Happy Year Of The Rabbit

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

I wish you health, wealth and happiness in the Year of the Rabbit. Thanks for reading my sporadic posts over the last twelve months. I will try to do better in the new year.

If you are a rabbit and believe in these things remember to wear red every day and go to as many weddings as possible, to counteract some of the challenges you may have in the year of your birth cycle, or ???.

For those that can’t join us for the cacophonous, riotous New Years fireworks, I made you a recording on my iPhone and uploaded it to Soundcloud. The quality is not great, but you will get an idea of the midnight pyrotechnic orgy. ????? ?????

Fireworks Beijing Chinese New Years Eve 2011 by niubi