The Sinocism China Newsletter 07.01.14

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

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Xi Bags High-Level Military “Tiger” Amid Deepening Corruption Crackdown | Center for Strategic and International Studiesvery helpful analysis by Christopher Johnson- The announcement on Xu, for example, is not occurring in a vacuum. At the same meeting, the Politburo also ousted three other CCP figures that earlier had been detained for investigation. All three of them have ties to the case against former PBSC member Zhou Yongkang, suggesting that long-lingering drama also may be building to a crescendo. Add to this the recent detention of the elder brother of Hu Jintao’s top lieutenant and Xi appears to be leaving no stone unturned. But to what end? Here it is important to think about Xi’s knack for political stagecraft. With most of his rival party chieftains now on the defensive, Xi may be seeking to press his advantage further by advancing his own allies. The upcoming Fourth Plenum, with its presumed focus on the very flexible theme of “party building,” may provide Xi with such an opportunity. There is a precedent for adding officials to senior civilian and military party posts at previous fourth plenums, and media speculation that Xi is seeking to advance the conclave from its traditional timeline in the fall would seem designed to keep the pressure on his detractors by compressing the party’s usual political calendar.//worth remembering that Hu Jintao started the case against General Gu Junshan, the case that reportedly led directly to Xu. So is this purely a purge by Xi, or also about seriously tackling corruption and improving PLA professionalization? I’d say all of the above; they are not mutually exclusive. It has looked clear for months that Xi has total control over the security services; does he now have near complete control over the PLA as well?

Related: 中共中央决定给予徐才厚开除党籍处分-新华网 the official statement on the expulsion of Xu Caihou says that his “case is serious 情节严重”..The official statement on Bo Xilai said his “case is extremely serious 情节特别严重”…so if Xu makes it to a military trial should we expect a lesser penalty? I heard last week that the amount of bribery for which Xu would be charged would be set at 5 million RMB…a very low amount if true  //  2014年3月15日,中共中央依照党的纪律条例,决定对徐才厚涉嫌违纪问题进行组织调查。经审查,徐才厚利用职务便利,为他人晋升职务提供帮助,直接和通过家人收受贿赂;利用职务影响为他人谋利,其家人收受他人财物,严重违反党的纪律并涉嫌受贿犯罪,情节严重,影响恶劣。

Related: China’s Antigraft Push Snares Most Senior Target Yet – Nor was General Xu the only former senior official targeted by the meeting. Xinhua announced that the Politburo also expelled from the party Li Dongsheng, a former vice minister of public security, who party investigators found took massive bribes, as well as two former executives of a state oil conglomerate, Jiang Jiemin and Wang Yongchun, who were accused of similar misdeeds.//Li, Jiang and Wang look to be all related to the Zhou Yongkang investigation. Should we expect a Zhou Yongkang-related announcement by around the 4th Plenum, which rumors say will be held in August?

Related: [视频]中共中央决定给予徐才厚开除党籍处分_新闻频道_央视网( CCTV Evening News on Xu Caihou // 会议认为,对徐才厚严重违纪问题的查处,进一步体现了党中央从严治党、从严治军的鲜明态度,表明了我们党坚决反对腐败、以零容忍态度惩治腐败的坚定决心。全党全军必须充分认识反腐败斗争的长期性、复杂性、艰巨性,把反腐倡廉建设放在更加突出的位置,坚决查处违纪违法案件。任何人不论权力大小、职务高低,只要触犯党纪国法,都要严肃查处,决不姑息、决不手软。人民军队是执行党的政治任务的武装集团,在党风廉政建设上要坚持高标准、严要求。党内决不允许有腐败分子藏身之地,军中也决不允许有腐败分子藏身之地。

Related: 军报评论:坚决拥护党中央的正确决定 – 中国军网 PLA Daily on supporting the Party’s “correct decision”// 中共中央决定给予徐才厚开除党籍处分,对其涉嫌受贿犯罪问题及问题线索移送最高人民检察院授权军事检察机关依法处理。这充分体现了党中央从严治党、从严治军的鲜明态度,表明了我们党坚决反对腐败、以零容忍态度惩治腐败的坚定决心,对于端正部队风气、维护人民军队良好形象,对于提振军心士气、凝聚意志力量,具有重要意义。全军官兵要坚决拥护党中央的正确决定,坚决贯彻党中央的决策部署,切实把思想统一到中央精神上来,确保一切行动听从党中央、中央军委和习主席指挥。

Related: 人民日报评论员:铲除腐败决不手软–观点--人民网 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央,从党和国家生死存亡的高度,把反腐败斗争摆在更加突出位置。对腐败现象决不姑息,对腐败分子决不手软,坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,我们党严肃查处一些党员干部包括高级干部严重违纪问题的坚强决心和鲜明态度,向全党全社会表明,从严治党不是口号,惩治腐败没有例外。任何人不论权力大小、职务高低,只要触犯党纪国法,都要严肃查处,党内决不允许有腐败分子藏身之地,军中也决不允许有腐败分子藏身之地,任何人都不能心存侥幸。// No exception in punishing the corrupt: People’s Daily 

Related: 军中反腐惊雷 徐才厚外另有4少将落马_中国_多维新闻网 HK media says 4 other generals under investigation for corruption// 【多维新闻】2014年中共建党节前夕堪称军中“大老虎”的徐才厚的落马,群情振奋,党军肃然。有港媒跟进报道称,除徐才厚以及之前的谷俊山外,长期任职四川军区的卫晋和叶万勇,山西省军区原司令方文平,总后勤部副参谋长符林国4位少将也于同期被调查。在徐才厚案被正式揭蛊之后,此前一直不显山露水的军队反腐态势渐趋明朗。

中共中央政治局召开会议 审议《深化财税体制改革总体方案》、《关于进一步推进户籍制度改革的意见》、《党的纪律检查体制改革实施方案》 中共中央总书记习近平主持会议_新闻频道_ Xu Caihou announcement only the 4th item on the CCTV Evening News. This item, at the top of the news,  about other Politburo agenda items-Tax reform, hukou reform, party discipline and inspection system reform  //  央视网消息(新闻联播):中共中央政治局6月30日召开会议,审议通过了《深化财税体制改革总体方案》、《关于进一步推进户籍制度改革的意见》、《党的纪律检查体制改革实施方案》。中共中央总书记习近平主持会议。 会议指出,财政是国家治理的基础和重要支柱,财税体制在治国安邦中始终发挥着基础性、制度性、保障性作用。我们党历来高度重视财政工作与财税改革,在建立适应中国特色社会主义发展要求的财政制度方面进行了不懈探索。新一轮财税体制改革是一场关系国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的深刻变革,是立足全局、着眼长远的制度创新。

Related: CPC highlights disciplinary inspection reforms – Xinhua The Communist Party of China (CPC) on Monday underscored its disciplinary inspection reforms, just as four of the country’s former high-ranking officials were expelled from the Party. A meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Monday approved an implementation plan of these inspection reforms, according to a statement released after the meeting presided by the CPC Central Committee’s general secretary, Xi Jinping. No detail of the reform plan was included in the statement. Monday’s meeting came as China’s anti-corruption drive reached a new crescendo as four former high-ranking officials were expelled from the CPC one day ahead of its 93rd anniversary.

Related: 中共政治局:积极推进城镇基本公共服务由对户籍人口向对常住人口提供转变-财经网 要优先解决好进城时间长、就业能力强、可以适应城镇和市场竞争环境的人,使他们及其家庭在城镇扎根落户,有序引导人口流向。要,逐步解决在城镇就业居住但未落户的农业转移人口享有城镇基本公共服务问题。

Related: 北京重申随迁子女五证不全不予入学_政经频道_财新网 Beijing made it much harder for kids without Beijing hukous to enroll in Beijing schools. Does that fly in the face of the mooted hukou reforms to allow more equal treatment, or is Beijing always going to be an exception and in fact officials want non-Beijingers, especially those with kids, to leave for other cities?  //  称“五证”审核是为了更好地保障符合条件的随迁子女接受义务教育权利;教育专家认为,不应把流动儿童的教育机会和控制人口的政策挂钩

Related: China Politburo Aims To Finish Major Fiscal Reforms By 2016 | MNI The meeting, chaired by President Xi Jinping, said the government will improve its fiscal budget management and better use fiscal budget to regulator government’s spending behaviour. The Politburo also agreed to deepen tax reform, improve tax structure and stabilize tax burden while pledge to use tax measures to push for economic structure adjustment. The Politburo aimed to finish major fiscal and tax reform tasks by 2016 and establish a modern fiscal system by 2020.

One Year After Sunnylands: Assessing the U.S.-China Relationship-Carnegie-Tsinghua Center Highlighting four years of partnership between the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Tsinghua University’s Department of International Relations, Yan Xuetong and Sun Xuefeng, both professors at Tsinghua University and Carnegie–Tsinghua scholars, joined Carnegie–Tsinghua’s Paul Haenle and Carnegie’s Yukon Huang to discuss a range of bilateral and global issues occupying the U.S.-China agenda, from cyber security to maritime cooperation. Carnegie’s George Perkovich moderated.//excellent Podcast

China’s Xi heads to Seoul with North Korea on his mind | Reuters The president of China, North Korea’s only major ally, visits South Korea this week where the leaders of the two countries are expected to call on Pyongyang to end its pursuit of nuclear weapons, although Beijing will make sure it is not seen as taking sides. In a visit certain to be watched carefully in Pyongyang, President Xi Jinping will be holding talks with South Korean President Park Geun-hye for the fifth time in a year, without yet meeting the North’s leader, Kim Jong Un.

Q. and A.: Edmund Malesky on Vietnam and China – an extremely informative interview //  Edmund J. Malesky, an associate professor of political economy at Duke University, has spent years studying the politics of Vietnam. More recently, he has been working on a governance project involving China. His scholarship on the two countries, both ruled by Communist parties with close ties, has given him a basis for a comparative perspective on the nations’ politics and political economies.

锻造更为坚强的领导核心(社论)–观点–人民网 Forge An Even Stronger Leadership Core”–page 1 People’s Daily article July 1 on the 3rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China //

Mass Hong Kong protest looms as democracy push gathers steam | Reuters Hong Kong is bracing for its largest protest in more than a decade after nearly 800,000 voted for full democracy in an unofficial referendum, a move likely to stoke anti-China sentiment in the former British colony. The annual July 1 rally, marking the day the territory returned to China in 1997, will focus on pressuring Beijing’s Communist Party leaders for full electoral freedom, organizers said, and could draw the largest turnout since 2003, when half a million people demonstrated against proposed anti-subversion laws which were later scrapped.

Related: Special Report: The battle for Hong Kong’s soul | Reuters For critics of the pro-Beijing government in Hong Kong, groups like the Care for the Youth Group Association are part of a campaign from the mainland to tighten control over China’s most freewheeling city. Increasingly, they say, Beijing is raising its voice. In the streets, boardrooms, newsrooms, churches and local government offices, individuals and organizations with links to the state and China’s Communist Party are playing a bigger role in civil and political life, well-placed sources in Hong Kong and Beijing say.

Special report: The victims of China’s soil pollution crisis | He Guangwei – China Dialogue This is the first of a special three-part series of investigations jointly run by chinadialogue and Yale Environment 360, with support from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting



China Manufacturing Gauge Rises to Six-Month High – Bloomberg The Purchasing Managers’ Index (CPMINDX) was at 51.0, the National Bureau of Statistics and China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said today in Beijing, matching the median estimate of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg News. May’s reading was 50.8, with numbers above 50 signaling expansion.

Can China Fix Its Financial System Without Derailing Its Economy? – China Real Time Report – WSJ China can weather the storm. So says Paul Gruenwald, chief economist of Standard & Poor’s Rating Services’ Asia Pacific region. One of economists’ biggest fears is whether China’s credit boom will end in a U.S.-style financial crisis, sending shockwaves across the global economy. But Mr. Gruenwald says China has built up sufficient buffers to protect against a collapse in the country’s financial system, pointing to the $4 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves and the big banks’ cash stockpiles. “They’ve got cushions in there that are going to help to mitigate any downturn,” he said in an interview. “That doesn’t mean it’s painless, but I think it means that it’s probably more manageable.”

天津政协主席何立峰任国家发改委副主任(图/简历)–时政–人民网 He Lifeng promoted to a vice chair of NDRC, ranked just behind Liu He..He Lifeng recently oversaw Tianjin’s Binhai zone, site of the Yujiapu mess making headlines again China Tried To Build A Replica Of Manhattan … And It’s Not Looking So Great  // 人民网北京6月30日电 据国家发展和改革委员会网站委领导一栏显示,2014年6月,何立峰任国家发改委党组副书记、副主任。公开资料显示,2013年1月,何立峰任天津市政协主席、党组书记。

Daily Iron Ore Mine Closures in China Make Citigroup Bullish – Bloomberg Local suppliers in Asia’s largest economy are cutting production even as mills increase steel output on improved margins, according to analyst Ivan Szpakowski. An iron ore mine in China is being shuttered every day, with closures seen in all main producing regions, he said in an interview from Shanghai.

China Debt Set for Biggest Quarterly Gain in Two Years on Easing – Bloomberg “The PBOC’s policy direction is to guide interest rates lower to ensure growth,” said Zhang Guoyu, a Shanghai-based analyst at Orient Futures Co. “If it continues to want lower financing costs to benefit the real economy, the 10-year yield may have further downside.” The official Purchasing Manufacturing Index (CPMINDX) may have climbed to 51 in June, the highest level this year, according to a Bloomberg News survey ahead of the statistics bureau’s data release tomorrow. Targeted cuts in reserve requirements have helped companies’ profitability, although the foundation for recovery isn’t solid, Caixin magazine reported on its website yesterday, citing Zhang Jianhua, head of the PBOC’s Hangzhou branch.

China Changes Bank Loan-to-Deposit Calculation in Growth Bid – Bloomberg “This is another ‘targeted stimulus’ policy conducted by the Chinese authorities to help the economy regain momentum,” Zhou Hao, a Shanghai-based economist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., wrote in an e-mail today. “The new loans extended by the Chinese commercial banks in the next few months will be significantly bigger compared with the same period of last year.” Zhou estimates total lending in China will exceed 10 trillion yuan ($1.6 trillion) in 2014, more than last year’s 8.9 trillion yuan.

Slowing China Economy Dims Profit Outlook to 2012 Low – Bloomberg Analysts covering stocks listed on the Bloomberg China-US Equity Index (HSCEI) estimate that on average they will post earnings of $5.64 per share this year, which would be the lowest profits reported since 2012, data compiled by Bloomberg show. They’ve cut revenue forecasts by 7.9 percent in the past 11 weeks.

Hostile Bid for Club Med Threatens Existing Deal – Andrea C. Bonomi, senior partner of Investindustrial, said the offer, by a consortium in which his company is the majority investor, valued the French company at about 790 million euros, or $1.1 billion. The new offer was more than the €557 million offered last year by Fosun International, a Chinese financial and industrial conglomerate, and Ardian, the French investment firm formerly known as Axa Private Equity.

Xinhua Insight: “House-for-pension” a bitter option in graying China – Xinhua China has been pushing the reverse mortgage-style house-for-pension program to diversify its eldercare solutions for a quickly aging population. The four cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan will start a pilot to allow insurers to access this field on July 1. Yuan Xucheng, an official with the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, said the pilot is intended to expand funding channels and improve provisions for the elderly. Though totally voluntary, the scheme has invited criticism that the government is trying to shift the burden to individuals. It has also left a bad taste in a society where houses play a central role in family affairs.

China Housing Prices Fall for Second-Straight Month in June – WSJ Some of China’s wealthiest cities are showing signs of strain. In Beijing, average new home prices fell 0.6% in June from May, a turnaround from a 0.7% gain in May from April. In the affluent southern city of Shenzhen, prices declined by 1.8%, extending a 0.9% fall in May, the survey said. In Shanghai, prices rose 0.3%, a turnaround from a fall of 0.4% recorded in May.

上半年北京新房成交量创9年来新低–房产–人民网 Beijing real estate transactions in 1H 2014 hit 9 year low

地产信托募资规模环比大降51% 逾3000亿兑付洪峰将至_21世纪网 6月30日,21世纪经济报道记者根据用益信托数据统计,当月地产信托发行数量、募集规模较今年1-5月份的平均水平分别下降41%和51%。 事实上,一季度的集合地产信托发行规模,就已经比去年四季度环比下降了34.25%。多位信托业人士向21世纪经济报道记者表示,地产信托发行降至“冰点”的原因主要有两个,一是楼市拐点预期强烈,市场担忧房价下跌风险;二是地产信托项目频繁出现资金链断裂。 “今年的重点之一就是控制好地产信托规模,尽量避免出现兑付风险。”上海一位信托高管向21世纪经济报道记者表示。更大的考验还在后头,用益信托统计数据显示,从2014下半年至2015年,地产集合信托到期规模达到3029亿元。

Guest post: internet finance drives China banking reform – beyondbrics – Blogs – Internet finance has the potential to be a large catalyst for reform and efficiency gains in China’s state-dominated financial system. Most internet financial products are relatively transparent and offer greater opportunities for participation by normal investors compared to other parts of the shadow banking system, such as trust investments. The ultimate outcome of China’s internet finance experiment will depend on the degree of regulatory acceptance as well as whether policies are put in place to guide competition between banks and internet lenders in a healthy direction.

央行叫停“两率一致” 宝宝军团再受一击 新华社——经济参考网 another regulatory blow to Yu’e Bao? //  互联网“宝宝”与银行系“宝宝”的竞争依然焦灼,然而,有消息称,央行通过窗口叫停“两率一致”协议存款,要求商业银行在和货币基金做协议存款的时候,需要签订两率不等协议存款。这就意味着,货币基金等机构在银行的协议存款如果提前支取,将面临罚息。以协议存款作为最主要营生的“宝宝”军团,其收益率将受到波及。 货币基金此前在投向协议存款时都会享受特权:把基民的钱存在银行,即使提前支取也稳拿收益。为了争取客户,银行多数会同意在协议存款上注明,如发生提前支取仍按照正常协议存款的利率进行计算,这也就是所谓的“两率一致”。

German Auto Parts Provider Decides China Market beyond Repair – Caixin Stahlgruber sold its subsidiary on June 23 to Shanghai Lingtu Trade Co. Ltd., a Chinese company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, company registration documents show. Lingtu is owned by Qing Yan, the former general manager of Stahlgruber’s China subsidiary. “The complexity of China’s auto parts market was beyond (Stahlgruber’s) imagination,” Qing said. Because China has a large variety of car models and thus standards, the auto parts market is “chaotic” and saturated with individually owned small repair shops, an industry source said.

周其仁:温州乐清农房抵押效果好_政经频道_财新网 Zhou Qiren praises the Yueqing, Wenzhou experiment allow rural residents to mortgage their homes  //  中共十八届三中全会正式放行了农房流转、抵押试点,早前在一些地方,已有不少实践。著名经济学家周其仁日前撰文,介绍了他在浙江温州乐清市的调研,称乐清的农房入市和农房抵押早就发生了,并且效果不错。



[视频]习近平在中共中央政治局第十六次集体学习时强调 坚持从严治党落实管党治党责任 把作风建设要求融入党的制度建设_新闻频道_央视网( 习近平强调,我们共产党人的忧患意识,就是忧党、忧国、忧民意识,这是一种责任,更是一种担当。要深刻认识党面临的执政考验、改革开放考验、市场经济考验、外部环境考验的长期性和复杂性,深刻认识党面临的精神懈怠危险、能力不足危险、脱离群众危险、消极腐败危险的尖锐性和严峻性,深刻认识增强自我净化、自我完善、自我革新、自我提高能力的重要性和紧迫性,坚持底线思维,做到居安思危。要教育引导全党同志特别是各级领导干部坚持“两个务必”,自觉为党和人民不懈奋斗,不能安于现状、盲目乐观,不能囿于眼前、轻视长远,不能掩盖矛盾、回避问题,不能贪图享受、攀比阔气。

一图解析中央各领导小组–时政–人民网 nice People’s Daily infographic on the small leading groups and who chairs them //  编者按:6月13日,习近平首次以中央财经领导小组组长身份主持召开会议。这也是自十八大以来,习近平公开的第4个小组组长身份。在我国的治理结构中,有不少类似中央财经小组的议事协调机构,拥有跨部门的协调权力。中央各领导小组的职能如何?组长为何多“高配”?我们用一张图为您揭秘中央各领导小组的那些事儿。

中南海讲师详解官员自杀潮 Luo Changping interviews Dr. Peng Kaiping about the spate of official suicides, the psychological stress they face, and what the Organization department is doing about it  //  本期凤凰视频的《罗昌平对话》,邀请到清华大学心理系主任、美国加州大学伯克利分校的终身教授彭凯平。彭凯平教授曾两次走进中南海给领导讲心理课,他也参与了中央组织部门针对后备干部的心理调查。今年以来,中国官员的自杀率非常之高,那么中国官员的心理状况到底是怎么样的

红旗文稿:国企改革的红线、底线和方向 时间:2014-06-30 原文作者:朱继东 SASAC republishes Red Flag journal article on red lines, bottom lines and direction of SOE reform //  内容提要:深化国企改革是篇大文章,也是一个备受关注和争议的事关党和国家前途命运的重大问题。2014年“两会”期间,习近平总书记强调,国企不仅不能削弱,而且要加强;要吸取过去国企改革的经验和教训,不能在一片改革声浪中把国有资产变成谋取暴利的机会。这一讲话精神,为进一步推进国企改革划定了红线、明确了底线、指明了方向。 深化国企改革是篇大文章,也是一个备受关注和争议的事关党和国家前途命运的重大问题。2014年“两会”期间,习近平总书记强调,国企不仅不能削弱,而且要加强;要吸取过去国企改革的经验和教训,不能在一片改革声浪中把国有资产变成谋取暴利的机会。这一讲话精神,为进一步推进国企改革划定了红线、明确了底线、指明了方向。-(本文章摘自《红旗文稿》第11期,作者:清华大学高校德育研究中心研究员、马克思主义理论博士后流动站博士后,中国社会科学院世界社会主义研究中心常务理事、国家文化安全与意识形态建设研究中心副主任兼秘书长

李鹏新书:有人传我是周总理养子 这不正确_新闻_腾讯网 Li Peng says in his new book that he was not adopted by Zhou Enlai

Executive at State Grid’s Anhui Branch ‘Is Detained’ – Caixin The vice general manager of State Grid Corp.’s branch in the eastern province of Anhui has been detained, several sources in the electricity industry say. Guan Shouzhong, 50, ranks the third in the management of State Grid’s Anhui branch and oversees infrastructure construction. The probe is likely to be linked to company’s infrastructure projects, sources from the company said.

CPC voting out members with poor conduct – Xinhua The Communist Party of China (CPC) is coming up with ways to vote out members who have not infringed upon laws and Party regulations but whose conduct is nevertheless poor. As the CPC approaches the 93rd anniversary of its founding on Tuesday, it is showing fresh resolve to ensure there are no bad apples among its membership of around 86 million.

China charges four in Kunming attack, sentences 113 on terror crimes | Reuters China charged four people in connection with a deadly attack at a railway station in the southwestern city of Kunming in March, state media said on Monday, a case that helped spur a crackdown on what officials have called an upsurge in militant violence. The government has said eight knife-wielding militants from the restive western region of Xinjiang launched a premeditated attack at Kunming station in Yunnan province in which 29 people were killed and 140 injured. Police shot four of the attackers dead.

境外网站发展中国籍恐怖分子赴国外受训_国内_新京报网 截至29日,互联网违法和不良信息举报中心已经接受暴恐类信息举报1538件次。超过七成涉暴恐类有害信息来自境外网站,内容包括宣扬宗教极端思想、鼓吹“圣战”、渲染恐怖血腥场景、贩卖枪支等。

Xinhua Insight: China facing up to “deepwater area” reforms – Xinhua | the progress of reforms differs among provinces and sectors. In carrying out the order to streamline administration, some authorities have sneakily delegated inessential power but retained major decision-making control, said Xu. To ensure reforms are put into practice, the State Council dispatched eight inspection teams last Wednesday to check the implementation of its policies nationwide, in a process which will last 10 days through to July 5. Resistance is expected in the coordination and implementation of local governments and departments, noted Zhao Zhenhua, an economist at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee. The key is to build up consensus and properly tackle the relationships between short-term and long-term, partial and holistic interests as well as national and international levels, to serve the country’s overall reform and development, said Zhao.

媒体盘点各地民主生活会:13地干部哽咽流泪-搜狐新闻 Legal Evening News reporter goes through all the media reports about the Democratic Life Meetings, list the cadres who where reported to have broken down sobbing //  《法制晚报》记者根据公开报道梳理发现,6月份,全国31个省份70多个市(区、县)中,至少有13地的领导干部在民主生活会上或哽咽或流泪,有时会上不仅仅有一位干部哽咽流泪,还会出现几个人先后哽咽流泪的场面。国家行政学院教授许耀桐表示,批评与自我批评是我党的优良传统,说到动情处“哽咽流泪”实属人之常情。



The Future of U.S.-China Relations Daniel R. Russel Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Washington, DC June 25, 2014

Commentary: Japan’s Abe manipulating a dangerous coup against pacifist Constitution – Xinhua Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is manipulating a dangerous coup to overturn the country’s post- war pacifism and democratic ideals, as he hones in on releasing the shackles of the nation’s legally tethered military and war will from its war-renouncing Constitution. It is no coincidence that the prime minister is seeking the green light to Japan’s military being able to exercise the right to collective self-defense on July 1, the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces (SDF), as the move will drastically change Japan’s defense stance since the end of World War II and possibly see the country dragged back into bloody conflict in the future. Apparently, fighting for countries that have close ties with Japan can not be accounted for under the auspices of self-defense, but for the SDF to be potentially deployed to every corner of the globe to engage in battle, surely means that Abe has “upgraded” Japan’s SDF to a national military.

Chinese Territorial Claims Driving Asia Closer to U.S. – WSJ In a blunt assessment of Chinese territorial claims in the East and South China seas, Australian cabinet minister Malcolm Turnbull —a key lieutenant of Prime Minister Tony Abbott —said Beijing’s recent tussles with Vietnam and the Philippines were “singularly unhelpful” to regional security confidence. “What the Chinese policy has been, and I think it’s curious that it has been so counterproductive, it has been to muscle up to one or other of its neighbors, or all of its neighbors at different times,” said Mr. Turnbull, communications minister in Mr. Abbott’s inner circle and a conservative leadership contender.

Edward Jay Epstein: Revisiting Snowden’s Hong Kong Getaway – WSJ Mr. Snowden would tell Mr. Greenwald on June 3 that he had been “holed up” in his room at the Mira Hotel from the time of his arrival in Hong Kong. But according to inquiries by Wall Street Journal reporter Te-Ping Chen, Mr. Snowden arrived there on June 1. I confirmed that date with the hotel’s employees. A hotel security guard told me that Mr. Snowden was not in the Mira during that late-May period and, when he did stay there, he used his own passport and credit card. So where was Edward Snowden between May 20 and May 31? The lawyers who had been retained by an anonymous party for him in Hong Kong have not been forthcoming.

Chinese, Indian vice presidents hold talks – Xinhua also met w Xi //  Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao on Monday held talks with his visiting Indian counterpart Mohammad Hamid Ansari on promoting bilateral cooperation. Speaking highly of the development momentum of China-India relations since the new Indian government took office, Li said China is ready to work with India to push forward the bilateral strategic partnership.

China to let Indian experts monitor Brahmaputra in Tibet – The Hindu China has for the first time formally agreed to allow Indian hydrological experts to conduct study tours in Tibet to monitor the flows on the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra, according to a new agreement signed here on Monday during the visit of Vice-President Hamid Ansari. In a move to assuage India’s concerns about the ongoing dam projects on the upper reaches of the river — known as the Yarlung Zangbo in Tibet — Beijing has formally agreed to allow India to “despatch hydrological experts” to conduct study tours “according to the principle of reciprocity”.

Before Shooting in Iraq, Warning on Blackwater – The company’s gung-ho attitude and willingness to take on risky tasks were seductive to government officials in Washington. The State Department, for example, secretly sent Blackwater guards to Shenyang, China, to provide security for North Korean asylum seekers who had gone to the United States Consulate there and refused to leave for fear the Chinese government would force them to go back to North Korea, according to company documents and interviews with former Blackwater personnel.

Behind  the masks  of  China’s  senior cadres –  Brown provides some useful insights into the five members who, along with Mr Xi and Mr Li, make up the standing committee. They include Yu Zhengsheng, who appears to have been elevated because of his ties to the family of former paramount leader Deng Xiaoping. “The [Communist party] is like a partly family-run business,” and Yu represents the interests of the Deng family “almost like a board member represents key shareholders in a family business that has gone public”, writes Brown. This, along with and the support of Jiang Zemin, another former president, were enough to erase the stain on Mr Yu’s career caused by the defection of his brother to the US in 1985. The former senior state security official had caused enormous damage to China’s spy networks before he was assassinated in the 1990s.// Is there really hard evidence of assassination? That is what people here like to believe, but have never seen that confirmed..Kerry Brown’s book The New Emperors: Power and the Princelings in China 


TECH AND MEDIA Shutting Down I want to let you know that SinoMarkets will be taken offline July 31. SinoMarkets was an experiment to see if prediction market technology could be helpful to China specialists. While the site generated some very interesting predictions from our members, it failed to attract enough participants to make the market “liquid” enough to compare the accuracy of crowd-sourced predictions with those of experts and deliberative bodies.

Xinhuanet, Internet Arm of China’s State-backed Xinhua News Agency, Files for IPO at SSE | TechNode Xinhuanet, the Internet portal of state news agency Xinhua, has filed with the China Securities Regulatory Commission for an IPO at Shanghai Stock Exchange. According to the  prospectus, the company planned to issue 51.90 million new shares for 1.497 billion yuan (around $240 million), pushing the company’s total capital stock to 208 million shares. The funds will be injected in construction of information and cloud platform, big data analysis system, new media application technology research center and online education project, according to the company.

Chinese tech firm sues Apple for trademark infringement – Xinhua Representatives of Shanghai Yishijia Network Technology Co., Ltd filed a lawsuit against Apple and Shanghai Woshang Information technology Co., Ltd over the usage right of a trademark Yishijia owns on Apple’s App Store, and are asking for compensation of more than 100 million yuan (about 16 million U.S. dollars), according to the Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People’s Court. The court has accepted the lawsuit. The dispute began in April, when Yishijia applied to upload the mobile application for Homevv, an online shopping platform that it developed, on the App Store, but was rejected by Apple as another app bearing the same trademark by Woshang was already there.

China Focus: Stoned celebrities in narcotic spotlight again – Xinhua wonder when they will arrest a visiting Hollywood star who needs a fix //  On Thursday, Beijing police announced that they had arrested screenwriter and novelist Chen Wanning [better known by his professional name Ning Caishen], 39, for drug offenses. Chen confessed that he had been taking crystal meth since December and had consumed some just before his arrest. Chen was a leading figure in China’s first generation of online writers and established himself in 2006 with popular martial arts comedy “My Personal Swordsman”. He is also a regular guest on hit matchmaking reality show “If You Are the One.” The news came less than two weeks after director Zhang Yuan was arrested in Beijing for similar offenses, his second arrest in similar circumstances.

Apple Seeks Managers for Stores in Six New Chinese Cities – Bloomberg The company is hiring for outlets in Tianjin, Chongqing, Wuxi, Zhengzhou, Shenyang, and Hangzhou, according to a recruitment advertisement on Apple’s website. None of the cities currently has an Apple-owned store. Apple gets about a fifth of its sales from the China region, which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan, with revenue rising 13 percent to $9.3 billion in the three months ended March 29. Cook said in April 2013 the Cupertino, California-based company would double the number of retail stores it operates in the region within two years.

国产操作系统中科红旗负债2000多万 拍卖旗下资产_TechWeb Indigenous Linux-based OS Red Flag 20m rmb in debt, shut down, now selling off its assets

【Jin句】马云:从未在淘宝购物,不会用支付宝-看点-虎嗅网 Alibaba’s Jack Ma gives graduation speech at Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, says he has never bought anything on Taobao and doesn’t use Alipay

Picture from Weibo of Alibaba holding a Party Meeting–Twitter Who is the most senior Party member executive at Alibaba? Is it disclosed in the F-1? I don’t believe the other China Internet companies disclose that

乐视网起诉小米盒子盗播胜诉|乐视网|小米盒子|互联网电视_互联网_新浪科技_新浪网 LeTV wins lawsuit against Xiaomi for copyright violations on Xiaomi’s Apple TV-like device Xiaomi TV //  法制晚报讯 (记者 王巍)视频网站起诉电视盒子盗播首度胜诉。记者今日从海淀法院获悉,乐视起诉某电视盒子盗播其《后宫甄嬛传》、《失恋33天》等10部影视作品,法院判决乐视网获赔十余万元。




China supreme court appoints top environmental judge | Reuters China’s supreme court has appointed a senior judge to handle environmental cases as the environmentally challenged country bids to get tough on polluters and improve the way its laws are enforced, an official newspaper said on Monday. China Environmental News, published by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, said Deng Xuelin had been appointed as the presiding judge of the Environmental and Resources Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court.

China’s quarantine watchdog rejects U.S. GM corn – Xinhua China’s quarantine watchdog has returned 1.25 million tonnes of corn shipments from the United States in recent months over genetic modification concerns, an official said on Monday. Since October, Chinese authorities have been finding U.S. corn shipments tainted with genetically modified (GM) strain MIR162, said Lu Chunming, an official with the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.

年内35城市将公布雾霾“元凶”_国内_新京报网 By year end 35 cities will be required to publicly report the sources of air pollution  //  今年年内,除拉萨外的30个省会城市以及5个计划单列市都需公布源解析的初步或阶段性报告。环保部监测司表示,下一步将在各城市公布源解析基础上,展开区域源解析工作。专家称,源解析有助于制定更为精准减排措施,并可评估治污效果。

China Ends Animal Testing Rule for Some Cosmetics – China has removed a controversial animal test requirement for some types of cosmetics, a move praised by animal rights advocates who hope it signals an end to a practice widely scorned elsewhere. Starting Monday, the China Food and Drug Administration will stop requiring animal tests on so-called ordinary cosmetics, including shampoos and certain skin-care products. Instead, manufacturers can opt for alternative methods using existing data on ingredient toxicology or tissue culture when they conduct risk assessments.



Beijing receives fewer overseas tourists in 2013 – Xinhua The number of overseas tourists who visited Beijing Municipality in 2013 reached 4.5 million, down 10 percent from the previous year, according to a green paper released on Monday. The paper said the fall was due to the international economic slowdown, competition from other cities in nearby countries and regions, appreciation of the Chinese currency, unattractive duty-free policies and smoggy weather.



Students Around the World Gear Up for ACE 2014 – Ameson Education & Cultural Exchange Foundation participants in the eighth annual Ameson Chinese Elite (ACE) program are also preparing for a summer filled with travel, adventure, and new connections. ACE provides students with the chance to act as cultural ambassadors through their interaction with other students from each of the UN Security Council’s five permanent member states represented at the event. Held from July 31st to August 6th in Beijing, participants in this selective program are chosen on the basis of merit and include students from five countries and a wide variety of backgrounds.


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