Readings for 2010-11-29

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

  • China To Koreas, U.S.: Instead Of World War III, Let’s Talk @GadyEpstein – Beijing Dispatch – Forbes #
  • Chinese expert sugests PLA establish buffer zone 30km INSIDE DPRK if situation gets "out of control" _????_??? #
  • WikiLeaked Diplomatic Cables Confirm China’s Politburo Was Behind Google Hacking Incident ?no, don't confirm anything #
  • US embassy cables: China urged to stop shipment of missile parts for Iran | World news | #
  • Beijing cloned pig gives birth 2 first litter ???????????? ?????? #
  • 850k rmb for a vintage 1965 bottle of maotai ??1965??????????85?? #

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2 thoughts on “Readings for 2010-11-29

  1. tons of interesting china stuff in the wikileaks…going to get really interesting over next few weeks i think…-nick

  2. tons of interesting china stuff in the wikileaks…going to get really interesting over next few weeks i think…-nick

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