- "Glitches" disrupt microblog websites in China http://bit.ly/c8s584 sounds like Sina's Weibo has 20m users at end of Q2 #
- China Daily-Threat of 'worst flood in 12 years' http://bit.ly/aSB86K #
- China lowers dairy protein levels 2 curb melamine http://bit.ly/aAGAug so that means farmers still adding melamine 2 raw milk. lovely #
- Israeli Attack on Iran Would Start Long War – Report – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/a8yG9q #
- China's Henan to become the first 100M population province http://bit.ly/9KLyU4 #
- Argentina: China’s new Africa? | beyondbrics | FT.com http://bit.ly/a9xQ3c #
- 4.8m subway commuters every day in Beijing http://bit.ly/aCWRF5 beijing underestimated demand, UNDER-invested in infrastructure #
- Beijing police open public relations branch http://bit.ly/bqAdDe on chinese microblogs like sina weibo #
- Beijing girls may b risking their sight in bid 2 make their eyes look bigger and brighter w eye-popping circle lenses http://bit.ly/bnYp8X #
- Buffett meets Obama in White House P071410PS-0176 on Flickr – Photo Sharing! http://bit.ly/bx6S6V #
- Hullabaloo-Ratigan's Righteous Rant http://bit.ly/9zByFP #
- motive behind whistle-blower prosecutions-Greenwald "Secrecy religion of political class, enabler of its corruption" http://bit.ly/9B5ypo #
- Tiny, toxic mushrooms kill hundreds in China – Yahoo! News "Yunnan Sudden Death Syndrome" http://yhoo.it/crl29w #
- Lucky touch "octopus has become popular" in Beijing since world cup http://bit.ly/daKPo2 poor species #
- China Arrests Seven For Smuggling 4,196 Tons of Rare Earth, Xinhua Reports – Bloomberg http://bit.ly/atyHPD #
- China's New Global Leverage-Economic clout increasingly drives territorial ambitions http://bit.ly/cI2V3a enuf w "china insecure" stupidity #
- FT Alphaville Fitch goes aaaagh on Chinese securitisation http://bit.ly/d6dlPS Credit wealth management products. Fitch overstating #
- Rio, Ivanhoe Relationship Sours – WSJ.com "tug-of-war over control of Mongolia's Oyu Tolgoi mine" http://bit.ly/9wprUM #
- China Defense Blog: US Naval War College's China Maritime Study No. 6 is out http://bit.ly/cTKYvo #
- Reverse Mergers For Chinese Companies. "I'm Your Pusherman" : China Law Blog http://bit.ly/ahUpzk $$ #
- A blue-collar beer goes upmarket in China "Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer 1844." http://bit.ly/cekzKx 1844 a year or time of brewing? nice bottle #
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