"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner
- Fictionaut http://bit.ly/cUhuxf #
- FT Alphaville » Morgan Stanley’s Chinese irony http://bit.ly/9Wb5KA $ms #
- Trial opens over sale of substandard material to cctv tower ??????????????????? http://bit.ly/9FWddL #
- Official in beijing's tonzhou under investigation for corruption ?????????????????? http://bit.ly/9yM11p #
- The "nobody-could-have-known" excuse and Iraq – Glenn Greenwald rips in2 nyt john burns http://bit.ly/dBFtJY no elite accountability #
- SpyTalk-Mosque rhetoric boosting Taliban, report says http://bit.ly/cYwPRd Pam Geller & her supporters r killing American troops #
- U.S. turns down China currency probes in two cases – Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/dtz9ps red meat 4 congress? #
- Ex-Dow Scientist Charged With Stealing Trade Secrets for China, U.S. Says – Bloomberg http://bit.ly/dzoRLy #
- Dreaming in Chinese: Mandarin Lessons In Life, Love, And Language: Deborah Fallows http://amzn.to/brS6ke sounds like interesting book #
- U.S. Concerned About Taiwan Ex-Generals' China Visits: Report – Defense News http://bit.ly/cboQX8 #
- China’s Secret Satellite Rendezvous ‘Suggestive of a Military Program’ | Danger Room | Wired.com http://bit.ly/bAIxrl #
- Markets Ignore U.S./China's Zhou Xiaochuan Rumor (for a Change) – China Real Time Report – WSJ http://bit.ly/bQdNGa #
- @carney mayb a positive-Internet May Be The Largest Industry In China Not Dominated By State-owned Firms | Sinocism http://bit.ly/b7Sova #
- "As long as China maintains its own currency and denominates all domestic transactions in RMB, the PBoC reserves cannot be used in China" #
- @carney @thestalwart this pettis worth reading as u speculate on UST and China » What PBoC cannot do w its reserves http://bit.ly/bck1hC #
- The Winners And Losers In Chinese Capitalism – Gady Epstein – Beijing Dispatch – Forbes http://bit.ly/aCjp2Y #
- AFP: China denies central bank chief has fled http://bit.ly/dDh5e2 #
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