The Sinocism China Newsletter 07.03.14

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Today’s Links:


Chinese President’s Visit to South Korea Could Nudge U.S. Off Its Regional Perch – Mr. Xi will arrive in Seoul in the wake of Japan’s decision on Tuesday to reinterpret its pacifist Constitution to allow its military to play a more assertive role in the region. The announcement is deeply unpopular here and in China, its intended target. “Xi can’t afford to miss this opportunity to make bad relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea as bitter as possible,” said Chun Yungwoo, the national security adviser to the former South Korean president, Lee Myung-bak, in an interview here. He noted that the timing of Mr. Xi’s visit was coincidental, but that “China is trying to draw the Republic of Korea as far away as possible from Japan and the United States.”

Related: Ahead of Xi visit, envoy talks ties-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily President Xi Jinping’s visit to South Korea will certainly become the most important milestone in the history of exchanges between the two countries,” said Chinese Ambassador to Seoul Qiu Guohong. Ahead of Xi’s arrival in Seoul Thursday for a two-day visit, Qiu sat for an exclusive interview with the JoongAng Ilbo at the Chinese Embassy in Myeong-dong in central Seoul on Friday afternoon, right as the two countries simultaneously announced Xi’s schedule.

Related: Xinhua Insight: China-ROK relations their “best in history” – Xinhua Observers said it is quite rare in China’s diplomatic arrangement that the president pays a state visit to only one country in an overseas trip. “The trip, Xi’s first visit to the ROK since he took office last year, could be seen as a return visit for ROK president Park’s state visit to China in June 2013, demonstrating that China is attaching great importance to China-ROK ties,” said Qu.

Related: Xi Arrival in South Korea Marked by North Korean Missile Tests – Bloomberg The strengthening ties between China and South Korea and their mutual mistrust of Japan risk complicating the Obama administration’s re-balancing to Asia by sustaining the wedge between the U.S.’s closest allies in the region. China has also moved to improve ties with President Vladimir Putin’s Russia to the north and newly-elected Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the west, as it hedges against U.S. influence. “China’s medium- to long-term objective is to bring the Korean peninsula firmly inside its sphere of influence, marginalizing both the U.S. and Japan as political, economic and security players,” Ronald Huisken, senior fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre of Australian National University, said in an e-mail.

Related: 不能任由日本肆意冲击国际秩序(钟声)–时政–人民网 Zhong Sheng attack on Abe and Japanese rightists makes page 1 of Thursday’s People’s Daily  //  日本政府解禁集体自卫权、一意孤行突破战后体制,是对本国和平力量正义呼声的公然藐视,也是对战后国际秩序安排的肆意冲击。有必要郑重提醒一句:以安倍晋三为首的日本右翼势力不要忘乎所以,国际关系体系不是日本恣意妄为的自留地

港媒:习近平访韩 马云李彦宏等随访_财经频道_一财网 Baidu’s Robin Li, Alibaba’s Jack Ma, Huawei’s Ren Zhengfei accompanying Xi Jinping to South Korea  //  在习近平访韩的第二天,将出席在首尔举行的、史上规模最大的“中韩商务论坛”。 据主办方之一大韩商工会议所透露,参加这次论坛的中韩企业人士将达420多人,规模为历届之最,其中访问韩国的中国经济使节团规模将达250多人。 参加论坛的中方人士包括:百度董事长李彦宏、阿里巴巴集团董事会主席马云、华为技术有限公司总裁任正非、中国银行董事长田国立、中国南方航空集团公司总经理司献民、中国电信集团公司董事长王晓初、重钢集团董事长刘加才等。

Related: 习近平访韩背后:中日韩“三国演义”_共识网 PRC, ROK and Japan now playing a modern version of “Three Kingdoms”?// 实际上,早前习近平访韩消息一经传出,立即带动了中日韩三国蜂拥般的舆论。事件的背后,不仅仅是中韩友好关系的建立,更是“三国”谋定局势而展开的后动。   在唐代,中国、日本、朝鲜,三国间曾有一场大兵灾,当时中国与新罗(现朝鲜半岛的东南部,接近今日的韩国)联手,将日本天智天皇的舰队击溃於白江口,此后日本臣服。那时的旧秩序是否真的不适用于现今以和平和发展为主调的国际新秩序?一切都未可知。   不过,在东北亚局势持续恶化的今天,原有的中朝 vs 日韩的格局已经发生了根本性的改变。作为日本二战侵略的受害者,和日本民族主义的不断抬头,韩日关系正发生一百八十度转弯;几乎与此同时,朝鲜不断试验核武,也给东北亚的稳定带来了威胁;在中国经济规模持续扩大,资本输出持续增长的背景之下,经济、民族主义、意识形态和东北亚区域政治的形势正在剧烈变动。

[视频]习近平会见美国前财长鲍尔森_新闻频道_央视网( Xi Jinping met with Hank Paulson, Bob Zoellick and others. Top item on Weds CCTV Evening News, nice comments from Xi about the Paulson Institute, positive messaging about US-China ahead of next week’s U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue meeting in Beijing  //  习近平赞赏鲍尔森及其创建的鲍尔森中心为促进中美交流合作作出的积极努力。习近平强调,中方一贯从战略高度和长远角度看待和处理中美关系,不因一时一事而改变。两国的共同利益和相互联系远大于差异和分歧。发展中美关系,双方要按照我同奥巴马总统就构建中美新型大国关系达成的重要共识,始终坚持增进和积累互信,扩大利益契合点,加强合作,多栽花、少栽刺,排除干扰,避免猜忌和对抗。

Related: Xi urges positive energy in China-U.S. ties – Xinhua Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called for more communication between China and the United States, and urged the two sides to inject “positive energy” into their bilateral ties. Xi made the remarks in a meeting with U.S. former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson at the Great Hall of the People. The two sides should give full play to mechanisms such as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue (SED) to strengthen communication and discuss cooperation, Xi said. The sixth China-U.S. SED will be held in Beijing on July 9 and 10. Xi said China always views and handles the relationship with the United States from a strategic and longstanding point of view, which will “not change for a short period or over a single incident.”

Uphill Fight Ahead for Hong Kong’s Democracy Movement – Michael DeGolyer, the director of the Hong Kong Transition Project, a 26-year-old coalition of academics who have been studying the territory’s political evolution from a British colony to a Chinese territory, expressed caution about whether Tuesday’s march had been large enough to change political calculations in Hong Kong’s government and in Beijing. “It wasn’t this enormous, overwhelming turnout that everyone would be stunned by — it was big,” Mr. DeGolyer said. Organizers estimated that 510,000 people joined the march, while the police calculated that the largest number of people simultaneously participating at any one time during the eight-hour march was 98,600

Related:  Hong Kong Protesters Say More To Come If China Won’t Bend – Bloomberg “If the government does not treat our demand seriously this time, I would join the demonstration a second time,” Tong said after her release. The hardening resolve of young people increases pressure on Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying who has pledged to seek a consensus on the election issue. “The governments are very intransigent,” lawmaker Emily Lau said in an interview. “They always stick to their points without any room for negotiations. If they continue to do so, Hong Kong will have to pay a heavy price, and so will Beijing.”

人民日报三评徐才厚案:军队形象不容玷污–观点–人民网 Third in series of People’s Daily commentaries on Xu Caihou case: We can not tolerate the sullying of the military’s image..Xinhua english summary-People’s Daily scolds ousted military leader  // 人民网7月2日电 7月3日出版的人民日报将刊发本报评论员文章,题目是《军队形象不容玷污》。评论员文章指出,军队是拿枪杆子的,决不能有腐败分子的藏身之地。严肃查处徐才厚严重违纪违法问题,正是我们党从严治党、从严治军的有力举措,对于端正部队风气、提振军心士气、维护人民军队良好形象有着重要意义。文章强调,军队出了徐才厚这样的人,是对军队形象的玷污,这是决不允许的!蛀虫必须挖出,腐败必须铲除。同时必须指出,个别腐败分子代表不了军队整体形象,严肃查处徐才厚问题传递的恰恰是军队形象不容玷污的坚定意志。坚持依法治军、从严治军,坚决反对腐败、反对特权,人民军队始终走在时代和社会前列,才能保持长期形成的良好形象,实现党在新形势下的强军目标。

Related: 【舒立观察】徐才厚腐败落马 再谈反腐无禁区_观点频道_财新网 Hu Shuli on the Xu Caihou case, corruption in the military, the continuation of the corruption crackdown  //  徐才厚落马,是反腐深化的又一标志,但绝不会是反腐的尾声。面对转轨期腐败多发的严酷现实,遏制腐败猖獗的势头,保持反腐高压态势,需要更大、更广泛和更长期的努力…人们注意到,在决定开除徐才厚党籍、移送司法机关的同一次政治局会议上,审议通过了《党的纪律检查体制改革实施方案》。我们期待未来的反腐,能更多在寻求长效机制上着力,更好纳入法治框架,更大提升透明度。有此,并有持续反腐与积极推进全方位改革并进,反腐为改革清障,改革为反腐固本,则中国有望,民众有望。

Related:  Chinese general to fight corruption–John Garnaut from 2012 A RISING star of the People’s Liberation Army has promised a “do-or-die” fight against powerful corrupt generals, bringing military politics to the fore of China’s critical leadership transition. General Liu Yuan, son of the former Chinese president, Liu Shaoqi, warned corruption had grown so deep and widespread in the armed forces it threatened the existence of both the PLA and the Communist Party.//find it interesting that Liu Yuan has this essay in latest issue of Qiushi, not sure exactly what this signals “赶考”在继续 党性要加强—— 学习习近平同志关于新形势下加强党性修养的重要论述 2014年07月01日 07:43:32 来源: 《求是》2014/13 作者: 刘 源 Garnaut is now on Twitter, posted this today along with the above 2012 article: “Career regret: forgot quote about bagging “tiger” in , as Liu Yuan now gets credit for bagging Xu Caihou, in Qiu Shi”…Garnaut is a must follow

Related: 新华网刊文:敢于向腐败亮剑的军队才有战斗力|军队战斗力|徐才厚落马_新浪新闻 Xinhua-Only a military that has the courage to draw its sword against corruption has fighting strength  //  传承着“红色基因”,我们的军队从南昌城一路打来,从胜利不断走向胜利;传承着“红色基因”,军队在党的旗帜下英勇冲锋,硬是打出一个红彤彤的新中国;传承着“红色基因”,我军从大刀长矛、小米加步枪,成长为今天拥有现代化装备的多军兵种的强大武装。1945年7月,在延安一孔简陋的窑洞里,毛泽东与黄炎培秉烛论天下,探讨其兴也勃、其亡也忽的历史周期律。新中国建立前夕的1949年3月23日,中共中央机关离开西柏坡,前往北平。临行前,毛泽东高兴地说:“今天是进京赶考的日子。”周恩来风趣地回答道:“我们都应该考试及格,不要退回来。”毛泽东接着说:“退回来就失败了,我们一定要考个好成绩,决不当李自成。”“进京赶考去!”毛泽东给全党全军布置了一道终生课题。也正是在延安的黄土坡上,我们党公开枪毙了曾立过功的腐败分子,建国后,又审判惩治了大大小小的军中“贪官”,用铁的手腕不断铲除滋生腐败的土壤……确保人民军队的纯洁巩固,使之成为人民信赖的钢铁长城。

Related:  习近平对徐才厚施予政治极刑的思维:先打虎再强军-评论频道-和讯网 interesting discussion of the Xu Caihou case  //  新近在内地公开发行的《习近平关于全面深化改革论述摘编》一书,就首次披露了习近平在这次不公开的重要会议上对国防与军队改革的谈话。他更不讳言:「我经常看中国近代的一些史料,一看到落后捱打的悲惨场景就痛彻肺腑!」故他立意从严治军,实现强军梦。对于当前解放军的形态,这位三军最高统帅不大满意。习近平认为,军队存在领导管理体制不够科学、联合作战指挥体制不够健全、力量结构不够合理、政策制度改革相对滞后等深层次矛盾和问题。他强调:「我们必须到中流击水,军事上的落后一旦形成,对国家安全的影响将是致命的。」

China Expels 3 Officials in Corruption Inquiry – The ruling Communist Party in China expelled three government officials on Wednesday who had ties to Zhou Yongkang, a former member of the powerful Politburo Standing Committee. The expulsions were the latest sign that officials were preparing to announce charges against Mr. Zhou himself.

Related: 冀文林余刚曾任同一领导秘书 谈红任警卫秘书_新闻_腾讯网 Adultery seems to be an increasing common charge for corrupt officials, media notes that Ji Wenlin and Yu Gang once were both secretaries to a “certain senior leader”…which everyone knows is a reference to Zhou Yongkang  //  这7人包括海南省原副省长冀文林,中央政法委办公室原副主任余刚,公安部警卫局原正师职参谋谈红,齐鲁工业大学原党委书记徐同文,武汉市新洲区委原书记王世益,宜昌市原副市长、党组成员郑兴华和湖北省鄂州葛店经济开发区管委会原主任、党工委原书记陈伯才。 其中,冀文林、余刚、谈红3人的处分系由中纪委做出,另4人的处分则由4人所在省纪委做出。 中纪委网站的通报中,冀文林、余刚、徐同文、王世益和陈伯才5人都涉及“与他人通奸”。中纪委网站6月7日刊文解释:“通奸”指有配偶的一方与配偶以外的异性自愿发生性行为,属于违反社会主义道德的行为。

Related: 冀文林在海南:行事强势 爱讲圈子_国内_新京报网 The Beijing News with some more details on the Ji Wenlin case  //  在海口,冀文林有两个显著的标签,第一是强势,第二则是讲圈子。冀文林虽没有在石油系统任职,但被石油帮蒋洁敏、李华林等接纳入圈子中。一位不愿透露姓名的官员说,被查前,冀文林变化很大,人变得随和,不再那么强势。

Secretive agency leads most intense anti-corruption effort in modern Chinese history – The Washington Post The anti-corruption agency has existed in some form since 1927. But for much of its history, its investigations were often seen as shams, used to justify the expulsion of low-ranking cadres or senior officials who had lost internal power struggles. Now, its investigations have become far more aggressive and publicized, and the agency is taking on higher-ranking leaders. The commission is secretive and highly compartmentalized, but several current and former staffers and party officials talked about its operations on the condition of anonymity.

Related: 中纪委办案   那些鲜为人知的细节 interesting look at how the CCDI pursues their work…no way to confirm, though this source has a good reputation…also says CCDI investigators did not burst in on a meeting Wan Qingliang was holding and detain him in front of colleagues  //  这样的传言,确实让人看了很过瘾,因为它符合现实生活中贪官的心理规律。但其实,真相不是这样的。当时,万庆良被以到省委开会的名义通知到省委,然后就被中纪委来人带走并直接送往机场。 关于带走官员的现场,据笔者所知,到目前为止,尚无到会场直接当众带人走的案例。因为中纪委明白,对官员的震慑,不需要以这种方式,另外从保密和安全的角度考虑,也不宜在会场带人。曾经有过的例子,是中纪委要带走的人正在开会,这时,办案人员也会找个借口将目标叫出会场,然后带走。

Related: 省级纪委大幅增设纪检监察室–时政–人民网 Provincial discipline inspection commissions are growing…perhaps not a sign the corruption crackdown about to wane, more a sign of what Wang and Xi say they are doing–strengthening the anti-corruption system and making the crackdown permanent rather than campaign-based…lots of skepticism for lots of reasons, but expectations are changing and more people will tell you that this time could be different  //  日前,经过两轮改革调整,湖北省纪委完成机关内设机构调整,其中纪检监察室增至8个,并增设纪检监察干部监督室,调整后委厅机关从事执纪监督业务的内设机构增至机构总数的68.4%,人员编制占行政编制总数的62.2%。 这是全国省一级纪委改革内设机构的一个缩影。据了解,截至5月18日,全国31个省(区、市)纪委内设机构调整方案均获中央纪委批复。目前,北京、河北等10个省(区、市)纪委都已调整到位并开始运转。在保证内设机构总数、行政编制总数和领导职数这三个总数“三不增”的情况下,各省(区、市)纪委纪检监察室数量有较大幅度的增加,其职责也更加聚焦监督执纪问责主业。

Related: 不动产统一登记条例蹉跎7年后再次难产|不动产统一登记_新浪新闻 but still no sign of the fixed asset property registration regulations, even though promised by June 30 // 中新网7月3日电(房产频道 马榕) 6月底大限已过,《不动产统一登记条例》出台“爽约”已成事实。有媒体引述权威人士的消息称,《不动产统一登记条例》出台时间将延迟。 早在7年前,以个人住房信息联网为核心内容的“不动产统一登记制度”便在物权法中得以明确提出,但其进展却一直温吞缓慢。此番不动产统一登记条例的“难产”,更是引来了外界诸多诟病。不过,在原社科院城市发展与环境研究所所长牛凤瑞看来,这种“诟病”源于对不动产统一登记的过高期待,其“降房价”、“反腐”等作用已被过度解读。

Related: 习近平:党内一小部分人不惩治不足以平民愤_网易新闻中心 media digs up written comments Xi made in 1990 about fighting corruption //  6月30日,建党93周年前1天,徐才厚被开除党籍。至此,各种传言被证实。作为前政治局委员、中央军委副主席,徐的落马,再度证明:习近平治党治国,绝对动真格,没有例外。1990年,习近平曾在一篇文中指出:党内一小部分人的腐败问题确实已经到了难以容忍,不惩治不足以平民愤的地步。不难想象,他写下这些文字时,牙根咬得生疼。所以,他说,反腐败,我们别无选择。

Related: Macau overtakes Switzerland in income tables – $$ some signs have emerged in recent months that growth is easing. In June, Macau saw its first year-on-year decline in gaming revenues since 2009, in a fall that analysts attributed to punters diverting money to the World Cup. But casinos have also been hit by the slowdown in the Chinese economy in addition to austerity and anti-corruption campaigns by Chinese President Xi Jinping. Speaking recently in Macau, Steve Wynn, chairman and chief executive of Wynn Macau, said Mr Xi’s campaigns had barely had an impact, but added that luxury retail sales were “off by a small amount”. “I am sure the new president of China is going to make a very important impact on China as he goes forward, but right here in Macau, things seem the same to us,” said Mr Wynn.// not sure this quote will help Wynn in Macau

Closer Look: Beijing Plans 10,000 Rapid-Charging Stations, but They Won’t Support Tesla – Caixin ongoing efforts to revise China’s standards for charging technology are plagued with technical disputes, and incompatibilities between those standards and the technology used by Tesla Motors Inc. mean that the charger network won’t support the company’s electric car models. According to the plan by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the city will focus its efforts in the short term on building rapid chargers at major transportation hubs including airports and train stations, as well as at public parking facilities, expressway service areas and other public places. The plan envisions that every spot within the Fifth Ring Road will be within 5 kilometers of a station.

Related:  中央财政护驾新能源车 充电设施补贴政策可望落地_行业资讯_中证网 中央财政补贴充电设施政策有望加快落地。上证报记者昨日从相关部委的知情人士处获悉,中央财政近期将出台补偿充电设施的新政策,未来或以加油站的税费收入转移补贴充电桩产业。 业界对这一补贴政策渴望已久。据知情人士告诉记者,尽管京沪等地地方政府已推出充电基础设施的补贴计划,但国内大部分地区仍在等待中央补贴政策的进一步明朗。一旦中央财政给予补贴,充电设施建设有望加快,从而为新能源(汽车发展提供重要保障。

Area of lakes expands in Qinghai-Tibet plateau – Xinhua Before the 1990s, the lake area in the region was shrinking, but began to expand after that, said Zhang Guoqing, an assistant researcher with the institute. The rapid thawing of glaciers and increased precipitation contributed to the expansion of lakes, Zhang told Xinhua on Wednesday. Due to global warming, glaciers in the region have shrunk by 15 percent in the past 30 years. Annual runoff from glaciers rose from 61.5 billion cubic meters to 79.5 billion cubic meters during the same period, which replenished the surface water, rivers and lakes, he said.



Premier Li says downward pressure still exists for Chinese economy | Reuters Li gave no figures or details and few direct quotes in the comments on the Chinese government’s official website, but also addressed the disconnect between government finances and the difficulty of business getting financing. “Our local and central governments have amassed a large amount of funds,” Li said. “Some have been idle for a long time and must be used … to promote economic development and improve people’s lives.” It has been getting harder and more expensive to finance firms in the real economy, Li said. These costs must be decreased, especially for small and medium enterprises, he added.

China services sector booms in June, suggest economy steadying-Reuters–The services purchasing managers’ index (PMI) compiled by HSBC/Markit rebounded to 53.1 in June from 50.7 in May, well above the 50-point level that demarcates expansion in activity from contraction.

Beijing crackdown on insider trading ‘rats’ sparks industry exodus | Reuters More than 100 asset managers have quit their jobs so far this year, almost twice as many as in the same period last year, according to Chinese data provider iFund. Industry sources reckoned a good many of the departures were due to fears of being caught up in the investigation. A focus of the investigation is so-called “rat trading”. This involves fund employees using illegally obtained inside order information to front-run client orders, that is building positions in advance of a buy or sell instruction in order to take a risk-free profit when the transaction is executed.

HEARD ON THE STREET: Steer Clear of China’s Aluminum Crush – WSJ these cuts may be a head fake, considering China quickly reduced production in late 2008 only to restart it when demand improved the next year. Meanwhile it has ramped up aluminum-making capacity, with roughly 3 million tons of new smelter space in the past year, especially in its northwest Xinjiang province. By the end of 2015, this province alone will be able to smelt more than double all the aluminum that Russia—the world’s No. 2 producer—made last year, according to data from Paul Adkins at Beijing-based consultancy AZ China.

Record Bond Sales Show Li Focused on GDP Over Debt: China Credit – Bloomberg When Premier Li took office last year he stressed the need for painful reforms to pare the influence of the state, wean industries with overcapacity from debt and ease access to funds for smaller enterprises. The latest filings of more than 4,000 publicly traded non-financial Chinese companies show $2.05 trillion of obligations, up from $1.8 trillion at the end of 2012, with the 10 biggest state-owned borrowers accounting for 18 percent of the liabilities. “The government may have sped up the approval of corporate bonds to help stabilize the economy,” said Xu Hanfei, a bond analyst in Shanghai at Guotai Junan Securities Co., the nation’s third-biggest brokerage. “The issuance may continue to increase in the third quarter because that’s when rising bond sales help the government’s stimulus measures work.”

China Allows Banks To Set USD/CNY Rate Freely For Clients | MNI In a document dated July 1, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said banks are allowed, with immediate effect, to set US dollar/Yuan exchange rates based on market supply and demand. The move is aimed to further improve the the market-oriented exchange rate formation mechanism, the document said. Previously, the regulator capped the spread between banks’ US dollar/yuan buying and selling prices at 3% from the central parity for clients. However, the People’s Bank of China will still set the yuan’s daily central parity against the US dollar and other currencies and limit the daily trading band at 2% on both sides against the dollar in the interbank market.

China to try GSK couple ‘in secret’ – $$ The British investigator and his American wife and business partner detained in China because of their work for GlaxoSmithKline will be tried in secret as concerns grow about their health, according to people close to the family. US consular officials were informed on Wednesday by Chinese authorities that they would not be able to attend the trial of Peter Humphrey, and his wife, Yu Yingzeng, “on grounds of privacy”, a family friend told the Financial Times. The trial, originally scheduled for July 29, has been delayed until August 7.

China’s Beer Drinkers Grab a Warm One as Coors Alters Can – Bloomberg Drinking cold liquids is widely seen as undesirable in China. Warmer beverages are considered healthier for digestion, an idea that also stems from the traditional habit of boiling water to make it safer to drink. In light of this custom, “we dropped the temperature for the thermochromatic ink, and it still turns blue, but it’s not so cold,” Peter Swinburn, chief executive officer of Molson Coors, said in an interview last week.

Goldman’s Buy-China Call Has History on Its Side – Bloomberg Chinese stock bulls, battered by the world’s worst first-half losses, now have history on their side. While this year’s 3.4 percent drop in the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI) thwarted optimistic forecasts by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley, the second half has proven a much better time to buy during the past decade. The gauge of Chinese shares traded in Hong Kong rose an average 12 percent from July to December, versus a 1.1 percent gain in the first six months.

北京放松高端住宅限价令:价格超4万楼盘获批增多|北京放松限价令|限价政策|高端住宅_新浪财经_新浪网 Beijing loosening price restrictions on new high end developments…this may increase Beijing avg selling price as these hit the market…very hard to trust the ASPs when the “market” is so distorted by layers and layers of administrative controls and interference //  《华夏时报》记者根据北京市住建委网站上的公开信息统计,6月获得预售许可证的项目中,价格超过4万元/平方米的楼盘有7个。5月、6月两个月,有18个价格超过4万元/平方米的楼盘获得预售证。而今年1-4月,发证楼盘预售价超过4万元/平方米的项目只有13个,去年下半年高端项目则很难获批。 “去年很多项目不能如期开盘,都卡在价格上,现在到住建委申请预售证容易多了,基本上报了就能批。”北京一家房企营销总监对记者表示,多数项目预售证价格都存在一定幅度上涨,可见住建委去年一直对外要求“老项目不高于前期,新项目不高于周边”的定价策略已经放开。

济南楼市放松限购待批 新华社——经济参考网 looks like Jinan is about to end housing purchase restrictions  //  继呼和浩特实质性放松限购后,7月2日,网上再次传出山东济南将放松限购的消息。对此,济南相关部门回应称,现在市里正在研究,还得报住建部审批。 网上文件显示,“市建委提出上半年济南市商品房的销量出现了下滑下降及价格滞胀的现象,为了保持济南市的房地产市场健康稳定发展,市建委与市房管部门研究后建议在全市范围内解除新建商品住房与存量住房的限购。”此外,济南市城乡建设委员会正在积极申请取消限购政策,待报国家住建部备案后实施。

下半年微刺激将与改革并肩前行 新华社——经济参考网 Xinhua’s Economic Information says that reform and the micro-stimulii will go hand in hand in 2H 2014… // 复杂的国内外经济形势考验着政策制定者的选择和智慧。回顾上半年政府出台的一系列政策,定向发力、优化结构、差别化政策无疑成为其中的关键词。伴随着各项改革的推进,以稳增长为取向的“微刺激”而非“强刺激”,也成为这轮调控最贴切的注脚。 展望下半年,在稳增长初见成效的情况下,专家学者判断,定向发力的“微刺激”仍将加码。而在“稳增长”和“促改革”这二者的平衡之中,更多有力度的改革措施可能出台,以逐步消除影响未来增长的隐患。

China PBOC: Expansion of Targeted RRR Cut Depends On Eco-Press | MNI Any decision to expand targeted reserve cuts will depend on the broader economic situation, a central bank official said, according to a report by Radio Television Hong Kong. Xu Zhong, vice director of the financial market department with the People’s Bank of China, told a press conference that the central bank will decide whether there is need to expand the scope of targeted reserve cuts based on changes in the economy. The central bank cut reserve ratios for some banks twice this year in a bid to boost lending to agriculture and small business sector providing they satisfy a set of criteria.

浙江永康“美女老板”乌干达被抓 传卷款上亿元跑路_21世纪网 Yu Youjing, a Zhejiang boss on the lam from fraud charges, was arrested in Uganda…Yu’s case has attracted attention in part because she is known as a “beautiful boss” //  2日晚,记者从浙江永康警方获悉,北京时间当日凌晨2时许,涉嫌合同诈骗的犯罪嫌疑人——浙江永康美女老板俞优静在乌干达共和国恩德培地区落网。 俞优静,永康“美女老板”,浙江百舸进出口有限公司法人代表、总经理。今年2月19日,因涉嫌合同诈骗,俞优静在广州离境出逃,后逃往非洲。此事件一度在当地及网上炒得沸沸扬扬,有媒体称,俞优静在“跑路”前,已前后从四大国有银行及浦发银行得到了近1.5亿元的贷款。

A star fund manager’s guide to China | Business Spectator Bolton is not too concerned about the country’s financial challenges such as the debt problem and shadow banking. He believes the central government has ample resources to deal with the immediate challenges, transferring money to cash-strapped local governments and state-owned enterprises.  “Some of those predicting a sharp and painful slowdown for China are wrongly projecting onto its economy the constraints of western democracies, which often behave very differently to China. I believe using only western experiences to predict the future in China are dangerous,” he said. On this point, China Spectator believes Bolton has made the right call. Beijing’s complete control over the country’s financial system will ensure problems such as a credit freeze between banks would not happen in China during a crisis (There will be no Minsky moment for China, March 25, 2014).

Petrochemicals latest China commodity to be hit by potential fraud | Reuters police in northern China are investigating another suspected fraud at Tianjin Port near Beijing, police and trade sources said, involving “mixed aromatics”, a refinery product commonly used for blending petrol. The use of commodities, from traditional copper sheets to perishables such as soybeans and rubber, to raise finance has been increasingly popular in recent years as Chinese policymakers have sought to tamp down rapid credit growth.

China M&A rulings create hot competition for antitrust lawyers | Reuters “From last year, I really feel like spring has come,” said Zhaofeng Zhou, counsel at Taylor Wessing in Beijing. “At the beginning, headhunters wouldn’t call you because there were too few jobs, but now they call you all the time.” While recruitment of competition lawyers has been growing since China introduced anti-trust law in 2008, headhunters say there has been a sharp uptick in the past year, even for foreign law firms that are shrinking in other practice areas.



Government depts urged to correct financial wrongdoing – Xinhua At a State Council meeting on Wednesday, departments and institutions named in the annual audit report were ordered to list their problems and give a detailed timetable for each correction. The corrections must be finished before the end of October, and the results will be publicized after being reported to the top legislature, according to a statement from the meeting, which was presided over by Premier Li Keqiang. The National Audit Office’s (NAC) 2013 report exposed the malpractice and corruption of a number of government departments, banks and state-owned enterprises, concerning theft of poverty relief funds, embezzlement, luxurious overseas trips and feasts. For instance, the Ministry of Culture and two public institutions embezzled 104 million yuan (17 mln U.S. dollars) and spent 30 percent of it on gifts and giving out allowances. The eight state-owned banks, including the ICBC, were found to have lent 375 billion yuan to companies barred from gaining such loans.// 李克强:整改审计问题 给公众“交明账”_财经频道_一财网 

Graphic: A Look Below the Surface at ‘Sangong’ Spending, Profits SOEs Gave Up – Caixin A look at two key government reports shows government spending still is not clearly explained to the public and a party goal for SOEs profits is far from being achieved

China gets tougher on SOE corruption – Xinhua “Chinese SOEs have become a field for the play of power and money and collusion between officials and businessmen. Thus, they are an unavoidable part of the anti-corruption drive,” said economist Hua Sheng. China has thousands of SOEs and 113 of them are directly administered by the country’s central authority. These enterprises are deemed the backbone of the economy, but their monopolies in many areas, unchecked spending and corruption have long been a source of public complaints. The latest crackdown on SOE corruption is viewed as the government’s effort to clear obstacles in the push to reform wasteful and inefficient SOEs. “Corruption poses a major threat to the steady progress of planned SOE reforms,” said Li Jin, chief researcher with the China Enterprise Research Institute. He cited insufficient self-regulation and the absence of outside supervision as major problems.

揭秘北京”假官”:多冒充军官或副职 亦假亦真难分辨-时政频道-新华网 Procuratorate Daily looks at the phenomenon of people posing as fake officials in Beijing to scam money  //  6月23日,59岁的董宪伟被北京市密云县检察院以涉嫌诈骗罪批准逮捕。从1998年至今的十多年间,董宪伟冒充部队“大校”,以帮助上军校、转业安置、当公务员等为由诈骗数十人共计400余万元,诈骗金额巨大,而且行骗十多年无人怀疑。 据北京市朝阳区检察院检察官刘丹统计,从2013年至2014年,仅自己办理的假官诈骗案件就有十几起,犯罪手段多种多样,被害人多达上百人,涉案金额从几万到几百万元不等。从近几年办案情况来看,此类案件数量一直居高不下。

[视频]中共中央办公厅印发《2014——2018年全国党员教育培训工作规划》_新闻频道_央视网( 《2014——2018年全国党员教育培训工作规划》的指导思想是:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,认真学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,牢牢把握加强党的执政能力建设、先进性和纯洁性建设这条主线,适应建设学习型、服务型、创新型马克思主义执政党的要求,围绕全面深化改革、促进科学发展,以增强党性、提高素质为重点,继续大规模开展党员教育培训,全面提高党员队伍素质能力,推动广大党员发挥先锋模范作用,为全面建成小康社会、不断夺取中国特色社会主义新胜利、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供坚强保证。基本原则是:坚持围绕中心、服务大局。坚持服务党员、按需施教。坚持联系实际、学以致用。坚持基层为主、上下联动。坚持继承创新、注重实效。 // Xinhua-CPC to train members in Party principles, full plan published in Thursday People’s Daily 授权发布:中共中央办公厅印发《2014-2018年全国党员教育培训工作规划》

China bans Ramadan fast in Muslim northwest – AP Students and civil servants in China’s Muslim northwest, where Beijing is enforcing a security crackdown following deadly unrest, have been ordered to avoid taking part in traditional fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Statements posted Wednesday on websites of schools, government agencies and local party organizations in the Xinjiang region said the ban was aimed at protecting students’ wellbeing and preventing use of schools and government offices to promote religion. Statements on the websites of local party organizations said members of the officially atheist ruling party also should avoid fasting



Australia and India to strengthen military ties-Sydney Morning Herald Australia and India are deepening military ties and reviving the spirit of a controversial four-way democratic coalition with Japan and the United States, in response to growing concerns about China. Momentum towards full bilateral naval exercises, intelligence sharing and a safeguards agreement for uranium exports has been propelled by the May election of a strong Indian leader, Narendra Modi, who in November is likely to become the first Indian prime minister to visit Australia since 1988.

China urges against US comments on HK affairs – “The development of Hong Kong’s political system is China’s internal affair. The Chinese government resolutely opposes any interventions by any other countries and expects the relevant country to stop making irresponsible comments on Hong Kong’s internal affairs,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at the daily press briefing. Hong’s remarks came after a U.S. State Department spokesperson commented on the march in Hong Kong on Tuesday.

Chinese Military Modernization and Force Development: Chinese and Outside Perspectives | Center for Strategic and International Studies By Anthony H. Cordesman JUL 2, 2014 The Burke Chair at CSIS has developed a new analysis of the trends in Chinese military strategy and forces entitled Chinese Military Modernization and Force Development: Chinese and Outside Perspectives. This report provides a comprehensive update of previous Burke Chair studies…The goal behind this report is not to present the authors’ view of the balance, but rather to provide the basis for an unclassified dialogue on the military developments in China, including the size and structure of the country’s current and planned military forces

承载历史开拓未来的全新合作共赢之路–时政–人民网 more in today’s People’s daily on Xi’s new silk road push (land and maritime), including this piece from page 7 by Sun Zhigang…new silk road initiative getting lots of play, china trying to make it clear it has more to offer the countries involved than the US //  编者的话 建设丝绸之路经济带,是以习近平同志为总书记的党中央因应当今世界形势发展变化,着眼实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦而提出的经略周边、联通世界的战略构想,具有重大的经济、政治、外交意义。建设丝绸之路经济带的战略构想是在怎样的历史背景下提出的?如何认识其对我国进一步扩大对外开放和营造良好周边环境的重要意义?本版特约请有关专家学者撰写文章对此进行研究阐述

罗昌平的微博_微博 apparently Xu Caihou has very good calligraphy  // 康生的字也很好,还有秦桧。次帅可以在秦城继续习练。



Chinese Audiences Bemused by ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction’ Product Placement – The Hollywood Reporter The audience recognized Lenovo computers from previous installments, but there were some eyebrows raised at people drinking C’est Bon water, a local brand. Shuhua milk? And Chinese protein products? Construction Bank? Possibly the weirdest product placement in the film, despite the proliferation of Stars and Stripes, is that for the Chinese political system, which is single-party, nondemocratic rule by the Communist Party. In Age of Extinction, Thomas Lennon plays the U.S. Chief of Staff as a bumbling buffoon, repeatedly squashed by steely Kelsey Grammer.

China’s Xiaomi smartphone shipments nearly quadruple in first half | Reuters The Beijing-based Xiaomi shipped 26.1 million handsets in the first six months of the year, it said in a press release on Wednesday. This was more than it shipped in the whole of 2013 and almost quadruple the 7.03 million units for the first half of last year. Sales for the first six months rose 149 percent from a year ago to 33 billion yuan ($5.32 billion), Xiaomi said.

Xinhuanet May Not Enjoy Same IPO Success as People’s Daily Online, Analyst Says – Caixin The issuing P/E ratio of People’s Daily Online was about 46, and the closing price of its shares on the first trading day was 73.6 percent higher than its issuing price of 20 yuan per share. But it could be difficult for Xinhuanet to pull off similar success because investors see more clearly that the two share the same problems, the analyst said. Neither company has high-profit-margin businesses, such as games and mobile added-value services, which similar websites like Sohu and NetEase operate, the analyst said. Also, both of them rely too much on website advertising for revenue. Unless Xinhuanet can figure out a way to continuously attract the fickle attention of Net users and transform its brand awareness into profitable businesses, its ad revenue may fall short of expectations, the analyst said.

Weibo: Tencent’s Quick Take On; Xiaomi Tries On Vancl | Young’s China Business Blog Alibaba vice president Che Pinjue reposts one article detailing how Yixun’s sales have plummeted since the JD tie-up was first announced just 4 months ago, amid a mass exodus of employees. (microblog post) Former Yixun executive Lin Wenqin, who made the move to, was more philosophical about the change. He commented on his microblog how he and others who made the move formally had their former Tencent email addresses discontinued last week. (microblog post) Finally there’s Xiaomi, the cash-rich smartphone start-up that officially became an acquirer with its recent disclosure that it purchased 30 percent of online video site Xunlei (Nasdaq: XNET), which made a New York IPO last week. Now Xiaomi co-founder and CEO Lei Jun is hinting that his company could purchase a strategic stake in Vancl, the struggling online clothing seller whose CEO Chen Nian is personal friends with Lei. Lei was one of the investors who gave Vancl a lifeline earlier this year in the form of $100 million in new funding (previous post). Since then Lei has been steadily hyping Vancl on his personal microblog.

马云回应浙商:投资不能义气用事_财经频道_一财网 Jack Ma responds to the attacks on him by fellow Zhejiang bosses…yes potential Alibaba investors should care about this..Jack Ma has made a lot of enemies over the years, some also very powerful  //  在6月27日下午的2014浙商(夏季)论坛上,富鸿集团董事长朱建德语惊四座。阿里巴巴集团董事会主席马云被炮轰为“小人”。对此,马云回应称,投资不能义气用事。



原教科院院长袁振国涉学术不端_政经频道_财新网 former head of the National Institute of Education Sciences (NIES) Yuan Zhenguo accused of plagiarism, last year was accused of corruption, though not charged with anything (yet). The online complaint alleges Yuan plagiarized work by William Wiersma  //  财新记者近日接到举报称,国家教育咨询委员会委员、中国教育学会副会长、原中国教科院院长袁振国,涉嫌抄袭等学术不端行为。 此前一年,袁振国先后被媒体曝出涉嫌“科研课题评审腐败”、“公费携妻出国考察”、“差旅费用超标”。 举报称,袁振国的《教育研究方法》(简称《方法》)部分章节,一字不差地照抄美国学者威廉·维尔斯曼(William Wiersma)所著《教育研究方法导论》(简称《导论》)。

人民日报-Evergrande Football School Ad Evergrande Football School buys full page ad in Thursday’s People’s Daily …says looking for students nationwide…interesting choice of ad placement, though cadres have football playing kids too, and some might even be good, and/or useful…



Tibetans Got High-Altitude Gene From Archaic Humans – Bloomberg Earlier studies identified a version of a gene called EPAS1 as being responsible to Tibetans’ ability to adjust to their environment 4,000 meters (13,000 feet) above sea level. An analysis of the variant, which isn’t found in other peoples, showed it in the remains of a Denisovan, the name for a species of human that lived about 41,000 years ago. The findings, reported today in the journal Nature, suggest that interbreeding between modern humans and Denisovans provided the right genetic ingredients to enable their Tibetan descendants to thrive on the world’s highest plateau. In a broader sense, they also point to interbreeding between humans and other hominins as a key to survival in new environments.

粮地不粮用威胁粮食安全 新华社——经济参考网 随着农村土地承包经营权流转规模日趋增大,流转中存在的一些隐忧也暴露了出来。《经济参考报》记者从几个农业大省获得的数据显示,各地土地流转面积在快速增加的同时,用于种粮的面积呈逐年下降趋势。有专家分析称,虽然出现这种情况并非反常,但如果高比例的“粮地不粮用”成为常态,将成为我国粮食安全的一大威胁。

江水进京,水质安全有保障(深阅读·关注江水进京·水质安全)--社会–人民网 编者按:今年秋季汛后,来自丹江口水库的清水将经过1276多公里的长途跋涉,成为北京千家万户的生活饮用水。 随着正式通水时间临近,南水北调中线工程再获关注。日前,有媒体报道称,丹江口水库总氮超标、部分入库水质难达标、治污工程缓慢,给中线水质埋下隐患;也有一种担心,认为北方水质偏碱性,北方的自来水管网等如何适应南方偏酸性的水质?如何确保进京水安全稳定、不受污染?近期,北京市南水北调办会同水务局等制定了南水北调饮水安全保障方案,相关负责人接受记者采访,从“水质安全”和“管网适应”两个方面回应了热点问题。今天刊发第一篇。



“毛泽东号”载客列车首发跑京九线 passengers can now ride the Mao Zedong express train from Beijing west to Fuyang..,previously it was a freight train…quite the Mao Badge on the locomotive //  2014年7月1日13时38分,一列车徽镶有镀金毛泽东浮雕塑像的K1071次旅客列车缓缓离开北京西站。“毛泽东号”机车结束了68年担当货物列车运输的历史,自2014年7月1日起,北京铁路局丰台机务段“毛泽东号”机车开始了担当京九线K1071/2次北京西至阜阳间的旅客列车牵引任务,运输里程全长855公里,纵跨北京、济南、郑州、上海等4个铁路局,中途停靠12站。来源:人民网

China Eastern Sets Up Budget Carrier, Rivals May Follow – Bloomberg China United Airlines, a subsidiary of the Shanghai-based company, has been converted into a low-fare unit as of today, China Eastern said in a posting on its microblog account. The aim is to make this China’s biggest budget carrier, it said.



Beijing expects healthy air by 2030 – China – The Chinese capital’s fine-particulate pollutant intensity is expected to drop to the internationally recognized safe level in 16 years, environmental authorities said. Pan Tao, head of the Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection, said the concentration of PM2.5 – particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrograms or less per cubic meter – is likely to be reduced regularly to no more than 35 micrograms per cubic meter by 2030. “Improving air quality in the city is not going to be an easy task,” Pan said on Tuesday during the 2014 Beijing International Academic Symposium on Urban Environment.

北京警方布控近千座加油站 检查标准高于奥运会-中新网 Beijing doing safety inspections of all the 995 gas stations in the city, to protect against attacks and unauthorized sale of gasoline…says much higher inspection level than during the 2008 Olympics //  北京7月2日电 (记者 于立霄)针对当前严峻的反恐形势,从7月2日起,北京警方派出上千名警力对全市995个加油站进行安全检查。警方表示,此次检查标准远远高于奥运的安全保卫标准。 北京市公安局内保局重点基础设施保卫大队长曹玮介绍说,此次加油站安全检查是有史以来,北京警方直接组织市公安局层面的警力进行检查。检查的部门由反恐总队、公安内保局、消防局三个组成,投入100个检查组,发动约1000余名警力。


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