"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner
Just links today, added a special section about the Ya’an earthquake:
China earthquake: experience could not save those too slow or too small | World news | The Guardian Hours after they dug out Wang Qiong’s body they buried her again on a mountain slope close by what remained of her home: a heap of rubble and heavy concrete slabs. Her dazed, red-eyed widower and 12-year-old younger daughter clambered over the ruins on Sunday, salvaging stray items: a toy giraffe; a single trainer; letters. Wang’s elder daughter barely had time to comfort them before she left to tend to the stream of patients at a nearby hospital. “Mum, I need to help other people now,” the nurse said as she left her mother’s graveside.
Families left with nothing after earthquake in Sichuan, China – video | World news | guardian.co.uk
Sichuan earthquake leaves devastation – in pictures | World news | guardian.co.uk Guardian photographer Dan Chung visits Sichuan province in south-west China to document the wreckage
China earthquake: family buries boy by roadside as region mourns dead – Telegraph When 16-year-old Wu Jie went to bed on Friday night, he harboured dreams of becoming an artist and lifting his family from rural poverty.
Devastation and Frustration in Aftermath of Quake – Photographs – NYTimes.com
Expect Limited Aftershocks for China’s Economy After Quake – China Real Time Report – WSJ Even if the immediate impact on output is limited, the regional economy could still benefit from the boost given by rebuilding. In 2009, China’s economy was hit by the global financial crisis, with growth slowing to 9.2% from 9.6% in 2008. But thanks in part to the boost to investment from rebuilding, Sichuan’s growth accelerated to 14.5% year on year, up from 11% in 2008. “We’re bullish on Sichuan’s economy,” said Alistair Thornton, regional economist at IHS. “They are the pathway to China’s fastest growing region and they will continue to benefit from that. The earthquake is a tragedy, but it’s difficult to see it pushing development off course for long.”
China in full rescue efforts in quake zone – Xinhua | English.news.cn A total of 18,000 soldiers and officers from China’s military and armed police forces and members of paramilitary reserve forces have been sent to the quake affected areas, and so far 10,000 have reached areas which are seriously stricken, according to a statement of the Chengdu MAC. The armed forces will also dispatch 23 helicopters to carry out material transportation missions, the command statement said.
China thanks int’l community for offering quake assistances – Xinhua | English.news.cn “The Chinese government and people are sincerely grateful to various means of assistances offered by some countries,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in a statement. Stressing the Chinese government is going all out to carry out rescue work, Qin said the country has guaranteed rescue and medical treatment capability and sufficient rescue materials. “Considering the inconvenient traffic and telecommunications in quake zone, foreign rescue and medical teams and materials are not required now,” Qin said, adding that China will make requests if needed.
Japan offers relief aid to China after quake – The Japan News Expressing gratitude for the aid offer, China said that although there is no immediate need for external support, the country will contact Japan for assistance when necessary.
新浪微博、新浪四川联合四川移动发起灾区寻人行动 Sina Weibo Ya’an Quake People Finder
为雅安灾区捐款 | 微话题-一起聊聊吧!Sina Weibo Page On How To Donate To Ya’an Quake Rescue Efforts site in black and white, in grief for the victims. after 2008 Wenchuan quake just about the entire Chinese Internet went black and white, for 3 days if I remember correctly, and online games were shut, entertainment programs removed during the morning period. Not sure this quake big enough for that
雅安地震|四川雅安地震 四川雅安芦山县7.0级地震_新闻中心_新浪网 Sina Ya’an Quake Microsite
四川雅安芦山发生7.0级地震_腾讯新闻_腾讯网 Tencent Ya’an Quake Microsite
四川雅安7.0级地震_百度新闻 Baidu Ya’an Quake Microsite
四川雅安芦山县7.0级地震_百度 Baidu’s Ya’an Quake People Finder
四川雅安7.0级地震_网易新闻_网易 Netease Ya’an Quake Microsite
芦山高三学生将赴成都优先复课_社会_南都网 Lu Shan 3rd year high school students to go to Chengdu to attend school, have to prepare for gaokao (college entrance exam)// 摘要:南都记者刚刚从芦山县教育局副局长季宗强处了解到,芦山县正在对芦山中学高三学生进行召集,按计划他们将于近日优先前往成都西南财经大学异地复课。
An Earthquake in Sichuan Tests China : The New Yorker Another question on people’s minds will be what relationship these quakes have to the many hydroelectric dams that have been built in that area. Yang Yong, an independent geologist, told the Financial Times that the creation of reservoirs in Sichuan has resulted in greater seismic activity in the area, because of the weight of the water, but it was too early to know if there was any relationship in this case. This is important because there will almost certainly be more of these quakes: the Lushan quake rumbled up from the Longmenshan fault line, a particularly active seismic zone that runs between the Sichuan Basin and the Tibetan plateau. (Since 1990, that area has experienced twelve quakes with magnitudes of five or greater.) For all of the devastation in 2008, the legacy of that earthquake was only partly physical. It changed the way many Chinese people talked about government accountability, charity, and citizenship. As China begins to assess the consequences of the 2013 quake, it will be measuring itself in more ways than one.
人民日报-“微时代”见证大爱中国(人民论坛) 张 铁 People’s Daily on the quake in the “Weibo Era” // 5年前的汶川地震,无数网友在QQ签名中点亮红心,传递强烈情感力量。通过博客、论坛组织起来的志愿者,更发挥了重要作用。5年来,从社交网络到微博,再到异军突起的微信,网络伴随国家一起成长。一方面是精神的传承,一方面是现实的发展,“微”力量汇集抗震救灾大能量,以无数个体积极参与,搭建起新的救援生命线。更重要的是,在一次次突发事件和公共讨论的洗礼下,网民在不断走向成熟。芦山地震后,整个互联网呈现的自我认知与反思,让人看到一个充满公民精神的公共空间正在形成。志愿者还未出发,已有人呼吁为专业救援让出道路;记者刚刚上路,提醒注意媒体道德的微博已成热点。一条虚假寻亲信息,更成为众矢之的,让“不造谣、不信谣、不传谣”的共识更加牢固。少打电话、不乱捐赠,甚至是不炒作、不煽情,从满腔热忱到理性冷静,网民心态日渐成熟,又何尝不是中国社会前行的缩影?
李克强抵达四川芦山地震灾区指导抗震救灾工作_图片频道_新华网 official appears to have removed his watch for li keqiang’s visit. too bad he has such an obvious tan line where his watch usually is// 4月20日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李克强抵达四川芦山地震灾区察看灾情,部署抗震救灾工作。这是李克强在受灾严重的双石镇,冒着余震攀上一处废墟,向救援人员了解情况。新华社记者 黄敬文 摄
No panda death reported in quake zone – Xinhua | English.news.cn No giant panda casualty has been reported so far in breeding facilities located in its hometown near the epicenter of a 7.0-magnitude earthquake in southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Ya’an, the quake’s epicenter, is home to giant pandas. All 60 giant pandas and nearly 100 staff at Bifengxia Panda Base, located 50 kilometers away from the epicenter in Longmen county, Ya’an city, are safe. Buildings in the base suffered minor damages,said Heng Yi, director of the base’s publicity department.
Yaan, city of tea and pandas and historic gateway to Tibet and beyond | South China Morning Post Yaan, which bore the brunt of Saturday’s quake, has for more than 2,000 years been associated with rare tea, fine horses and elusive pandas
China Military Online English Edition–Chinese army officials to go to grassroots The circular, as approved by Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), urged high-level officials with the army and the armed police to go to grassroots units, especially those in far-off and impoverished regions, to work as ordinary soldiers. According to the circular, during their work in grassroots units, which should last no less than 15 days, officials should prepare their own daily necessities and pay board fees as others do, and they are forbidden to travel for sight-seeing, receive gifts, attend banquets or meddle in sensitive army affairs. // 中国军网—解放军报-下连当兵受教育 蹲连住班搞帮带–经习近平主席批准,总政下发《规定》要求领导和机关干部 下连当兵受教育 蹲连住班搞帮带 每3至5年当兵蹲连1次以上,每次不少于15天 《规定》明确,领导和机关干部下连当兵,就是要戴列兵军衔,以士兵身份,与连队官兵实行“五同”;蹲连住班,就是要蹲在一个连级单位,一般住在班排,搞好对所在连队的指导帮带,并进行“解剖式”调研。 《规定》要求,当兵和蹲连,主要安排55岁以下的领导和机关干部,没有基层任职经历的干部和连职以下机关干部一般安排当兵。旅团级单位的机关干部每3年、军师级单位的每4年、总部和军区级单位的每5年,一般应安排当兵或蹲连1次。旅团级单位每季度、军师级单位每半年、总部和军区级单位每年至少安排1次当兵蹲连,每次不少于15天。当兵重点安排在先进基层单位和驻边远艰苦地区部队,蹲连重点安排在基础相对薄弱单位、小散远直单位和执行重大任务单位。《规定》强调,当兵和蹲连人员要自备个人生活用品,按标准交纳伙食费,不得接受宴请,不得游山玩水,不得收受礼品,不得插手基层敏感事务。// PLA Daily commentary on the new order—当出感情来 蹲出好作风 本报评论员 领导和机关干部当兵蹲连,是我军的优良传统。早在1958年,毛泽东同志就倡导“所有军队干部每年下去当一个月兵”。最近,总政专门作出《规定》,要求各级领导和机关干部下连当兵、蹲连住班。这是贯彻落实党中央、中央军委和习主席关于改进作风决策指示的实际行动,是弘扬优良传统和加强基层工作的有力举措。reminds readers that in 1958 Mao Zedong called for every PLA cadre to spend a month a year as a common soldier…this continued campaign to “change work styles” and curb extravagance and corruption going to keep hurting F&B and luxury industry..
Aso, Furuya pay visits to war-linked Yasukuni – The Japan Times this is bad, expect China to react with more than just rhetoric. Hope reaction does not include PLAN ships inside diaoyu islands 12 mile zone, or landing surveyors…// Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and Keiji Furuya, state minister in charge of the abduction issue, paid a visit Sunday to war-linked Yasukuni Shrine as it kicked off its spring festival, tempting the ire of Japan’s neighbors. Aso, who doubles as finance minister, bowed at the worship hall and left without responding to questions from reporters. The former prime minister is the third member of the Cabinet known to have visited the Tokyo shrine since nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in December…Abe apparently opted to avoid further angering China and South Korea by dedicating a “masakaki” to Yasukuni with his name and formal title written on it and will refrain from visiting during the three-day festival, sources close to him said. Masakaki are decorated wooden sticks in which the wishes of the donor are believed to reside. // 人民日报-参拜撕去“暧昧”伪装 钟 声 Zhong Sheng on Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister, other officials visiting the Yasukuni Shrine. Not happy // 狐狸尾巴终究是藏不住的。据日本共同社21日报道,日本首相安倍晋三以“内阁总理大臣”名义向靖国神社供奉了祭品。日本副首相兼财务大臣麻生太郎、日本公安委员长兼绑架问题担当大臣古屋圭司、总务大臣新藤义孝、官房副长官加藤胜信参拜了靖国神社。另据报道,日本跨党派议员团体“大家参拜靖国神社国会议员会”准备于23日集体参拜靖国神社。
China Has Not (Yet) Changed Its Position on Nuclear Weapons | The Diplomat Has China abandoned its “no first use” policy when it comes to nuclear weapons? No says MIT’s M.Taylor Fravel….In a recent op-ed in the New York Times, nuclear expert James Acton suggests that China may be changing its nuclear doctrine. The principal basis for his argument is the absence of a specific repetition of China’s “no first-use” policy in the latest edition of Beijing’s bi-annual white paper on defense. Acton, however, misreads the recent white paper and draws the wrong conclusion about China’s approach to nuclear weapons.
China confirms 102 H7N9 cases, 20 deaths|Society|chinadaily.com.cn BEIJING – During the 24-hour period ending at 4 pm on Sunday, China confirmed six new cases of human H7N9 avian influenza, including five in Zhejiang and one in Jiangsu. The National Health and Family Planning Commission said in its daily update on H7N9 cases that a total of 102 H7N9 cases have been reported in China, including 20 that have ended in death. // U.S. Hospitals Told to Be on Lookout for H7N9 Bird Flu – Bloomberg U.S. hospitals are being urged to head off a spread of the new H7N9 avian influenza by looking out for people exhibiting flu-like symptoms who have traveled to China or had contact with someone who has the illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention held a conference call with health-care professionals yesterday to review procedures for treating bird-flu patients and controlling infections, Erin Burns, an agency spokeswoman, said in an e- mail. The Atlanta-based agency today issued interim guidance on the use of antiviral agents to treat H7N9 infections.
PBOC’s Zhou Says Slower Growth Needed for Restructuring – Bloomberg While a “mild” slowdown in the global economy does have an impact on China, the 7.7 percent growth rate in gross domestic product is “overall normal” compared with the government’s 2013 target of 7.5 percent, Zhou told Bloomberg News outside a meeting of the International Monetary Fund in Washington on April 20. “China’s undergoing economic restructuring, which sometimes is not in lockstep with growth,” he said. “We need to sacrifice short-term growth for the purposes of reforms and structural adjustments.”
Ex-BoCom Head Hu Named Party Secretary of China Development Bank – Bloomberg Hu Huaibang, the former head of Bank of Communications Co., has been appointed Communist Party secretary of China Development Bank Corp., according to the CDB’s website today. Hu, 57, will take over from Chen Yuan who remains chairman of the world’s largest policy lender, according to the website.
Exclusive: China seeks to lock iron ore importers into trading platform | Reuters China will refuse to grant new licenses to iron ore importers unless they participate in a domestic trading platform, in a fresh move by the world’s biggest iron ore consumer to wrestle pricing power away from global miners.
China market: Apple shares over 71% of 4Q12 consumer tablet sales, says Analysys is that share growing or declining as more android tablets hit the market?// Apple occupied 71.6% of consumer tablets sold in the China market during the fourth quarter of 2012, according to China-based Analysys International.
债市硕鼠_杂志频道_财新网 this week’s caixin cover story is on the dirty dealings in the debt markets that have led to current, growing crackdown. expect to read more about this in the coming days
易方达马喜德涉案暂停职务_金融频道_财新网 Caixin on another detention in the fixed income markets crackdown// 易方达基金4月19日晚间发布公告,现任易方达基金管理有限公司固定收益投资部副总经理马喜德,因为涉及债券市场违规行为被取保候审,因此将暂停马喜德基金经理的职务。根据《三湘都市报》的报道,易方达固定收益部副总马喜德,同湖南当地人士蔡国辉利用长沙摩根公司作为交易平台,2008年3月到12月期间,几人故意串通、互相配合,多次利用银行、任职公司的35亿资金购买债券,然后再安排摩根公司低价买入、高价卖出,获利4900万元。
Zong Qinghou: work, tea and cigarettes – FT.com Despite being one of China’s most prominent businessmen, Zong Qinghou still uses the gritty metaphors that bear the mark of a youth spent tilling rural fields during the Cultural Revolution. When discussing the succession plans at his multibillion-dollar Wahaha empire, he notes that Kelly Zong, his 31-year-old daughter, has already taken over some of the corporate responsibilities, before adding: “If she has any problems, I’ll go and wipe her butt.”
IFRS convergence in China | China Accounting Blog | Paul Gillis While I think that convergence of Chinese accounting standards with IFRS did improve the usefulness of Chinese financial statements, I think the main reason why investors pay more attention to them is their increased reliability – not reliability and comparability of the accounting standards, but reliability of the numbers themselves. That may seem to be a funny thing to say given the massive number of accounting scandals of the past few years, but I do believe that Chinese financial reporting has improved significantly over the past decade or so. While the convergence with IFRS was helpful, I think the biggest change was that the Chinese accounting profession is growing up.
Luxury Car Makers Brace for Slower China Sales – WSJ.com Ian Robertson, management-board member responsible for sales and marketing, struck a more cautious note, saying at the auto show that he doesn’t expect growth rates as high as those seen in the past. “The market is maturing somewhat,” he said. “We’re expecting normalizing growth figures in coming years.”…Mr. Robertson’s comments, which were at odds with analysts’ more robust sales-growth projections for China’s premium segment, suggested that the country’s luxury-car market could slow even more than expected just as more car makers jostle for a bigger piece of its growth. IHS Global Insight is forecasting 17% growth for the segment this year. A recent report by McKinsey & Co. expects 12% annual growth through 2020, outperforming a forecast for 8% growth in the broader car market.
Toyota predicts China sales won’t fully recover before fall – The Japan Times Toyota Motor Corp. said it doesn’t expect sales in China to fully recover before autumn this year as antipathy lingers toward Japanese brands. “Our original expectation was for sales to come back in half a year, but now our plan is to push harder after our new product introductions in the fall,” Hiroji Onishi, Toyota’s China head, told reporters in Shanghai Sunday. “We’ll be focusing more on inland areas and also the younger generation.”
银行不良贷款连续六季反弹 终破5000亿大关_财经频道_一财网 First Financial on increase in banks’ bad loans// 截至今年3月末,商业银行的不良贷款余额达到5243亿元,同比增长20.7%,比年初增加339亿元;不良贷款率0.99%,比年初上升0.02个百分点。
The Land of Many Palaces – a documentary feature film by Adam Smith & Song Ting » We Made It! Thank You! — Kickstarter We reached our goal! We would like to sincerely thank you for supporting our project “The Land of Many Palaces”
China Expands Crackdown on Anticorruption Activists – NYTimes.com The Chinese authorities have detained six anticorruption activists in recent days, expanding their crackdown on a citizen-led campaign that, on the surface at least, would appear to dovetail with the new leadership’s war on official graft.
江苏泰州官员吃豪餐遭群众围堵 书记跪桌喊话求饶-财经网 pictures of taizhou city official crying for mercy as citizens surround him after catching him eating a fancy banquet…police had to be called in to rescue him…though no hat or placard placed on him…local government says will seriously investigate his behavior // 2013年4月21日,江苏省泰州市讯,19日晚,江苏省泰州市滨江工业园区管委会在其招待中心举行晚宴,喝高档名酒,吃刀鱼和河豚等高级菜肴,遭到了当地群众的围堵,为首的官员被迫跪在酒桌上喊话求饶。20号,当地官方表示,对超标准接待事件予以严肃查处。
China says aims to banish superstition, promote knowledge | Reuters Wang Zuoan, head of the State Administration of Religious Affairs, said there had been an explosion of religious belief in China along with the nation’s economic boom, which he attributed to a desire for reassurance in an increasingly complex world. While religion could be a force for good in officially atheist China, it was important to ensure people were not mislead, he told the Study Times, a newspaper published by the Central Party School which trains rising officials. “For a ruling party which follows Marxism, we need to help people establish a correct world view and to scientifically deal with birth, ageing, sickness and death, as well as fortune and misfortune, via popularizing scientific knowledge,” he said, in rare public comments on the government’s religious policy.
This Chart Is For Everyone Who Thinks That Foreigners Own America – Business Insider chart from a BEA Presentation on the US economy debunks the myth that foreigners own a huge stake in the nation. On net, foreigners only own 5.8% of America’s net worth// of which China has 2.3%, or not quite half of that 5.8%
President Xi hails Tsinghua-Blackstone scholarship program – Xinhua | English.news.cn Xi made the remarks in a congratulatory letter to Sunday’s launch ceremony of Schwarzman Scholars program jointly founded by Tsinghua University and Stephen A. Schwarzman, Chairman of U.S. investment and advisory firm Blackstone….”The human society needs to foster talents, pass on knowledge and explore the unknown through the means of education in order to understand and transform the world and create a better future for human beings,” Xi said in the letter. // 人民日报-清华大学苏世民学者项目启动仪式在京举行 习近平和奥巴马致贺信 刘延东出席仪式习近平在贺信中对项目启动表示诚挚的祝贺。他指出,教育决定着人类的今天,也决定着人类的未来。人类社会需要通过教育不断培养社会需要的人才,需要通过教育来传授已知、更新旧知、开掘新知、探索未知,从而使人们能够更好认识世界和改造世界、更好创造人类的美好未来。习近平强调,今天的世界是各国共同组成的命运共同体。战胜人类发展面临的各种挑战,需要各国人民同舟共济、携手努力。教育应该顺此大势,通过更加密切的互动交流,促进对人类各种知识和文化的认知,对各民族现实奋斗和未来愿景的体认,以促进各国学生增进相互了解、树立世界眼光、激发创新灵感,确立为人类和平与发展贡献智慧和力量的远大志向 // [视频]清华大学苏世民学者项目启动仪式在京举行 习近平和奥巴马致贺信_新闻频道_央视网 Schwarzman scholarship top news on CCTV Evening News and People’s Daily, ahead of earthquake news. Chinese reports focused on Xi’s letter, and per protocol Xi’s activities get reported before anyone else’s
Schwarzman Scholars » Program Designed to inspire the next generation of global leaders, Schwarzman Scholars is the most significant program of its kind since the Rhodes Trust was founded in 1902. With a $300 million endowment, it will also be the single largest philanthropic effort ever undertaken in China by largely international donors. The 200 scholars chosen annually for this highly selective program will work towards a one-year Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing—one of China’s most prestigious universities. As individuals who want to have a positive impact on the world, Schwarzman Scholars will be selected based on their academic credentials, extracurricular interests and leadership potential.
Full Text of Human Rights Record of the United States in 2012[1]|chinadaily.com.cn The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China published a report titled “Human Rights Record of the United States in 2012” on Sunday. Chinese
Official promotes Beijing-Washington ties |Americas |chinadaily.com.cnFollowing United States Secretary of State John Kerry, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey arrived in China on Sunday afternoon, after his trip to the Republic of Korea, while Deputy Secretary of State William Burns will also travel to Beijing later this week.
China vows not to use N-weapons against Japan – The Japan News China will never use nuclear weapons against Japan, Pang Sen, director general of the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Arms Control Department, said at the U.N. European headquarters Friday.
NSF Peer Review Under Scrutiny by House Science Panel – ScienceInsider Holdren was the target of the morning hearing, with Republicans repeatedly questioning the value of certain NSF grants to social scientists. Some favorite examples were a review of how animals have been depicted in National Geographic magazine since 1888 and an analysis of how China’s dairy industry handled the 2008 melamine poisoning scandal. “Can you suggest how we might make sure that those who decide whether to approve these grants might be persuaded to focus on more helpful subjects, more scientific subjects, and more basic research?” Smith asked in the gentlest of several versions of the same question put to Holdren during the 2-hour hearing.
Taiwan’s return to the security spotlight | The World Visiting the island, a few weeks ago, I was told by a senior member of the security establishment that – “We look like an island of calm in a boiling sea.” Perhaps the Taiwanese were feeling left out? Because, together with China, they have succeeded in creating some waves over the past week. First, the Taiwanese government staged its first live-fire security exercise since 2008. And this event was swiftly followed by the revelation that China has deployed missiles near the island that are capable of threatening American aircraft carriers.
Chen Shui-bian attempts suicide over hospital relocation|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com really? or theatrics? or bad reporting? // Taiwan’s jailed former president Chen Shui-bian is understood to have attempted suicide on Thursday evening after learning that he was to be relocated from Taipei’s Veterans General Hospital to Taichung Prison’s Pei Teh Hospital at dawn the next day. Chiang Chih-ming, an aide to the former president, said Chen tried to commit suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling in his toilet at around 10pm on April 18. “Nurses managed to save him in time when they heard the noise of Chen’s body striking the garbage can when he was alone in the toilet,” Chiang said.
China market: Shipments of inexpensive tablets likely to reach 100 million units in 2013, say China makers As demand for inexpensive entry-level tablets in the China market is growing fast and retail prices have dropped to below US$100 currently, 100 million tablets are likely to be shipped in the market in 2013, according to China-based supply chain makers. China-based component providers believe total tablet shipments from tier-one brands such as Apple are also likely to reach 100 million units in China in 2013. China-based component makers noted that total shipments of inexpensive tablets in China reached 60 million units in 2012 and the figure is likely to grow in 2013. Currently, prices of some 7-8 inch inexpensive tablets in China have fallen to US$70-80/unit, said component makers.
北京欲建统一叫车平台:加价打车APP将被清理 – 产业资讯·ChinaVenture投资中国网 Beijing planning a taxi dispatch platform, likely to put the hurt on the taxi-dispatch app market..bet most will die, other than didi dache, which apparently now has tencent as a strategic investor// 近两年,为缓解打车难问题,不少企业推出手机叫车软件,乘客通过手机不仅可以看到周边空驶出租车,还可以直接实现叫车服务。昨天,记者从市交通委(编者注:指北京市)获悉,本市交通部门正在研究建立统一的手机叫车平台,对于目前部分软件的“加价叫车”业务将进行清理。
Gaming, Nationalism, and Ideological Work in Contemporary China: online games based on the War of Resistance against Japan – Journal of Contemporary China – Volume 22, Issue 81 interesting but a bit overstated..most of these games are commercial failures…most popular online games still on themes like three kingdoms, journey to the west..and of course world of warcraft..but interesting points about propaganda work in the internet age// The development of China’s online game industry provides an example of the interaction of new technologies and politics in the commercialization and globalization of China’s cultural economy. The analysis of online games about China’s Resistance War against Japan (1937–1945) highlights the interplay of the state’s political agenda, business interests, and nationalistic sentiments as online games are planned, designed, and consumed in contemporary China. It reveals that the Party-state has candidly integrated online game technology into its expanding propaganda domain and utilized it for propagating official ideology and sustaining economic growth.
2013-04-15锵锵三人行 中国人在美国只生活于中国圈子-20130415锵锵三人行-凤凰视频-最具媒体价值的综合视频门户-凤凰网 interesting interview with Joy Chen on Deng Wentao’s Phoenix TV show
Eating Insects in Southwest China | East by Southeast i like the stir fried bees in the yunnan restaurant across the street, but pricey// If Kunming’s insect business can continue to grow, it may be more than just a small step in the right direction toward a more environmentally friendly future. If insects can fulfill some of China’s growing demand for meat, they may be able to compensate for its rapid industrialization. So food prejudices aside, if China hopes to solve its water and pollution problems it might just start with a plateful of fried crickets.
Take a Hike: Trekking through Beijing’s most scenic hiking destinations | Beijingkids Magazine | Ellis Friedman | Apr 22, 2013 | beijing-kids.com Now that spring has ousted winter, it’s time to get reacquainted with the color green, outdoor activities, and trips to the outskirts of the city. April is the ideal time to get in a few hiking trips before the intense summer heat sets in, and with two national holidays on the calendar, there’s no better month to plan a few out-of-city excursions – you may find yourself surprised that the Beijing area boasts so much natural beauty.
Beijing Travel Guide: Arts and Culture Tour: Best Museums, Art, and Galleries : Condé Nast Traveler Condé Nast Traveler Global Affairs Editor DORINDA ELLIOTT shares her favorite arts and culture spots in Beijing
女作家程乃珊于今日凌晨去世 代表作有“上海女人”等 – 新闻中心 – 新华网 Author Cheng Naishan died this morning in Shanghai// 今早,上海社会科学院文学研究所研究员王周生在微博上透露,女作家程乃珊于今日凌晨去世。程乃珊,1946年出生于上海。1983年6月加入上海作家协会。后从事专业创作。代表作有《上海探戈》、《上海Lady》、《上海Fashion》、《上海罗曼史》、《海上萨克斯风》、《上海女人》等。
Upcoming Events-European Union Chamber of Commerce in China-The Road to ReformThe European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to invite you to the European Chamber Annual Conference 2013: The Road to Reform, on 9th May 2013, 9am at the China World Summit Wing Beijing. This one-day conference is expected to attract more than 300 attendees, including high-level officials from Chinese and EU governments, Chinese and EU executives from a diverse range of industries, as well as prominent domestic and international media.
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