"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner
- xinhua-China “shocked” by NATO strikes, urges respect for Pakistan’s sovereignty –
- China, Myanmar to enhance military ties-Xinhua –
- 新浪股价开盘后大跌 误传为浑水攻击目标-搜狐IT –
- 做空机构“浑水”的下个目标会是谁?-华尔街日报 –
- The Story Behind Today’s Earlier Bogus Sina Rumor – Forbes –
- The Political Economy of the Chinese Coal Industry: Black Gold and Blood-Stained Coal (Hardback) – Routledge –
- 广电总局:每集电视剧不得以任何形式插播广告_新闻_腾讯网 –
- 缅甸的春天来临了?-张铁志-财新博客-新世纪的常识传播者-财新网 – 她是我们最爱的女人,她的坚毅,她的勇气,当然还有她的美丽。
- Quelle Surprise! Banks Lied About Bailout Funds and Got $13 Billion in Profit from Them « naked capitalism– Regulators continue to lie. I get really offended by the bogus accounting, such as the “banks paid back the TARP” or “the Fed lost no money on its lending facilities,” which this story annoyingly has to repeat out of adherence to journalistic convention. This is all three card Monte. So what if the banks paid back loans when the central bank has goosed asset prices vis super low interest rates? That’s a massive tax on savers. And we have the hidden subsidy of underpriced bank rescue insurance. Ed Kane estimates that’s worth $300 billion a year for US banks; Andrew Haldane of the Bank of England has pencilled the annual cost as exceeding the market cap of big banks (and that was in 2010, when their stock prices were higher than now).The Fed is most assuredly going to have losses. It hoovered up a ton of Treasuries and MBS to shore up asset prices at time when interest rates were already low. The central bank intends to sell them when interest rates rise, to soak up liquidity. Buying when interest rates are low and selling when rates are high guarantees losses. As an old Wall Street saying goes, it’s easy to manipulate markets, but hard to make money from it.
- 四人帮覆灭记第1集:主席身后 纷争暗起 – 搜狐视频 – interesting documentary on sohu video–“destruction of the gang of four
- Predictions of an economic collapse in China are in vogue – latimes.com– “Chanos is a company analyst with no understanding of economics who treats China as if it were a company. It’s not; it’s a country,” said Arthur Kroeber, managing director of the Beijing-based research firm, GaveKal-Dragonomics, in an e-mailed response to questions.Chanos did not respond to a request for an interview.
Bill Bishop, a closely followed independent tech analyst in Beijing, said that “the pendulum has swung too far” in favor of the bears.
“I think the fears are overblown. People in the U.S. are scared of China, and some people hope it drops,” said Bishop, co-founder of financial news service CBS Market Watch. He described himself as belonging to the “China-will-muddle-through camp.”
That faction says China’s leaders will do what it takes to avoid calamity. Others aren’t so sure.
“The reasonable bulls and bears among us agree on most of the facts,” Northwestern’s Shih said. “But at the end of the day, we disagree on the Chinese government’s ability to make tough changes.”
- PLA researcher says U.S. aims to encircle China – Yahoo! News – The United States clearly wants to encircle China, a prominent Chinese military commentator said on Monday in some of the bluntest criticism of President Barack Obama’s recent diplomatic push into the Asia-Pacific region.
People’s Liberation Army Major General Luo Yuan, well-known for his hawkish views, made the warning in a commentary about Obama’s visit to Asia that was published on the website of the People’s Daily (www.people.com.cn), the top paper of China’s ruling Communist Party. - “People’s Search Engine” Jike Won’t Totally Imitate Google (But Maybe It Should) | Tech in Asia –
- Critics Target Bribery Law – WSJ.com – For corporate America’s top lobbyists, trying to curb a powerful antibribery law known as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has risen to the top of the agenda, sparking a widespread debate about how the legislation is enforced.
- ‘Sell’ Ratings Rare on Chinese Stocks – WSJ.com – According to data compiled by independent research firm Forensic Asia Ltd., analysts have 19.2 “buy” recommendations on Chinese stocks for every one “sell” recommendation. For stocks of companies based in the U.S., the ratio is 10.5, and for the rest of the Asian-Pacific region it is 7.3.
- Is it China’s Turn to Pivot? | The Diplomat-Minxin Pei – The U.S. ambushed and isolated China at the East Asia summit. If China wants to recover it needs to manage its competition with the United States – and not scare its neighbors.
- 克制“塑造”世界的冲动-人民日报 – People’s Daily on benefits of multipolar world
- China’s Cyber Threat A High-Stakes Spy Game : NPR– Ken Lieberthal of the Brookings Institution does a lot of work in China. Visiting about 10 times a year, he does some business consulting, meets with other scholars at universities and sometimes meets with government officials.Like a lot of us these days, Lieberthal carries electronics with him to do his work. However, he takes a bit more precaution than many business travelers, as he tells weekends on All Things Considered guest host Rachel Martin.
- 2012年度国家公务员考试开考_图片频道_财新网 – pics of “mobs” lining up to get into china’s civil servant test. they know where the money is
- Woman Arrested for Selling Information on 150,000 Families – Caixin Online – The recent arrest of a woman selling information about 150,000 Shenzhen families has highlighted how Chinese law, in many ways, is still playing catch-up to identity theft in China.
- 以务实应对中美关系低潮_杂志频道_财新网 – 中美两国政治家和国民应明确双方核心利益的内涵,扩大务实合作,力避太平洋两岸陷入误解和误判
- Shanghai Disney Expects 15M Visits-Caijing – Shanghai Disneyland is expecting a yearly 10.5-15 million visits after opening, said a senior official with the International Academy of Tourism(IAT) on Nov 25th in Shanghai.
- Amazon.com: The Pink Nectar Cafe: Myths and Mysteries – A non-fiction assemblage of tales and mysteries in the Southwest of today
- The Political Economy of the Chinese Coal Industry: Black Gold and Blood-Stained Coal (Hardback) – Routledge –
- 广电总局:每集电视剧不得以任何形式插播广告_新闻_腾讯网 –
- 缅甸的春天来临了?-张铁志-财新博客-新世纪的常识传播者-财新网 – 她是我们最爱的女人,她的坚毅,她的勇气,当然还有她的美丽。
- Quelle Surprise! Banks Lied About Bailout Funds and Got $13 Billion in Profit from Them « naked capitalism– Regulators continue to lie. I get really offended by the bogus accounting, such as the “banks paid back the TARP” or “the Fed lost no money on its lending facilities,” which this story annoyingly has to repeat out of adherence to journalistic convention. This is all three card Monte. So what if the banks paid back loans when the central bank has goosed asset prices vis super low interest rates? That’s a massive tax on savers. And we have the hidden subsidy of underpriced bank rescue insurance. Ed Kane estimates that’s worth $300 billion a year for US banks; Andrew Haldane of the Bank of England has pencilled the annual cost as exceeding the market cap of big banks (and that was in 2010, when their stock prices were higher than now).The Fed is most assuredly going to have losses. It hoovered up a ton of Treasuries and MBS to shore up asset prices at time when interest rates were already low. The central bank intends to sell them when interest rates rise, to soak up liquidity. Buying when interest rates are low and selling when rates are high guarantees losses. As an old Wall Street saying goes, it’s easy to manipulate markets, but hard to make money from it.
- 四人帮覆灭记第1集:主席身后 纷争暗起 – 搜狐视频 – interesting documentary on sohu video–“destruction of the gang of four
- Predictions of an economic collapse in China are in vogue – latimes.com– “Chanos is a company analyst with no understanding of economics who treats China as if it were a company. It’s not; it’s a country,” said Arthur Kroeber, managing director of the Beijing-based research firm, GaveKal-Dragonomics, in an e-mailed response to questions.Chanos did not respond to a request for an interview.
Bill Bishop, a closely followed independent tech analyst in Beijing, said that “the pendulum has swung too far” in favor of the bears.
“I think the fears are overblown. People in the U.S. are scared of China, and some people hope it drops,” said Bishop, co-founder of financial news service CBS Market Watch. He described himself as belonging to the “China-will-muddle-through camp.”
That faction says China’s leaders will do what it takes to avoid calamity. Others aren’t so sure.
“The reasonable bulls and bears among us agree on most of the facts,” Northwestern’s Shih said. “But at the end of the day, we disagree on the Chinese government’s ability to make tough changes.”
- PLA researcher says U.S. aims to encircle China – Yahoo! News – The United States clearly wants to encircle China, a prominent Chinese military commentator said on Monday in some of the bluntest criticism of President Barack Obama’s recent diplomatic push into the Asia-Pacific region.
People’s Liberation Army Major General Luo Yuan, well-known for his hawkish views, made the warning in a commentary about Obama’s visit to Asia that was published on the website of the People’s Daily (www.people.com.cn), the top paper of China’s ruling Communist Party. - “People’s Search Engine” Jike Won’t Totally Imitate Google (But Maybe It Should) | Tech in Asia –
- Critics Target Bribery Law – WSJ.com – For corporate America’s top lobbyists, trying to curb a powerful antibribery law known as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has risen to the top of the agenda, sparking a widespread debate about how the legislation is enforced.
- ‘Sell’ Ratings Rare on Chinese Stocks – WSJ.com – According to data compiled by independent research firm Forensic Asia Ltd., analysts have 19.2 “buy” recommendations on Chinese stocks for every one “sell” recommendation. For stocks of companies based in the U.S., the ratio is 10.5, and for the rest of the Asian-Pacific region it is 7.3.