"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner
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- Citron’s Report on Qihoo Over-exaggerated | iChinaStock– One of the major arguments in Citron’s report is that Qihoo doesn’t have as many users as it claimed and the company is running under an outdated business model. The report further made a comparison between Qihoo and Sohu(NASDAQ:SOHU), one of the biggest portal websites in China.However, anyone who has a deep understandings about China’s Internet market would figure out that such a comparison is NOT appropriate. Sohu has lost most of the value after it spin off its online gaming unit and the company doesn’t have a single product that is as popular as Qihoo’s online security software.
In fact, Qihoo’s core strength is its free security software. Hundreds of millions of Chinese Internet users use its software, at the first for free but gradually like it due to many of its convenient features and designs. (I’m using a computer running Qihoo’s online security software at the time of writing this story.)
Comparing with Sohu, the business model of Qihoo is more like Tencent: they all provide a popular software free of charge and hope to cash in from the huge traffic it brings. The difference is that Tencent has found its own way but Qihoo is still searching.
- Qihoo 360 Responds to Citron Research Report — BEIJING, Nov. 1, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — –
- CitronResearch goes after Qihoo– garbage report from citron. i have spoken in last 3 months with several peole working on qihoo short theses, not sure if any were working for/with Citron. Told them all they are crazy, but they want a big internet scalp. They should do better work than this hit job from Citron. SEC should be looking at Left as well as Chinese stocks. I have no position in $qihu//The most overvalued and misunderstood Chinese Internet Stock: Target Price-$5
- 全国公务员将轮训职业道德 -头版-新京报电子报 – morality education for civil servants
- 中央启动十八大代表选举工作 代表名额共2270名_新闻_腾讯网 – 中央启动十八大代表选举工作 代表名额共2270名
- 信用卡规模套现杀入高利贷 – 金融 – 21世纪网– mass cash advances on credit cards to help fund underground loans?“为进一步拓宽资金来源,建立通畅的信用卡套现通道,一些资金中介甚至采取蓄意应聘商业银行信用卡营销岗位的方式,潜入商业银行信用卡营销团队,以恶意获取更多的内幕资料和信息。”长三角区域内一金融监管机构人员近期做了一次调研后表示,信用卡套现的风险正在累加。
- 专访华为常务副总裁徐直军 万人备战云计算:华为“狼”式扩张 – 产经 – 21世纪网 – Huawei expanding aggressively into cloud computing
- 铁路初现重开工 三角债问题仍难解 – 宏观 – 21世纪网–
- 索卡藝術中心 Soka Art Center –
- 窃贼精心准备以假换真 北京索卡赵无极画作被盗_业界聚焦_新浪收藏_新浪网– 据台湾《中国时报》报道,10月30日,北京索卡画廊的一张赵无极画作被盗。被盗作品是赵无极一九七一年的油画《25.11.71》。目前,公安部门已经介入调查。北京索卡艺术中心是台湾画廊业者萧富元在北京开设的。10月30日晚间打烊后,遭到两名身穿雨衣的窃贼闯入,窃贼带了五幅仿冒作品,以“狸猫换太子”手法,偷走现场展示的三幅及库房的两件画作,但最后却又只偷走海外华人艺术家赵无极一九七一年的油画《25.11.71》。赵无极这幅画作当初是以新台币一千七百多万(约合人民币400万)购得,北京公安已介入调查,目前研判可能是熟悉画廊环境的人所为。
- Former PBoC Monetary Policy Committee Member: “Beijing Will Not Ride To Eurozone’s Rescue”– Just in case there was any doubt how China feels, here is Yu Yongding, former member of the PBoC’s monetary committee, with an FT Op-Ed. Beijing will not ride to eurozone’s rescue. Europe’s courtship of Beijing is moving to a more intense level. Klaus Regling, the chief of the eurozone bail-out fund, is in Beijing discussing possible support. Just a few days ago French President Nicolas Sarkozy conferred with Hu Jintao, his Chinese counterpart, to win Beijing’s support. They should not hold out their hopes too high.
- Is Jon Huntsman fluent in Chinese? – Slate Magazine – Jon Huntsman claims he’s fluent in Chinese. Is he?
- The Top 10 Screeds in China’s Global Times | Foreign Policy – Today on Foreign Policy, Christina Larson profiles China’s populist, hyper-nationalistic Global Times. Just how belligerent is the state-run tabloid? Let’s take a look at 10 of its most scatching screed.
- It’s Lonely Without the Goldman Net — Andrew Ross Sorkin – NYTimes.com– Being a former Goldmanite has long been considered the ultimate calling card.But, in some cases, it has proved to be a liability: A series of blunders by former senior Goldman executives raises questions about whether Goldman’s secret sauce can actually be exported. Think John Thain. Or Robert Rubin. Or J. Chris Flowers.
- G.A.O. Says New York Fed Failed to Push A.I.G. Concessions – NYTimes.com– How does Obama not fie Geithner?//The report, by the Government Accountability Office, says that New York Fed officials have offered inconsistent explanations for their decision to pay other financial companies the full amounts they were owed by A.I.G., and that some of the explanations were contradicted by other evidence. The report also asserts that the decision to pay the full amounts, rather than seeking concessions as the government later did in other cases, disregarded the expectations of senior Fed officials in Washington and the expressed willingness of some of the companies to accept smaller payments.
- “尚福林时代”的辉煌与缺憾 – 上市公司调查 – 21世纪网 – 核心提示:首先,尚主席在任期间大力发展机构投资者并没有取得实质性成效。其次,中国证券市场监管的市场化改革迄今没有取得实质性突破,尤其是证券IPO发行定价广为诟病。第三,尽管尚福林主政期间对内幕交易、市场操纵等证券违法犯罪活动予以了打击,但在众多投资者心目中,中国证券市场监管在“公平、公正、公开”三公方面并没有取得突破进展。
- China ‘targeted 48 chemical and military companies in hacking attack’ | Technology | guardian.co.uk– Cyber-attacks traced to China targeted at least 48 chemical and military-related companies over the summer in an effort to steal technical secrets, an American computer security company has said, raising the temperature of complaints about pervasive internet crime emanating from the new superpower.The targets included 29 chemical companies and 19 others which make advanced materials used by the military, said security firm Symantec in a report. It said the group included multiple Fortune 100 companies but did not identify them or say where they were located.
- China Mobile Skirts Apple to Add 5 Million IPhone Users: Tech – Bloomberg – China Mobile Ltd. (941) failed to get Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s cooperation to make iPhones for its proprietary 3G network. That didn’t stop the carrier from signing up almost 5 million users of the smartphone in four months. Its trick: Offer Wi-Fi instead.
- Political Outsiders Turn to Microblog Campaigns in China – NYTimes.com –
- Rights Activists Decry U.S. Film Deal in China – NYTimes.com – Nicholas Bequelin, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch in Hong Kong, said he did not fault the company for its decision to shoot in Linyi although he said executives might have done well to Google the place and its political leadership before so avidly promoting the partnership. “They have to be aware of their relationship with notorious abusers,” he said. “They failed to do their due diligence.”
- Pringles Sales Leader for Greater China – based in Beijing at Michael Page China in Beijing – Job | LinkedIn –
- Principal Business Development—Beijing, China at Amazon in Beijing – Job | LinkedIn – Amazon hiring a lot in China
- Expressways of Excess_英文频道 Caixin Online – Lu Dadao has long warned about the risks of highway, railway and airport overbuilding, and now people are listening. “Excessive.” That’s the word Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) academic and National Planning Expert Committee member Lu Dadao uses to describe the scope and pace of transportation-related construction projects in China.
- Regulators review Taobao | Companies | chinadaily.com.cn – Chinese industry regulators are studying whether Taobao Mall engaged in a monopoly, after a group of small- and medium-sized vendors launched a protest last month against the country’s largest business-to-consumer (B2C) site.
- Groupon ‘Clones’ 24quan, Meituan Dish on Future of Online Deals in China – China Real Time Report – WSJ – The takeaway: Margins are going up from a very small base but a lot of consolidation is expected, and websites will be struggling to become profitable while trying to keep users from going to other sites.
- 5 Most Likely Ways the U.S. and China Could Spark Accidental Nuclear War – Max Fisher – International – The Atlantic – The absence of a clear, mutually understood policy on the use nuclear weapons makes the possibility of a small conflict escalating to nuclear war, however unlikely, a bit more real
- Cultural policies raise old questions – China Media Project– On October 8, 1980, an editorial by famous Chinese actor Zhao Dan (赵丹), a central figure in the heyday of Chinese cinema in the 1930s and 40s, appeared in the Party’s official People’s Daily. Zhao expressed concern over political intervention in culture, which he said made it “impossible to have a flourishing of the arts.”The editorial, which Zhao composed from his sickbed in September 1980, as economic reforms were just getting underway and the memories of the Cultural Revolution were still fresh, is a perennial favorite of Chinese artists and intellectuals on the issue of politics and creativity. It’s no surprise, then, that the editorial has been dragged out again in the weeks — and actively shared on social media — following the Chinese Communist Party’s “Decision” on cultural development.
- China’s Iranian Gambit – By Michael Singh and Jacqueline Newmyer Deal | Foreign Policy – Beijing is using the Islamic Republic to foil American interests in the Middle East. It’s time we wised up to this dangerous game.
- China struggles to stay on the right path – FT.com – Instead, of all things, they chose to talk about culture. In no fewer than 17,368 characters, the resolution passed by the committee states truisms such as “Culture is the lifeblood of a nation and the spiritual home of the people”.But what seems like an esoteric outpouring is in fact an ideological summary of the party’s most important policy goal: keeping itself in control.
- Chinese Startups: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong –
- How Groupon Is Losing China | TechCrunch – other panel i moderated. video
- Why China Is Ready For ECommerce | TechCrunch – video of one of the panels I moderated
- Can Tencent’s Weixin Mobile IM Challenge Sina Weibo? | iChinaStock –
- 王兴:美团将于明年底盈利_TechWeb –
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art – Search results – Bishop Jade Collection 富不过三代