- Three Reasons The Government Is Unlikely To Shutdown Sina Weibo | DigiCha http://bit.ly/gvYaUq $sina #
- Keso on y sina weibo wont be shut: 3. the government can use weibo to its advantage. #
- Keso on y sina weibo wont be shut: 2. xsina weibo controlled by people govt trusts, risks from shutting gr8er than risks from not shutting #
- Keso on y sina weibo wont be shut: 1. people need an outlet, and a visible one is safer than an invisible one #
- keso on government wont shut sina weibo. agree ??????????????? – ????? | Playin' with IT – ????? | keso.me http://bit.ly/gxh063 #
- ‘Who’s on First?’ Finds a Home in Chinese Clubs – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/dKspkj #
- When Real Estate Brakes Ignore Reality_English_Caixin http://bit.ly/eEBI19 #
- The tragedy of Zhao Wei-China Media Project http://bit.ly/hwSlsl good for bandurski for calling this out. far more interesting than flowers #
- China’s Tier 2 property trap | beyondbrics | – FT.com http://on.ft.com/gidEuY #
- FT.com / Media – Sina banks on microblogs in China http://on.ft.com/g1tskL #
- China warns int'l media not to cover protest calls – Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/i7ki5J #
- China Daily-Only 6 percent happy, survey finds http://bit.ly/gLwpb9 huge untapped market for antidepressant makers #
- Huntsman's path to White House starts in China – Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/hgwXMf has a video crew following him. 2012 ads in can? #
- CapitaLand ?s China's Property Moves-WSJ http://on.wsj.com/eX1FAN "limits on purchases won't reduce prices; risk of creating pent-up demand" #
- Former CEO of China Forestry Detained – WSJ.com http://on.wsj.com/foCO6o #
- Ex-DE Shaw, Goldman partners launch new China fund | Reuters http://reut.rs/hitGag #
- inside facebok-Facebook’s Start-and-Stop Growth in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong – A Closer Look http://bit.ly/hdhYGH #
- Chris Dodd shows how Washington works-Greenwald http://bit.ly/eMtNSH "only the very wealthy businesses can afford senators and congressmen" #
- Arab Uprisings Put U.S. Lobbyists in Uneasy Spot – NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/hGCBzS they pay well #
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