China Readings for December 30th

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

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  • The Coming Collapse of China: 2012 Edition- By Gordon G. Chang | Foreign Policy – In the middle of 2001, I predicted in my book, The Coming Collapse of China, that the Communist Party would fall from power in a decade, in large measure because of the changes that accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) would cause. A decade has passed; the Communist Party is still in power. But don't think I'm taking my prediction back…
    Not long ago, everything was going well for the mandarins in Beijing. Now, nothing is. So, yes, my prediction was wrong. Instead of 2011, the mighty Communist Party of China will fall in 2012. Bet on it.
  • How to Protect Your Brand From Click Fraud in China |
  • Soho China to Buy 50% of Land Venture on Shanghai’s Bund – Businessweek – Soho China Ltd. will pay 4 billion yuan ($632 million) for a stake in a site on Shanghai’s historic Bund that’s partly owned by Greentown China Holdings Ltd., the builder seeking to improve cash flow from the sale of projects.

    Soho, the biggest developer in Beijing’s central business district, will buy 50 percent of the plot from Greentown and Shanghai Zendai Property Ltd., according to a statement to Hong Kong’s stock exchange today. Greentown, which owns 10 percent of the site, will receive 1.04 billion yuan from the sale, the company said in a separate statement.

  • Should Chinese company be allowed to buy Yahoo? | Marketplace from American Public Media – The U.S. government let one prominent tech deal fizzle. Bain Capital, in Boston, tried to sell 3Com, a company that held some national security contracts. The proposed buyer: China's Huawei Technologies. The Department of Defense suggested Huawei had ties to China's military, and potentially, hackers. The deal died.

    Clay Lowery chaired the government committee that oversaw that merger. He's now a vice president with Rock Creek Advisors.

    Clay Lowery: The government has plenty of operations that utilize the Internet and information technology, so those are the type of areas at least you'd want to look at if you were in the U.S. government.

    Yahoo may not have government contracts, but it stands between consumers and the Internet. That means it would get a lot of scrutiny.