The Sinocism China Newsletter 07.15.13

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

China’s Q2 GDP is out, 7.5% (Xinhua) as expected.

Just links today:


Exclusive: Li Keqiang fought strong opposition for Shanghai free-trade zone plan | South China Morning Post Financial industry regulators, including the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) and China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), openly disagreed with Li’s plan to open Shanghai’s financial services sector to foreign investors. Three sources with first-hand knowledge of high-level government meetings told the South China Morning Post that Li lost his temper at one closed-door cabinet session. When told of the continuing opposition to his plans, he slammed his fist on the table in frustration.

China Govt Advisor Says Economy In Crisis As Debt Costs Spiral | MNI Arguments about whether China will grow at 7% or 7.5% are “pointless” because the economy is already in a financial crisis which may only worsen if the government doesn’t address the country’s crippling debt problem, a senior government researcher has warned. Xia Bin, an economist with the State Council’s Development Research Center and government advisor, said Beijing needs to stop using bland rhetoric about “stabilizing the economy” and focus on tackling a debt burden whose interest payments alone tally nearly CNY6 trillion a year. Although monetary printing presses have kept the worst of the crisis at bay, the central government needs to face up to China’s debt problem and brace the market for a deep and painful adjustment, he told a forum here at the weekend. “We need to find ways to let the bubble burst and write off the losses we already have as soon as possible to avoid an even bigger crisis,” Xia said.

Related: 夏斌:中国已经存在事实上的金融危机现象_网易财经 2013年APEC工商领导人会议今天继续在京召开,在全体会议“产业优化:大企业的责任”上,国务院参事夏斌(微博)谈到了近期的银行间流动性危机,他指出,中国已经存在事实上的金融危机现象。 夏斌认为,现在该破产的企业没破产,该暴露的坏账没暴露,危机尚未被引爆。目前摆在决策者面前的问题不是去论证是否存在结构性风险,而是寻求如何逐步刺破泡沫。 夏斌说:“所以现在只是危机没有引爆,坏账没有暴露,是在靠多发货币在掩盖,所以我说作为决策者,现在不是一般的再去讨论中国经济是否存在系统性风险问题,而是应该尽快的寻找如何逐步刺破泡沫,逐步冲销实际已经造成的损失,来摆脱大面积危机的爆发。”

Analysis: As China’s economic pain increases, so does reform effort | Reuters “The focus is still on reforms,” said Xu Hongcai, senior economist at the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), a well-connected think-tank in Beijing. “The chances of a cut in interest rates or banks’ reserve ratio look slim,” Xu said. “Previously, when the economy was not good, local officials held out their hands for money from the central government. But now they have to embrace reforms as no money will be given.”

Related: 经济放缓背后的宏观信号推敲_财经频道_一财网 国务院总理李克强12日主持召开国务院常务会议,研究部署加快发展节能环保产业,促进信息消费,拉动国内有效需求,推动经济转型升级。而此前有政府人士也对《第一财经日报》表示,预期未来政策层面会在投资和消费方面有一定宽松,其中发展节能环保产业和促进信息消费都将成为重点。

Related: China to Promote Technology, Energy-Saving in Restructuring Push – Bloomberg China plans to boost technology and speed up the development of less energy-intensive and polluting industries as part of a drive to upgrade the structure of the economy and shift growth toward domestic demand. Private investment in the telecommunications industry will be encouraged and the construction and upgrading of Internet and communications infrastructure will be accelerated, according to a statement late yesterday on the central government website after a meeting of the State Council, China’s cabinet. The government will also push to issue 4G wireless licenses by the end of this year, it said.

Related: Xinhua Corrects Report on Lou’s China Growth-Target Comments – Bloomberg In an English-language story released today and dated yesterday, Xinhua said it corrected a quote attributed to Lou to “there is no doubt that China can achieve this year’s growth target of 7.5 percent” from its original story dated July 11 that cited him as saying “there is no doubt that China can achieve the growth target, though the 7 percent goal should not be considered as the bottom line.”

Related:–Podcast –Up Shibor creek with Michael Pettis In this edition of Alphaville’s exceedingly regular podcast, Cardiff Garcia, Kate MacKenzie and David Keohane chat to Michael Pettis Professor of Finance at Peking University about China’s growth rate, the Shibor spike and associated drive to constrain credit growth, the risk of social unrest and the dangers of social control, and the state of the Chinese music scene… naturally.//Pettis predicts 3-4% GDP growth for duration of Xi administration, far out of line with consensus or what Xi is saying

Xi Jinping turns to Mao Zedong’s thoughts in his efforts to counter corruption | South China Morning Post During a visit last week to Xibaipo – the People’s Liberation Army’s headquarters at the end of the civil war – Xi reminded party members of Mao’s so-called six nos, which barred officials from things like hosting birthday parties and exchanging presents.

Related: 习近平访西柏坡重温中共进北京前所立6项规矩|习近平|西柏坡|侧记_新浪新闻 西柏坡纪念馆内,一块展板让习近平久久驻足,上面写着“根据毛泽东的提议,全会作出六条规定:一、不做寿;二、不送礼;三、少敬酒;四、少拍掌;五、不以人名作地名;六、不要把中国同志同马恩列斯平列。”

Related: 人民日报-深刻理解三个“必然要求”(群众路线教育实践活动专论) ——论群众路线教育实践活动的重大意义 中央党校中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心 群众路线是我们党的生命线和根本工作路线。开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,是实现党的十八大确定的奋斗目标的必然要求,是保持党的先进性和纯洁性、巩固党的执政基础和执政地位的必然要求,是解决群众反映强烈的突出问题的必然要求。本报自今日起开设“群众路线教育实践活动专论”栏目,陆续刊登有关文章,着力阐述开展党的群众路线教育实践活动的重大意义、指导思想、目标要求、主要任务,努力反映活动取得的实践成果、制度成果、理论成果。

Related: 人民日报-倾听历史的回音(今日谈) 王 品 brief page 1 People’s Daily Monday on listening attentively to the echoes of history, about Mao’s comments at Xibaipo that Xi has been repeating // 为什么背离“两个务必”的“四风”问题还有不小市场?为什么生活好了,群众与我们的距离反而远了?这样的问题警示我们,思想教育是重点,从严治党是关键。正因此,我们才在全党范围展开党的群众路线教育实践活动;也正因此,习近平总书记才选择在活动开始阶段来到西柏坡座谈调研。 让我们一起倾听西柏坡的历史回音,因为这里有我们改进工作作风的正能量,有我们密切联系群众的营养剂。

Related: 党面临的“赶考”远未结束——习近平再访西柏坡侧记 – 高层动态 – 新华网 新中国从这里走来——1948年5月至1949年3月,中共中央曾在地处太行山东麓的平山县西柏坡办公,指挥了辽沈战役、淮海战役、平津战役三大战役,召开了著名的七届二中全会,毛泽东同志向全党发出了“两个务必”的号召,要求务必使同志们继续地保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必使同志们继续地保持艰苦奋斗的作风。西柏坡成为党中央解放全中国的“最后一个农村指挥所”。

Top Chinese official targets GSK in bribery probe – Telegraph Meng Jianzhu, the powerful politician who is in charge of all law enforcement and China’s court system, personally ordered an ongoing investigation into the pharmaceutical giant. At least 30 GSK employees, including five or six executives, are currently under house arrest and constant surveillance, according to one source familiar with the situation. // lots more in the Chinese media monday. Perhaps GSK has been singled out, but no doubt the medical business in China is rotten to the core

Related: 葛兰素史克贿赂门四高管被抓 警方行动曾遭泄密_新闻_腾讯网 beijing news gets more details on gsk case, names the four senior chinese execs detained // 新京报讯 (记者刘刚)全球知名药企葛兰素史克中国行贿事件持续发展,警方日前进一步披露葛兰素史克(中国)投资有限公司(下称葛兰素史克中国)部分高管涉嫌经济犯罪案情。包括葛兰素史克中国4名高管在内,超过20名药企和旅行社工作人员被警方立案侦查。..新京报记者从办案民警处获悉,目前被采取强制措施的20余名涉案人员中,包括葛兰素史克中国的4大高管,4人在公司内部号称“四驾马车”,分别涉及法务、人事、市场和营销。他们分别是,41岁的法务部总监,赵虹燕;49岁的副总裁、企业运营总经理,梁宏;45岁的商业发展事务企业运营总经理,黄红;以及50岁的副总裁兼人力资源部总监,张国维。

Related: 葛兰素史克贿赂案调查:旅行社成药企“黑金池”|葛兰素史克|贿赂案|调查_21世纪网 临江等旅行社为了承接GSK中国更多的业务,不仅有送现金、为旅游埋单等手段,个别旅行社还使出了性贿赂

Related: 人民日报-葛兰素史克(中国)部分高管被立案侦查 揭开跨国药企商业贿赂利益链 Monday People’s Daily on the Glaxo Smith Kline bribery case

Yu Keping: How to Achieve Orderly Democracy | The Sinocism China Newsletter The following is a translation of Yu Keping’s (俞可平) essay 如何实现有序的民主 that appeared in the July 13 edition of the Beijing News. Yu has an influential job as Deputy Director of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau (中央编译局) of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

Pitfalls Abound in China’s Push From Farm to City – The effort is run by officials like Mr. Li in Xi’an, who speaks emotionally about wanting to help push China’s 700 million rural residents into the 21st century. Heirs to imperial China’s Mandarin officials, modern-day Communist Party officials like Mr. Li speak knowingly of what is best for China’s 1.3 billion people, where they should live and how they should earn a living. “An objective rule in the process of modernization,” he said, “is we have to complete the process of urbanization and industrialization.” // China’s Consuming Billion–NYT Video

China Protest Forcing Nuclear Retreat Shows People Power – Bloomberg Protests in Shanghai in May forced battery maker Shanghai Guoxuan New Energy Co. to abandon plans for a factory on the outskirts of the city. Demonstrations in the southwestern city of Kunming took place the same month to oppose plans for a petrochemical plant planned by China National Petroleum Corp.



China to adjust liquidity, keep credit growth steady: central bank | Reuters The central bank will “use a mix of price and quantitative policy tools to adjust liquidity in the banking system and guide steady and appropriate growth in money, credit and social financing”, it said in a statement on its website…”Overall, liquidity in the banking system remains ample,” it said. “The slower M2 growth in June was in line with the expected outcome of macro-economic adjustments and prudent monetary policy and was closer to the full-year target of 13 percent.”

China’s growth target: Lou or Louer | The Economist The first thing to note about his reply is that it is smart…His reply pointed out that China’s economy is not doing too badly on the traditional macroeconomic scales, which weigh employment against inflation. Mr Lou also drew attention to three neglected signs of rebalancing: consumption is making a bigger contribution to growth, services are making a bigger contribution to production, and China’s external surplus, a particular Washington obsession, is no longer so conspicuous.

China’s GDP Growth: Feel The Quality Not The Width | China Bystander Seven percent is the target annual growth rate across the current (2011-15) five-year plan, don’t forget, even if 7.5% is the target for this year (which implies a contingency allowance for some sub-7% growth years ahead).

China’s power consumption up 6.3 pct in June – Xinhua | China’s electricity consumption, a barometer of economic activity, rose 6.3 percent year on year to 438.4 billion kilowatt hours in June, an official statement said Sunday. The National Energy Administration (NEA) said in a statement on its website that the growth rate was 2 percentage points higher than a year earlier and 1.3 percentage points higher than the pace of May.

China’s Stocks Rise After QFII Quota Expansion as Brokers Rally – Bloomberg foreigners’ hands better to catch falling knives? or buying opportunity? // “This is one much more decisive move and sends a strong signal about what this government wants to do,” said Quincy Krosby, a market strategist for Newark, New Jersey-based Prudential Financial Inc., which oversees more than $1 trillion in assets, including Chinese equities. “Little by little, they are opening up the market, paving the way for deeper reforms. The direction the authorities are taking is encouraging.”

房地产调控将转向长效机制 新华社——经济参考网 real estate repression measures to shift to longer-term, less administrative-based measures says Economic Information//《经济参考报》记者获悉,相关内部会议透露将加快研究包括土地、金融、财税等方面的房地产中长期调控政策。在研究的众多调控政策中,“去行政化”将成为未来调控方向。据了解,“房地产调控长效机制”由发改委、住建部、国土部、财政部、税务总局、银监会共同参与研究制定。

广州松绑车市背后:汽车产业拖累经济增长-搜狐财经 local auto-related firms struggling, guangzhou loosens its car purchase restrictins // 在多重压力下,广州终于对限购政策进行调整,今年7月1日起正式实施的《广州市中小客车总量调控管理办法》,在原有试行办法的基础上进行了21项修改,大幅度放开了限牌令。

余额宝意外变身“高富帅”:公募集体焦虑四处挖角_理财频道_一财网 Yu’ebao causing race among fund companies to join the platform // 有业内人士称,继天弘基金后,已经有很多基金公司去找支付宝谈合作,但一方面由于这个产品有6个月排他期,另一方面,支付宝瞬间由“穷屌丝”晋升“高富帅”,对合作的基金公司已经颇为挑剔,且基金公司有可能需要付出更高的合作代价。

新华网:地方为攀比GDP增速不惜对统计数据造假_网易新闻中心 从7月15日开始,国家统计局、各地方将陆续公布今年的经济数据半年报。有统计系统人士担心,目前经济处于下行阶段,一些地方造假的冲动和可能性更大;而统计数据造假,可能致使国家重大决策发生偏差,造成不可挽回的后果。



Premier Li Keqiang named head of three more powerful advisory bodies | South China Morning Post Li was named head of three entities: the Leading Group for Western Region Development of the State Council, the Leading Group for the Revitalisation of Old Industrial Bases in Northeast China of the State Council, and the Leading Group for the National Response to Climate Change and Energy Conservation, mainland media reported.

China’s Madoff Executed Without Notifying Family, Internet in Uproar – Tea Leaf Nation Faced with questions about Zeng’s secret execution, the Intermediate People’s Court in Changsha tweeted on Sina Weibo that China’s laws do not decree that a death row inmate must meet with his family before execution, but astute Internet users pointed out that the Supreme People’s Court did in fact issue an interpretation that gives death row inmates the right to meet with family. The Changsha intermediate court soon deleted the tweet, but Internet users had already taken screenshots of its tweet, as evidence of the sloppy nature of the case’s handling and the potential deprivation of due process.

曾成杰女儿向长沙中院致歉 称只想拿到父亲骨灰-时政频道-新华网 京华时报讯(记者梁超)7月12日,长沙市中级人民法院对湘西非法集资案主犯曾成杰执行死刑,其女儿在微博称,执行死刑当天没有接到通知,没有见到父亲最后一面。对此,长沙中院先后发3条微博回应,称罪犯曾成杰在死前并未提出会见亲属的要求。最后,法院与曾成杰女儿微博上互相道歉。

河北冀宝斋博物馆被撤销注册证 闭馆整顿_网易新闻中心 人民网北京7月14日电 河北省文物局今天通过人民网文化频道正式公布对雷人博物馆冀宝斋的调查处理结果:冀州市民政局现已撤销冀宝斋博物馆的民营非企业单位注册登记证,“冀宝斋博物馆”闭馆整顿。 河北省文物局表示,7月10日,冀州市委和市政府成立了调查组,提出了关于冀宝斋博物馆的整改意见。鉴于“冀宝斋博物馆”成立时未按相关规定向省文物局申请设立,冀州市民政局撤销为其颁发的民营非企业单位注册登记证。“冀宝斋博物馆”闭馆整顿。

学习时报:党员干部应防止沉溺灯红酒绿声色犬马_新闻_腾讯网 中新网7月15日电 最新一期学习时报刊登王树山的署名文章指出,党员领导干部必须保持高雅的生活情趣,正确选择生活方式和个人爱好,防止沉溺于灯红酒绿、留恋于声色犬马,始终保持高尚的精神追求。 文章提出,作为党员领导干部,要踏踏实实走好人生路,必须行大道,把人民放在心上,践行党的群众路线。“大道”,对于共产党人而言,就是全心全意为人民服务,这是党的根本宗旨,也是党员干部为官从政的根本遵循。

Bob Fu–How the Times Mischaracterized Me and Chen Guangcheng | National Review Online In fact, I have never characterized Chen as lining up with me politically or religiously. I definitely wouldn’t try to get Chen to agree with me on hot-button social issues discussed by American politicians today. Chen hasn’t even advocated leaving the Communist party, so why would I ask that he align with Republicans or Democrats? He wants to reform China, not the United States.

Shanghai’s Catholic Church in disarray – Telegraph China’s largest Catholic diocese has been left leaderless and in a state of chaos after a popular long-standing bishop died and his presumed successor was placed under house arrest for speaking out against the Communist Party.

官媒热捧农业学大寨为毛泽东招魂_中国_多维新闻网 【多维新闻】中共已故领导人毛泽东120周年诞辰将近,中国官媒新华社刊发题为《湘西乡村洛塔:一个毛泽东时代农业典型的变迁》,文中对毛时代的“农业学大寨”典型罗塔赞誉颇佳。有分析认为,在新一届领导成立后,“去不去毛化”成为关注的焦点。近日作为耳目喉舌媒体的新华社热捧农业学大寨,或是中共政治上为毛泽东精神正名。// 洛塔:一个毛泽东时代农业典型的变迁-地方频道-新华网 Dazhai is back?

中央政法委欲提升形象:由神秘走向开放_网易新闻中心 Politics and Law Committee trying to become more transparent? //  中央政法委的转变,涉及社会管理职能向社会治安职能的转变,也涉及从神秘走向公开和开放。学者认为,这些变化,与新一届中央领导班子的治国理政思路有关。

副镇长网上发辞职感言 官方称部分内容不实_网易新闻中心 township deputy recants parts of his resignation letter // 网上出现一份《郑重声明》,该声明落款处签名是近期因发表“辞职感言”备受关注的29岁的前四川泸州市古蔺县石宝镇副镇长赵光华。在这份声明中,赵光华表示:“2013年7月4日以《我为什么要辞去副镇长职务和公务员身份》为题,在个人空间发文,仅对关心我的亲友说明辞职原委,但因当时带有个人情绪,导致与事实不符,未曾想到引起了媒体关注和部分网民的讨论和传播,严重影响了我和家人的正常生活……已在空间中删除该文。”



汪洋谈中美经济对话:希望和美财长成铁哥们儿_汪洋,中美关系_商都新闻 Wang Yang says he is now buddies with Jacob Lew, wants to become best buddies // 汪洋又用四句“大白话”总结刚刚结束的中美经济对话。第一句是“万事开头难”。第二句是“良好的开端是成功的一半”。第三句是“心急吃不了热豆腐”。第四句是“不怕慢就怕站”。汪洋引用《伊索寓言》龟兔赛跑的故事说,中美关系尤其是经济关系发展不可能日新月异,“没有兔子那样的速度”,但最重要的是不停顿,要“一起做锲而不舍的乌龟”。

‘Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan movies inspired Chinese to intrude into India’ – Indian Express As security agencies probe the motive behind the infiltration of three Chinese Muslims through Sino-India border, the trio is singing a different tune. If the responses of the three persons to the interrogators are to be believed, it was the charm of Bollywood superstars Shahrukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan that apparently drove them to India. They were detained last month.

UK retailers bemoan visas for damping Chinese spending – At Heathrow airport, although Chinese shoppers account for less than 1 per cent of total traffic, they are responsible for nearly a quarter of all sales of luxury goods…In total, Chinese tourists spend nearly £300m per year in the UK, according to the Office of National Statistics

China naval fleet seen sailing through Soya Strait off northern Japan | South China Morning Post A Chinese naval fleet was on Sunday spotted sailing for the first time through an international strait between northern Japan and Russia’s far east, the Japanese defence ministry said. The two missile destroyers, two frigates and a supply ship passed through the Soya Strait from the Sea of Japan to the Sea of Okhotsk early on Sunday, the ministry said. The channel, also known as La Perouse, separates the Russian island of Sakhalin and the northernmost Japanese island of Hokkaido.

总后勤部:师以下作战部队不再负责大型工程项目_网易新闻中心 本报讯  总后勤部日前颁发《军队工程建设项目代建管理暂行办法》,规定今后师以下作战部队不再具体负责大型工程项目建设,有关工程由上级工程代建管理机构负责建设。这是军队工程建设管理模式的一项重大改革。

NATO and Its Limits in the Asia-Pacific | The Jamestown Foundation–Theresa Fallon Although Chinese officials have approached NATO warily, they officially have expressed an interest to work with them on the basis of “mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination” (China Daily, May 21, 2012). Indeed, academic interest in NATO is gaining traction in China; two new institutes dedicated to the study of NATO have been proposed one at Renmin University in Beijing and another in Shanghai [3].  China’s efforts to understand NATO and improve contacts with it were celebrated with the graduation in December 2012 of Rear Admiral Ji Li who participated in a NATO Defense College program in Rome.

PCCW enabled US intelligence agencies to gain access to data | South China Morning Post Hong Kong’s main telecom provider PCCW enabled US intelligence agencies to gain access to huge volumes of electronic communications for a decade through Asia’s largest intercontinental carrier, which it operates with an Australian counterpart. The involvement of PCCW – owned by Richard Li Tzar-kai, son of Asia’s richest man, Li Ka-shing – emerged as Australian media reported yesterday that Australian telecom giant Telstra, together with PCCW, signed an agreement with US authorities requiring Telstra to route all communications that involved a US point of contact through a secure storage facility on US soil.



中科院:与涉台“腐败舆情”调查无任何关系_新闻_腾讯网 晨报讯(记者 韩娜)近日,有媒体就“2013全球腐败舆情表”相关新闻进行报道,并提到“由中国科学院旗下的世研民意公司(CRC)代为调研”,引发人们关注。昨天下午,中国科学院新闻办在中科院官方微博“中科院之声”发布声明称,经核查,中国科学院系统所属企业中无“世研民意公司”,此信息有误。


Internet spurs home-made cartoons – Xinhua | A domestic cartoon has raised 1.19 million yuan (194,000 U.S.dollars) through online donations and payments, illustrating the power of the Internet and its role in the cartoon industry. “100,000 Bad Jokes,” a series that includes 11 five-minute long episodes, has now had more than 500 million clicks after it premiered in July 2012.

Family claims iPhone killed daughter – Xinhua | The relatives of a 23-year-old woman from northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have claimed that the woman died after being electrocuted while using her iPhone. The older sister of victim Ma Ailun said Saturday on Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, that Ma was electrocuted while trying to answer a call on her iPhone while the device was charging.

冯小刚能为春晚带来点什么? – 新华评论 – 新华网 Feng Xiaogang andf Zhao Benshan to direct 2014 Spring Gala // 7月12日,2014年央视春晚发布会在京举行,冯小刚出任马年央视春晚总导演。冯小刚在发布会上透露,导演组选节目将坚持“八字方针”——真诚、温暖、振奋、好玩。他在发布会现场说:“当接到这个邀请后,我有两个念头,第一为什么是我,第二我准备挨骂,我虽然拍过很多电影,但导春晚是外行,让我导春晚不是我胆大,而是央视领导胆大”

Chinese chipmakers in ‘bloody’ price war – Randy Abrams, an analyst with Credit Suisse, says improving engineering at the likes of Spreadtrum could become a concern for US and European chipmakers as it raises pressure on prices. “Can they [foreign chip companies] continue to protect their high-end market in developed markets, when the technology is getting pretty good in the China market?” he says.



Xinhua Insight: Experts skeptical of Old Summer Palace repairs – Xinhua | The core area of the Old Summer Palace, or “Yuanmingyuan” in Chinese, is undergoing renovations and repairs. However, experts from the Society of Yuanmingyuan believe the repair project is doing more harm than good. The ruins of the palace are among 150 sites designated to be protected and repaired under a plan issued by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage on July 3.

行政干预导致人祸不断 中国足球亟须重大变革-时政频道-新华网 一则来自于某专业足球媒体的消息称,“本周,中国足协传来更加震撼的消息:足协将从体育总局中剥离,彻底放权中国足协管理中国足球,实现真正的管办分离。”在国内足球界引发的震动似乎不逊于国足在合肥的那场耻辱性惨败。

曝少林寺方丈卧室曾搜出摄像头 正对床头_网易新闻中心 crazy battles over Shaolin Temple empire, lots of money at stake, claims secret cameras found in the abbots chamber, including one pointed directly at his bed // 核心提示:据报道,围绕少林寺的利益纷争一直不断,除了当地政府和少林寺的矛盾,一些未知的对手更厉害。据少林寺的工作人员透露,他们在为方丈修整卧室时,曾在屋里发现了多个摄像头,其中一个正对着方丈的床头,而该案之后也没了下文。



尾气污染背后的雾霾之责 新华社——经济参考网 编者按:年初以来,我国发生大范围持续雾霾天气。国家发改委近日在官方网站发布报告披露,受雾霾影响面积约占我国国土面积的1/4,受影响人口高达约6亿人。雾霾天气频发,相关部门多有作为,且治理力度日渐加大,但为何收效甚微甚至愈演愈烈?《经济参考报》记者行程10余省份,走访上百名业界人士和普通百姓,对目前我国雾霾治理的现状、窘境及背后的各方博弈进行了深入扎实的采访调查,从企业、区域和行业等多个层面探源雾霾,探究可行的治霾之路,以期为读者提供一个可资观察的视角。从今日起,本报连续三天在深度版推出,敬请关注。



“Atomic Town” now heaven for cyclists – Xinhua | Once known as “Atomic Town” in China, Xihai has been transformed into a heaven for cyclists from home and abroad. Xihai Town, where the country’s first atomic and hydrogen bombs were created in the 1960s, sits along the northern bank of the Qinghai Lake in northwest China’s Qinghai Province. The once-forbidden mysterious town has witnessed cyclists swarming to attend the Tour de Qinghai Lake, an international road cycling race since 2002.