The Sinocism China Newsletter 06.13.14

Yes it has not been long since the last issue but my new workflow makes it much easier to send out the newsletter and had some time Friday morning, so why not…

Today’s Links:


CPC demands continued fight against undesirable work styles – Xinhua lots of details in the original Chinese, going to be a long and sweaty summer for officials…// In a circular issued by the leading group, authorities are required to “punch heavily” and “take practical actions” to clean up unhealthy work styles, enforce strict work disciplines, cut red tape and punish officials who abuse their power for personal gains. CPC officials and members are told to reject nepotism in poverty-relief programs and refrain from formalism in implementing the campaign. 中央印发深化“四风”突出问题专项整治通知-搜狐新闻

China’s Top Court Overturns Death Sentence in Famous Rape Case – China Real Time Report – WSJ In a report, the state-run Xinhua news agency cited an official from the Supreme Court as saying that the defendants both “played a leading role in complicity and are the prime culprits who should both be punished by law.” Still, the official said that it was unclear that the two men had explicitly used violence or force to coerce the victim, barring one instance in which she was hit in the face for disobeying them and refusing to work as a prostitute, calling the death penalty verdict “inappropriate.”

Related: 同情唐慧,敬畏法律_评论_新京报网 Sympathize with Tang Hui, Revere the law” The Beijing News commentary on rejection of death penalty for enslavers of Tang Hui’s daughter //  “唐慧事件”的最终化解,可能也不在核准或不核准死刑上,而在如何让唐慧告别“过度维权”上。在唐慧的漫漫维权路上,她并不是一开始就滑向了极端。她曾经报案,她也曾经期待警方主动介入。总之,她一开始是相信法律的。但她没有看到法律的执行。她也没有找到更好的维权方法。与其苛责唐慧,倒不如去检讨司法机关是否已充分履行了自己的职能,以及让多数公众在个案中都能常态化地看到司法公正的实现。

Japan, China trade claims over latest aerial provocation | The Japan Times two high-ranking Japanese officials in Tokyo anonymously claimed the footage posted by China was taken earlier than Wednesday. One of the two also claimed that no F-15 was involved in Wednesday’s encounter…The Japanese and Chinese militaries do not have an emergency hotline to prevent an accidental clash from escalating, and many government officials and experts fear the two countries may encounter just such an incident in the East China Sea or in the skies above it.

Related: Japanese planes seriously threaten China’s flight over East China Sea, says Chinese envoy – Xinhua Japanese Self-Defense Forces’ aircraft seriously threatened the safety of a Chinese plane that flew normally in the China’s Air Defense Identification Zone over the East China Sea, said Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua Thursday. Cheng made the remarks when he met with Japanese vice Foreign Minister Akitaka Saiki the day and refuted protest lodged by the Japanese side over what it called “plane encounter” incident.

Related: 东海防识区公布以来日方已10余次跟踪中方军机_新闻_腾讯网 China says that since they established the ADIZ Japanese planes have approached Chinese planes 10 times…how long until an accident? And if there is one that involves the death of a PLAAF pilot it will be very hard for China to be restrained in its response, as it was after the 2001 Hainan Island incident that resulted in the deal of a PLAAF pilot

China Rejects Japan Complaints Over Unesco ‘Comfort Women’ Application – China Real Time Report – WSJ The latest spat between the two involves China’s recent application to Unesco to preserve archives detailing the abuses that so-called “comfort women” suffered at the hands of the Japanese military during World War II. If China has its way, documents recording the fate of such women would become part of Unesco’s Memory of the World program—a move which Japan has vehemently protested.

Related: 人民日报钟声:不是正常国家的日本注定如此反扑–观点–人民网 Zhong Sheng not happy about Japan’s protests over its UNESCO applications for comfort women and the Nanjing massacre  //  日本对中国正义之举的反扑仍在继续。   “在需要努力改善日中两国关系的特殊时期,(中国)出于政治目的利用教科文组织,对两国间过去的一段负面遗产做不必要的强调,令人极为遗憾”;   “(南京大屠杀)具体遇难人数尚存各种疑问,政府难以作出判断”;   “中国此时为历史档案提出申请目的不纯”;   “关于慰安妇与南京大屠杀,在历史事实关系与评价等方面尚无定论”……   听一听安倍晋三政府这几天的言论以及一些媒体的帮腔,即便不到日本实地走一遭,人们已不难想象这个国家在右倾化道路上闹腾到何种地步了。

Related: Kamizake letters submitted to UNESCO register – Telegraph Feb 2014 The letters are among a collection of historical documents, including diaries, wills and other personal items of the doomed pilots, being submitted to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register by the city of Minami-Kyushu, in southern Japan. It was from there that many kamikaze pilots took off on their final missions against Allied shipping taking part in the invasion of Okinawa in 1945.// not constructive of Japan to protest UNESCO submissions related to comfort women and the Nanjing Massacre while submitting letters from Kamikazes, perhaps the original suicide bombers, and ones who killed many Americans…

Spooked by probes, pharma executives ask: should I leave China? | Reuters probably…and definitely do not come back if your firm is under investigation, no matter what you are promised//  While the crackdown has been building for a year, Chinese police shocked the foreign business community a month ago when they filed corruption charges against Mark Reilly, former China head of British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline Plc. The Briton, who has been barred from leaving China, could face decades in prison. Even before then, executives were getting worried about a wave of visits from police and regulators to their offices as well as articles in Chinese media alleging corrupt practices against many global drugmakers.

China’s No-Money-Down Housing Echoes U.S. Subprime Lending Risks – Bloomberg “The risk is severe for developers and third parties because there is no commitment from home buyers,” said Ding Shuang, senior China economist at Citigroup Inc in Hong Kong. “Zero down payment has appeared in the U.S. before. It basically enabled unqualified people to buy houses,” said Ding, who used to work for the International Monetary Fund. “We need to see whether this will become widespread,” Ding said. “For now, it seems still sporadic.”

Obesity: Chubby little emperors | The Economist This is producing a health calamity, both in heart disease (which now accounts for over a third of deaths) and in a less-noticed explosion of diabetes, which is closely linked to obesity. The prevalence of diabetes has grown more than tenfold during the past three decades. According to a recent national survey, 11.6% of Chinese adults are diabetic, a share almost as high as in America, whose obesity rate is much greater.

Related: Malnutrition: The hungry and forgotten | The Economist In 2012 the health ministry made a modest investment of 100m yuan to provide supplements to 270,000 babies in 100 counties. This year 400,000 babies in 300 counties are meant to get them. Later this year Mr Lu’s charity will begin a tiny pilot of an early-parenting programme, akin to America’s Head Start, in 50 villages, with 50 more villages being used for controlled comparison. James Heckman, an economist and Nobel laureate who has researched early-childhood development, is helping design the study. Such programmes look promising. But they are tiny.

How Eating Broccoli Can Help Your Body Cope With Air Pollution – China Real Time Report – WSJ According to a study published this week by the journal Cancer Prevention Research, an experiment conducted in eastern China’s Jiangsu province found that feeding villagers beverages concocted from broccoli sprouts had various salutary effects, including helping the body to more speedily eliminate ingested air pollutants. The study was conducted by researchers from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, as well as the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center, among others.



房地产私募基金风险恐集中爆发 新华社——经济参考网 some Chinese real estate PE funds about to implode? so warns Xinhua’s Economic Information // 当下楼市“量价齐跌”,而隐藏在房地产开发商背后的各大“金主”也同样经历着严寒的考验。《经济参考报》记者在采访中了解到,在当前楼市的深度调整期,此前几年呈现“疯狂式”增长的房地产私募基金行业也面临着风险集中爆发的可能。一些基金重新调整策略,另一些小的基金则干脆被“清退”出市场,一轮行业大洗牌即将来临。

央行松绑QFII审批 推进境内外股市互联互通_股票频道_一财网 CBN says the PBoC planning to loosen requirements for QFII…will more foreign money help the stock market?  //  《第一财经日报》从监管层获悉,目前证监会正在加快QFII、RQFII的审批,抓紧解决税收障碍,推动长期资金顺利入市。



[视频]中央党的群众路线教育实践活动领导小组印发《关于在第二批教育实践活动中深化“四风”突出问题专项整治的通知》_新闻频道_央视网( 《通知》要求,持续推进七项专项整治任务落地生根,坚决整治文山会海、检查评比泛滥,整治门难进、脸难看、事难办,整治公款送礼、公款吃喝、奢侈浪费,整治超标配备公车、多占办公用房、新建滥建楼堂馆所,整治“三公”经费开支过大,整治“形象工程”和“政绩工程”,整治侵害群众利益行为,深入整治“会所中的歪风”

Flea bites and wading in sewage: Xi Jinping’s account of working among peasants goes viral | South China Morning Post An interview President Xi Jinping gave 10 years ago about his days working with peasants as the Cultural Revolution raged has become a surprise internet hit. It has become the latest online sensation for Xi, after he scored a major propaganda coup by queuing up in a steamed bun restaurant in Beijing for lunch in December. He also courted publicity by visiting a hutong in the capital during thick smog in February.

04年习近平专访 十余年每天给妻子打电话-20140612凤凰视频-凤凰视频-最具媒体品质的综合视频门户-凤凰网 Video of a relaxed Xi Jinping in 2004, discusses some of his experiences being “sent down” in the Cultural Revolution

在港央企反腐-搜狐新闻 long Time Weekly story on the anti-corruption crackdown spreading to central SOEs’ Hong Kong operations

“取消一般公务用车”还有多少司机腐败_评论_新京报网 more from The Beijing News on officials’ drivers and their role in corruption, and why cutting way back on official cars should help with the anti-corruption campaign…going to be some upset drivers who have lost plum jobs…maybe they can drive for Uber, but with far fewer perks…

警方:正在侦查“太子辉”犯罪事实 将依法处理_网易新闻中心 核心提示:广东省公安厅12日宣布,东莞涉黄专案全部告破,东莞涉黄酒店已有179人被移送起诉,全省共破获涉黄刑事案件1121宗,打掉涉黄团伙214个,刑拘3033人。黄江太子酒店桑拿中心案仍在侦查,酒店老板梁耀辉目前已被逮捕,因其是全国人大代表,须经由全国人大罢免其代表资格。



Beijing’s real international ambitions | Business Spectator China is a revisionist power: it wants the post-Cold War era of unipolar US leadership to end and it is intent on taking control of vast swathes of the Western Pacific. But Beijing’s revisionism is cautious and considered. China will allow relative US decline to loosen the American grip on pre-eminence, and will only resort to foreign policy that is “red in tooth and claw” when maritime neighbours block its territorial aggrandisement. Morgenthau was therefore half right: China will employ the traditional tactics of domineering power politics, but only when it cannot get what it wants by more enlightened means–Dr Benjamin Herscovitch is a Beijing-based research fellow at The Centre for Independent Studies.

Japanese resolution on Xisha “extremely irresponsible”: FM – Xinhua The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Japanese House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a resolution to condemn China’s drilling activities in waters adjacent to the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily press briefing on Thursday the resolution issued by the Japanese parliament breached international laws and betrayed historical facts.

Senior CPC official tables plan for stronger China-Denmark ties – Xinhua | “The relationship between China and Denmark is at its best time in history,” Liu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said at a meeting with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt on Wednesday, noting Denmark was among the first Western countries to establish diplomatic ties with China.

中国青年报:媒体别跟着国际舞台的丑角转–传媒–人民网 front page commentary in Friday China Youth Daily criticizing some media for being so quick to encourage conflict, esp with japan  //  有些媒体动不动就把战争挂在嘴上,自诩“主战派”,表面姿态很“强硬”,其实是在消费民族主义情绪,说到底还是一种弱国心态。这些人觉得,中国过去受过欺负,落后过挨打过,在很多战争中受过屈辱。现在阔了、强大了、崛起了,就可以扬眉吐气秀秀肌肉了,有能力打赢战争了,让那些过去侵略过中国的国家、敢挑战中国的国家知道我们的厉害。 其实,一个真正强大和成熟的国家,不是有能力去发动一场战争,而是有能力拒绝和避免自己国家陷入一场战争,有对战争说不、让国家免于战争、让国民免于战争伤害的资格。

中国军网-美国海外军事基地体系再调整 Liberation Army Daily story about global military bases of the US // 作为世界上唯一的超级大国,美国拥有数量庞大的海外军事基地,这些军事基地与游弋全球的11个航母战斗群一起,支撑起美国从华盛顿辐射全球的权力版图



P.L.A. in Lights – For years, Hong Kong has celebrated its spectacular skyline around Victoria Harbor with a dazzling evening light and laser show. This week, residents were startled to see an addition to the display: gigantic Chinese characters that read “People’s Liberation Army” flashed, one by one, on the side of the garrison’s waterfront headquarters (at left in the video above).



“剑网2014”专项行动启动–时政–人民网 new campaign launched 2 crackdown on Internet piracy,esp of traditional media content // 本报北京6月12日电 (记者张贺)记者从国家版权局获悉:国家版权局、国家互联网信息办公室、工业和信息化部、公安部等四部门今天正式启动第十次打击网络侵权盗版专项治理“剑网”行动(简称“剑网2014”专项行动)。   与以往专项行动相比,此次专项行动将打击部分网站未经授权大量转载传统媒体作品,严重侵害权利人合法权益的侵权行为纳入重点任务之中。

人民日报客户端上线启动仪式–传媒–人民网 People’s Daily throws a big press conference to announce the launch of its new mobile apps..the iOS one is very slick

China’s Uber Targets U.S. With Mandarin-Speaking Drivers – Bloomberg perhaps a target rich environment for the INS…how many of these drivers have legal status in the US?  //  The Beijing-based company plans to add the two U.S. cities to the 57 in China and Hong Kong where its ride-sharing app is already available. To differentiate its service, Yongche will provide Mandarin-speaking drivers so that Chinese travelers arriving at places such as John F. Kennedy Airport can get to their destinations without phrase books and awkward gesticulations.

Alibaba teams w/ China Post for nationwide 24-hour delivery Alibaba founder and chairman Jack Ma continued his company’s pre-IPO bachelor party today by signing a deal with China Post to deliver online purchases to anywhere in China within 24 hours, according to ShanghaiDaily. China Post is the country’s biggest postal service, and has offices pretty much everywhere, including rural areas. The two companies are also looking into making international deliveries via China Post’s global network.

Zara owner Inditex to join Tmall to reach more Chinese shoppers | Reuters The Spanish firm said on Wednesday that it would launch Zara on Tmall for its autumn-winter 2014 collection, while continuing to sell through its own website in China. Normally, Inditex prefers to operate its own websites in order to control its brand image although it occasionally sells products through other sites, such as through ASOS for its Pull & Bear brand in the UK.



China’s Christians fend off church demolition crew amid latest Communist Party crackdown on faith – Telegraph Demolition workers were forced to abandon attempts to strip a cross from a church in a city known as ‘China’s Jerusalem’ after angry Christians forced their way through a blockade of armed guards. The scuffles broke out as security guards carrying black batons and riot shields tried to stop members of Wenzhou’s Guantou church from entering their place of worship to stop the cross’s removal in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Chinese Billionaires Invest in Soccer – WSJ $$ “It is no coincidence that three of China’s 10 richest people are all investing in football,” said Rupert Hoogewerf, publisher of the Hurun China Rich List. “There is an element of ego, and there is an element of business sense.” It helps when China’s top leader is a fan. ” Xi Jinping likes football,” Mr. Hoogewerf said. “It is very good for developing local government relationships, and gives people access to networks they won’t normally have access to.”



United starts flights to China’s fourth largest city–USA Today United Airlines is now flying from its San Francisco hub to Chengdu, the fourth-largest city in China. The new service makes United the first carrier to fly nonstop from the USA to mainland China outside of Beijing and Shanghai. The airline will operate the flights on the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner three times a week. It’s United’s ninth destination from San Francisco to the Asia/Pacific region on a nonstop flight.



Beijing to residents: Less spitting, more queuing (please) – This is not the first such attempt to instill civility in Beijing residents. In the run-up to the 2008 Olympic Games the authorities cracked down on littering and disorderly bus-mounting habits, and they claim some success. “Most Beijingers now stand in line at bus stops of their own accord,” said Tian’s boss, Han Longbin. Mr. Han said his department is still struggling with “traffic order and people crossing the road against red lights.” And Tian offered a simple solution: “Do not rush to be first.”

北京楼市变局先在城南出现有五大原因_焦点透视_新浪财经_新浪网 Securities Times on the Beijing real estate market, and why prices in the Southern part of the city are dropping…location, location, location… // 在同行看来,城南降价只不过是价格回归,因为去年市场好时,他们报给建委的预售价格虚高,当时市场供需不平衡,出现了一些同价不同质的产品。   尽管城南大部分项目去化困难,但是大多数楼盘销售人员都认为,现在已经到了抄底时机。不过,目前企业都是试探性降价,并没有降到底,未来房价仍将下降。

北京新机场环评拟通过_头版_新京报电子报 environmental impact study for new Beijing airport to be approved, residents can apply june 16 to attend hearing on it…90 Billion RMB budgeted for the building the new airport, 5% of that will go to environment-related investment  //  北京新机场环评拟通过 北京新机场项目投资近900亿,环保投资占5%;公民16日前可申请听证


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