"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner
Tuesday is a busy day, the next issue will be Wednesday at the earliest.
Today’s Links:
1. Chinese General Xu Caihou Dies of Cancer Amid Graft Investigation – WSJ “His case is serious and leaves a vile impact,” the party leadership said in a statement quoted by Xinhua at the time of his expulsion. “The party will not harbor corrupt members nor will the armed forces.” The military would deal with his “illegal gains” according to law, Xinhua said Sunday.
Related: 徐才厚癌症恶化医治无效死亡 – 中国军网 terse statement on the death of Xu Caihou // 新华社北京3月16日电 2015年3月15日,徐才厚因膀胱癌终末期,全身多发转移,多器官功能衰竭,医治无效在医院死亡。 2014年10月27日,军事检察院对徐才厚涉嫌受贿犯罪案侦查终结,移送审查起诉。经依法审查查明,徐才厚涉嫌受贿犯罪事实清楚,证据确实、充分,应当追究其刑事责任。由于徐才厚病亡,根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第十五条的规定,军事检察院对徐才厚作出不起诉决定,其涉嫌受贿犯罪所得依法处理。
Related: 军网刊文谈徐才厚之死:其人已盖棺 反腐步不停新闻腾讯网 中国历来有“人死账消”的说法,基于这种传统,人们有理由担心,徐死后相关案件还能否彻查下去,那些与其沆瀣一气的贪腐分子,又是否会因此逃脱党纪军法的制裁……好在,流言止于智者,更止于公开。军方新年已两度发布查处重大案件信息,不再把这些“高度敏感、有损形象”的贪腐之事捂着掖着,而是自揭家丑、刮骨疗伤,主动回应世人关切,这彰显了本届领导人的高度执政自信,也反映了军队肃贪反腐的坚定自觉。军队对待腐败的态度,决定着这支军队的兴衰荣辱。唯有彻底与腐败划清界限的军队,唯有以打胜仗为使命的军队,才有勇气和魄力做出这样的回应。实际上,中国共产党也好,解放军也好,反腐正风从未停止过。对徐才厚的查处,不过是军队重拳肃贪、铁腕反腐的延续和必然,当然这是个更具标志性的案件。2014年3月15日启动组织调查,6月30日开除其党籍,7月30日开除其军籍,10月27日公布侦查终结、移送审查起诉,可谓雷霆之势、令人侧目。我相信徐虽因癌症而死,但其他涉案人员决不会不了了之。因为强国强军的大业需要轻装前行,哪能被贪腐分子逍遥再拖累?
Related: Was news of Xu Caihou’s death buried? Speculation mounts on demise of former PLA general | South China Morning Post “Xu was expected to die many days ago, but it would have been impossible to announce his death at the time because there is a rule that no one and nothing can be allowed to shift the focus away from the ongoing National People’s Congress.” On March 7, rumours started to circulate on the internet that a retired senior leader suffering from bladder cancer had died at 10.09am on that day.
2. Q. and A.: David Shambaugh on the Risks to Chinese Communist Rule – NYTimes.com Chris Buckley interviews Shambaugh, gets more detail on his reasons for saying the CCP is doomed. Is it just me or does he come across as a little defensive in this interview? Were Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong, patron of Zhou Yongkang, really such progressive reformers? // The question is: What do Leninist parties do to cope with the atrophy and stave off inevitable decline? Essentially, they can be reactive and defensive — ruling by repression, in effect — or they can be proactive and dynamic, ruling through opening and trying to guide and manage change. From roughly 2000 through 2008, under Zeng Qinghong’s aegis, the party chose the latter. But in the middle of 2009, after Zeng had retired, it abruptly shifted, in my view.
3. Stiffer Bank-Technology Rules Loom in China – WSJ and sales for the foreign firms to the banking sector may fall of a cliff now as it will take time for the Chinese banks to hit the goal of 75% domestic IT by 2019… // Technology-company executives say privately that they think China might back down on demands for source codes, the thorniest issue. But as China seeks to wean itself off foreign technologies, global tech companies are weighing a number of limited options: hand over proprietary information in return for market access, form joint ventures with Chinese firms, create products or services only for the Chinese market that meet Beijing’s requirements, or leave. Industry insiders say the rules are being interpreted as government orders for banks to switch to Chinese vendors and that the requirements would seriously hurt the major U.S. companies that supply the sector.
4. China to reveal detailed “Belt and Road” roadmap – Xinhua China will release the implementation plan for the Belt and Road initiatives when the 2015 Boao Forum for Asia opens at the end of the month in south China. Sources told Xinhua that the implementation plan will include a detailed list of major infrastructure projects concerning railways, roads, energy, information technology and industrial parks to be started in the coming years. The number of these major infrastructure projects could reach hundreds and will spread Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and China’s other neighboring countries, said the sources.
Related: 经济参考网 – 一带一路重大工程清单亮相在即 总计几百项 记者从权威人士处获悉,将于3月26日至29日召开的博鳌亚洲论坛,有望成为“一带一路”对外宣示的重要窗口。参会的各方还将在论坛期间签署重要经济合作协议。该人士进一步透露,即将出台的“一带一路”规划,将包括一份详细的重大工程项目清单,规划未来几年将要签约、开工的项目,涉及铁路、公路、能源、信息、产业园区等总计几百项重大工程。在2015年争取新开工的项目中,中国周边友好邻邦占据主体,中南亚方向的中塔公路二期、喀喇昆仑公路、瓜达尔港项目将集中亮相。
5. Qiu He, top Yunnan official, ousted for corrupt land deals – East by Southeast sure looks to the more politically sensitive here that the net may be closing in on Li Yuanchao // Originally from Jiangsu province, Qiu was known as an anti-graft crusader and free market reformer. He began his meteoric rise in politics as the Party secretary of northern Jiangsu’s Suqian city, where he privatized local hospitals and schools and reformed the city’s infrastructure. In Kunming, Qiu began his tenure by organizing a taskforce to ensure city officials arrived to work on time and limited their lunch breaks to thirty minutes. Within a week of taken office in 2007 he instituted a policy linking local political futures of local officials to waste water pollution into the feeder rivers of Kunming’s Lake Dianchi, one of China’s most polluted bodies of water. His passionate speeches on Yunnan’s development often highlighted the need to turn Yunnan from a backwater frontier province into a fast-developing regional hub.
Related: Two NPC Members Detained at Hotels after Legislature’s Meeting Ends – Caixin Qiu was detained after attending the closing ceremony of this year’s NPC meeting and returning to the downtown Beijing hotel where he and other deputies from Yunnan were staying, a source close to the situation said. The inquiry is related to land deals and building projects in Kunming, the capital of the southwestern province, sources with knowledge of the investigation said. Some of the Yunnan deputies expressed surprise that Qiu was taken away, but others said there have been rumors he was in trouble since late February.
6. Tesla China has a Record Unsold Inventory of 2301 cars | CarNewsChina Reports in Chinese media say Tesla China has a record inventory of 2301 Model S cars. The number is based on a comparison of the 2014 sales number and the 2014 import number: in 2014 Tesla sold 2499 Model S cars in China, but the company imported 4800 cars, leaving a gap of exactly 2301. It is the first time that the exact 2014 sales number for Tesla in China has been revealed, 2499 accounts for 208.25 cars a month. The numbers have been confirmed by various Tesla employees and ‘insiders’, speaking anonymously to said media.
Related: China’s BYD takes aim at Tesla in battery factory race | Reuters Shenzhen-based BYD plans to add 6 gigawatt hours of global production for batteries in each of the next three years, and hopes to keep adding at that pace afterwards if demand is solid, Matthew Jurjevich, a spokesman for the company, said on Friday. That means BYD could ramp up from 10 GWh capacity at the end of this year to about 34 GWh of batteries by the beginning of 2020. This would put it about even with Tesla’s planned $5 billion Nevada gigafactory.
7. China: Tibetan Buddhist monks unveil sacred painting of Buddha at Labrang Monastery [Photo report] beautiful photos // Buddhists and tourists from around the world gathered at the Labrang Monastery in Xiahe County, in northwest China’s Gansu Province, to witness the unveiling of a giant painting of Buddha. Getty Images photographer Kevin Frayer captured the colourful ritual as it took place on 3 March, 2015. The annual spectacle known as “the basking of Buddha” or the “sunbathing Buddha festival”, is part of the Monlam prayer festival, a magnet for pilgrims from the Tibetan-populated areas of China. Monks carried the silk painting known as a thangka, measuring 20 metres wide and over 30 metres long, up a hill overlooking the monastery. They unveiled it before dawn, hoping the first rays of sunlight would illuminate the sacred painting.
8. The unfrothing of Alibaba | FT Alphaville The units — albeit at a post-IPO low — are still above the IPO sale price, $68. But there’s reason to wonder how much longer, since on March 18 the 180-day post-float lock-up expires. At which point potential liquidity rises by 437m shares … That’s $35bn of the stuff. Yes, in a week’s time the Alibaba free float will rise by almost 60 per cent.
China stocks jump to 5-1/2-year high on premier’s policy remarks | Reuters The CSI300 index of the largest listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen rose 2.4 percent, to 3,705.67, while the Shanghai Composite Index gained 2.3 percent, to 3,449.30 points. Both indexes reached their highest level since August 2009, while trading volume in mainland shares expanded to the highest level in two months.
In China, Beijing Fights Losing Battle to Rein In Factory Production – WSJ While a tug of war between local officials and China’s regimes isn’t as unusual as some Westerners might think, this one has already featured a rare public scolding from Beijing as well as the televised spectacle of a province blowing up furnaces without really reducing production. The stakes behind this battle are high: economists and Chinese officials say China needs to remake its economy to become less dependent on investment in capital-intensive, highly polluting industries and more on consumer spending and service industries. But to do so it will have to convince localities that are more concerned about protecting jobs and businesses.
Chinese Leaders Discuss Replacing PBOC Chief – WSJ – September 24, 2014 so this didn’t happen at the 4th Plenum or NPC…wonder why this was leaked when it was, and how much longer Zhou now has// The discussions occur as Mr. Xi, now two years in office, tries to place more allies into top positions in the government, military and Communist Party, said party officials with knowledge of the plans. The personnel shifts are expected around a major party conclave to be held in October, the officials said, while cautioning that no final decision about Mr. Zhou has been made.
China Graft Probe Snares Another Developer After Kaisa – Bloomberg Business Shenzhen Kingkey Group, builder of the world’s 11th tallest skyscraper, is being examined over suspicions that its executives had improper dealings with government officials, said people familiar with the matter. One is Jiang Zunyu, a former Shenzhen security official at the center of a graft probe, they said. Shenzhen blocked sales of at least 100 units from one Kingkey project, according to a government website.
A $250,000 Tour With One Aim: Get Chinese to Buy a Home – Bloomberg Business Just how confident is Los Angeles property broker Erik Coffin that he can interest Chinese clients in high-end Las Vegas villas? He’s charging $4 million a month for a quick glimpse. It isn’t just any tour. The marketing push is set to start next month for these twice-monthly journeys that cost $250,000 a pop for a seven-day, private jet and Rolls Royce-chauffeured trip to the American heartland. Eight-person groups also will be offered consultations on plastic surgery, picking the sex of a child and wealth-management. // enjoy this while it lasts
Xinhua Insight: China’s free trade zone fever spawns more regional hopefuls – Xinhua These announcements have once again fueled speculation that more FTZs will come along, though the central government has not openly endorsed such proposals. The rush to apply for FTZs is reminiscent of a similar craze over the past two decades to create development zones across the country to attract corporate investment. Yet analysts cautioned against creating too many FTZs too soon, fearing that the central government’s intention to use FTZs to pioneer more daring reforms will go awry when misinterpreted by local officials as a rebranded excuse to gain more preferential policies.
传证监会本周查200家机构 或引爆反腐炸弹股市一财网 Rumors that the CSRC is launching inspections of 200 institutions this week, may “light anticorruption bomb” in the finance sector // 继2014年底银监会、保监会出手之后,证监会督查总队将于下周进场对200家左右的机构进行业务检查,“检查对象包括证券、基金和私募以及个别会管单位等,此次检查将实现规模、地域和业务上的全覆盖。”
盘点315:三大运营商齐中枪 微信红包诈骗案曝光|315晚会通讯与电讯新浪科技_新浪网 CCTV Consumer Day show goes after China’s 3 top mobile operators, exposes Wechat “red envelope” fraud…Chinese firms got hit harder than foreign ones this year
Guangzhou R&F Acquires San Francisco Project | Mingtiandi Earlier this month Guangzhou R&F acquired its fourth project in California, and made its fifteenth overseas deal as the Guangdong-based player transforms itself into one of the most aggressive global investors among China’s real estate developers.
Shui On Selling Corporate Avenue One for RMB7.5B | Mingtiandi The potential sale of the 83,000 square metre grade A project comes as Shanghai-based Shui On continues to overhaul its balance sheet in the midst of China’s year long real estate downturn. The real estate firm run by Hong Kong billionaire Vincent Lo has also seen its stock price slide in the face of delays and cost overruns in some of the company’s urban renewal projects. The company is reportedly valuing Corporate Avenue One at more than RMB 90,000 per square metre, according to industry insiders who are familiar with the proposed transaction.
Sunac Said to Find Kaisa Unprofitable in Due Diligence Work – Bloomberg Business While there might be some pushback from Kaisa’s offshore bondholders regarding the debt restructuring proposal, “I don’t think they are able to improve the terms significantly,” Yin Chin Cheong, a Singapore-based credit analyst at independent research firm CreditSights Inc., said by phone. “Kaisa has hardly any cash left and there is not much value for offshore creditors in a liquidation scenario if Sunac walks away.”
Ping An’s Lufax Loan Site Rejects Allegation That It’s Risky – Bloomberg Business While Lufax didn’t name Dagong in its statement, it denied other allegations that it disclosed information inadequately, ran an asset pool to pay off debts and offered cross-guarantees on products by different units. Senior Chinese government advisers are calling for tighter supervision of peer-to-peer online lending, which Yingcan Group estimates about quadrupled to $17 billion last year from 2013, and is part of a shadow-banking industry that has driven total debt in China to almost three times gross domestic product.
Etsy’s Success Gives Rise to Problems of Credibility and Scale – NYTimes.com Critics charge that decision helped open the floodgates to a wave of mass-produced trinkets. For example, a red necklace carried by various sellers on Etsy, with price tags ranging from $7 to $15, can also be purchased through the Chinese wholesale manufacturing site Alibaba. According to Alibaba, the necklace is made by the Yiwu Shegeng Fashion Accessories Firm, based south of Shanghai, which claims that it can churn out almost 80 million similar necklaces a month. Jacky Wang, listed as the company’s chief executive, did not return requests for comment.
In China, trust firms shift, rather than reduce, shadow banking risk | Reuters Previously, people who bought into opaque wealth management products, many of which were peddled by banks but actually backed by trust assets, found themselves heavily exposed to real estate loans. Trust firms’ changing asset mix means these investors may now instead find themselves exposed to high-yield corporate debt (junk bonds), volatile stock funds or risky short-term OTC debt instruments. While this could help keep the wealth management industry running, and by extension help the trust industry stay afloat, it could delay efforts to properly price risk.
信仰,让青春的脚步更坚定–社会–人民网 People’s Daily reports that Jilin universities and colleges now have 4,000 Marxism self-study groups, participants number more than half of the higher education students in the province // 3月刚开学,吉林大学数学院学生桂仕如就忙得团团转。带领同学剪辑视频,组织文字材料,数学专业的桂仕如显得有些“不务正业”。 作为学校大学生M·M学习研究会主席,桂仕如正忙着准备3月底“四个全面”的自学活动。“内容紧跟全国两会,观看视频、主题报告、自由讨论、学习心得,每个环节都有明确的学习任务和要求。”桂仕如说。 M·M学习研究会,即马列主义、毛泽东思想学习研究会,是吉林大学学生学习马克思主义理论的自学组织。目前,像这样的大学生马克思主义理论自学组织,吉林省高校已建立4000多个,参加自学组织的大学生占全省在校大学生的半数以上
A Rare Look Into One’s Life on File in China – NYTimes.com A friend of Ms. Woeser’s, the filmmaker Zhu Rikun, was so intrigued that he hopped on a train for the 45-hour trip to Lhasa. File in hand, he returned to Beijing a few days later and proposed filming Ms. Woeser as she read her file aloud for the first time. The result, a documentary called “The Dossier,” was shown last year at several film festivals outside China. Following are excerpts from a conversation with Ms. Woeser: // Highly recommend Timothy Garton Ash’s The File, about his reading of his East German Stasi file after the Berlin Wall fell
Bill Bishop on Twitter: “Wangfujing Xinhua bookstore weak attempt @ building “cult” of xi thru his books.Wolf totem on other side of escalatr http://t.co/ajBjoPiMof” picture I took today. Xinhua deserves harsh criticism if they are supposed to be helping to build a “cult” of Xi
China’s Selective Authoritarianism – WSJ Unlike some other countries with an authoritarian bent, notably Singapore, where the state not only restricts political freedoms but also heavily regulates social practices and moral norms, China’s current governance system is perhaps best described as selective authoritarianism. In this system, the state concentrates its power and resources on policing activities and behavior that are seen as potentially threatening to the existing political order, but otherwise cares much less about social or moral order. Under China’s selective authoritarianism, while official media regularly berate the “uncivilized” behavior of the Chinese public—from vandalism, littering, queue jumping, jaywalking to picking flowers in parks and harming animals in zoos — there has been little serious effort to enforce rules. There is no caning of vandals, no jailing of jaywalkers, no community labor imposed on litterbugs, and certainly no fine for failing to flush a public toilet, as is the case in Singapore.
腾讯新闻-广东政府网站PS官员慰问老人 Meizhou, Guangdong officials caught photoshopping picture of visit to retirement home…so the meritocracy starts at more senior levels?
坚持以法治为引领 提高政法机关服务大局的能力和水平_求是网 Meng Jianzhu has the lead essay in the latest Qiushi // 核心要点: ■ 维护社会稳定不能单纯依靠打压管控,而要重视疏导化解,做到标本兼治、刚柔相济。更加注重维稳与维权相统一,解决好人民群众合法合理的利益诉求。 ■ 高度重视维护社会稳定,是我们党治国理政的一条重要经验,是关系中国特色社会主义事业发展全局的大事。我们要坚持底线思维、问题导向,更加注重依法治理,发挥社会主义制度优势,更好地肩负起维护社会稳定的责任。 ■ 从制度上规范法官、检察官、人民警察与律师的关系,既不搞庸俗关系学,也不搞简单的物理切割。 ■ 政法机关作为党和人民掌握的刀把子,只有严守党的纪律和政治规矩,才能确保刀把子牢牢掌握在党和人民手中。 ■ 高素质政法队伍是培育出来的,也是严管出来的。政法领导干部要严格落实“一岗双责”,对政法队伍敢抓敢管、会抓会管。把功夫下在平时,改变不出问题没人管、出了问题才处理的现象。
Top official positive on “positive” media – China Media Project we can note, at least, that Xi Jinping’s notion of “positive energy” — by which he means positive and helpful news coverage and online opinion as opposed to critical and unhelpful news and views — continues to exert its influence alongside the old notion of “public opinion guidance.”
Myanmar, China, move to cool border tensions | Reuters Myanmar has said the bomb may have been lobbed by rebels it is fighting in the Kokang region bordering China. “We would like to express our deep sorrow for (the) death and injuries of Chinese nationals living in border areas as a consequence,” the government said in a statement published in the state-backed Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper.
腾讯新闻-解放军陆空部队进驻中缅边境 pictures of missile batteries and troops moved close to the Myanmar border
U.S. Remains Biggest Arms Exporter But Russia, China Gain – Bloomberg Business Russian exports rose 37 percent. China, with exports increasing 143 percent, overtook Germany as the third-largest arms merchant. German exports fell 43 percent and France’s declined 27 percent. Taken together, the top five accounted for 74 percent of all arms exports, with the U.S. accounting for 31 percent and Russia 27 percent. The U.K., Spain, Italy, Ukraine and Israel rounded out the top 10.
军报社论:按照“四个全面”战略布局加快推进国防和军队建设 – 中国军网 “四个全面”战略布局,植根于实践又指导实践。实施军民融合发展战略,是推进“四个全面”战略布局的题中应有之义。要把军民融合发展放在“四个全面”战略布局中去谋划和推动,正确把握和处理经济建设和国防建设的关系,使两者协调发展、平衡发展、兼容发展。要加快形成全要素、多领域、高效益的军民融合深度发展格局,丰富融合形式,拓展融合范围,提升融合层次。要强化大局意识、强化改革创新、强化战略规划、强化法治保障,努力推动军民融合向深度和广度发展。
Over 1/4 Smartphones Sold in China is iPhone — China Internet Watch Apple’s iOS reached its highest ever share in urban China with one in every four smartphones (25.4%) sold being an iPhone for the three months ending in January 2015, a 4.5 percentage point increase over the same period in 2014 according to Kantar Worldpanel ComTech.
顺丰海淘上线 三流一体跨境生态圈悄然成型-搜狐IT How much should Alibaba be worried about SF Express’ Tmall competitor, now focused on selling goods from overseas? http://www.sfht.com/
ZTE Executive Close to China Unicom Wanted amid Graft Inquiry – Caixin Police are looking for Wu Hai, a senior vice president of ZTE and the new CEO of the company’s device department. Wu is wanted by corruption investigators at the central government level on suspicions he bribed executives at China Unicom, one of the country’s three main telecoms companies. Wu disappeared in February, a source close to ZTE said. The case is being handled by prosecutors with the Beijing city government, sources close to those prosecutors said. Police have issued an arrest warrant for the 44 year old.
Jack Ma Demonstrates Face-recognition Payment Tech [Video] | Alizila, Alibaba’s Blog surrender to the panopticon for a better online shopping experience // “Online payment to buy things is always a big headache,” Ma said in a Steve Jobs-like “one more thing” moment following his keynote speech. “You forget your password, you worry about the securities … today we show you a new technology in the future how people can buy things online.” It’s face recognition software via smartphone, and you can see how it works by watching the video below starting at the 1:17:45 mark. No word from Alibaba on when the beta version shown by Ma will be ready for prime time.
The China Collectors | ChinaFile Thanks to Salem sea captains, Gilded Age millionaires, curators on horseback, and missionaries gone native, North American museums now possess the greatest collections of Chinese art outside of East Asia itself. How did it happen? The China Collectors is the first full account of a century-long treasure hunt in China from the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion to Mao Zedong’s 1949 ascent.
A Passion for Jade | The Metropolitan Museum of Art-March 14, 2015–June 19, 2016 Heber R. Bishop’s collection of carved jades was formed in the last quarter of the nineteenth century and bequeathed to the Metropolitan Museum in 1902. Consisting of over one thousand pieces—primarily Chinese jades of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as jades from Mughal India—it was the first major collection of its kind in the country. This exhibition features a selection of the finest examples from this renowned collection and celebrates the hundredth anniversary of the Department of Asian Art.
中央放大招出台中国足球改革方案要闻一财网 Chinese Football Reform plan released // 今天(16日),中国政府网正式对外公布《中国足球改革总体方案》,方案共有50条改革措施。今年2月27日,习近平主持中央深改小组会议通过了《中国足球改革总体方案》,会议指出,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦与中国体育强国梦息息相关,发展振兴足球是建设体育强国的必然要求,也是全国人民的热切期盼。
刘少奇的漂亮俄籍曾孙女-凤凰新闻 slideshow of Liu Shaoqi’s beautiful Russian great-granddaughter
原卫生部副部长黄洁夫:周永康落马打破死囚器官移植利益链 – 中国网河南频道 former deputy minister of health Huang Jiefu says the takedown of Zhou Yongkang allowed for breaking the interest chain around harvesting organs from executed prisoners
The Four Forces of China’s Politics of Smog « China Change These four forces, the international pressure, the outgoing coal-oil alliance, the ambitious technocrats in the MEP and the state reform organs, and the hitherto dormant citizens, are the four main roles in China’s politics of smog. Big Vs like Chai Jing are merely the agents of one or two forces. They themselves are not important. What is important is the timing and the framework.
Tsinghua, Peking Universities Rise in Reputation Rankings – Caixin Tsinghua University was ranked No. 26 in the 2015 Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings published on March 12 – an improvement of 10 spots for the university in China’s capital. Peking University rose nine places to No. 32 on the fifth annual list of what is intended to be the world’s 100 most prestigious universities. The survey by Times Higher Education was based on responses from 9,794 senior academics from 142 countries around the world from November to January. Some 15.8 percent of the responses were from the United States, and about 10.6 percent were from China.
NZ’s Fonterra buys stake in China’s Beingmate for $553 million | Reuters Fonterra said it paid 18 yuan per share for 192 million shares in the Chinese baby food and infant formula maker, giving it an 18.8 percent stake in the company, short of a target of 20 percent announced in August.
UFH Group Director of Oncology-Craigslist Beijing Clinical management of patients and patients and oversight of additional medical oncology staff physicians. Develops plans, directs and controls day-to-day operations of the UFH Oncology Service Line across all markets in accordance with local laws and policies. Responsibilities include directing, monitoring, controlling, coordinating and evaluating the operational decisions of all oncology services. The position has accountability for P&L, annual goals and budget, operational decisions and improvements, enhancing existing programs, developing new programs, and ensuring world class patient care. In addition, this position has responsibility for community and government, and hospital-to-hospital relations. Supervision Received: Reports directly to the President UFH.
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“Heber R. Bishop’s collection of carved jades”
no relation?