"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner
- U.S. deploys low-flying attack planes in Libya – The Washington Post http://wapo.st/hXEhx4 #
- China spies suspected of hacking Julia Gillard's emails | News.com.au http://bit.ly/hnT6no grim #
- "amount found shouldn’t be enough to affect human health, Sakae Muto, a Tokyo Electric vice president" so y doesn't he go talk from there? #
- Plutonium-239, a byproduct of fission used in nuclear weapons, was found in soil samples taken on the plant site March 21 and March 22 #
- Radiation Found Outside Japan Reactor, Signaling Meltdown-Bloomberg http://bloom.bg/dTUQHJ levels that can prove fatal were detected outside #
- Li Gang accused of framing suspect — Shanghai Daily http://bit.ly/fVWAdX yes, that Li Gang. downfall matter of time #
- BBC News – China's new economic power fans fear, BBC poll finds http://bbc.in/fLsHiI #
- Garnaut-Sino-Australian political blogger Yang Hengjun vanishes http://bit.ly/fFOX4e #
- China 2 launch crackdown on contaminated pig feed http://bit.ly/fKOjX2 Clenbuterol contamination epidemic worse than melamine milk? #
- China Daily-Dalai's announcement of 'retirement' a farce http://bit.ly/hDUmG9 #
- Russians Moving ‘Carrier Killer’ Cruiser to Pac Fleet AO | Defense Tech http://bit.ly/gOjiUk concerns re China? #
- interesting how both yan xuetong here and wang jisi in foreign affairs trying 2 argue ???? is innocuous & just means taking a low profile #
- The Sources of Chinese Conduct by Yan Xuetong – Project Syndicate http://bit.ly/dH42vB barbarian management professional? #
- China to Have Entry in America’s Cup Regatta for Second Time in 159 Years – Bloomberg http://bloom.bg/dLPrvq #
- Chinese Girl in the Ghetto « Ying Ma http://bit.ly/gXwYEo emigrates from guangzhou to Oakland ghetto #
- Putting Traditional Chinese Medicine to the Test – WSJ.com http://on.wsj.com/faUj1o #
- China SignPost-Reduce US Ethanol Production, boost corn exports to China, become Saudi Arabia of corn (PDF) http://bit.ly/gdaq2c #
- china may not have invented the americas http://nyti.ms/hEAfiZ would appear the Clovis technology not an Asian import; it was invented here #
- China $NIV SEC filing- http://bit.ly/eyqG5f Dismissal & Resignation of Previous Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Malone Bailey #
- Nasdaq to Delist China RTO Fuqi International – TheStreet http://bit.ly/hP2ieE #
- Asia Times-PLA on board an Orient express http://bit.ly/hglRjV on military benefits of national and regional upgraded rail networks #
- Chinese Beidou system to challenge U.S. GPS dominancy – People's Daily Online http://bit.ly/hPoBAJ #
- Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway to charge lower fares than flights – People's Daily Online http://bit.ly/hbvxKx #
- Microblog becomes Netizens' 3rd largest source of information – People's Daily Online http://bit.ly/fzlckf after news sites and bbs forums #
- FT Alphaville » The Chinese time deposit conundrum http://on.ft.com/e3O3qL where is M2? #
- The Sandbagging of Elizabeth Warren (and 49 State Attorneys General) « naked capitalism http://bit.ly/gPqWNb kleptocratic corporatocracy #
- Fervent Hopes for a Feverish Housing Market_Caixin http://bit.ly/fulAoS Government-subsidized housing may not be as effective as expected #
- China 'to pull dairy licences in safety drive' – Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/id8rGN >1/5 will lose licenses. uh, so not actually cleaned up? #
- Prominent Chinese blogger ran yunfei charged as crackdown deepens http://yhoo.it/eytP9R wonder when foreign bloggers/twitterers willb tossed #
- How U.S. soldiers turned a night-time airstrike into a chilling 'music video' http://bit.ly/hLZ5cs #
- The [US] Kill Team in Vietnamistan | Rolling Stone Politics http://bit.ly/f2lOyc #
- Shanghai Scrap-[New York Times} Bureau Chief’s Wife Doth Not Protest In Chinese http://bit.ly/fu6q6p @adamminter wont be writing 4 nyt… #
- Behind the 'Great Firewall': China's 'first blogger' speaks out – CNN.com http://bit.ly/gRE9Bt @klustout interviews @isaac #
- @isaac mao presentation claiming baidu manipuated search results 2 block negative post @ copyright-gate http://bit.ly/ftAn9e $bidu #
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