China Readings for 2011-02-17

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

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2 thoughts on “China Readings for 2011-02-17

  1. Gotta remember that a patronage system for the nomenklatura is absolutely necessary; you cannot euthanize the rentier without expecting political blowback. The support of the nomenklatura for social and economic change is contingent on giving them escape routes; you can eliminate the least competent segments of the nomenklatura over time, but threatening the privileges of the entire party elite in one fell swoop is a recipe for political instability.

    Of course, the opposite is just as likely as to be true; giving unqualified party elites a way to preserve their privileges is fine in the short-term, but if it becomes a long-term policy direction this will lead to corruption and political and economic inefficiencies as they use their political power to protect what they do not deserve and structures that no longer contribute to society.

  2. Gotta remember that a patronage system for the nomenklatura is absolutely necessary; you cannot euthanize the rentier without expecting political blowback. The support of the nomenklatura for social and economic change is contingent on giving them escape routes; you can eliminate the least competent segments of the nomenklatura over time, but threatening the privileges of the entire party elite in one fell swoop is a recipe for political instability.

    Of course, the opposite is just as likely as to be true; giving unqualified party elites a way to preserve their privileges is fine in the short-term, but if it becomes a long-term policy direction this will lead to corruption and political and economic inefficiencies as they use their political power to protect what they do not deserve and structures that no longer contribute to society.

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