November 2014 Sinocism Reader Survey Results

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Thanks to the 1021 of you who filled out the survey. I have read all the comments and while I can not reply to every one I do appreciate them and have started to incorporate some.

No doubt there was some selection bias that led to more than 75% saying you are “very satisfied”. But I won’t complain…

Very few of you said your satisfaction with the newsletter has decreased in the last few months, which was a little surprising as I feel it is drifting a bit.

Most of you admitted to being skimmers.

Almost 65% of you said you spend around ten minutes or more than ten minutes reading the newsletter.

Nearly 75% of you said the newsletter is not too long.

But the majority of you would like to see no more than 30 links in each issue. Currently the newsletter usually has 55-65.

More than 85% of you said that you would like to see more commentary from me. Of all the comments, one saying the commentary “used to be less didactic” and another from a very famous China scholar who does not “think it necessary for you to express your opinion of what is happening in China” were the most painful. Oh well, you can’t please everyone…

Very few of you answered that you would prefer a mobile app. I was pleased as I have neither the budget nor the inclination at this point to hire someone to develop one.

Thanks again to those of you who took the time to fill the survey out. Your feedback is very important and I will do my best to improve the newsletter.

4 thoughts on “November 2014 Sinocism Reader Survey Results

  1. Where you said “Nearly 75% of you said the newsletter is too long.” is incorrect, the data actually mean the opposite, because your question was: “Is the Newsletter too long?” and about 75% have answered “No”.

    • Yes, you are correct, and I had it in the draft, noting the contradiction between 75% saying not too long but the majority wanting no more than 30 links when currently it usually has 55-65.

      Thanks for the catch

  2. Kudos! Didn’t have time to get to the survey outside of the bandwidth bottle neck time slot of 8pm-11pm. I am happy to see my views are harmonizied with the community. What is wrong with didactic, professor?

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