记者深入多地调研采访,将连续两天播发稿件,探究中国高铁快速发展背后的秘密。

Related: 京沪高铁运营3年首次实现盈利 拉动沿线经济–社会–人民网 Xinhua reports that the Beijing-Shanghai high speed rail line turned a profit in its 3rd year, saw 100 million passengers in 2014, up 27% from 2013

6. China’s Anti-Corruption Drive Sets Off Death Threats and Dawn Raids – Bloomberg Chinese state media published allegations that originated from an article that was first posted to U.S.-based website It said Founder CEO Li was associated with former President Hu’s personal secretary, Ling Jihua, one of the highest-ranking officials to be targeted in Xi’s anti-corruption campaign. A person familiar with the situation, who asked not to be identified because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that the article was written and posted by Zenith.

7. China buying more iPhones than US – $$ seeing 6 and 6+ phones all over Beijing..the lust is back with the bigger phones. Expect Apple to build up its China senior leadership team. The revenue per China exec must be mind-boggling // Apple is expected to say this week that it has sold more iPhones in China than on its home turf in the US for the first time last year, highlighting the shifting power balance of the smartphone market.

8. The Rat Tribe of Beijing | Al Jazeera America Under the streets, a hidden warren of rooms for the thrifty



Shanghai takes China lead as annual report ignores GDP growth target | South China Morning Post Unlike other Chinese cities and provinces, no specific economic growth target was mentioned in Mayor Yang Xiong’s work report delivered to the municipal legislature, which opened today.  Instead of including a figure as in previous years, the goal for Shanghai’s economy this year was simply to “maintain steady growth while introduce structural optimisation and, at the same time, achieve better quality and higher efficiency,” Yang said. Last year the city recorded a GDP growth of 7 per cent, he said.

Scandal-Hit GlaxoSmithKline ‘to Lay Off 1,000 Employees in China’ – Caixin The China operations of GlaxoSmithKline will lay off around 1,000 employees in 2015, several sources close to the company say, as the British drug maker deals with a sales slump in the aftermath of a bribe scandal. GlaxoSmithKline (China) Investment Co. Ltd. did not confirm it plans to lay off employees when it was contacted by Caixin. The firm said it would not downsize its teams and would employ more workers.

China Bull Market Masks Momentum Breakdown as Stock Volumes Sink – Bloomberg While the Shanghai Composite Index touched a five-year high on Friday after a 63 percent gain during the past year, other gauges of investor enthusiasm are tumbling. Turnover sank 47 percent from its peak in December, while new equity account openings fell 50 percent and purchases using borrowed money dropped 38 percent. The number of stocks reaching new 52-week highs has declined 75 percent in the past six weeks.

工商总局抽检网购:正品率仅58.7%-搜狐IT AIC samples goods from top ecommerce sites, finds only 58.7% are real, Taobao legitimate goods rate apparently even lower

存款保险方案已获通过 99.6%存款人可享全额保护财经频道一财网 近 年来,全国多地发生储户存款丢失事件。23日,央行和银监会有关负责人在国务院新闻办召开的2014年金融改革、支持实体经济进展成效吹风会上透露,有关部门正在跟进、调查存款丢失事件,同时,我国存款保险方案已获国务院通过。

中国证监会:严查利用非公开信息数据谋利等行为————要闻——中央纪委监察部网站 肖钢强调,监督执纪要动真碰硬。要切实加大对廉政风险较高的权力部门、关键岗位的监督力度,尤其是行政许可、稽查执法等跟市场直接相关的部门、岗位,以及证券期货交易所、全国股转公司、中国结算、中证金融等与市场联系紧密的单位。要发挥行政监察职能,制订行政监察办法,灵活运用行政监察手段,加强对监管转型过程中权力运行的再监督。要坚持以“零容忍”的态度查处腐败案件,重点查处利用行政许可权、稽查办案权、行政处罚权和监管检查权进行权钱交易、利用非公开信息数据谋利、进行内幕交易和违规买卖股票等行为。

高速公路上市公司董事长多由官员转任 最高年薪96万财经新京报网 The Beijing News finds that 19 listed highway firms have officials as directors, with highest salary for one 960,000 RMB…been a series of reports on governance issues with highway and toll road companies…wonder how much more money there would be to pay down local debt, or reduce road fees,if these were managed properly //  高速公路上市公司的董事长们,存在着一个明显的群体特征:多由官员转任,既有从省级交通厅“科班”出身,也有从其他部门“跨界”而来。数据显示,A股19家高速公路上市公司中,薪水最高的高管,年薪为96万元。

深圳超30家房企2万房源被锁 中粮招商等国字号卷入-手机和讯网 report that 30 real estate firms in Shenzhen have had a total of 20,000 units banned from sale

北京今年不会为限购松绑 预计楼市不会出现大冷大热变化-房产频道-新华网 Beijing official says the city will not relax housing purchase restrictions this year

改革的力量能够化解金融风险(钟声·把脉中国经济 聚焦全球增长)–江西频道–人民网 Zhong Sheng says Monday’s People’s Daily that Western analysts have it wrong about China’s debt problems, that the strength of reform will resolve the problems

经济参考网 -房地产REITs或上半年重启试点 业内人士称,当前问题不再是政策拦路而是试点项目的确定 Economic Information says REITs to be allowed again later this year after a 7 year halt  //  一直被业内呼吁的房地产REITs或将放开。《经济参考报》记者从权威人士处获悉,暂停近7年的房地产REITs(房地产信托投资基金)有望在今年上半年开启试点,房地产行业将迎来直接融资时代。

民生银行或成新大股东提款机 未来命运徒增变数|安邦|民生银行|吴小晖新浪财经新浪网 经历近20年磨合,民生银行(10.37, -0.01, -0.10%)董事会与管理层达成新平衡,公司治理日臻完善,转型战略更加清晰,但安邦保险集团的闯入,令一切陡生变数



圈内人曝料:高层开始向“艺术腐败”动刀,书法圈谁发抖?打虎记澎湃新闻-The Paper 人民日报微信公众号今天(1月24日)在头条位置转发“一撇一捺”(微信公众号)的文章,题为《圈内人曝料:王岐山发狠话,书法圈谁发抖?》。 文章写道,种种迹象表明,高层终于开始向“艺术腐败”这颗毒瘤动刀了。近日,中纪委书记王岐山在参加十八届中纪委五次全会分组讨论时痛批有些地方书法家协会“官气”太重的言论甫一公开,犹如一声惊雷,吓得有些人睡不着觉了。

China restricts government office sizes – Xinhua China’s anti-graft body said on Saturday that ministers and provincial governors shall have offices not bigger than 54 square meters. Offices for their deputies shall be 12 square meters smaller, said the Communist Party of China’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), citing a document jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Department heads at ministries and provincial governments shall enjoy an office not bigger than 30 square meters, and their deputies 24 square meters. Heads of county governments shall have an office not bigger than 30 square meters and their deputies 18 square meters. // CCDI 你的办公用房超标了吗? has a nice table of the sizes per rank. So who measures?

司马懿(移)现象 Bo Xilai propagandist, longtime venomous critic of America Sima Nan denies new wave of rumors that he has emigrated to the US in this note written while he is in LA, says he is only there to promote a TV show. Who needs to emigrate to the US when you can get a 10 year visa? And if someone or their family members get US green cards, does that count as emigrating?

歌曲《司马南,你在哪里?》 – 高清在线观看 – 腾讯视频 “Sima Nan, Where Are You” music video mocking him after latest rumors of his emigration to the US. Live by trolling, suffer from it too?

Communist Party tightens grip on national security | South China Morning Post Li Wei, a Beijing-based counterterrorism expert, said the blueprint included crisis management for areas ranging from counterterrorism to defence, foreign policy, domestic social unrest and even the ongoing anti-graft campaign. “The blueprint indicated [President Xi Jinping] requested related authorities meet higher standards when dealing with security issues, insisting that they be extremely efficient, authoritative and effective,” he said.

商人曾显波失联后现身 与令计划妻谷丽萍关系紧密新闻腾讯网 Furi chairman Zeng Xianbo, who had disappeared amid rumors of ties to investigation of Ling Jihua and his family, reappears in public for ceremony to receive new, custom Rolls Royce Phantom, denies rumors he tried to help Ling’s wife Gu Liping flee to Japan on his yacht  //  1月24日下午,“福日集团”董事长、总裁曾显波出席福日劳斯莱斯首台自主定制版幻影新车交车仪式。

Paraguay tries to stop execution of woman in China-AP Rosalia Amarilla stepped into the international terminal of Beijing’s cavernous main airport on the afternoon of July 24, 2012, wearing more than 7 pounds (3 kilograms) of cocaine stuffed into her underwear and bra. An acquaintance named Carlos had given the 31-year-old Paraguayan the drug-filled undergarments to wear in Sao Paulo, Brazil, before she boarded a flight to Doha, Qatar, and then Beijing. Security officials nabbed her before she could meet two Chinese waiting for her outside the airport.

新疆人大政府主官换班凸显用人新常态政经频道财新网 Caixin looks at the new leadership in Xinjing  //  雪克来提•扎克尔:红色家庭的新疆高官毫无悬念,担任新疆自治区政府代主席不足一月的雪克来提•扎克尔“扶正”出任新疆自治区政府主席,从而在时隔一年之后迎来仕途中第二个正省级岗位。从省级人大转任同级政府一把手,雪克来提•扎克尔仕途的“华丽转身”,在31位现任省级政府主官中绝无仅有。

叶青纯:今年反腐力度肯定比去年还大特别报道新京报网 head of Beijing’s discipline and inspection commission says anti-corruption efforts will be even more intense this year, and the Beijing commission will soon release its own app  //  昨日,北京市人大代表、市纪委书记叶青纯在参加石景山团小组审议时表示,今年反腐力度肯定要比去年大,市纪委也将发布APP,进一步扩大反腐宣传。纪检部门也将加强内部监督解决“灯下黑”,纪检干部违纪违法从严处理。

Frustrated Chinese officials tilt at rumour mills | South China Morning Post One of the officials is Vice-President Li Yuanchao . Li, widely respected for his reformist thinking, was considered a strong contender for a position on the all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee during the leadership change in 2012 but he settled for membership of the wider Politburo. Over the past year, speculation about Li’s political career has mounted, with the talk focusing on family members who are rumoured to have profited immensely from business deals

平说-美人汤与她的骑士们 Luo Changping writes on Wechat that PLA cultural troupe performer and famous mistress to the powerful Tang Can is not dead, as many of the rumors have said after her disappearance several years ago, but is in jail in Hubei. Luo goes on to list some of the officials and PLA officers to whom she was linked, notes that the Jiao Li, once head of CCTV, since demoted back to Liaoning, has likely not seen the end of his troubles //  汤灿没有死! 过去两年里,接触过这位湘籍军旅歌手的父母、发小、老师、前男友、知案人士,确证她还活着。 去年年初,她在湖北受审,随后于当地的女子监狱服刑。入夏,她被秘密带到北京,就多宗军老虎案件再次协查。 用她恩师的话说:“这案子还没完。”那是怎样的一个传奇?大戏正在上演,还不到可以讲叙的时候。在此,仅罗列一下她的骑士团。

南京落马市委书记杨卫泽被捕前曾试图跳楼 _法治频道 _光明网 report with lots of details of the detention of Nanjing party Secretary Yang Weize claims that after he realized that he had been called to provincial HQ to be taken away by CCDI investigators he tried to run to the nearest window and jump but was stopped…his wife and secretary also taken away

人民日报评论员观察:看公务员涨工资应避免“两个主义”–观点–人民网 通过反“四风”、控“三公”、反腐败,让公务员在价值取向上回归本色;另一方面,通过法治化、透明化、制度化改革,让公务员在待遇上实现公平合理。惟其如此,才能让社会分配更加公平正义.日前,人力资源和社会保障部召开新闻发布会,表示“公务员已涨工资”说法不属实,公务员工资确将调整,但是涨幅并没有网上传的那么高。消息一出,让公务员涨工资的话题再次受到舆论关注。

深化党的纪律检查体制改革之四——系列五——中央纪委监察部网站 4 in a 5 part series from CCDI on how it is reforming itself  //  深化党的纪律检查体制改革之四

颜晓峰:纪律和规矩是“紧箍咒”“护身符”–理论-人民网 (作者为国防大学马克思主义研究所研究员)

深入推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的思想武器和行动指南–理论-人民网 学习《习近平关于党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争论述摘编》 中央文献研究室

落实主体责任各级党委不能当”甩手掌柜”————要闻——中央纪委监察部网站 主体责任不能虚化空转,必须细化、具体化。落实主体责任关键看行动,要形成实实在在的工作支撑。各级党委不能当“甩手掌柜”,必须加强作风和纪律建设、坚决惩治腐败,定期向上级党委和纪委报告责任落实情况,种好自己的“责任田”。党委书记作为第一责任人,必须时刻牢记党内职务就是政治责任,亲自挂帅出征,做好表率。创新体制机制、改进工作方法,不搞一抓到底、全面铺开,层层传导压力,级级落实责任,推动形成全党动手一起抓的局面。今年要在巩固省区市、中央和国家机关部委落实主体责任成果的基础上,把责任落实到地市一级。

Despite a Crackdown, Use of Illegal Drugs in China Continues Unabated – NYTimes As for drug traffickers higher up the chain, Mr. He, the drug counselor, suggested that some were politically connected and, thus, protected. “The police usually can’t touch them,” he said. But in an interview, one Beijing dealer said things were changing. “Before, because of our connections, we would always be alerted a few months ahead of a crackdown,” said the dealer, who asked not to be identified. “Now they just happen.”



In Beijing, Narendra Modi’s outreach to the United States has come as quite unexpected : – India Today These are entirely misplaced fears, argues Yan Xuetong, a Chinese strategic expert at Tsinghua University who advises the government. “India is a global power, and will not become a follower of any bloc,” he told India Today. The possibility of India joining an anti-China “containment” strategy along with the US and Japan has been a perennial concern for China’s military establishment. But it is one that “does not have any grounding,” adds a senior Indian official, “when you consider that Chinese engagement with the US, on almost every issue, is far deeper than India’s own relations with Washington.”

Chinese media says Obama visit only ‘symbolic’ and ‘superficial’ : World, News – India Today While China is yet to officially respond to Obama’s visit, which marked a significant deepening of cooperation between the two countries particularly on defence and maritime security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, Xinhua in a commentary said “What lies under the superficial rapprochement is nothing short of a deal”. “The shortened three-day visit is more symbolic than pragmatic, given the long-standing division between the two giants, which may be as huge as the distance between them,” the commentary said.

India, China mustn’t fall into trap of rivalry set by the West – Global Times Through these reports, there seems to be only a fixed pattern to observe Sino-Indian relations. Recent years have witnessed a tendency in international public opinion that whenever India makes a move, it is perceived to be aimed at China. This time, the stereotyped mindset seems to have prevailed again when the US president and Indian prime minister hugged in New Delhi. This fixed pattern of thinking was created and hyped up by the West, which, with ulterior motives, regards the “Chinese dragon” and the “Indian elephant” as natural rivals. This theory, under the strong publicity campaigns of the West, has become plausible even in both Indian and Chinese public opinion, although it is more popular in India than in China.

China pledges anti-terror support for Pakistan – Xinhua China reaffirmed support for Pakistan in its fight against terrorism on Sunday during Pakistani chief of army staff general Raheel Sharif’s visit to Beijing. Fan Changlong, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, made the remarks while meeting with the guests. “China will, as always, give firm support to Pakistan’s efforts to combat terrorism,” Fan said.

Xi Jinping visits PLA unit linked to Bo Xilai on first inspection tour of the year | South China Morning Post “The end of Bo Xilai also proved the 14th army group’s innocence. Xi’s inspection of the unit might be aimed at clarifying rumours about the close relationship between the battle group and Bo’s family,” Hong Kong-based military observer Leung Kwok-leung said. “In fact, Bo Yibo never took charge of the unit, even though he was one of the founders of the 14th Army Corps.” During his visit to the corps, Xi honoured Wang Jianchuan, a former member of the unit who died in a border conflict with Vietnam in 1984 when he was only 19, Xinhua reported.

How to Rule the High Seas and Contain an Asian Country That Will Remain Nameless | Foreign Policy US naval forces are about to release a revised maritime strategy. The last one, in 2007, didn’t mention China. Don’t bet on that this time around.

China launched its 4th Type 071 LPD, its 21st Type 054A Frigate and its 5th Type 815G ELINT vessel Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding, a wholly owned subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC, the largest shipbuilding group in China), launched on the same day near Shanghai three new vessels for the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy): The fourth Type 071 landing platform dock (Yuzhao-class LPD), the twenty-first Type 054A Frigate (Jiangkai II class) and the fifth Type 815G ELINT/SIGINT vessel. On the same day China launched 3 military vessels (representing over 32,000 tons combined) showing to the world its naval shipbuilding industry’s might.

外媒称中国借抗战大阅兵对日施压:意义非凡新闻腾讯网 据日本《东京新闻》1月24日报道,中国在建国50周年(1999年)和60周年(2009年)举行过盛大的阅兵式。这次即将举行的阅兵式是首次与国庆节无关。习近平主席一方面要向国民展示他完全掌控人民解放军,另一方面也是要牵制日本的安倍政权在历史认识和参拜靖国神社等问题上自律。据香港《太阳报》1月24日报道,利用战争胜利纪念日举办阅兵是国际惯例,美国、法国、俄罗斯莫不如此,譬如去年6月,法国邀请美俄英等国领袖参加盟军诺曼底登陆70周年阅兵式。俄罗斯则隔三岔五就举行各种形式的红场大阅兵,以展示国威军威。对于中国来说,举办抗战胜利70周年阅兵,更具有特殊的意义和价值。//Chinese media reports on foreign media reports that China to use 70th anniversary of defeat of Japan/end of World War 2 to hold huge PLA inspection parade in Beijing? They usually hold them on every 10th anniversary of the PLA, this way Xi will not have to wait until 2019? 

Over the Line? How Representative Was Yang Junfeng’s FT Article of Chinese Academic Opinion on North Korea? | Sino-NK Xi Xinping’s visit to Seoul in early July 2014 marked the first time a PRC leader had visited Seoul without first visiting Pyongyang– a fact taken as symbolic of the state of Sino-North Korean relations. From the outside this might have looked an opportune moment for any Chinese scholars hitherto privately critical of the DPRK to come out in support of Xi’s nascent diplomacy. However, it was also a period of intensified central discipline, including university inspections, and there was already the precedent of Deng Yuwen’s dismissal from the Central Party School’s Study Times journal for openly suggesting that China abandon North Korea (in the English version of the Financial Times). This post covers three documents from the period in question.

Sorry, America: China Can’t Solve Your North Korea Problem | The National Interest Chen Dingding // All available evidence suggests the pressure camp currently has the upper hand within the Chinese government. Neither the old unconditional support approach nor the abandon approach is realistic. China is unlikely to abandon North Korea completely because Pyongyang continues to hold strategic value for Beijing. At the same time, China— especially under Xi’s strong leadership— has clearly had enough of North Korea blackmailing it.

Beijing seeks assurances of safety for Chinese nationals and their property in Kinshasa, Congo after riots | South China Morning Post The Chinese embassy in Democratic Republic of the Congo has launched an emergency plan to protect Chinese residents after their businesses were looted during massive demonstrations in the capital, Kinshasa, state media reported. Chen Zhihong, the embassy’s chargé d’affaires, told China Radio International yesterday that diplomats had helped 180 Chinese merchants move to safer areas after more than 40 Chinese shops were looted.

China further lowers threshold to attract overseas talent – Xinhua Overseas personnel introduced by the plans will enjoy preferential policies in visa applications, residence permits, settling in China as well as exit/entry convenience equal with members of the influential Thousand Talent program initiated in December 2008, the People’s Daily reported on Sunday. The newspaper cited a circular jointly issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee Organization Department, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.

Military schools reform – Global Times Military-run schools in China that accept the children of military personnel will either begin to be operated by local governments or be closed, according to a circular issued Sunday by central authorities. Based on new principles, schools located outside military bases will be taken over by local governments to run. Those situated inside bases will be shut down if they are located in cities, or be transferred to local governments if they are in towns and border areas. The transfer or closure of the schools will be financed by central authorities. They will continue to admit children of military personnel as in the original system and the newly-formed schools will enjoy special subsidies, said the circular.

China’s Turn to Gouge Latin America – Bloomberg View Latin Americans would be better off seeing China as another engine in the world economy, “not our new best friend,” said Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves, Brazil’s former ambassador to China.”Even if we wanted China to supplant the United States — and we don’t — China isn’t interested. They’re interested in business.”



Hong Kong snub leaves British diplomats ‘fuming’ – Telegraph British diplomats were left “fuming” after a senior Foreign Office minister was refused meetings with Hong Kong’s top two officials during a recent trip to the former colony. Hugo Swire, the Foreign Office minister, visited Hong Kong earlier this month at the end of a three-day trip to China. However, neither CY Leung, the former colony’s pro-Beijing chief executive, nor Carrie Lam, its number two official, received Mr Swire.

Police show Occupy founders evidence that may be used against them | South China Morning Post Benny Tai Yiu-ting, 50, Dr Chan Kin-man, 55, and the Reverend Chu Yiu-ming, 71, were arrested when they went to police headquarters to assist the investigation. They were released after three hours of interrogation, refusing to be bound by bail. No charges were laid against them and police reserved the right to prosecute.



China’s online population reaches 648 mln – Xinhua China’s netizen population, the world’s largest, reached 648 million at the end of 2014, 16 million more than in June, according to an industry expert. Jin Jian, deputy director of the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), said that online economy accounts for seven percent of GDP, up from 3.3 percent the previous year.

非实名手机卡想买就能买 实名制走通”最后一公里”有多难?-新闻中心频道-新华网 Xinhua on the continuing failure to fully enforce regulations requiring real-name registration for purchase of mobile numbers.  A real real-name crackdown looks to be coming, and since using mobile numbers is a big loophole for real-name registration at services like Weibo et al, if real-name phone number rule is enforced then Weibo et al may see drop in registered users.

李彦宏新年“动员令”:再造百度财经频道一财网 on Robin Li’s comments at 15th anniversary party for Baidu. Nice picture of him on the drums, does not look like a heavy metal guy, more like Robin “Liberace” Li

Michael Bloomberg Shakes Up Newsroom Side of His Company – NYTimes While he was at City Hall, the news division expanded to include ambitious news reporting and investigative projects, a strategy that has at times put the newsroom’s goals at odds with those of the business side — in China, for instance, which the company views as a huge growth market for its data services. Those tensions have not yet been resolved, said people familiar with internal discussions.

支付宝再战线下支付 – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 Economic Observer on Alibaba Alipay’s renewed effort to build offline payments business



本网评论:亚洲杯,从国足进步看到什么?——要闻——中央纪委监察部网站 CCDI takes credit for China’s national football team’s improvement after corruption scandals, not unjustified // 正从低谷中艰难爬坡的中国足球,为何会在本届亚洲杯上耳目一新。主教练佩兰对球队的改造和定位较为准确、年轻小将们斗志高昂、后勤保障细致周到……取胜的因素可以找出很多,但莫要忘了足球生长土壤的改善。近年中国足球领域从上到下反赌扫黑、强力反腐,这是催化中国足球走向新生的一个关键。

302期封面:活佛转世的传承与重现_看天下 interesting Vista Magazine cover story on “living Buddhas”..China needs a certification like Bhutan has



Chinese scientists slam government meddling after ‘unoriginal’ research team wins top award | South China Morning Post The China Computer Federation (CCF), a top-tier national academic body, published a sternly-worded letter of “suggestion” on its website on Wednesday evening, saying pgovernment officials with zero knowledge of the area had “intervened” and even “directly taken part” in the reviewing process of the award. The letter emerged days after the Ministry of Science and Technology gave the first prize of the State Natural Science Award to a team led by Zhang Yaoxue, a Chinese Academy of Science academician and former Ministry of Education bureaucrat.

陪诊者和医生15楼厮打时撞开电梯门,双双坠入电梯井身亡绿政公署澎湃新闻-The Paper Luoyang, Henan medical workers take to the streets in protest after one of their colleagues in a fight with a patient’s family. His attacker also died; during the fight they pushed up against an elevator door, it opened and they fell down the shaft



五部委发文:农房将纳入不动产统一登记范围财经频道一财网 各地要以登记发证为主线,因地制宜,采用符合实际的调查方法,将农房等集体建设用地上的建筑物、构筑物纳入工作范围,建立健全不动产统一登记制度。



Beijing to limit population growth this year – Xinhua Beijing’s population grew to 21.52 million by the end of 2014, making it one of the most populous cities in the world. Last year, 368,000 people were added, the smallest number since 2011 but still significant. Around 8.19 million migrants lived and worked in the capital last year. The growth of migrants has slowed by about 1.7 percent, resulting in 129,000 fewer than the growth in 2013, the Work Report said. To limit population, Beijing’s local governments will implement a plan based on market strategies under the law, Wang said. It will mean moving some polluting industries out of the city, along with some labor-intensive ones. The labor force supporting those industries will move with them, he said.

北京市长:不能不负责任地把污染企业转给河北天津_绿政公署_澎湃新闻-The Paper Beijing Mayor says Beijing won’t “irresponsibly” shift polluting industries to Hebei and Tianjin

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